This is the DVIDS feature page for the XVIII Airborne Corps' DragonCannes 2 program. DragonCannes 2 is a competitive film festival that will run September 4 - 6 on the XVIII Airborne Corps' Twitter account (@18airbornecorps). We're asking all units and Soldiers to submit a video, 2 minutes and 20 seconds or less, to this site no later than August 27th. The winner of DragonCannes 2 will be...
Dragoon Ready is a 7th Army Training Command led exercise designed to ensure readiness and certify the 2nd Cavalry Regiment in NATO combat readiness and unified land operations. Working with NATO allies and partners, the 2nd Cavalry Regiment will culminate the excercise with a multinational combined arms live fire and force on force field training exercise. Held annually, Dragoon Ready will...
The Dry Dock 5 Anchoring Ceremony is to celebrate an early construction milestone, marking the installation of the piles that will anchor the foundational footprint of Dry Dock 5 at Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility. This is the first graving dock built in Pearl Harbor since 1943 and the highest value single construction project in the history of the Navy. The new...
This is a collection of some of the best products on DVIDS. Here we feature the latest and greatest media sent to DVIDS by military members all over the world. This media is in the public domain and free to use upon registering to the DVIDS website. Feel free to subscribe to stay up to date. If you have any questions please contact
This DVIDS Tutorials page will feature videos explaining how to navigate and use key functions on the DVIDS website.
DC 21.1 is a command and control exercise conducted in a simulated deployed environment designed to enhance the interoperability between II Marine Expeditionary Force command element staff and its higher, adjacent, and subordinate command headquarters including, 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (2nd MAW), 2nd Marine Division (2nd MARDIV), 2nd Marine Logistics Group (2nd MLG) and II Marine...
Exercise Dynamic Front is a U.S. Army Europe and Africa directed, 56th Artillery Command led, multinational exercise designed to improve allied and partner nation's ability to execute multi-echelon fires, and test interoperability of both tactical and theater-level fires systems in a live environment.
U.S. forces will join Jordan in Exercise EAGER LION 16, one of U.S. Central
Command's premiere exercises, in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan during the
month of May. Exercise EAGER LION 16 will consist of a week-long series of
simulated scenarios to facilitate a coordinated partnered military response
to conventional and unconventional threats. The scenarios developed will
include border...