Graphics by Lance Cpl. David Intriago | Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) | 03.11.2024
A logo recreation of the original design made for Combat Logistics Battalion 25, Combat Logistic Regiment 45, 4th Marine Logistics Group, Marine Forces Reserve created using Adobe Illustrator at Marine Corps Support Facility, New Orleans, March 11, 2024. CLB-25 is headquartered in Red Bank, New Jersey. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Lance Cpl. David Intriago)...
Graphics by Carol Otero | 412th Test Wing | 03.08.2024
The 412th Test Wing Strategic Plan was created for the 412 TW commander, Brigadier General Douglas P. Wickert, who introduces the document with, “The need to deliver capability to the warfighter and data to decision makers is urgent and we must move forward at the speed of relevance. Successful execution of the strategy conveyed in this document will enhance our country’s competitive......
Graphics by Sgt. Kimberley Glazier | 29th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment | 03.08.2024
A t-shirt design promoting the Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps (JROTC) in the Maryland Army National Guard, created on March 8, 2024. The Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps is a high school program designed to develop leadership skills, discipline, and citizenship while introducing students to the values and responsibilities of military service. (U.S. Army National Guard......
Graphics by Carol Otero | 412th Test Wing | 03.08.2024
The 412th Test Wing Strategic Plan was created for the 412 TW commander, Brig. Gen. Douglas P. Wickert, who introduces the document with, “The need to deliver capability to the warfighter and data to decision makers is urgent and we must move forward at the speed of relevance. Successful execution of the strategy conveyed in this document will enhance our country’s competitive military......
Graphics by Tech. Sgt. Draeke Layman | Space Launch Delta 30 | 03.08.2024
Each Spring, various creatures and critters of the Vandenberg Space Force Base landscape emerge from their Winter slumber to once again roam the hills, valleys, and roadways of the installation. Keep a watchful eye, stay vigilant and stay safe, Team Vandenberg!...
Graphics by Sherry Keene | Training Support Activity Europe | 03.08.2024
Behavioral Health/Suicide Prevention Virtual Symposium, April 24th, 2024
Graphics by Cpl. Kayla Halloran | 1st Marine Division | 03.08.2024
This mixed media illustration was created using Adobe Photoshop to celebrate the “Day of the Rifleman” on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, Mar. 8, 2024. March 11 is celebrated every year as the Day of the Rifleman due to the 0311 military occupational specialty code and recognizes all infantry military occupational specialties in the U.S. Marine Corps. (U.S. Marine Corps mixed......
Graphics by Cpl. Alexander Devereux | Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego | 03.08.2024
U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration created to capture Delta Company Honor Graduate, Lance Cpl. Samuel T. Hull from Reno, Nevada. The company honor graduate is the one Marine in his company who has demonstrated the highest degree of discipline, proficiency, bearing, physical fitness, and basic leadership traits that exemplify the highest standards of the United States Marine Corps. (U.S.......