Cyber Shield is the longest running and largest Department of Defense unclassified cyber defense exercise. Individuals from the Army and Air National Guard have been participating in the Cyber Shield exercise since its’ inception in 2013.
The Cyber Shield mission is to develop, train, and exercise cyber forces in the areas of computer network internal defense measures and cyber incident...
Iron Keystone is an integrated large-scale exercise involving the Pennsylvania Air National Guard (PAANG) intended to increase tactical proficiency, develop a baseline knowledge in dissimilar operations, and combine capabilities and resources across three major commands to maximize operational success on the modern battlefield.
This content showcases military shout-outs for the Baltimore Ravens. To have your NFL shoutout featured here use tag NFLRavens.
This content showcases military shout-outs for the Buffalo Bills. To have your NFL shoutout featured here use tag NFLBills.
This content showcases military shout-outs for the Cincinnati Bengals. To have your NFL shoutout featured here use tag NFLBengals.
This content showcases military shout-outs for the Cleveland Browns. To have your NFL shoutout featured here use tag NFLBrowns.
This content showcases military shout-outs for the Denver Broncos. To have your NFL shoutout featured here use tag NFLBroncos.
This content showcases military shout-outs for the Houston Texans. To have your NFL shoutout featured here use tag NFLTexans.