NATO Air Days is scheduled for Sept. 16-17, with lead-up community events and interviews scheduled for Sept. 12-14 in Ostrava Air Base, Czech Republic. The event consists of the presentation of heavy military hardware, police and rescue equipment, dynamic displays of Special Forces training, flying displays, and presentations of armaments, equipment, and gear of individual units.
Asia-Pacific Intelligence Chiefs Conference (APICC) a high-level conference which is part of a whole of government approach that directly supports the US government’s focus towards the Pacific. APICC is the USPACOM J2’s capstone international engagement event co-hosted by a rotating partner in the Indo-Asia-Pacific, and includes Directors of Military Intelligence (general officers and...
This feature is used exclusively for VI/PA training during Joint Public Affairs Training events
Every year, a Naval Amphibious Force, Task Force 51/5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade Amphibious Ready Group with a Marine Expeditionary Unit conducts annual bilateral amphibious operations with the United Arab Emirates' Armed Forces in the vicinity of the UAE in support of Iron Magic. This exercise provides a robust training opportunity to enhance capabilities in critical mission sets inherent...
U.S. government leaders and experts in the areas of public-health, counter-illicit trafficking, law enforcement, and justice meet at the headquarters of U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) in Miami Feb. 8 to discuss the nation’s opioid epidemic. During the day-long Opioid Summit, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions joins other senior U.S. officials to examine the crisis, consider approaches...
This U.S. Army Reserve training exercise, hosted by the 86th Training Division at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, is the 84th Training Command's third Training Exercise of 2018. This CSTX prepares units for operational deployments around the world.
This U.S. Army Reserve training exercise, hosted by the 86th
Training Division at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, is the 84th Training Command's
fifth and final Training Exercise of 2018. This CSTX, in conjunction with
Global Medic, is a multi-component joint exercise that prepares units for
operational deployments around the world.
This U.S. Army Reserve training exercise, hosted by the 78th Training Division at multiple locations, is the 84th Training Command's first Training Exercise of 2018. This "Bridge" CSTX is a joint exercise that focuses on the training of Ready Force X units preparing them for operational deployments around the world.