On Oct. 19, U.S. Army North began planning to train 30 military medical personnel to support a potential request to support civil authorities in responding to Ebola cases in the United States.
DOD’s initial response to the Ebola outbreak began in late September, when the Department of Defense deployed about 4,000 troops to West Africa in support of United States Agency for International...
Global Strike Challenge is the world's premier bomber, Intercontinental
Ballistic Missile, helicopter operations and security forces competition
with units from Air Force Global Strike Command, Air Combat Command, Air
Force Reserve Command and the Air National Guard. AFGSC's fourth Global
Strike Challenge competition will culminate with team arrivals, a symposium
and score posting events...
U.S. Central Command - Disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al-Qaeda and its extremist allies and to set conditions in Afghanistan to prevent reestablishment of trans-national extremist sanctuaries
The Secretary of Defense is the leader and chief executive officer of the Department of Defense, an Executive Department of the Government of the United States of America. The Secretary of Defense's power over the United States military is second only to that of the President.
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) is, by U.S. law, the highest ranking military officer in the United States Armed Forces and is the principal military advisor to the President of the United States, the National Security Council, the Homeland Security Council, and the Secretary of Defense.
Conduct operations in the Combined Joint Operations Area to enhance partner nation capacity, promote regional security and stability, dissuade conflict, and protect U.S. and coalition interests.
APS is an international security cooperation initiative, facilitated by Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa, aimed at strengthening global maritime partnerships through training and collaborative activities in order to improve maritime safety and security in Africa
Service members stationed around the world cheer on their favorite NFL teams.