Today's Story: Integrating with Allies and Partners
Air Force Radio News 07 November 2024
Today's Story: Airmanship 200 Launched
Air Force Radio News 06 November 2024
Today's Story: LEAP Application Expansion
Air Force Radio News 05 November 2024
Today's Story: Developing ACE Capabilities
Air Force Radio News 04 November 2024
Today's Story: International Force Multiplier
Air Force Radio News 01 November 2024
Today’s Story: Following Through
Air Force Radio News 31 October 2024
Today's Story: Mission Command Training
Air Force Radio News 30 October 2024
Today's Story: Steadfast Duel 24
Air Force Radio News 29 October 2024
Today's story: New Enlisted Development Policy
Air Force Radio News 28 October 2024
Today's story: Visiting Indo-Pacific Partners
Air Force Radio News 25 October 2024
Today's Story: A New Way to Move
Air Force Radio News 24 October 2024
Today's Story: Development Through AI
Air Force Radio News 23 October 2024
Today's Story: Operation Olympic Defender
Air Force Radio News 22 October 2024
Today's Story: Planning for Mobility Guardian 25
Air Force Radio News 21 October 2024
Today’s Story: Excellence in Military Education
Air Force Radio News 18 October 2024
Today's Story: An Agile Approach
Air Force Radio News 17 October 2024
Today's Story: A-29 joins Test Pilot School Fleet
Air Force Radio News 16 October 2024
Today’s Story: Tricare Changes for 2025
Air Force Radio News 15 October 2024
Today's Story: Mail Overseas Ballots for Free
Air Force Radio News 10 October 2024
Today's Story: Chief Leadership Course
Air Force Radio News 09 October 2024
Today's Story: First Air Task Force Training
Air Force Radio News 08 October 2024
Today’s Story: Stepping Towards Energy Resilience
Air Force Radio News 07 October 2024
Today’s Story: Emergency Response & Recovery
Air Force Radio News 04 October 2024
Today's Story: Child Care Pilot Program
Air Force Radio News 03 October 2024
Today’s Story: First Guardian Launches into Space
Air Force Radio News 02 October 2024
Today’s Story: Artic Defense Strategy
Air Force Radio News 01 October 2024
Today’s Story: Modernizing Nuclear Deterrence
Air Force Radio News 30 September 2024
Today's Story: Standing Up New Commands
Air Force Radio News 27 September 2024
Today's Story: Improving Quality of Life
Air Force Radio News 26 September 2024
Today's Story: Addressing Housing Challenges
Air Force Radio News 25 September 2024
Today's Story: The Newest Bomber
Air Force Radio News 24 September 2024
Today’s Story: Units of Action
Air Force Radio News 23 September 2024
Today's Story: A New Era of Space
Air Force Radio News 20 September 2024
Today's Story: An Urgent Drive
Air Force Radio News 19 September 2024
Today's Story: Reoptimizing the Force
Air Force Radio News 18 September 2024
Today's Story: Transforming Test Pilot School
Air Force Radio News 17 September 2024
Today’s Story: Command Reoptimization
Air Force Radio News 16 September 2024
Today's Story: A New Housing Feedback System
Air Force Radio News 13 September 2024
Today's Story: First Air Task Force Activation
Air Force Radio News 12 September 2024
Today's Story: Air Chiefs Conference
Air Force Radio News 11 September 2024
Today's Story: Space Force Launches New Officer Course
Air Force Radio News 10 September 2024
Today’s Story: Smart Scholarships
Air Force Radio News 09 September 2024
Today’s Story: Delivering Quality Health Care
Air Force Radio News 06 September 2024
Today’s Story: Improved Tactical Support Vehicles
Air Force Radio News 05 September 2024
Today's Story: Strengthening European Partnerships
Air Force Radio News 04 September 2024
Today's Story: Combat Support Instructor Course
Air Force Radio News 03 September 2024
Today's Story: Autonomous Aviation
Air Force Radio News 29 August 2024
Today's Story: Maneuver Battle Management
Air Force Radio News 28 August 2024
Today’s Story: Enhanced Emergency Resources
Air Force Radio News 27 August 2024
Today's Story: Airman Development Command
Air Force Radio News 26 August 2024
Today's Story: Evolving the Air Force
Air Force Radio News 23 August 2024
Today's Story: Political Activity Guidelines
Air Force Radio News 22 August 2024
Today's Story: Multinational Collaboration
Air Force Radio News 21 August 2024
Today's Story: Strategic Medical Training
Air Force Radio News 20 August 2024
Today's Story: African Partnership Flight
Air Force Radio News 19 August 2024
Today's Story: Innovative Fellowship Program
Air Force Radio News 16 August 2024
Today's Story: New Squadron Activated
Osan hosts 2024 Cultural Awareness Day
U.S. Air Force Capt. Adam Brokaw, event coordinator for the Osan Special Observances and Cultural Awareness Day speaks about recognizing the cultures that make up Team Osan on Osan Air Base, South Korea, Aug. 16, 2024. The full-day event was held to recognize understand and appreciate the diverse perspectives and backgrounds that supports Osan mission in defending the Korean Peninsula.
