This page highlights the best photos of the current week from Saturday to Sunday. These photos have been curated by the DVIDS staff to showcase and honor the great work that is being done by military public affairs units all over the world. All images here are in the public domain and are free to download upon registration with the DVIDS website. Feel free to subscribe and stay up to date with...
The United States Air Force Ranger Assessment Course is a stress-fueled battle school which develops Airmen to lead under mental, emotional, and physical strain, improving Airmen’s resiliency and coping mechanisms. Qualified Airmen from any career field can attend the course, which is held twice a year. The course has a 66-percent fail rate.
Those who succeed may go on to apply to attend...
The Air Force Association’s 35th annual Air Warfare Symposium and Technology Exposition will be held Feb. 27 - March 1, 2019 in Orlando, Florida. The symposium is one of the nation's premier events for defense and aerospace professionals from across the United States and abroad. The Air Warfare Symposium brings together Air Force senior leaders as well as leaders in industry, academia, and...
Best of the most relevant and engaging INDO PACOM imagery.
The Air Combat Command F-16 Viper Demonstration Team at Shaw AFB, S.C., performs precision aerial maneuvers to demonstrate the unique capabilities of one of the Air Force's premier multi-role fighters, the F-16 Fighting Falcon. The team also flies in Air Force Heritage Flight formations, exhibiting the professional qualities the Air Force develops in the people who fly, maintain and support...
Operational and relevant still and video content from U.S. Southern Command
The Catalina Island Airport in the Sky project is a partnership between 3rd
MAW, US Navy Seabees, and the Catalina Island Conservancy to repair their
aging runway on Catalina Island. The project will run from December 2018
through March 2019. It provides Marines with a unique training opportunity
to conduct valuable, real-world training while providing a service to the
local community.
Capitalizing on the success of previous pitch days, Air Force Space Pitch Day on November 5 & 6 in San Francisco will allow companies already awarded SBIR Phase I contracts have the opportunity to pitch their ideas for SBIR Phase II funding that can be processed within one day. Air Force Space Pitch Day continues the Air Force’s initiative to demonstrate a faster and smarter strategy in...