Graphics by Airman 1st Class Ben Cash | 134th Air Refueling Wing | 12.08.2023
This graphic was created for the 134th Air Refueling Wing as part of the squadron's Copper Arrow exercise in June, 2023 created Dec. 8, 2023. This graphic highlighting the security forces squadron is being used on morale gear, social media, wall art and more. This graphic was created in Adobe Photoshop. (U.S. Air National Guard layout design by Airman 1st Class Ben Cash)...
Graphics by Airman 1st Class Matthew Domingos | 509th Bomb Wing | 12.08.2023
Whiteman Air Force Base brings in the holiday season with cheer. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Airman 1st Class Matthew S. Domingos)...
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Alexandra Earl | Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego | 12.08.2023
U.S. Marine Corps photo illustration created to capture Charlie company honor graduate, Pfc. Madison R. Teichman from Saratoga, Wyoming. The company honor graduate is the one Marine in her company who has demonstrated the highest degree of discipline, proficiency, bearing, physical fitness, and basic leadership traits that exemplify the highest standards of the United States Marine Corps.......
Graphics by Jessi Austin-Ashley | Walter Reed National Military Medical Center | 12.08.2023
The Pulse, a monthly newscast tailored for Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, serves as a dynamic channel for disseminating crucial information to both dedicated staff and valued patients. This carefully curated newscast unfolds the unfolding narratives within the hospital, featuring compelling patient and staff stories alongside exciting developments. Drawing inspiration from the......
Graphics by James Stockman | Naval Education and Training Command | 12.08.2023
#ICYMI Open enrollment for SEA Class 270 NOW OPEN for USN/USNR E7s-E9s who have an established EMPOWER account. You must contact the SEA Registrar (email only) at to request enrollment into the class. The class distance learning portion runs from 8-26 Jan. 2024 and the in-resident portion runs from 5-23 Feb. 2024....
Graphics by Cpl. Calah Thompson | Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni | 12.08.2023
This illustration was created using Adobe Illustrator 2023 to notify The Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni community of a traditional mochi making festival taking places at MCAS Iwakuni, Japan, Dec. 15, 2023. The design depicts a blue background with a low hexagonal pattern and the MCAS Logo with information on the upcoming event. The graphic was posted to the MCAS Iwakuni official Facebook and......
Graphics by Cpl. Joanna Stauss | Marine Corps Installations Pacific | 12.08.2023
This graphic was created to celebrate the holiday season in the MCIPAC area of operation. This banner was created for use on the YouTube platform. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Cpl. Joanna Stauss)...
Graphics by Cpl. Joanna Stauss | Marine Corps Installations Pacific | 12.08.2023
This graphic was created to celebrate the holiday season in the MCIPAC area of operation. This banner was created for use on the Twitter platform. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Cpl. Joanna Stauss)...