Air Force Radio News 15 August 2024
Today's Story: Training Through Gaming
Air Force Radio News 14 August 2024
Today’s Story: New Flight Technology
Air Force Radio News 13 August 2024
Great Power Competition
Air Force Radio News 12 August 2024
Today's Story: Risk and Readiness Campaign
Air Force Radio News 09 August 2024
Today's Story: Military Child Care Update
Air Force Radio News 08 August 2024
Today's Story: Construction Enhances Rescue Missions
Air Force Radio News 07 August 2024
Today's Story: Warrant Officer Selectees
Air Force Radio News 06 August 2024
Today's Story: Modernizing to Meet Challenges
Air Force Radio News 05 August 2024
Today's Story: Approach to Modernization
Air Force Radio News 02 August 2024
Today's Story: Pet PCS Processes
Air Force Radio News 01 August 2024
Enlisted Foundations Courses
Air Force Radio News 31 July 2024
Air Force Radio News 30 July 2024
Today's Story: Integrated Capabilities Office
Air Force Radio News 29 July 2024
Today's Story: Space Force Bonuses
Air Force Radio News 26 July 2024
Today's Story: Victory Village
Air Force Radio News 25 July 2024
Today's Story: Putting out the flames
Air Force Radio News 24 July 2024
Today’s Story: Integrated Defense
Air Force Radio News 23 July 2024
Today’s Story: Collective Agility
Air Force Radio News 22 July 2024
Today's Story: 21st Century Cooperation
Air Force Radio News 19 July 2024
Today's Story: Deployment Evolution
Air Force Radio News 18 July 2024
Today's Story: UAS Traffic Management System
Air Force Radio News 17 July 2024
Today's Story: A Comprehensive Fitness Initiative
Air Force Radio News 16 July 2024
Today's Story: Mission Over Function
Air Force Radio News 15 July 2024
Today's Story: Arctic Defender 2024
Air Force Radio News 12 July 2024
Today's Story: All-Electric Cargo Flight
Air Force Radio News 11 July 2024
Today’s Story: Pitch Black 2024
Air Force Radio News 10 July 2024
Today’s Story: CE Readiness Symposium
Air Force Radio News 09 July 2024
Today's Story: Maximum Endurance Operation
Air Force Radio News 08 July 2024
Today's Story: Space Force Reoptimization
Air Force Radio News 03 July 2024
Today's Story: Warrant Officer Training School
Air Force Radio News 2 July 2024
Today’s Story: A New Framework
Air Force Radio News 1 July 2024
Today’s Story: Climate Resiliency Recognition
Air Force Radio News 28 June 2024
Today's Story: Pay Updates
Air Force Radio News 27 June 2024
Today's Story: Commitment to Air Mobility
Air Force Radio News 26 June 2024
Today's Story: Strengthening the Reserves
Air Force Radio News 25 June 2024
Today's Story: Summer Flight Academy
Air Force Radio News 24 June 2024
Today's Story: A New Directive
Air Force Radio News 21 June 2024
Today's Story: Reoptimization Efforts
Air Force Radio News 20 June 2024
Today's Story: Distance Learning 2.0
Air Force Radio News 18 June 2024
Today's Story: Aerial Combat Training
Air Force Radio News 14 June 2024
Today's Story: Generative AI
Air Force Radio News 13 June 2024
Today’s Story: New Drone Capabilities
Air Force Radio News 12 June 2024
Today's Story: Minuteman III Test Launch
Air Force Radio News 11 June 2024
Today's Story: A Viewpoint Survey
Air Force Radio News 10 June 2024
Today's Story: Gear For Life
Air Force Radio News 07 June 2024
Today's Story: Reenlistment Flexibility
Air Force Radio News 06 June 2024
Today's Story: Empowering Small Businesses
Air Force Radio News 05 June 2024
Today’s Story: A Smart Start
136AW BUMBU FORGE Second Wave
Citizen Airmen from the 136th Airlift Wing Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, Texas, arrived at Volk Field, Wis., June 5, 2024, aboard a C-130J Super Hercules. The reinforcements enhanced operations at BUMBU FORGE 2024, engaged in and supported the critical exercises during the second week, and brought essential expertise to the mission while bolstering operational readiness and joint capabilities. (U.S. Air National Guard video by Tech. Sgt. Ryan Bennett) (This video was electronically edited and ethically enhanced to emphasize the subject and does not misrepresent the subject or the original in any way.)
Today's Story: Lowering Barriers for Mental Healthcare
Air Force Radio News 03 May 2024
Today's Story: Warrant Officers Return
Air Force Radio News 02 May 2024
Today's Story: Rated Preparatory Program
Air Force Radio News 1 May 2024
Today's Story: Enhancing Family Readiness
Air Force Radio News 30 April 2024
Today's Story: Cross Service Maintenance
Air Force Radio News 29 April 2024
Today's Story: Collaborative Combat Aircraft
Air Force Radio News 26 April 2024
Today's Story: Hurricane Awareness
Air Force Radio News 25 April 2024
Today's Story: Employee Assistance Program
Air Force Radio News 24 April 2024
Today's Story: War Wagon Capabilites
Air Force Radio News 23 April 2024
Air Force Radio News 22 April 2024
Today's Story: Budget Testimonies
Air Force Radio News 19 April 2024
Today's Story: Letter to Airmen
Air Force Radio News 18 April 2024
Today's Story: Improving Lodging
Air Force Radio News 17 April 2024
Today's Story: Mental Health Overview
Air Force Radio News 16 April 2024
Today’s Story: The Call to Change
Air Force Radio News 15 April 2024
Today's Story: Budgeting for the Future
Air Force Radio News 12 April 2024
Today's Story: Women in Peace and Security
Air Force Radio News 11 April 2024
Today's Story: Friendship Through The Skies
Air Force Radio News 11 April 2024
Today's Story: A New Home for AI
Air Force Radio News 09 April 2024
Today's Story: Adapting to New Demands
Air Force Radio News 08 April 2024
Today's Story: Cold Weather Incentive Pay
Air Force Radio News 5 April 2024
Today's Story: A New Vision For Safety
Air Force Radio News 4 April 2024
Today's Story: Crewed Autonomous Flights
Air Force Radio News 3 April 2024
Today’s Story: Global Deterrence Operations
Air Force Radio News 02 April 2024
Today's Story: Electromagnetic Defense
Air Force Radio News 1 April 2024
Today's Story: Autonomous Command and Control
Air Force Radio News 29 March 2024
Today’s Story: Cooling For Comfort
Women's History Month 2024
As the world marks Women's History Month, it is a time to honor and celebrate the myriad of contributions from women throughout history and contemporary society. Among the countless areas where women have made indelible marks, their role in the military stands out as a testament to courage, resilience and pioneering spirit. (U.S. Air Force video by Airman 1st Class Aidan Thompson)
Air Force Radio News 28 March 2024
Today’s Story: Gathering Feedback
Air Force Radio News 27 March 2024
Today’s Story: Ensuring Quality of Life
Air Force Radio News 26 March 2024
Today's Story: Optimizing Health
Air Force Radio News 25 March 2024
Today's Story: Workspace Anywhere
Air Force Radio News 22 March 2024
Today's Story: New Squadron at Beale
Air Force Radio News 21 March 2024
Today’s Story: Validating The Sentinel
Air Force Radio News 20 March 2024
Today’s Story: Protecting Space
Air Force Radio News 19 March 2024
Today's Story: Astronauts Wanted
Air Force Radio News 18 March 2024
Today's Story: Key Support for Families
Air Force Radio News 15 March 2024
Today’s Story: New PT Gear
Air Force Radio News 14 March 2024
Today’s Story: Expanding the Cyber Mission
