8th Communication Battalion (8th Comm. Bn.) will deploy task-organized communication detachments capable of installing, operating, maintaining, and defending communication networks in support of CG II MEF or CG 2d MEB or a Combined / Joint Task Force headquarters; and MEU Commanders in order to enable the commander's ability to command and control assigned forces.
2nd Air Naval Gunfire Liaison Company (2nd ANGLICO) provides direct support to the various Joint, Allied, Coalition and Special Operations forces working within Marine Corps battlespace and conduct the coordination and deconfliction required in order for their commanders to access Marine Corps close air support, artillery, rockets and naval gunfire.
2nd Intelligence Battalion (2nd Intel Bn.) is to plan, direct, collect, process, produce and disseminate intelligence, and provide counterintelligence support to the MEF Command Element, MEF major subordinate commands, subordinate Marine Air Ground Task Forces (MAGTF), and other commands as directed.
2nd Law Enforcement Battalion (2nd LE Bn.) conducts law and order operations in order to enhance the security environment and promote the rule of law in support of Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) operations.
The mission of Second Radio Battalion (2d RadBn) is to provide Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic Warfare (EW), limited cyberspace operations, and Special Intelligence (SI) communications support to the Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) and Joint Forces Commander (JFC).
The U.S. Army Special Operations Command Capabilities Exercise 2020 (USASOC CAPEX 2020) demonstrates the advanced skills and diverse capabilities of Army Special Operators. The capabilities exercise, based on potential real-world Special Operations Forces mission requirements, is designed to improve interoperability with conventional forces, enhance interagency and intergovernmental...
Use this features page to stay informed on the AUSA Global Force Symposium and Exposition. This professional development forum is sponsored by the Association of the United States Army, a private, non-profit, professional educational organization dedicated to maintaining a strong national security with a special emphasis on land power and the United States Army.
The Global Force Symposium...
U.S. Northern Command is responsible for the Defense of North America against all enemy threats and works alongside the military services to enact force health protection and mission assurance measures inside the continental United States. Through partnerships and clear lines of authority with the military services, USNORTHCOM coordinates force health protection measures throughout North...