Colony Glacier is a real world mission to recover the remains and wreckage of a U.S. Air Force C-124 Globemaster aircraft that crashed Nov. 22, 1952, near Mt. Gannett, Alaska. Soldiers assigned to the Alaska Army National Guard discovered the debris from a Blackhawk helicopter on June 10, 2012, during a routine training mission on Colony Glacier nearly 14 miles from where the plane first...
At the invitation of the Government of Norway, six United
States Air Force F-15s and approximately 100 support personnel from the 48th
Fighter Wing, RAF Lakenheath, U.K., will be deploying to Bodo, Norway May 23
- 27, 2016 to participate in Exercise Arctic Fighter Meet 16. During the
three-day bilateral training, the 48th Fighter Wing will conduct basic
fighter maneuvers with dissimilar...
The Mississippi National Guard News Minute, produced by the 102d Public Affairs Detachment, Mississippi Army National Guard, is a series of 90-second radio spots produced at least twice monthly. Intended for Mississippi radio stations, the spots highlight activities of the Mississippi National Guard, Army and Air. All spots are publicly released, and requests for topics or themes may be sent...
Arctic Chinook is a joint U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Northern Command sponsored exercise on the U.S. State Department approved list of Arctic Council Chairmanship events. Concept is to conduct a live field training exercise (FTX) of the Arctic SAR Agreement that will exercise a response construct applicable across the Arctic region. Intent is to build upon Arctic Zephyr TTX series by...
U.S. and German paratroopers conduct airborne operations from a C-130 Hercules during a U.S./Deutschland Friendship Jump, Ramstein Air Force Base, May 25, 2016. The purpose of the friendship jump is to foster and nurture U.S. and German relationships, develop interoperability during training, and provide a basis for future operations in training and real world environments.
The Humanitarian and Civic Assistance Program is a series of medical and engineering engagements in several European countries in support of strategic, theater, operational and tactical objectives.
Tradewinds 2017 is a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-approved, U.S. Southern Command-sponsored combined joint exercise that will be conducted in conjunction with partner nations to enhance the collective ability of their defense forces and constabularies to counter transnational organized crime and conduct humanitarian/disaster relief operations, while developing strong relationships and...
U.S. President Barack Obama visits with U.S. and Japanese service members May 27, 2016. President Obama met with the troops to provide some remarks and thank them for their continued service in representing the strength of the U.S.-Japanese Alliance.