Airborne 23 is a large-scale airborne exercise integrating air and ground forces from Japan and the United States.
The exercise integrates C-130J aircraft assigned to the 36th Airlift Squadron, Yokota Air Base, Japan, and Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, to carry approximately 300 Japan Ground-Self Defense paratroopers to drop zones at Higashifuji training field. The exercise also...
Rotating images showing Air Force operations at Air Force Chief of Staff Air House.
Agile Reaper is the 3rd Air Expeditionary Wing's effort to exercise Agile Combat Employment (ACE) and rehearse capabilities to provide air dominance, global mobility, and command/control (C2) for the INDOPACOM commander.
New iWATCH Army PSA for 2023
The Big Red One Year of the NCO is the 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley’s program to further develop our NCO Corps and recognize their contributions, both personal and professional, to the 1st Infantry Division. The Big Red One recognizes the importance of our NCO Corps. NCO’s education, fitness and leadership development are enhanced through 1st Infantry Division initiatives and...
USSOUTHCOM is conducting a string of medical assistance operations to provide relief to oversaturated medical professionals in Guyana, Suriname and St. Lucia. Patients were selected by the PN Ministry of Health in coordination with their hospital medical directors. Patients were selected based upon the types of surgeries and procedures the US Military surgeons are certified to perform.
The U.S. Army Medical Readiness Command, East is located on Fort Belvoir, Virginia. The U.S. Army Regional Health Command- Atlantic was re-designated as MRC, East Sept. 8, 2022.
Imagery documenting U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) support to Super Bowl LVII in Glendale, AZ.