Ensign Barry mans the bridge wing during a final Bering Sea Patrol aboard USCGC Morgenthau (WHEC 722) in January 2017. After 48 years of service, the cutter was decommissioned in April. "I feel honored to walk through the inside and outside decks of the MORG knowing the rich history that she's been through, from her time at Governor's Island 40+ years ago to now having been in the Bering Sea, and coming home to Hawaii. The MORG is my first unit that I've been stationed at and it's ironic that I am part of her last crew. I have had some of the most unique and life changing experiences on this boat and met some amazing people along the way. It's been a great a ride, and I'll never forget it." -- ENS Barry (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Ensign Brandon Newman/Released, Historical image circa 1970)