Air Force Radio News 13 March 2024
Today's Story: DOD Housing Survey
Air Force Radio News 12 March 2024
Today’s Story: Deployable Innovation
Air Force Radio News 11 March 2024
Today's Story: New Enlisted Leader
Air Force Radio News 08 March 2024
Today's Story: Inclusive Uniforms
Air Force Radio News 07 March 2024
Today’s Story: Launch and Landing via Satellite
Air Force Radio News 06 March 2024
Today’s Story: Global Airpower United
Air Force Radio News March 05 2024
Today's Story: Plans for Reoptimization
Air Force Radio News 04 March 2024
Today's Story: Refining Standards
Air Force Radio News 1 March 2024
Today's Story: Designing Promotion Tests
Air Force Radio News 29 February 2024
Today's Story: Gaming for the Future
Air Force Radio News 28 February 2024
Today's Story: Peace and Stability in the Pacific
Air Force Radio News 27 February 2024
Today's Story: Medical Readiness in Croatia
Air Force Radio News 26 February 2024
Today's Story: Air Superiority in Europe and Africa
Air Force Radio News 23 February 2024
Today's Story: Cutting-Edge Talent Needed
Air Force Radio News 22 February 2024
Today’s Story: Space Domain Awareness
Air Force Radio News 21 February 2024
Today's Story: Accelerating Mobility Connectivity
Air Force Radio News 21 February 2024
Today's Story: Accelerating Mobility connectivity
Air Force Radio News 2 February 2024
Air Force Radio News 15 February 2024
Today's Story: Space Force Readiness
Air Force Radio News 14 February 2024
Today's Story: Units of Action
Air Force Radio News 13 February 2024
Today’s Story: Sweeping Changes Ahead
Air Force Radio News 12 February 2024
Today's Story: Return to Service
Air Force Radio News 09 February 2024
Today's Story: Bowling for Blue
Air Force Radio News 08 February 2024
Today's Story: Autonomous Flight Demonstration
Air Force Radio News 07 February 2024
Today's Story: Guardian Space Mission
Air Force Radio News 06 February 2024
Today's Story: Commitment to Wildlife Protection
Air Force Radio News 05 February 2024
Today's Story: Casualty Evacuation Exercise
Air Force Radio News 02 February 2024
Today's Story: Quality of Life
Air Force Radio News 01 Febuary 2024
Today's Story: Competitive Endurance
Air Force Radio News 31 January 2024
Today's Story: Electronic Promotion Testing
Air Force Radio News 30 January 2024
Today's Story: Innovation in E-O-D Technology
Air Force Radio News 29 January 2024
Today's Story: Healthcare for Recruiters
Air Force Radio News 26 January 2024
Today's Story: Testing Ejection Chutes
Air Force Radio News 25 January 2024
Today's Story: Global Strike Command Innovation
Air Force Radio News 24 January 2024
Today's Story: Cope North 2024
Air Force Radio News 23 January 2024
Today's Story: Virtual ID Renewals
AIr Force Radio News 22 January 2024
Today's Story: Space Force Education
Air Force Radio News 19 January 2024
Today's Story: Remembering Chief Gaylor
Air Force Radio News 18 January 2024
Today's Story: Sentinal Weapon System
Air Force Radio News 17 January 2024
Today’s Story: A New Home for the Pegasus
Air Force Radio News 16 January 2024
Today's Story: Civilian Development Opportunities
Air Force Radio News 11 January 2024
Today's Story: Enlisted Force Exhibit
Air Force Radio News 10 January 2024
Today's Story: Candidates for Ranger School
Air Force Radio News 9 January 2024
Today’s Story: Pay for Pets
Air Force Radio News 9 January 2024
Today’s Story: Pay for Pets
Air Force Radio News 9 January 2024
Today’s Story: Pay for Pets
Air Force Radio News 9 January 2024
Today’s Story: Pay for Pets
Air Force Radio News 09 January 2024
Today's Story: Pay for Pets
Air Force Radio News 9 January 2024
Today’s Story: Pay for Pets
Air Force Radio News 08 January 2024
Today's Story: Military Justice Reform
Air Force Radio News 05 January 2024
Today's Story: Eagles at Eglin
Air Force Radio News 4 January 2024
Today’s Story: X-37-B Launch
Air Force Radio News 03 January 2024
Today's Story: Slife to Vice
Air Force Radio News 28 December 2023
Today's Story: Human Performance Industry Days
Air Force Radio News 27 December 2023
Today's Story: Medical Leadership Workshop
Air Force Radio News 26 December 2023
Today's Story: Red Hawk Climate Testing
Air Force Radio News 21 December 2023
Today's Story: Space Force Turns Four
Air Force Radio News 20 December 2023
Today's Story: AFWERX Fellowship
Air Force Radio News 19 December 2023
Today's Story: Partnering to Win
Air Force Radio News 18 December 2023
Today's Story: Missile System Overhaul
Air Force Radio News 15 December 2023
Today's Story: Delivering in Space
Air Force Radio News 14 December 2023
Today's Story: Enhancing F-35 Collaboration
Air Force Radio News 13 December 2023
Today's Story: Expanding Space Force
Air Force Radio News 12 December 2023
Today’s Story: A New Enlisted Leader
Air Force Radio News 11 December 2023
Today's Story: Adapting To AI Challenges
Air Force Radio News 08 December 2023
Today's Story: Aviation Retention Programs
Air Force Radio News 07 December 2023
Today's Story: A New Medical Partnership
Air Force Radio News 6 December 2023
Air Force Radio News 05 December 2023
Today's Story: Deep Space Radar Initiative
Air Force Radio News 04 December 2023
Today’s Story: Expanding the Space Domain
Air Force Radio News 01 December 2023
Today’s Story: Student Success Center
Air Force Radio News 30 November 2023
Today's Story: Improved Eyewear for Aircrew
Air Force Radio News 29 November 2023
Today's Story: A New Commission Program
Air Force Radio News 28 November 2023
Today's Story: Operation Christmas Drop
Air Force Radio News 27 November 2023
Today's Story: Rated Preparatory Program
Air Force Radio News 22 November 2023
Today’s Story: Childcare Subletting Expands
Air Force Radio News 21 November 2023
Today's Story: Commercial Refueler Support
Air Force Radio News 20 November 2023
Today’s Story: Strengthening Global Alliances
Air Force Radio News 17 November 2023
Today’s Story: Aiding Spouse Employment
Air Force Radio News 16 November 2023
Today’s Story: Red Hawk Arrival
Air Force Radio News 15 November 2023
Today’s Story: A New Way of Testing
Air Force Radio News 14 November 2023
Today’s Story: Adjustments for Cola in Europe
Air Force Radio News 09 November 2023
Today’s Story: Follow Through
Air Force Radio News 08 November 2023
Today’s Story: Enhancing Combat Deployments
Air Force Radio News 07 November 2023
Today's Story: Defenders Shape Future Fight
Air Force Radio News 06 November 2023
Today's Story: Missile Warning Mission
Air Force Radio News 03 November 2023
Today's Story: 23rd Chief of Staff
Air Force Radio News 02 November 2023
Today's Story: Digital Frontiers
Air Force Radio News 01 November 2023
Today's Story: Electric Aircraft Debut
Air Force Radio News 31 October 2023
Today's Story: Space Force Partners with India
Air Force Radio News 30 October 2023
Today's Story: Sharing Flight-Test Data
Air Force Radio News 27 October 2023
Today’s Story: Deterring Aggression in the Middle East
Air Force Radio News 26 October 2023
Air Force Radio News 26 October 2023
Air Force Radio News 26 October 2023
Air Force Radio News 25 October 2023
Today’s Story: Advanced Tactical Communication
Air Force Radio News 24 October 2023.
