The Vietnam 50th War Commemoration is from 11-13 May 2023 in Washington, D.C. on the National Mall at both the JFK Hockey Fields and West Potomac Park. Vietnam veterans will be honored for their enduring legacy of service, and welcomed home. Festivities commence Thursday, May 11 at 11 a.m. with an Opening Ceremony, A ribbon-cutting with special remarks and a flyover by four Vietnam War...
Officer Candidate School Region B (WV, OH, VA, MD, DC, DE) competition held at Camp Dawson, Kingwood, West Virginia, May 4-7, 2023.
This page is for the 245th USMC Birthday message from the Commandant of the Marine Corps. There is also a cake cutting video available for units that are not hosting their own ceremonies.
The 1st Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment will conduct their final training flight from Simmons Army Airfield with their OH-58D Kiowa Warriors Friday, April 15. The aircraft and crews from 1-17 CAV will conduct a formation flight of 30 Kiowa Warriors in and around Fayetteville and Fort Bragg
Oklahoma National Guard response to flooding Spring 2019. For More Information Please Contact: Col. (ret.) Charles Seitz, Oklahoma Military Department, Office of Public Affairs, 3501 Military Circle, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73111-4305; (405) 228-5212 or (405) 250-8840 cell.
Latest B-Roll, News and Images related to the recent tornado in Oklahoma
On 28 Aug 2018, Ola de Esperanza Sanadora contingent comprised of Air National Guard and Navy Reserve assets of the U.S. Armed Forces will deploy to the medically underserved communities of Puerto Rico to conduct deployment and readiness training for military personnel. Incidental to military readiness training, the Ola de Esperanza Sanadora team will provide medical, dental and optometry care...