Graphics by James Stockman | Naval Education and Training Command | 03.07.2024
Congratulations to the Naval Education and Training Command 2023 Military Instructors of the Year! • Junior Enlisted – Operations Specialist 2nd Class Japonica Stallings, Surface Combat Systems Training Command Great Lakes, Illinois. • Mid-Grade Enlisted – Intelligence Specialist 1st Class Brandonjoe Juan, Information Warfare Training Command (IWTC) Virginia Beach, Virginia. • ......
Graphics by James Stockman | Naval Education and Training Command | 03.07.2024
Aviation Enlisted Aircrew Training School (AEATS), located in Pensacola, Florida, trains many of our Navy air warriors to handle the rigors of fleet operations. Air warriors like Naval Aircrewman (Helicopter) 3rd Class Mariel Calderon, assigned to the "Wildcards" of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 23. For more info on AEATS, go to......
Graphics by Kim Farcot | Defense Health Agency | 03.06.2024
Make protecting your eyes and ears a priority by following these steps. If you have signs of vision or hearing loss, make an appointment with your local military hospital or clinic, or visit:;
Graphics by Kim Farcot | Defense Health Agency | 03.06.2024
#DYK? Our brains use information from our senses for situational awareness, communication, and survival. Wear proper vision and hearing protection to remain fit to fight. Check with your leadership or health care provider about which protective gear is best for your job and environment. Vision: Hearing:......
Graphics by Kim Farcot | Defense Health Agency | 03.06.2024
Vision and hearing health impact every aspect of our lives. Protect your senses so that you can stay ready and connected.
Graphics by Kim Farcot | Defense Health Agency | 03.06.2024
Women are more likely to have heart conditions that can lead to premature heart attacks because of pregnancy and the hormonal life cycle, which can negatively affect heart health. Our expert weighs in. Adopted from A. Sarma, S. Nandita, Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes and Premature Myocardial Infarction: The Clock Is Ticking, Journal of the American College of Cardiology Advances, (2)5,2023, 100433....
Graphics by Alejandra Zier | 502nd Air Base Wing | 03.06.2024
This map design was created to help the community navigate the roads and gate hours during the 2024 air show. Providing essential information to ensure smooth access and a safe experience for all attending. JBSA, Texas (U.S. Air Force graphic by Alejandra Zier)...
Graphics by Crystal Burns | 19th Airlift Wing | 03.06.2024
The 19th Airlift Wing Chapel requested a save-the-date graphic for their July 26-28th Marriage Retreat. The poster was created in Adobe Photoshop, featuring a stock photo of two plain wedding bands on a white table with some lavender in the background, at the top of the design is the chapel's logo. The design was emailed through the chapel office, and printed by the chapel office for......