Today’s Story: New Deployment Model
Air Force Radio News 23 October 2023
Today's Story: Fortifying The Indo-Pacific Strategy
Air Force Radio News 20 October 2023
Today's Story: Ask an MTI
Air Force Radio News 19 Oct 2023
Today’s Story: Deterring Adversary Agression
Air Force Radio News 18 October 2023
Today's Story: C-130 Goes Digital
Air Force Radio News 17 October 2023
Today's Story: A New OTS
Air Force Radio News 16 October 2023
Today's Story: Laser Pointer Threat
Air Force Radio News 13 October 2023
Today's Story: Energy Action Month
Air Force Radio News 12 October 2023
Today's Story: Exercising with Allies
Air Force Radio News 11 October 2023
Today's Story: Geothermal Energy Solutions
Air Force Radio News 10 October 2023
Today's Story: Hypersonic Weapons Training
Air Force Radio News 05 October 2023
Today's Story: Building on Diversity
Air Force Radio News 04 October 2023
Today's Story: Testing the Red Hawk
Air Force Radio News 10 October 2023
Today's Story: A trailblazers legacy
Air Force Radio News 02 October 2023
Today's Story: Chief to Chairman
Air Force Radio News 29 September 2023
Today's Story: Affordable Childcare
Air Force Radio News 28 September 2023
Today’s Story: Enlisted Airmanship Continuum
Air Force Radio News 27 September 2023
Today’s Story: Increasing In-Residence Attendance
Air Force Radio News 26 September 2023
Air Force Radio News 25 September 2023
Today's Story: Coaching for the Future
Air Force Radio News 22 September 2023
Today's Story: Multi-Capable Training
Air Force Radio News 21 September 2023
Today's Story: A New Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Air Force Radio News 20 September 2023
Today's Story: Advancing Air Mobility
Air Force Radio News 19 September 2023
Today's Story: Airmen of the Future
Air Force Radio News 18 September 2023
Today's Story: New Space Force Mission Statement
Air Force Radio News 15 September 2023
Today's Story: Meeting Security Challenges
Air Force Radio News 14 September 2023
Today's Story: A Pledge to Modernize.
Air Force Radio News 13 September 2023
Today's Story: A Warning from the Top
Air Force Radio News 12 September 2023
Today’s Story: Blueprint for a Response
Air Force Radio News 11 September 2023
Today's Story: Inter-Service Collaboration
Air Force Radio News 08 September 2023
Today's Story: Spectrum of Resilience
Air Force Radio News 7 September 2023
Today’s Story: Testing A.I. for Flight
Air Force Radio News 06 September 2023
Today's Story: New Standards for Professional Military Education
Air Force Radio News 05 September 2023
Today's Story: Micro-Reactor Milestone
Air Force Radio News 31 August 2023
Today's Story: Gender Relations Survey
Air Force Radio News 30 August 2023
Today's Story: Changes to Special Leave
Air Force Radio News 29 August 2023
Today's Story: Promotion Board Schedule
Air Force Radio News 28 August 2023
Today's Story: $1.6 Billion Improvement Plan
Air Force Radio News 25 August 2023
Today's Story: Base Access Changes for Civilian Retirees
Air Force Radio News 24 August 2023
Today's Story: Spark Tank Submission
Air Force Radio News 23 August 2023
Today's Story: Five C's of Mission Command
Air Force Radio News 22 August 2023
Today's Story: Blended Wing Body Prototype
Air Force Radio News 21 August 2023
Today's Story: Quantum Navigation
Air Force Radio News 18 August 2023
Today's Story: Keeping Talent Through Retraining
Air Force Radio News 17 August 2023
Air Force Radio News 16 August 2023
Today's Story: A Top Gun Competition
Air Force Radio News 15 August 2023
Today's Story: Building A Better Hercules
Air Force Radio News 14 August 2023
Today's Story: Aid for Hawaii
Air Force Radio News 11 August 2023
Today's Story: Flexibility for Dependent Care
Air Force Radio News 10 Aug 2023
Today's Story: A Better-Fitting Flight Suit for Women
Air Force Radio News 09 August 2023
Today's Story: Faster Access to Mental Health Care
Air Force Radio News 08 Aug 2023
Today's Story: Flying with A-I
Air Force Radio News 07 Aug 2023
Today's Story: Next Step in Projecting Power...
