Angkor Sentinel is an annual bi-lateral exercise between USARPAC and the Royal Cambodian Army. The exercise includes a battalion level command post exercise (CPX), an engineer civic action project (ENCAP) and medical civic action projects (MEDCAP). The exercise focuses on training U.S. and Cambodian forces to support peace keeping and stability operations.
The 43rd Expeditionary Electronic Combat Squadron is currently deployed to an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia. The squadron operates EC-130H Compass Call aircraft in support of Operation Inherent Resolve, the coalition effort to militarily defeat Da’esh by, with and through regional partners. The aircraft are all deployed out of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz.
U.S. Air Forces in Europe units participating in a flying training deployment to evaluate aircraft and personnel capabilities, and train in NATO operations with the Hellenic Air Force. The training will focus on maintaining joint readiness while building interoperability capabilities with our NATO partner. The tarining will take place in Souda Bay, Greece from 16 Jan - 13 Feb.
Hard Corps Jobs features the Marine and Sailors of I Marine Expeditionary Force as showcasing the different occupational specialties and billets that make up the Marine Air-Ground Task Force.