Graphics by Lance Cpl. Jacob Foster | III MEF Information Group | 04.03.2020
This infographic was created to inform readers on hand washing, eating, and waste disposal. The graphic describes how to thoroughly lower the risk of disease through cleanliness. (U.S. Marine Corps infographic by Lance Cpl. Jacob E. Foster)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Jacob Foster | III MEF Information Group | 04.03.2020
This infographic was created to inform readers on cleaning and disinfecting. The graphic describes how to thoroughly lower the risk of disease through cleanliness. (U.S. Marine Corps infographic by Lance Cpl. Jacob E. Foster)...
Graphics by Cpl. JVonnta Taylor | Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) | 04.03.2020
Graphic illustration depicting steps to becoming complete within the Marine Corps' Professional Military Education (PME) standards, created on April 3, 2020, at MARFORRES, New Orleans. the PME program is a progressive learning system designed to educate Marines by grade throughout their careers. (U.S. Marine Corps illustration by Cpl. J'Vonnta Taylor) ...
Graphics by Cpl. JVonnta Taylor | Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) | 04.03.2020
Graphic illustration created to promote continuous general fitness across the Marine Corps, on April 3, 2020, at MARFORRES, New Orleans. As many installations are quarantined, it is important to remember the Corps' fitness test standards will remain the same. (U.S. Marine Corps illustration by Cpl. J'Vonnta Taylor) ...
Graphics by Anthony Lopez | Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton | 04.02.2020
Products from a series called "Flattening The Curve" that displays how to properly receive packaging during the COVID-19 crisis....
Graphics by Cpl. Angelo Sagum | Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni | 04.02.2020
This infographic screens every person who comes aboard Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni through the station's gates to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. (U.S. Marine Corps layout and design by Cpl. Angelo A. Sagum) (This layout and design was created using Adobe Illustrator CC20)...
Graphics by Cristina Piosa | Fort Benning Public Affairs Office | 04.02.2020
During the first peak of COVID-19 in the Columbus, Georgia area, the MCoE Band provided morale boosting livestream concerts for Fort Benning and the surrounding communities. The livestream concert was shared on civilian radio networks and social media platforms. The concert was successful to continue biweekly throughout the summer....
Graphics by Gary Rogers | 100th Air Refueling Wing | 04.02.2020
This fun graphic was used to remind people to wear face coverings.