The 18th Airborne Corps is a United States Army corps that has been in existence since 1942.
This unit has seen extensive service in nearly every theater and major conflict that the United States has been involved with since World War II. The 18th Airborne Corps is designed as a rapid deployment joint task force-capable command that is readily deployable on a moment's notice anywhere in...
The Randy Oler Memorial Operation Toy Drop - a Fort Bragg tradition and collective training exercise - is set to begin in early December. Operation Toy Drop combines U.S. Army Reserve personnel, dozens of volunteers, foreign jumpmasters, and toys for what is the world's largest annual joint and combined airborne operation.
As of 23 November 2016, five nations are confirmed to send...
III Armored Corps deploys specified force elements into the designated JOA at Camp Carrol, ROK to support defense operation activities to validate the unit's ability to rapidly deploy and to redeploy to home station when directed by Command Authority.
The 1st Marine Corps District Educator’s Workshop is designed to do more than any brochure about the Marine Corps ever could. The workshop allows educators from across the Northeastern U.S. to see firsthand how Marines are made, what they stand for, and the many benefits and opportunities that come with earning the title. During the five-day workshop, educators will have the opportunity to...
AFRICOM's MEDRETEs pair small teams of military medical professionals from the U.S. with participating African partner nations to train alongside and share best practices in trauma and surgical medicine. U.S. personnel benefit by providing medical care in a forward and austere environment; African partners develop closer relationships with U.S. medical personnel; and local populations receive...
Aviators from the U.S. Army Alaska Aviation Task Force at Fort Wainwright will assist the National Park Service by transporting equipment and supplies to set up base camps for the 2016 Denali climbing season. CH-47F Chinook helicopters from Company B, 1st Battalion, 52nd Aviation Regiment will sling-load the supplies from Talkeetna to the mountain on Sunday, April 24, depending on weather....
The 2016 Oceania Pacific Resilience (PR) Disaster Response Exercise and Exchange (DREE) is the first civil-military disaster preparedness and response initiative between the Vanuatu Civil Defense Force and the U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC). The Oceania DREE emphasizes operational civil-military humanitarian assistance & disaster relief (HA/DR) topics that enhance collaboration and communication....
AFRICOM's MEDRETE's hosted by United States Army-Africa, pair small teams of military medical professionals from the U.S. with participating African partner nations to train alongside and share best practices in trauma and surgical medicine. U.S. personnel benefit by providing medical care in a forward and austere environment; and African partners develop closer relationships with medical...