Air Force Radio News 04 Aug 23
Today's Story: Removing the Barrier
Air Force Radio News 3 August 2023
Today’s Story: F-35s Arrive at Tyndall
Air Force Radio News 02 August 2023
Today's story: Changes to Foreign Language Bonuses
Spent Brass Europe's Defender Challenge
U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa security forces member compete in the USAFE Defender Challenge Selection at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Aug. 2, 2023. The USAFE Defender Challenge Selection tested participant’s physical strength, mental fitness and knowledge. The winners will compete with other participants in a USAF level challenge at Fort Bliss, Texas. (U.S. Air Force Video by Senior Airman Isaac Olivera)
Air Force Radio News 01 August 2023
Today’s Story: 75 Years of Desegegration
Air Force Radio News 31 July 2023
Today’s Story: New Upgrades to My-Learning
Air Force Radio News 28 July 2023
Today’s Story: Allvin Nominated For Chief of Staff
Air Force Radio News 27 July 2023
Today's Story: From Vice to Deputy
Air Force Radio News 26 July 2023
Today’s Story: Trilateral Agreement
Air Force Radio News 25 July 2023
Today's Story: Applications for Fall Fellowship
Air Force Radio News 24 July 2023
Today’s Story: Restored Funding for some Moves and Bonuses
Air Force Radio News 21 July 2023
Today’s Story: Breaking Down Barriers to Employment
Air Force Radio News 20 July 2023
Today's Story: Rescue at Sea
Air Force Radio News 19 July 2023
Today's Story: Supporting CENTCOM
Air Force Radio News 18 July 2023
Today's Story: Keeping Up with Climate Change
Air Force Radio News 17 July 2023
Today's Story: Confirming a New Chairman
Air Force Radio News 14 July 2023
Today's Story: PCS and Bonus Delays
Air Force Radio News 13 July 2023
Today’s Story: A Bridge to Junior ROTC
Air Force Radio News 12 July 2023
Today's Story: Faster, Personalized Medical Care
Air Force Radio News 11 July 2023
Today's Story: B-52s in Indonesia
Air Force Radio News 10 July 2023
Today’s Story: Mobility Guardian Kicksoff
Air Force Radio News 07 July 2023
Today’s Story: A New Approach for Deployments
Air Force Radio News 6 July 2023
Today’s Story: A New Home for F-35S
Air Force Radio News 05 July 2023
Today’s Story: Air Expeditionary Wings Restructure
Air Force Radio News 30 June 2023
Today's Story: Remembering the Berlin Airlift
Air Force Radio News 29 June 2023
Today’s Story: CCAF is Back
Air Force Radio News 28 June 2023
Today's Story: Continuious Fitness Technology
Air Force Radio News 27 June 2023
Special Duty Pay
New 140th Wing Commander, U.S Air Force Col. Jeremiah “Weed” Tucker
Check out our recent podcast with 140th Wing Commander, U.S Air Force Col. Jeremiah “Weed” Tucker where we discuss his background, his career as a fighter pilot, his family legacy, his vision for the 140th Wing's future and more!
Air Force Radio News 26 June 2023
Today’s Story: 100 Years of Excellence
Air Force Radio News 23 June 2023
Today's Story: Corona South 2023
Air Force Radio News 22 June 2023
Today's Story - Women, Peace and Security
Air Force Radio News 21 June 2023
Today's Story: Artificial Intelligence Literacy
Air Force Radio News 20 June 2023
Today's Story: Exercise Air Defender
Air Force Radio News 15 June 2023
Today's Story: Safe Skies for Aid Flights
Air Force Radio News 14 June 2023
Today’s Story: Retirement for Counseling Reservists
Air Force Radio News 13 June 2023
Today's Story: Building Medical Partnerships
Air Force Radio News 12 June 2023
Today’s Story: Stealth Fighter Innovations
Air Force Radio News 9 June 2023
Today’s Story: See, Report, Delete
Air Force Radio News 08 June 2023
Today's Story: Retention Bonus for Pilots
Air Force Radio News 7 June 2023.
Today’s Story: A Home for Starcom
Air Force Radio News 06 June 2023
Today's Story: Reaper Upgrades
Air Force Radio News 05 June 2023
Today’s Story: Typhoon Aftermath
Air Force Radio News 2 June 2023
Today’s Story: Live To Be Lethal
Air Force Radio News 01 June 2023
Today’s Story: Swapping Assignments
Air Force Radio News 31 May 2023
Today’s Story: Next Generation Air Dominance
Air Force Radio News 30 May 2023
Today's Story: General Brown Nominated
Air Force Radio News 25 May 2023
Today’s Story: Incentive Recruiting Program
Air Force Radio News 24 May 2023
Today's Story: Drone Warfare
Air Force Radio News 23 May 2023
Today’s Story: Robots for Base Defense
Air Force Radio News 22 May 2023
Today’s Story: We are All Recruiters
Air Force Radio News 19 May 2023
Today’s Story: Connecting Airmen Through Gaming
Air Force Radio News 18 May 2023
Today’s Story: Streamlining Accommodations
Air Force Radio News 17 May 2023
Today's Story: Timely Travel Pay for Reservists
Air Force Radio News 16 May 2023
Today's Story: Defender 23
Air Force Radio News 15 May 2023
Today’s Story: Innovation and National Security
Air Force Radio News 12 May 2023
Today's Story: A Voice for Civilians
Air Force Radio News 11 May 2023
Today’s Story: Mental Health Targeted Care
Air Force Radio News 10 May 2023
Today’s Story: Prepping the Line
Air Force Radio News 09 May 2023
Today’s Story: Building The Culture We Need
Air Force Radio News 08 May 2023
Today’s Story: Multi-capable Medics
Air Force Radio News 05 May 2023
Today’s Story: Mutual Respect and Positive Culture
Air Force Radio News 04 May 2023
Today’s Story: Retraining Opportunities
Air Force Radio News 3 May 2023
Today’s Story: Streamlined Naturalization for Recruits
Air Force Radio News 02 May 2023
Today’s Story: A New Milestone for Electric Flight
Air Force Radio News 01 May 2023
Today's Story: Modernizing Nuclear Security
Air Force Radio News 28 April 2023
Today’s Story: Rated Preparatory Program
Air Force Radio News 27 April 2023
Today’s Story: Strengthening NATO's Eastern Flank
Air Force Radio News 26 April 2023
Today’s Story: Goodbye MyPers, Hello MyFSS
Air Force Radio News 25 April 2023
Today’s Story: Transformational change for space
Air Force Radio News 24 April 2023
Today’s Story: Cyber Direct Commissioning
Air Force Radio News 21 April 2023
Today’s Story: Locations for New Fighter Jets
Air Force Radio News 20 April 2023
Today's Story: Environmental Award Winners
Air Force Radio News 19 April 2023
Today’s Story: An Elephant Walk in Texas
Air Force Radio News 18 April 2023
Today’s Story: A glimpse into the future
Air Force Radio News 17 April 2023
Today’s Story: A Call for Innovative Ideas
Air Force Radio News 14 April 2023
Today’s Story: The Recruiting Challenge
Air Force Radio News 13 April 2023
Today’s Story: A Next-Gen Helmet
Air Force Radio News 12 April 2023
Today’s Story: Reserve Recruiters Bring Back a Classic
Today's Story: First Virtual Airman-To-Airman Conference
Air Force Radio News 30 December 2020
Today's Story: Formalizing Black Flag
Air Force Radio News 29 December 2020
Today's story: Adapting to change
Air Force Radio News 28 December 2020
Today's Story: Delivering Aid To Belize
Air Force Radio News 23 December 2020
Today's story: Tackling Racial Disparity
Air Force Radio News 22 December 2020
Air Force Radio News 21 December 2020
Today's story: A Milestone for Flying Cars
Air Force Radio News 18 December 2020
Today's story: A major leap forward
Air Force Radio News 17 December 2020
Today's story: A Connected Battlefield
Air Force Radio News 16 December 2020
Today's story: Increased airpower
Air Force Radio News 15 December 2020
Today's Story: Retention Bonuses
Air Force Radio News 14 December 2020
Today's Story: A Tribute to Persistence
Air Force Radio News 11 December 2020
Today's story: A call to action
Air Force Radio News 10 December 2020
Today's Story: Leave Restored
Air Force Radio News 09 December 2020
Today's Story: Tenant Satisfaction
Air Force Radio News 08 December 2020
Today’s Story: A Delay For PT Tests
Air Force Radio News 07 December 2020
Today's story: Right Time Training
Air Force Radio News 04 December 2020
Today's story: A Busy Hurricane Season
Air Force Radio News 03 December 2020
Today's Story: A Civil Rights Icon
Air Force Radio News 02 December 2020
Today's story: Record retention
Air Force Radio News 01 December 2020
Safe Water for Thousands...
