MEFEX 21.1 is a command and control exercise conducted in a simulated deployed environment designed to enhance the interoperability between II Marine Expeditionary Force command element staff and its higher, adjacent, and subordinate command headquarters including, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (2nd MAW), 2nd Marine Division (2nd MARDIV), 2nd Marine Logistics Group (2nd MLG) and 2nd Marine...
MEFEX is a MEF-level exercise conducted to deploy the MEF with its MSCs in an expeditionary environment, train the I MHG Staff as an operational command, and strengthen subordinate units by maximizing training opportunities. I MEF has not coordinated a command-level exercise of this capacity since 2003.
U.S. Service members conduct a ceremony in honor of Memorial Day in Hamm, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, May 28, 2016. Hundreds of Soldiers,Airmen, Marines, family members, local citizens and honored guests gathered at the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial to honor the fallen U.S.military.
Memorial Day is a holiday for remembering the people who have died while serving in the country's armed forces. Here, you can find recent Images, Video and News Stories commemorating the holiday.
Memorial Day is a holiday for remembering the people who have
died while serving in the country's armed forces. Here, you can find recent
Images, Video and News Stories commemorating the holiday.
Memorial Day weekend, ABMC sites throughout the world pay tribute to the more than 200,000 men and women who are buried or memorialized overseas.
From 27-29 May 2023, HQ USEUCOM, USAREUR, USAFE, NAVEUR, MARFOREUR, the USAFE Band, the USAREUR Band, the NAVEUR Band and the SHAPE Band will jointly support Memorial Day ceremonies at all 21 U.S. military WWI/WWII cemeteries in Europe (France, Belgium, the UK, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands).
*** When posting, use MemDay24EUR (exact spelling and capitalization) ***
Throughout the course of U.S. history, American service members have made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of our Nation. Every year, Memorial Day serves as a special day to commemorate these fallen service members.
An agency of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Federal Government, ABMC oversees 21 U.S. World War I...