The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center's Installation & Mission Support (I&MS) Weapons and Tactics Conference (I-WEPTAC) on agile combat support core functions and addresses current and future challenges in the I&MS mission sets. The outputs will be actionable recommendations that ensure we continue to deliver agile I&MS capabilities in support of national defense and major...
WASHINGTON — More than 600 gang members and associates from 145 different gangs were arrested in 179 cities across the U.S. during Project Southbound, a month-long operation executed by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), which targeted gangs affiliated with the Sureños.
May 3, 2018 marks the 75th anniversary of the death of one of America's great military leaders, Lt. Gen. Frank Maxwell Andrews and 14 others. And the crash of the B-24 Liberator 'Hot Stuff', the first heavy bomber in the 8th Air Force to complete 25 missions. There will be a memorial dedication and event on 3 May to honor them and those lost during
Europe-based U.S. Air Force aircraft and personnel are participating in a NATO-sponsored exercise designed to bolster aerial refueling, fighter aircraft interception and combat search and rescue skills.
ICEX 2016 is designed to allow the U.S. Navy to assess operational readiness in the Arctic, increase experience in the region, develop partnerships and collaborative efforts, and advance their understanding of the Arctic environment. U.S. Air National Guard and U.S. Army National Guard will provide air support for the duration of this exercise.
ICEX 2018 is a five-week exercise that allows the U.S. Navy to assess its operational readiness in the Arctic, increase experience in the region, advance understanding of the Arctic environment, and continue to develop relationships with other services, allies and partner organizations.
The 2020 Arctic Warfare Exercise is part of the U.S. Navy Submarine Arctic Warfare Program sponsored by the CNO. It is a biennial submarine force tactical development exercise managed by the Arctic Submarine Lab. Submarine crews conduct training, test new equipment, and improve submarine operability and warfighting capabilities in cold water conditions.
The 2022 Arctic Warfare Exercise is part of the U.S. Navy Submarine Arctic Warfare Program sponsored by the CNO. It is a biennial submarine force tactical development exercise managed by the Arctic Submarine Lab. Submarine crews conduct training, test new equipment, and improve submarine operability and warfighting capabilities in cold water conditions.