Northern Viking 20 is a bi-lateral exercise between Iceland and the United States, along with 11 partner and ally countries. The exercise is from April 15-30 in Iceland. Other supporting locations include Germany, Norway, the U.K. and the U.S.
Participating countries include: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, the...
Northern Viking 22 (NV22) is a EUCOM-directed and COMUSNAVEUR-led, U.S. Sixth Fleet planned and executed Joint and Coalition live exercise (LIVEX).
Participating NATO Allied Nations include France, Germany, Iceland, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States. The combined forces bring significant capabilities across the air, land and at-sea domains.
NV22 strengthens...
NORTHERN VIKING 24 (NV24) is a U.S. European Command-directed and U.S. Naval Forces Europe-led joint and coalition live exercise held Aug. 26 – Sept. 3, 2024.
Participating countries in NV24 include Denmark, France, Iceland, Norway, Poland, and the United States as well as elements of NATO’s Allied Maritime Command, Forces provided by these Allied nations include multiple ships and...
U.S. Marines from III Marine Expeditionary Force will join their Japan Ground Self-Defense Force counterparts during the bilateral-training field exercise, Northern Viper, at Hokudaienn and Yausubetsu Training Areas in the Hokkaido Prefecture of Japan.
The purpose of Northern Viper is to conduct a bilateral, combined arms exercise and live fire training in conjunction with ground and...
Military mountaineering instructors from the Nepalese
army train with cadre from U.S. Army Alaska's Northern Warfare Training
Center at the Black Rapids Training Site.
U.S. Army Soldiers participate in various training exercises at the National Training Center, Ft. Irwin, CA. The National Training Center conducts tough, realistic, Unified Land Operations with our United Action Partners to prepare Brigade Combat Teams and other units for combat while taking care of Soldiers, Civilians, and Family members.
Join us as we celebrate nurses around the Military Health System for National Nurses Week May 6 - 12. During this week, the Military Health System focuses on telling the story of the MHS through the lens of military and civilian nurses. The MHS focuses on providing quality care for patients while keeping them safe and free from harm, and Nurses Week is an opportunity to demonstrate how nursing...
Exercise NUSRET 2019 is a Turkish-led multinational EOD exercise aimed at improving combined combat capability, increase operational capacity, and strengthen relationships among NATO allies and partner nations.