Graphics by Cpl. Lucas Lu | 3d Marine Division | 03.19.2024
3d Marine Division participated in the Artillery Relocation Training Program 23.4 at Yausubetsu Maneuver Area, Hokkaido, Japan, from Feb. 20 to March 13, 2024. ARTP provides Marines the opportunity to rehearse live-fire operations across a range of climates and conditions, providing combat ready forces in the Indo-Pacific. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Cpl. Lucas Lu)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Andrew Whistler | 1st Marine Division | 03.19.2024
A photo illustration produced via Adobe Photoshop to serve as an announcement for the upcoming 1st Marine Division Squad Competition set to be held at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, March 19, 2024. The competition aims to assess the skill levels of the squads representing various units within the division. (U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration by Lance Cpl. Andrew Whistler)(This......
Graphics by Porsha Auzenne | Fort Johnson Public Affairs Office | 03.19.2024
This graphic was created to accompany Fort Johnson's recipient street sign unveiling March 18. Displayed is a map where all 10 Louisiana accredited Medal of Honor recipient street signs can be found on post. The graphic will also be posted to the Fort Johnson Facebook page to celebrate Medal of Honor Day March 25. This graphic was created using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. (U.S. Army......
Graphics by Ryan Henkel | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 03.19.2024
Identify It. Stop It.
Graphics by Ryan Henkel | Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute | 03.19.2024
Identify It. Report It. Stop It.
Graphics by Sgt. Ricardo Deseanogomez | Marine Corps Installations Pacific | 03.19.2024
The James K. Kallstrom awards are presented to military police who demonstrate bravery and outstanding leadership. This graphic was created using 3D modeling software and Adobe Photoshop. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Sgt. Ricardo Deseanogomez)...
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Brandon Shuman | 911th Airlift Wing | 03.18.2024
Identity design production for use in digital graphics products. Front of graphic consists of Air Force wings overlayed on a Pittsburgh bridge silhouette with the text ANNUAL AWARDS 2024. The back of the graphic consists of the 911th Airlift Wing logo and its squadrons on the border. Production was created for use with the 911th AW at the Pittsburgh International Airport Air Reserve Station,......
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Danielle Sukhlall | 354th Fighter Wing | 03.18.2024
The 354th Fighter Wing's mission is to deliver lethal airpower to Combatant Commanders in defense of National Military objectives. This infographic highlights the mission, vision and 3 lines of effort for the 354th Fighter Wing. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Staff Sgt. Danielle Sukhlall)...