Graphics by Glenn Robertson | 90th Missile Wing | 10.13.2018
Double truck created in InDesign to highlight the efforts of the 90th Missile Wing at Cheyenne Frontier Days during July 2018....
Graphics by Charles Wolf | Marine Corps Base Quantico | 10.12.2018
Cartoon makes light of Marines and the importance of going to see the career planner to get a career plan.
Graphics by Senior Airman Dennis Hoffman | 21st Space Wing | 10.12.2018
Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, Colorado, organizes a 5k zombie run through the heavily guarded and restricted Cheyenne Mountain Complex every October. The event's logo subtly incorporates a zombie crawling out of the letters through negative space, just as the attendees will have to spot and outrun hiding zombies during their run. This graphic was designed Oct. 12, 2018, at Peterson......
Graphics by David Perry | Hill Air Force Base | 10.12.2018
A free special showing of the movie "Won't You Be My Neighbor", provided by Hill's Helping Hands, Hill Air Force Base, UT, need posters to advertise the event. (U.S. Air Force graphic by David Perry)...
Graphics by David Perry | Hill Air Force Base | 10.12.2018
This design was create for both the base newspaper, website and social media, linking to information about the Federal Employee Health Benefits Open Season. (U.S. Air Force graphic by David Perry)...
Graphics by Petty Officer 1st Class Conor Minto | USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) | 10.12.2018
(U.S. Navy illustration by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Alex Perlman/RELEASED)
Graphics by Sgt. Michael A Parker | 27th Public Affairs Detachment | 10.11.2018
This full page handout was created using Adobe Photoshop. The design is based on the 10th Mountain Division Social Media Business Cards. This handout is a suppliment to the posters used in the first ever 10th Mountain Division Social Media Campaign. The handout targets all In-Processing Soldiers here at Fort Drum. The handout is attached to the In-Processing packets given to all newly arrived......
Graphics by Sgt. Michael A Parker | 27th Public Affairs Detachment | 10.11.2018
This poster was created in Adobe Photoshop on the 22nd of September 2018. The poster is the third poster in the 10th Mountain Division's first ever Social Media Campaign. The target of the campaign are all In and Out-Processing Soldiers. This poster was designed to target the Soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division that visit Clark Hall. The poster along with 2 other posters are placed......