Air Force Radio News 30 November 2020
Today’s Story: Gaming For Resilience and Retention
U.S. Air Force nurses with the 62nd Medial Brigade work at Sanford Health Bismarck, Bismarck, N.D., Nov. 30, 2020.
U.S. Air Force nurses, members of the 62nd Medical Brigade based out of Joint Base Lewis-McCord, Washington, work with their civilian counterparts on a Covid floor at Sanford Medical Hospital, Bismarck, North Dakota, on Nov. 30, 2020. They are working alongside civilian providers and other U.S. Air Force and Army medical personnel within the hospital to help mitigate a surge of COVID-19 cases in the region. U.S. Northern Command, through U.S. Army North, remains committed to providing flexible Department of Defense support to the Federal Emergency Management Agency in support of the whole-of-America COVID-19 response. (U.S. Army video by Master Sgt. Helen Miller)
Air Force Radio News 25 November 2020
Today's story: Building success
Air Force Radio News 24 November 2020
Ghostriders on the move...
Air Force Radio News 23 November 2020
Today's story: A New Home For Grey Wolves
Air Force Radio News 20 November 2020
Today's Story: Tuition Assistance Restored
Air Force Radio News 19 November 2020
Today's story: A new chapter
Air Force Radio News 18 November 2020
Today's story: A new campus for basic training
Air Force Radio News 17 November 2020
Ideas from Big Tech and Robot Dogs...
Air Force Radio News 16 November 2020
Today's Story: The Longest Serving Vice Chief
Air Force Radio News 13 November 2020
Today's story: The next Vice Chief.
Air Force Radio News 10 November2020
A Generational roundtable...
Air Force Radio News 9 November 2020
Today's Story: Looking To The Past To Shape The Future
Air Force Radio News 06 November 2020
Today’s Story: Streamlining Medical Clearance
Air Force Radio News 05 November 2020
Today's Story: Agile Flag
Air Force Radio News 04 November 2020
Today's Story: Modified G-Suits
Air Force Radio News 03 November 2020
Today's Story: Covid Screenings For Military Passengers
Air Force Radio News 2 November 2020
Today's Story: Encouraging Diversity
Air Force Radio News 30 October 2020
Today's story: Testing Deterrence.
Air Force Radio News 29 October 2020
Today's Story: Next Generation Facilities
Air Force Radio News 28 October 2020
Air Force Radio News 27 October 2020
Today's Story: Tackling Interpersonal Violence
Air Force Radio News 26 October 2020
Today's Story: Staying Ahead of the Competition
Air Force Radio News 23 October 2020
Today's Story: The Way Forward
Air Force Radio News 22 October 2020
Today's Story: Red Flag Alaska
Air Force Radio News 21 October 2020
Today's Story: Training Leaders
Air Force Radio News 20 October 2020
Today's story: Joint F-35 Training
Air Force Radio News 19 October 2020
Today's Story: Energy Month
Air Force Radio News 16 October 2020
Aircraft Readiness
Air Force Radio News 15 October 2020
Today's Story: Enduring Lightning
Air Force Radio News 14 October 2020
Today's Story: Eagles Take Flight
Air Force Radio News 13 October 2020
Today's Story: Lightweight Headgear
Air Force Radio News 09 October 2020
Today's Story: Equipping Family Members To Help Prevent Suicide
Air Force Radio News 08 October 2020
Today's Story: Secure Access to the Cloud
Air Force Radio News 07 October 2020
Today's Story: A Digital Twin
Air Force Radio News 06 October 2020
Today's Story: A Combined Joint Effort
Air Force Radio News 05 October 2020
Today's Story: A New Vice Chief of Staff
Air Force Radio News 02 October 2020
Today's Story: Testing for COVID
Air Force Radio News 01 October 2020
Today's Story: A New Cap for Tuition Assistance...
Air Force Radio News 30 September 2020
Today's Story: Dress and Appearance Updates
Air Force Radio News 29 September 2020
Today's Story: Strengthening Alliances
Air Force Radio News 28 September 2020
Today's story: Bombers finish a huge tech update.
Air Force Radio News 25 September 2020
Today's Story: Digital Age Defense
Air Force Radio News 24 September 2020
Air Force Radio News 23 September 2020
Today's Story: Making Hard Choices...
Air Force Radio News 22 September 2020
Today's Story: Battling Stress...
Air Force Radio News 21 September 2020
Today's Story: Fit and Ready
Air Force Radio News 08 September 2020
Today's Story: Next-Gen-Warfare
Air Force Radio News 3 September 2020
Today's Story: Shaping the Future
Air Force Radio News 02 September 2020
Today's Story: Shaping the Future
Air Force Radio News 1 September 2020
Today's Story: A strategy for success
Air Force Radio News 31 August 2020
Today's Story: A Challenge from Chief Bass...
Air Force Radio News 28 August 2020
Today's Story: Taking Chances...
Air Force Radio News 27 August 2020
Today's story: A Total Force Fight
Air Force Radio News 26 August 2020
Today's story: People, Readiness, Culure
Air Force Radio News 25 August 2020
Today's Story: Healthy and Mission ready
Air Force Radio News 24 August 2020
Today's Story: Tech On Display
Air Force Radio News 21 August 2020
Today's Story: Training for combat during COVID
Air Force Radio News 20 August 2020
Lethal, Ready and Long Range...
