Southern Accord 2024 is a bi-annual joint exercise sponsored by U.S. Africa Command and led by U.S. Army Southern European Task Force, Africa (SETAF-AF). Running from Aug. 5-15, the exercise brings together U.S. Army and Air Force personnel and Botswana Defence Force counterparts to conduct a variety of training to include humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, as well as peacekeeping and...
Southern Accord 15 (SA15) is a USARAF and Zambia Defense Force hosted field training exercise and command post exercise conducted in Zambia with forces from the Southern African Development Community assigned to regional response roles. SA15 is designed to improve command proficiency for support to United Nations peacekeeping operations; improving multi-echelon operations; developing...
Southern Accord 2016 is an annual and combined military exercise that brings together U.S. military personnel with African partner nations to improve readiness, gain access, promote interoperability, build capacity and strengthen partner relationships.
Southern Fenix 2024 (SF 24) is a SOUTHCOM-sponsored, U.S. Army South led exercise in Iquique, Chile.
Southern Jackaroo is a multi-service, trilateral exercise between United States, Australian and Japanese forces that seek to increase interoperability at the tactical level. The training will feature platoon-size elements that will focus on combined fires and maneuver support operations.
USARPAC Asian Pacific Counter-IED Fusion Centerexperts will attend the combined , joint field training exercise, Southern Katipo, in New Zealand.
Southern Partnership Station 2014 is a U.S. Navy deployment focused on
subject matter expert exchanges with partner nation militaries and security
forces in Central and South American and the Caribbean. U.S. military teams
work with partner nation forces during naval-focused training exercises,
military-to-military engagements and community relations projects in an
effort to enhance...
SPS-16 is an annual series of U.S. Navy deployments focused on subject matter expert exchanges with partner nation militaries and security forces in Central and South America and the Caribbean. U.S. military teams work with partner nation forces during naval-focused training exercises, military-to-military engagements and community relations projects in an effort to enhance partnerships with...