Graphics by Wilbur Wood | 88th Air Base Wing | 12.11.2023
A logo created using Adobe Illustrator for the team of Robins AFB. The Team Robins logo states that Robins AFB is the Installation of Excellence, established in 1941. The logo also marks the base location in Georgia. This is the single color black variant. (U.S. Air Force graphic logo by Wilbur Wood)...
Graphics by Wilbur Wood | 88th Air Base Wing | 12.11.2023
Team Robins logo representing the groups of Robins Air Force Base. The logo presents Robin's slogan "The Installation of Excellence" and establishment date of 1941. The logo also marks the base location in Georgia. Identity design was created on December 11, 2023 using Adobe Illustrator. This is the full color variant. (U.S. Air Force graphic logo by Wilbur Wood)...
Graphics by Senior Airman Madelyn Keech | 86th Airlift Wing | 12.11.2023
This layout and design graphic was created for social media at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Dec. 11, 2023. It depicts text reading "Happy holidays", snowflakes and images of pine trees. (U.S. Air Force graphic by Senior Airman Madelyn Keech)...
Graphics by Staff Sgt. Daniel Lee | 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) | 12.09.2023
A graphic drawing of a U.S. Army football player in support of the 2023 Army-Navy Game. The Army-Navy Game is a time-honored tradition between the United States Military Academy and the United States Naval Academy with its first meeting held in November 1890. (U.S. Army graphic by Staff Sgt. Daniel Lee)...
Graphics by Sgt. Karen Amaro | Communication Directorate | 12.08.2023
The Army-Navy Game is more than just a football game, it is about the experience, taking place Dec 9, 2023. One of the oldest and most storied rivalries in collegiate athletics, Navy leads Army in the series with a 62-55-7 record. (U.S. Marine Corps graphic by Sgt. Karen Amaro)...
Graphics by Petty Officer 3rd Class Lordin Kelly | USS Nimitz (CVN 68) | 12.08.2023
The winter is here and with half the crew taking holiday leave, here are some driving tips. (U.S. Navy graphic by Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Lordin Kelly)...
Graphics by Brian Boisvert | 502nd Air Base Wing | 12.08.2023
The program for the U.S. Air Force's Band of the West, Holiday in Blue concert can be found by scanning the QR code found on this poster. The mission of the U.S. Air Force Band of the West is to honor all the men and women who serve and have served in the Armed Forces and to inspire and connect....
Graphics by Lance Cpl. Shannon Gibson | 1st Marine Logistics Group | 12.08.2023
A U.S. Marine Corps logo for 1st Marine Logistics Group created in adobe illustrator at Camp Pendleton, California, Dec. 8, 2023. The mission of 1st MLG is to provide tactical logistics support beyond the organic capabilities of supported elements of the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) and to provide task organized Logistics Combat Elements (LCEs) in support of MAGTF operations. (U.S. Marine......