Graphics by Senior Master Sgt. Andrew LaMoreaux | 137th Special Operations Wing | 12.05.2018
This layout and design shows a tactical air control party specialist preparing a close air support 9-line during the Joint Terminal Attack Controller Qualification Course hosted by the 137th Special Operations Wing, Oklahoma City. This layout was created using photographs and text and was part of the December issue of the Air Observer PDF publication, Will Rogers Air National Guard Base,......
Graphics by Airman Mikayla Heineck | 62nd Airlift Wing | 12.04.2018
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustator to announce inclement weather updates on social media for the 62nd Airlift Wing on Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Airman Mikayla Heineck)...
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Traci Keller | 60th Air Mobility Wing | 12.03.2018
Air Force Col. Jeffrey Nelson, 60th Air Mobility Wing commander and Chief Master Sgt. Derek Crowder, 60 AMW command chief, addressed these and other topics during a commander's call Nov. 27-28, 2018 at the base theater....
Graphics by Richard McManus | 56th Fighter Wing | 12.03.2018
Approved F-35A Demo Team patch 2019. This patch will be used as the brand the F-35A Demo Team during promotional events and air shows. This graphic was designed Dec. 3, 2018 at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Richard McManus)...
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Mary Greenwood | 115th Fighter Wing | 12.01.2018
This spread was extracted from a 36 page saddle stitch history booklet designed for the 115th Fighter Wing 70th Anniversary celebration. The entire booklet contains historical information about the progression of the Wing and it’s aircraft, to include its present commander and vice commander. A booklet was placed in front of every place setting at the event for guests to take home....
Graphics by Jordan Baker | 24th Theater Public Affairs Support Element | 12.01.2018
Official logo illustration representing USAREUR's DDAY75 campaign. This illustration was created on November 28, 2018 in Wiesbaden, Germany. The design serves as the signature element across all media products regarding the upcoming DDAY75 campaign. ( U.S. Army logo illustration created by SPC Jordan Baker )...
Graphics by Airman Mikayla Heineck | 62nd Airlift Wing | 11.30.2018
This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator for a scocial media post announcing and celebrating those selcted for promotion to technical sergeant for the 62nd Airlift Wing on Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Airman Mikayla Heineck)...
Graphics by James Orlando | 17th Training Wing | 11.30.2018
This design was submitted for consideration as the San Antonio Fiesta medal design for 2019. The Air Force is represented by the jet fighters streaking across the sky, the Texas star is placed on a background of the Texas state flag. The stars at night shine big and bright deep in the heart of Texas and above the words Fiesta 2019. The skyline of the city of San Antonio is the background to a......