Air Force Radio News 19 August 2020
Today's Stories: Vice Chief Of Staff Nominee And A New Award...
Air Force Radio News 18 August 2020
Today's Story: Looking to the Future
Air Force Radio News 17 August 2020
Today's Story: An Enlisted First
Air Force Radio News 14 August 2020
Today's Story: Pushing Boundaries
Air Force Radio News 13 August 2020
Today's Story: Chief Wright Looks Back
Air Force Radio News 12 August 2020
Today's Story: A Milestone for the Jolly Green II
Air Force Radio News 11 August 2020
Today's Story: The Final Frontier
Air Force Radio News 10 August 2020
Today's Story: Aid For Beirut
Air Force Radio News 07 August 2020
Today's Story: Breaking Barriers
Air Force Radio News 06 August 2020
Today's Story: Updates On Mess Dress and Co-Parent P-C-S
Air Force Radio News 05 August 2020
Today's Story: 3D Printing Saves the Day
Air Force Radio News 04 August 2020
Today's Story: HACK-A-SAT
Air Force Radio News 03 August 2020
Today's Story: Our Sacred Duty
Air Force Radio News 31 July 2020
Today's Story: Testing Hurricane Response in a Pandemic...
Air Force Radio News 30 July 2020
Today's Story: Milestones for two wilsons...
Air Force Radio News 29 July 2020
Today's Story: Hurricane Hunters Far From Home...
Air Force Radio News 28 July 2020
Today's Story: Direct to Duty
Air Force Radio News 27 July 2020
Today's Story: An Automated Wingman
Air Force Radio News 24 2020
Today's Story: Allies in the Arctic
Air Force Radio News 23 July 2020
Today's Story: Defending the Arctic
Air Force Radio News 22 July 2020
Today's Story: A Strategy for the Arctic Region
Air Force Radio News 21 July 2020
Today's Story: Safe Transport
Air Force Radio News 20 July 2020
Today's Story: Recruiting Aviators
Air Force Radio News 17 July 2020
Today's Story:A New Success for The Pegasus
Air Force Radio News 16 July 2020
Today's Story:Diversity and Inclusion
Air Force Radio News 15 July 2020
Today's Story: Designed to Evolve
Air Force Radio News 14 July 2020
Today's Story: When Words Matter
Air Force Radio News 13 July 2020
Today's Story: Updated Promotion Test Cycles
Air Force Radio News 10 July 2020
Today's Story: Treatments For Coronavirus
Air Force Radio News 09 July 2020
Air Force Radio News 08 June 2020
Today's Story: Innovative Airmen Compete
Air Force Radio News 07 July 2020
Today's Story: Worldwide Readiness
Air Force Radio News 2 July 2020
Today's News: The Trailblazer legacy lives on.
Air Force Radio News 1 July 2020
Today's Story: Allied Interoperability
Air Force Radio News 30 June 2020
Today's Air Force Radio News: Law School for Airmen
Air Force Radio News 29 June 2020
Today's Story: Meeting the Challenges...
Air Force Radio News 26 June 2020
Today's Story: Feedback from the field drives big changes...
Air Force Radio News 25 June 2020
Today's Story: An Expert's Opinion
Air Force Radio News 24 June 2020
Today's Story: Reviewing Racial Disparity
Air Force Radio News 23 June 2020
Today's Story: Top Leadership on the Move
Air Force Radio News 22 June 2020
Today's Story: A New Senior Enlisted Selected
Air Force Radio News 19 June 2020
Today's Story: Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict COVID
Air Force Radio News 18 June 2020
Today's Story: Combatting COVID in Basic Training
Air Force Radio News 17 June 2020
Today's Story: Leaders In Action
Air Force Radio News 16 June 2020
Trusting Artificial Intelligence
Air Force Radio News 15 June 2020
Today's Story: A Game-Changing Data Link Experiment
Air Force Radio News 12 June 2020
Today's Story: COVID Killing Research
Air Force Radio News 11 June 2020
Today's Story: Examining Racial Disparities
Air Force Radio News 10 June 2020
Today's Story: General Brown Makes History
Air Force Radio News 09 June 2020
Today's Story: Using Data Science to Win Future Battles
Air Force Radio News 08 June 2020
Today's Story: A Leader Speaks on Race
Air Force Radio News 05 June 2020
Today's Story: Operations in the Middle East
Air Force Radio News 04 June 2020
Today's Story: An Open Dialogue on Race
Air Force Radio News 03 June 2020
Today's Story: A Tough Conversation
Air Force Radio News 02 June 2020
Today's Story: The Air Force Song gets an Update
Air Force Radio News 01 June 2020
Today's Story: Bringing Americans Home
Air Force Radio News 29 May 2020
Today's Story: A Delay for New Uniforms and an Innovative Weapons Test
Air Force Radio News 28 May 2020
Today's Story: Fighting COVID and Delivering During Natural Disasters
Air Force Radio News 27 May 2020
Today's Story: New Heights for Pilots
Air Force Radio News 26 May 2020
Today's Story: Fitness Tests Delayed 'Til October
Air Force Radio News 21 May 2020
Today's Story: A Focus on Mental Health
Air Force Radio News 20 May 2020
Today's Story: Athletes of the Year
Air Force Radio News 19 May 2020
Today's Story: Hunting Hurricanes and Putting Out Wildfires
Air Force Radio News 18 May 2020
Today's Story: A Nomination for PACAF and Night Vision for the Pegasus
Air Force Radio News 15 May 2020
Today's Story: Aiding Allies
Air Force Radio News 14 May 2020
Today's Story: A Green Light to the Future
Air Force Radio News 13 May 2020
Today's Story: Power Projection and Tracking COVID Hotspots
Air Force Radio News 12 May 2020
Today's Story: Deciphering COVID
Air Force Radio News 11 May 2020
Today's Story: United in the Pacific
Air Force Radio News 08 May 2020
Today's Story: Preparing for the Future
Air Force Radio News 07 May 2020
Today's Story: Inspiration Through Optimism
Air Force Radio News 06 May 2020
Today's Story: Adapting Tactics
Air Force Radio News 05 May 2020
Today's Story: Team Hill Fight's COVID
Air Force Radio News 04 May 2020
Today's Story: A Good Idea That's Saving Lives
Air Force Radio News 01 May 2020
COVID-19 is requiring recruiters to find new ways to fill positions in an age of social distancing.
