Vice Adm. Kevin Lunday, commander of Atlantic Area, and crew members hosted the ‘Mission Mighty Mississippi’ event, Oct. 21, 2023, in Rock Island, Illinois, to showcase Coast Guard capabilities and career opportunities in the region.
Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing is a pervasive global maritime security threat. By undermining international agreements and fisheries conservation measures, IUU fishing jeopardizes food security and economic security, with pronounced destabilizing effects on vulnerable coastal States.
The U.S. Coast Guard has been the lead agency in the United States for at-sea...
Coast Guard cutters deployed to the Western Pacific will operate under the tactical control of Commander, U.S. 7th Fleet. Coast Guard cutters and crews will engage in professional exchanges and capacity building with partner nations to support a free and open Indo-Pacific. The U.S. Coast Guard’s deployment of resources to the region directly supports U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security...
The U.S. Coast Guard has been the sole operator and custodian of the nation’s polar icebreaking capability since 1965, providing assured access in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The Coast Guard Cutter Healy (WAGB 20) annual deploys into the Arctic in support of the Coast Guard’s Arctic Strategy. Healy’s crew conduct Coast Guard missions to strengthen partnerships and project...
Ships attached to U.S. 5th Fleet’s Task Force 55 are conducting Griffin surface-to-surface missile and naval gun exercises against high speed maneuvering targets to advance their ability to defend minesweepers and other coastal patrol ships. U.S. 5th Fleet and coalition assets are participating in numerous exercises as part of the greater Theater Counter Mine and Maritime Security Exercise...
The 125th Fighter Wing hosted a change of command ceremony at the Jacksonville Air National Guard Base, Florida, Sept. 14, 2024. Outgoing commander, U.S. Air Force Col. George Downs, relinquished command to incoming commander, U.S. Air Force Col. Mansour Elhihi, before Airmen, friends and family. As the former wing commander, Downs led the execution of the F-15 Federal Aerospace Control Alert...
COL Ralph Puckett, Jr., the last surviving Medal of Honor recipient from the Korean War will lie in honor in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol on April 29, 2024. Additional information on Colonel Puckett's legacy is available at
U.S. Army Alaska will host a Cold Regions/ Military Mountaineering Event that brings together military professionals from Canada, Chilean, Finland, Great Britain, Italy, Slovenia and Sweden whose primary purpose is the planning, training and execution of military operations in extreme cold weather and mountainous environments.