Exercise Obangame Express is sponsored by U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and designed to improve regional cooperation, maritime domain awareness (MDA), information-sharing practices, and tactical interdiction expertise to enhance the collective capabilities of Gulf of Guinea and West African nations to counter sea-based illicit activity.
Exercise Obangame Express is sponsored by U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and designed to improve regional cooperation, maritime domain awareness (MDA), information-sharing practices, and tactical interdiction expertise to enhance the collective capabilities of Gulf of Guinea and West African nations to counter sea-based illicit activity.
Obangame Express 2023, conducted by U.S. Naval Forces Africa, is a maritime exercise designed to improve cooperation, and increase maritime safety and security among participating nations in the Gulf of Guinea and Southern Atlantic Ocean.
Exercise Obangame Express (OE) is one of three African regional “Express” series exercises sponsored by U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and facilitated by U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. Sixth Fleet (NAVEUR-NAVAF-SIXTHFLT). The exercise is designed to train NAVAF/SIXTHFLT forces while advancing AFRICOM Campaign Plan Lines of Effort.
The exercise will improve regional cooperation in...
Exercise Obangame Express (OE) is one of three African regional “Express” series exercises sponsored by U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) and facilitated by U.S. Sixth Fleet (SIXTHFLT). The exercise is designed to train SIXTHFLT forces while advancing AFRICOM Campaign Plan Lines of Effort.
The exercise will improve regional cooperation in support of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct, Maritime...
The Vietnam 50th War Commemoration is from 11-13 May 2023 in Washington, D.C. on the National Mall at both the JFK Hockey Fields and West Potomac Park. Vietnam veterans will be honored for their enduring legacy of service, and welcomed home. Festivities commence Thursday, May 11 at 11 a.m. with an Opening Ceremony, A ribbon-cutting with special remarks and a flyover by four Vietnam War...
Officer Candidate School Region B (WV, OH, VA, MD, DC, DE) competition held at Camp Dawson, Kingwood, West Virginia, May 4-7, 2023.
This page is for the 245th USMC Birthday message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps. There is also a cake cutting video available for units that are not hosting their own ceremonies.