Team Navy competes at the 2019 Warrior Games in Tampa Bay, Fla.
The USNS Carson City 2019 Africa Partnership Station Deployment is designed to strengthen partnerships with West African countries through small boat maintenance assistance, maritime law enforcement engagement, and medical and community relations outreach. These activities will demonstrate steadfast U.S. support and commitment to West African nations. Countries being visited during this...
U.S. Special Operations Command will host the 2019 Department of Defense (DoD) Warrior Games June 21-30 in Tampa Bay, Florida. Approximately 300 wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans will participate in the competition. The athletes will represent the United States Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Special Operations Command. Athletes from the United Kingdom Armed...
Public Law 115-433, signed by the President on January 10, 2019, states the Secretary of Defense will conduct a program to commemorate The United States of America 75th Anniversary of World War II, terminating on December 31, 2021. During this period, the Department of Defense and each of the Military Services will conduct and participate in a SERIES OF COMMEMORATIVE EVENTS, focused on...
The 2019 Army Futures Command Best Warrior Competition put Soldiers and NCOs from U.S. Army North, U.S. Army South, U.S. Army Central, U.S. Army Installation Management Command, and U.S. Army Medical Command in a five day competition that will test their knowledge and skills to determine which two will represent AFC in the 2019 U.S. Army Best Warrior Competition.
The Warrior Games were established in 2010 as a way to enhance the recovery and rehabilitation of wounded, ill and injured service members and expose them to adaptive sports. The 2019 DoD Warrior Games are comprised of more than 300 service member and veteran athletes representing the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Special Operations Command, and five partner nations.
The 30th Armored Brigade Combat Team conducts a decisive action rotation with combined arms maneuver and collective gunnery at the National Training Center (NTC) Fort Irwin, CA (FICA) 1-31 July, 2019 in order to validate the capabilities of the 30th ABCT and provide a globally-responsive brigade that is prepared to deploy, fight and win. The 30th is nicknamed "Old Hickory" after President...
A USO variety tour across that will stretch across multiple COCOM's