Major changes are coming for the Army's Physical Fitness testing and program. Soldiers of the California Army National Guard are leading from the front and preparing their Soldiers with tips, tricks and training regimes to prepare them for the new ACFT.
CMA's mission is to manage the Nation's stockpile of chemical weapons, assess and destroy chemical warfare materiel, comply with the Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty, and to protect people and the environment.
CMA works closely in partnership with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, state and local governments to implement the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program, which educates, prepares and protects communities surrounding the stockpiles.
CMA hosts tours at it's Chemical Demilitarization Training Facility to exchange chemical demilitarization knowledge and lessons learned that can be applied worldwide.
CMA's Recovered Chemical Materiel Directorate provides centralized management and direction to the Department of Defense for the assessment and destruction of recovered chemical warfare materiel in a safe and environmentally sound manner.
The U.S. Army Chemical Materials Activity oversees secure storage of the U.S. two remaining chemical weapons stockpiles at Pueblo Chemical Depot in Colorado and Blue Grass Army Depot in Kentucky.
Supports DoD household goods shipment and storage Peak Season 2019. Education and awareness campaign for Service members, local transportation offices, family support centers, senior enlisted advisers and Service Public Affairs offices.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection imagery highlighting the impact of the dramatic increase in illegal crossings that continue to occur along the Southwest border.