The E-3 Sentry is an airborne warning and control system, or AWACS, aircraft with an integrated command and control battle management, or C2BM, surveillance, target detection, and tracking platform. The aircraft provides an accurate, real-time picture of the battlespace to the Joint Air Operations Center. AWACS provides situational awareness of friendly, neutral and hostile activity, command...
The E-4B serves as the National Airborne Operations Center and is a key component of the National Military Command System for the President, the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In case of national emergency or destruction of ground command and control centers, the aircraft provides a highly survivable command, control and communications center to direct U.S. forces, execute...
The E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System, or Joint STARS, is an airborne battle management, command and control, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platform. Its primary mission is to provide theater ground and air commanders with ground surveillance to support attack operations and targeting that contributes to the delay, disruption and destruction of enemy...
The E-9A is a twin turboprop used as a surveillance platform to ensure the Gulf of Mexico waters are clear of civilian boaters and aircraft during live missile launches and other hazardous military activities. The E-9A provides support for air-to-air weapons system evaluation, development and operational testing at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.
Assigned Unit:
82nd Aerial Targets...
U.S. forces will join Jordan in Exercise EAGER LION 16, one of U.S. Central
Command's premiere exercises, in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the
month of May. Exercise EAGER LION 16 will consist of a week-long series of
simulated scenarios to facilitate a coordinated partnered military response
to conventional and unconventional threats. The scenarios developed will
include border...
Eager Lion 19 is a multilateral exercise hosted the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, designed to exchange military expertise and improve interoperability among partner nations, and considered the capstone of a broader U.S. military relationship with the Jordan Armed Forces (JAF). Jordan is one of U.S. Central Command’s (USCENTCOM) strongest and most reliable partners in the Levant sub-region.
Eager Lion is an annual U.S. Central Command exercise in Jordan designed to strengthen military-to-military relationships between the U.S., Jordan and other international partners. This year's iteration is comprised of about 7,200 military personnel from more than 20 nations that will respond to scenarios involving border security, command and control, cyber defense and battlespace management.
Eager Lion 2018 is a major exercise with the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, designed to exchange military expertise and improve interoperability among partner nations, and considered the capstone of a broader U.S. military relationship with the Jordan Armed Forces, which is one of the U.S. Government's strongest and most reliable partners in the Levant sub-region. This is the eighth iteration of...