Graphics by James Stockman | Naval Education and Training Command | 12.22.2023
Naval Leadership and Ethics Commands San Diego and Dam Neck are responsible for training all Command-Navy Leader Development Facilitators (C-NLDF) in the fleet. Only master/senior/chief petty officers who have attended and passed the C-NLDF course may facilitate FLDC, ILDC and ALDC classes. For additional info, go to
Graphics by James Stockman | Naval Education and Training Command | 12.22.2023
Know your ELD requirements for advancement! ILDC and ALDC will be a prerequisite for advancement to E-6 and E-7 respectively, starting in calendar year 2025. CPO-LDC will be a prerequisite for advancement to E-8 commencing with the Fiscal Year 2026 Selection Board....
Graphics by Gustave Rehnstrom | Winn Army Community Hospital | 12.22.2023
The U.S Army MEDDAC - Fort Stewart-Hunter Airfield, Commander Col. Jason Seery, invites you to the 4th Annual Flag Football Competition held between Winn Army Community Hospital, Fort Stewart, GA. and the Naval Hospital Beaufort, SC, 11 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 9. Please join us and our hosts – the Friends of Winners in partnership with the Chatham County Parks & Recreation Department, as we......
Graphics by Gustave Rehnstrom | Winn Army Community Hospital | 12.22.2023
The U.S Army MEDDAC - Fort Stewart-Hunter Airfield, Commander Col. Jason Seery, invites you to the 4th Annual Flag Football Competition held between Winn Army Community Hospital, Fort Stewart, GA. and the Naval Hospital Beaufort, SC, 11 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 9. Please join us and our hosts – the Friends of Winners in partnership with the Chatham County Parks & Recreation Department, as we......
Graphics by Gustave Rehnstrom | Winn Army Community Hospital | 12.22.2023
The U.S Army MEDDAC - Fort Stewart-Hunter Airfield, Commander Col. Jason Seery, invites you to the 4th Annual Flag Football Competition held between Winn Army Community Hospital, Fort Stewart, GA. and the Naval Hospital Beaufort, SC, 11 a.m., Saturday, Dec. 9. Please join us and our hosts – the Friends of Winners in partnership with the Chatham County Parks & Recreation Department, as we......
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Charles Welty | 48th Fighter Wing | 12.22.2023
A social media graphic made for the 48th Fighter Wing social media accounts to help celebrate the new year. The graphic was created at RAF Lakenheath, England, Dec. 22, 2023, using Adobe Photoshop. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Staff Sgt. Charles Welty)...
Graphics by Kevin Richardson | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | 12.21.2023
Posters used to highlight the Holiday Season
Graphics by Kevin Richardson | Walter Reed Army Institute of Research | 12.21.2023
For school presentation