Graphics by Lance Cpl. Isaac Velasco | I MEF Information Group | 04.21.2020
An infographic used to outline the importance of sustaining COVID-19 safety precautions. (U.S. Marine Corps Layout and Design by Lance Cpl. Isaac Velasco) (This infographic was created using Adobe Photoshop techniques.)...
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Taylor Altier | 374th Airlift Wing | 04.20.2020
This layout and design product was created by 374th Airlift Wing Public Affairs, Yokota Air Base, Japan, for the Yokota AFWERX group, YokoWERX on April 24, 2020. (U.S. Air Force layout & design by Staff Sgt. Taylor A. Workman)...
Graphics by Emily Mihalik | Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall | 04.20.2020
The graphic depicts a JBH-HH Family wearing face coverings. This graphic was designed April 20, 2020 at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Fort Myer, Virginia, and intended for use for distribution on all joint base public affairs platforms. (U.S. Army graphic by Emily Mihalik)...
Graphics by Glenn Robertson | 90th Missile Wing | 04.20.2020
This layout and design graphic was created in InDesign April 20, 2020 to display the economic impact of the installation on the local Cheyenne community to civic partners. (U. S. Air Force graphic by Glenn S. Robertson)...
Graphics by Glenn Robertson | 90th Missile Wing | 04.20.2020
This layout and design graphic was created in InDesign April 20, 2020 to display the economic impact of the installation on the local Cheyenne community to civic partners. (U. S. Air Force graphic by Glenn S. Robertson)...
Graphics by Senior Airman Max Miller | 2nd Bomb Wing | 04.20.2020
This graphic was created as a thumbnail for the Real Talk series. The Real Talk series consisted of a medical professional, chaplain and mental health professional discussing COVID-19 resiliency. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Lillian Miller)...
Graphics by Anthony Summa | Marine Corps Installations East | 04.20.2020
This graphic promotes notices about chow halls at Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ) and Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River. Created in Adobe Illustrator to enhance awareness throughout the MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ and MCAS New River social media audience. (U.S. Marine Corps digital illustration by GS-10 Anthony D. Summa)...
Graphics by Anthony Summa | Marine Corps Installations East | 04.20.2020
This graphic promotes notices about chow halls at Marine Corps Installations East-Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune (MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ) and Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) New River. Created in Adobe Illustrator to enhance awareness throughout the MCIEAST-MCB CAMLEJ and MCAS New River social media audience. (U.S. Marine Corps digital illustration by GS-10 Anthony D. Summa)...