Cutlass Express is one of three African regional Express series exercises sponsored by U.S. Africa Command and enabled by U.S. 6th Fleet. Through CE 25, U.S. forces work alongside participating nations to improve combined maritime law enforcement capacity, promote national and regional security in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region, and increase interoperability between...
Exercise Cutlass Express 2021 improves regional cooperation in support of the Djibouti Code of Conduct, maritime domain awareness (MDA), information sharing between maritime operation centers (MOCs), maritime interdiction, adherence to the rule of law, and counter-proliferation interdiction capabilities in order to disrupt illicit maritime activity and strengthen safety and security in East...
CE 22, sponsored by U.S. Africa Command and led by U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. Sixth Fleet (NAVEUR-NAVAF/C6F), assesses and improves combined maritime law enforcement capacity, promote national and regional security in East Africa, and increases interoperability between the U.S., African nations, and international partners. CE22 will be linked with U.S. Naval Forces Central...
Exercise Cutlass Express 2023, sponsored by U.S. Africa Command and conducted by U.S. Naval Forces Africa, will take place during March 2023 in the vicinity of Djibouti, Kenya, Mauritius and Seychelles. Through Cutlass Express 23, U.S. forces work alongside the other participating nations to improve combined maritime law enforcement capacity, promote national and regional security in East...
Exercise Cutlass Express (CE) is one of three African regional “Express” series exercises sponsored by U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and facilitated by U.S. Naval Forces Africa/U.S. Sixth Fleet (NAVAF/SIXTHFLT). CE, including CE 2024 (CE 24), is designed to train NAVAF forces while advancing AFRICOM Campaign Plan Lines of Effort.
CE 24 will enhance our relationships with East African...
Cutlass Express is one of three African regional Express series exercises sponsored by U.S. Africa Command and enabled by U.S. 6th Fleet. Through CE 25, U.S. forces work alongside participating nations to improve combined maritime law enforcement capacity, promote national and regional security in the Eastern and Southern Africa and Indian Ocean region, and increase interoperability between...
Hosted by Commander Maritime Forces Atlantic and executed by Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic, Cutlass Fury 2016 is a combined, joint, maritime exercise designed to promote and enhance regional cooperation of among partner nations operating off the east coast of North America.
The CV-22 Osprey is a tiltrotor aircraft that combines the vertical takeoff, hover and vertical landing qualities of a helicopter with the long-range, fuel efficiency and speed characteristics of a turboprop aircraft. Its mission is to conduct long-range infiltration, exfiltration and resupply missions for special operations forces.
Fact Sheet:...