The future USS Frank E. Petersen Jr. is the first ship named in honor of Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Frank E. Petersen Jr., the first African-American Marine Corps aviator and the first African-American Marine Corps officer promoted to brigadier general. When he retired in 1988 after 38 years of service, he was, by date of designation, the senior-ranking aviator in the Marine Corps and the United...
The TG-16A Glider is a part of the U.S. Air Force Academy's sailplane fleet. The TG-16A is used to train USAFA cadets in soaring operations. The 306th Flying Training Group provides oversight and management of the Academy’s airmanship programs, which include powered flight, soaring and parachuting. Assigned Unit: 306th Flying Training Group / USAFA, Colorado Springs, Colorado
Rapid change is the new norm, and it's a major vulnerability to those unable to adapt, innovation is critical to answering the threats that may come with rapid change. Answers to our most complex security issues will be delivered by harnessing the power of innovators and entrepreneurs within the Air Force, across our country and throughout the world. To remain the world's preeminent air and...
The ceremony commemorates the Battle of Iwo Jima in WWII and serves as an opportunity for the U.S. and Japanese people to mutually remember and honor thousands of service members who fought and died on its hallowed grounds.
The U-2 provides high-altitude, all-weather surveillance and reconnaissance, day or night, in direct support of U.S. and allied forces. It delivers critical imagery and signals intelligence to decision makers throughout all phases of conflict, including peacetime indications and warnings, low-intensity conflict, and large-scale hostilities.
Assigned Unit:
9th Reconnaissance Wing / Beale...
The WC-135W Constant Phoenix atmospheric collection aircraft supports national level consumers by collecting particulate and gaseous effluents and debris from accessible regions of the atmosphere in support of the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty of 1963.
Assigned Unit:
45th Reconnaissance Squadron / Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska
Fact Sheet:...
The T-38 Talon is a twin-engine, high-altitude, supersonic jet trainer used in a variety of roles because of its design, economy of operations, ease of maintenance, high performance and exceptional safety record. Air Education and Training Command is the primary user of the T-38 for joint specialized undergraduate pilot training. Air Combat Command, Air Force Materiel Command and the National...
The T-6A Texan II is a single-engine, two-seat primary trainer designed to train Joint Primary Pilot Training, or JPPT, students in basic flying skills common to U.S. Air Force and Navy pilots.
Assigned Locations:
JB San Antonio, Texas
Moody AFB, Georgia
Columbus AFB, Mississippi
Vance AFB, Oklahoma
Laughlin AFB, Texas
Sheppard AFB, Texas
Fact Sheet:...