Graphics by Lance Cpl. Gary Maiers | Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island | 03.04.2024
This graphic was made at Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island on March 4, 2024 to depict Table One of rifle qualification in recruit training. During Table One, recruits practice the fundamentals of marksmanship by firing at targets from multiple distances and positions. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Pfc. Mark Dvoskin/Released)...
Graphics by Jessica Nilsson | Navy Supply Corps School | 03.04.2024
Designed, written and created by Jessica Nilsson, Navy Supply Corps School Public Affairs Officer. The brochure describes the courses offered by the schoolhouse and their frequency. Photos were taken from DVIDS and in-house. The brochure was created as a special project for the Commanding Officer and was printed and distributed around the schoolhouse on March 4, 2024....
Graphics by Crystal Burns | 19th Airlift Wing | 03.04.2024
The National Nutrition Month Food Drive poster was created in Adobe Illustrator. The design features a soup can with Little Rock Air Force Base as the "brand" and the National Nutrition Month logo as the can's logo. The background has a halftone dot pattern. The poster was printed and installed around the base to advertise the month-long food drive that ran March 1-29, 2024. (U.S.......
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Matthew Benfield | U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific | 03.04.2024
This graphic was created to outline the structure of I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF) and its major subordinate commands. Stationed out of Camp Pendleton, California, I MEF is one of U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific subordinate commands that provides the Marine Corps a globally responsive, expeditionary and fully scalable Marine Air-Ground Task Force capable of generating, deploying and......
Graphics by Bill Evans | U.S. Air Force Academy | 03.04.2024
USAFA We're Coming In Crutch Flyer
Graphics by Cole Keller | Fort Wainwright Public Affairs Office | 03.04.2024
Daylight Savings Time Smoke Alarm Notice
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Skylia Waters-Hewitt | Marine Corps Installations Pacific | 03.04.2024
This graphic is part of a series of graphics to inform service members about Golden Week, celebrated April 29 through May 5. Greenery Day celebrates nature and honors all it provides us with. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Lance Cpl. Skylia Waters-Hewitt)...
Graphics by Pfc. Harleigh Faulk | Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island | 03.04.2024
This graphic, created at the Marine Corps Depot Parris Island, S.C., March 4, 2024, is a reminder to all personnel to prepare for the upcoming uniform change on March 10. In accordance with ALMAR 038/16, Marines roll the sleeves of their MARPAT utility uniform during warmer weather for comfort. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Pfc. Harleigh Faulk/Released)...