Graphics by Lance Cpl. Meghan D Millott | Marine Corps Base Quantico | 09.21.2016
Digital Illustration for Marksmanship Training Company (MTC). MTC's mission is to serve as the Marine Corps proponent for all facets of small arms combat marksmanship and to be the focal point for marksmanship doctrine, training, competition, equipment, and weapons. (U.S. Marine Corps digital illustration by Corporal Meghan Millott)...
Graphics by Spc. James Seals | The NCO Journal | 09.01.2016
Logo created at the NCO Journal, United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Fort Bliss, Texas in July, 2016. This logo serves as an identity for audio podcast content from the NCO Journal's recurring monthly podcasts. (U.S. Army logo created by Spc. James Seals)...
Graphics by Glenn Sircy | Center for Information Warfare Training | 08.07.2016
IWTC Virginia Beach Logo
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Randy Kirby | Marine Corps Base Quantico | 08.02.2016
24"x36" Poster design created with Adobe Photoshop to recognize and promote the Quantico Injured Military Sportsmen Association (QIMSA) aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va., on Aug. 2, 2016. QIMSA provides all-encompassing, expense-free outdoor experiences to wounded warriors from all branches of service, regardless of injury or hunting and fishing experience. (U.S. Marine Corps......
Graphics by Maureen Stewart | Airman Magazine | 07.28.2016
An ad for Airman magazine to highlight August 19th, National Aviation Day (U.S. Air Force Graphic by Maureen Stewart)
Graphics by Spc. James Seals | The NCO Journal | 07.21.2016
Raster illustration created at the NCO Journal, United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Fort Bliss, Texas on July 21, 2016. Recently acquiring the NCO Journal under its command, the Army University Press commissioned the NCO Journal to create an advertisement to be featured in their printed publication, Military Review, September-October edition. (U.S. Army illustration by Spc. James Seals) ...
Graphics by Spc. James Seals | The NCO Journal | 05.15.2016
Animation created at the NCO Journal, United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Fort Bliss, Texas on May 15, 2016. This animation is a mobile application concept for the NCO Journal, displaying format, animations, and contained graphical assets for mobile development. (U.S. Army animation created by Spc. James Seals)...
Graphics by Spc. James Seals | The NCO Journal | 02.03.2016
Logo of the NCO Journal created at the NCO Journal, United States Army Sergeants Major Academy, Fort Bliss, Texas in February 3, 2016. The director of the NCO Journal commissioned for the logo to be updated to the team's multimedia specialist. (U.S. Army logo created by Spc. James Seals)...