American Forces Network Sigonella.
American Forces Network Souda Bay.
American Forces Network Incirlik.
American Forces Network Bahrain.
On January 19 at approximately 6:13 p.m. Hawaii Standard Time, the Marine Corps transitioned from search and rescue operations to recovery operations for two CH-53E helicopters lost off the coast of Oahu January 14.
Media seeking additional information should contact the III Marine Expeditionary Force Public Affairs Officer, Capt. Timothy Irish, at Marine Corps Base Hawaii, via email:...
The U.S. Army's 20th Command's Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Leaders Course is designed to create adaptable leaders capable of combating CBRNE hazards in both permissive and non-permissive environments around the world.
August 29th brings us to the centennial date of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. Throughout a year-long commemoration of 1916 - 2016, events will be held throughout the nation. Marine Forces Reserve is (1) highlighting our extraordinary Marines and their contributions, (2) thanking our supporters, and (3) sharing our esprit de corps. We will give thanks to individuals and communities for...
U.S. Service members read portions of Clement Clarke Moore's poem.