USARPAC Asian Pacific Counter-IED Fusion Centerexperts will attend the combined , joint field training exercise, Southern Katipo, in New Zealand.
Southern Partnership Station 2014 is a U.S. Navy deployment focused on
subject matter expert exchanges with partner nation militaries and security
forces in Central and South American and the Caribbean. U.S. military teams
work with partner nation forces during naval-focused training exercises,
military-to-military engagements and community relations projects in an
effort to enhance...
SPS-16 is an annual series of U.S. Navy deployments focused on subject matter expert exchanges with partner nation militaries and security forces in Central and South America and the Caribbean. U.S. military teams work with partner nation forces during naval-focused training exercises, military-to-military engagements and community relations projects in an effort to enhance partnerships with...
Southern Partnership Station (SPS) is an annual series of U.S. Navy deployments focused on exchanges with regional partner nation militaries and security forces. This year's deployment will visit Colombia, Trinidad and Tobago, Honduras, El Salvador and Panama. SPS 18 is a U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM) directed operation planned by Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Southern Command /U.S. 4th...
Southern Partnership Station (SPS) is an annual series of U.S. Navy deployments focused on exchanges with regional partner nation militaries and security forces. SPS 2019 will consist of fly-away deployments of adaptive force packages (AFPs) to Barbados, Colombia, Guatemala, Honduras and Peru that will conduct training and subject matter expert exchanges to improve capacity in medical, dive...
Southern Partnership Station – Joint High Speed Vessel 2015 – SPS-JHSV 2015 is a deployment of Military Sealift Command vessels in support of anti-trafficking operations, providing intra-theater lift, response to humanitarian assistance needs and building relationships with partner nations in the U.S. Southern Command area of operation.
Southern Seas/UNITAS 2015 - Southern Seas and UNITAS are U.S. Southern Command-sponsored annual collaborative deployments to Central and South America to enhance regional stability and increase interoperability through engagement with partner nations.
Exercise Southern Star 23 is a Chilean led full-scale Special Operations, Joint, and Combined Employment Exercise. The training consists of staff planning, tactical maneuvers and collaboration among SOUTHCOM components’ staff, Chilean Armed Forces and interagency partners during stabilization scenario which facilitates the opportunity for participants to execute and assess the staff’s...