Air Force Radio News 30 April 2020
Basic training graduation ceremonies are now being live-streamed until further notice, just one adjustment to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
Air Force Radio News 29 April 2020
Today's Story: Flying Cars on the Horizon
Air Force Radio News 28 April 2020
Today's Story: Global Initiative
Air Force Radio News 27 April 2020
Today's Story: Birds and Angels Soar
Air Force Radio News 24 April 2020
Today's Story: Flying COVID Patients Safely
Air Force Radio News 23 April 2020
Today's Story: A Greener Future for the F-35
Air Force Radio News 22 April 2020
Today's Story: Lightning II's Touch Base
Air Force Radio News 21 April 2020
Today's Story: Rapid Capability to Detect COVID-19
Air Force Radio News 20 April 2020
Today's Story: A Graduation for the History Books
Air Force Radio News 17 April 2020
Today's Story: Using High Tech to Reduce Risk
Air Force Radio News 16 April 2020
Today's Story: A Family Business
Air Force Radio News 15 April 2020
Today's Story: Searching For Solutions
Air Force Radio News 14 April 2020
Today's Story: To the Parents of Airmen
Air Force Radio News 13 April 2020
Today's Story: The New Normal
Air Force Radio News 10 April 2020
Today's Story: The Total Force Fights COVID-19
Air Force Radio News 09 April 2020
Today's Story: Meeting the Need for Face Masks
Air Force Radio News 08 April 2020
Today's Story: What's Up With the Masks?
Air Force Radio News 07 April 2020
Today's Story: Fitness in a Pandemic
Air Force Radio News 06 April 2020
Today's Story: Mission Ready While Coping with COVID-19
Air Force Radio News 03 April 2020
Today's Story: Early Graduation for Academy Cadets
Air Force Radio News 02 April 2020
Today's Story: Grooming and Fitness Guidance During COVID-19
Air Force Radio News 01 April 2020
Today's Story: Building the Space Force.
Air Force Radio News 31 March 2020
Today's Story: Mobilizing the Reserve to Fight COVID-19
Air Force Radio News 30 March 2020
Today's Story: Secretary of the Air Force highlight's priorities.
Air Force Radio News 27 March 2020
Today's Story: General Goldfein's message of resilience during COVID-19
Air Force Radio News 26 March 2020
Today's Story: Air Force is protecting Airmen while protecting the nation.
Air Force Radio News 25 March 2020
Today's Story: A statement from Dr. Roper on COVID-19
Air Force Radio News 24 March 2020
Today's Story: Maryland Guard helping with Strategic National Stockpile push.
Air Force Radio News 23 March 2020
Today's Story: Space Available Travel Temporarily Suspended.
Air Force Radio News 23 March 2020
Today's Story: Space A Travel is temporarily suspended amidst COVID-19
Air Force Radio News 19 March 2020
Today's story: The Air Force is ready to help other agencies to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Air Force Radio News 20 March 2020
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff sends a letter to Wing Commanders on COVID-19
Air Force Radio News 18 March 2020
Today's story: Military essential training continues
Air Force Radio News 17 March 2019
Today's story: The Air Force mission continues.
Air Force Radio News 16 March 2020
Today's story: A temporary travel ban for the Air and Space Force
Air Force Radio News 13 March 2020
Today's story: Air Force leaders talk about JADC-2 at the 2020 Air Warfare Symposium
Air Force Radio News 12 March 2019
Today's story: Creating a culture of connectedness.
Air Force Radio News 11 March 2020
Top Story: Funding the future of warfare
Air Force Radio News 10 March 2020
Today's story: The Air Force tackles suicides with a new program.
Air Force Radio News 09 March 2020
Today's story: A larger budget, new equipment, and better quality of life for airmen.
Air Force Radio News 06 March 2020
Today's story: The Air Force song gets an update.
Air Force Radio News 05 March 2020
Today's story: Four big priorities for the Air and Space Force
Air Force Radio News 04 March 2020
Today's story: Hard but necessary choices for the Air Forces 2021 budget
Air Force Radio News 03 February 2020
Today's story: The Air Force announces the nominee for the next Chief of Staff.
Air Force Radio News 03 March 2020
Today's story: The Air Force is focused on working faster and smarter, leveraging technology to give airman back their most important resource — their time.
Air Force Radio News 27 February 2020
Today's story: A new website, focused on resiliency.
Air Force Radio News 28 February 2020
Today's stories: Space-A travel and TRICARE coverage for retirees.
Air Force Radio News 26 February 2020
Today's stories: New policy supports base moves and Senior Master Sergeant promotion cycle list.
Air Force Radio News 25 February 2020
Today's story: Breaking the stigma of seeking help for mental health.
Air Force Radio News 24 February 2019
Today's story: Branch secretaries discuss AI and hypersonics.
Air Force Radio News 24 February 2020
Today's story: branch secretaries discuss AI and hypersonics.
Air Force Radio News 24 February 2020
Today's story: Branch secretaries discuss AI and hypersonics.
Air Force Radio News 24 February 2020
Today's story: Branch secretaries discuss AI and hypersonics.
Air Force Radio News 21 February 2020
Today's story: The annual Spark Tank competition is one of the Air Force's primary venues for encouraging good ideas from airmen working in the field.
Air Force Radio News 20 February 2020
Today's story: If you're a service member with plans to retire or separate from the military to the civilian workforce, there's a program called SkillBridge to help in that transition.
Air Force Radio News February 19 2020
Today's Story: A new integrated pay and personnel system is on the way for the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 19 February 2019
Today's story: A new integrated pay and personnel system is on the way for the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 18 February 2020
Today's story: New civilian employees with the Air Force Material Command can streamline their on-boarding experience with the latest feature on AFMC's Air Force Connect app.
Air Force Radio News 13 February 2020
U.S military space professionals are being asked to help the new Space Force for ideas on what to call space force ranks and unit names.
Air Force Radio News 14 February 2020
Today's story:
The last of the legendary World War II Flying Tigers, Frank Losonsky dies at 99.
Air Force Radio News 11 February 2020
Today's story: Air Force families with short-term childcare needs may soon have a new app that will let them sublease available slots at their local Child Development Center.
Air Force Radio News 12 February 2020
Today's story: The 2021 Air Force budget proposal is out, with a focus on 'Great Power Competition,' Readiness, and establishing the Space Force.
Air Force Radio News 10 February 2020
Today's story: The Novel Coronavirus has killed at least 4 and left thousands sick, the Center for Disease Control wants you to be informed and minimize your chances of getting sick
Air Force Radio News 7 February 2020
Today's story: The pilot manning shortage in the Air Force means the service is looking for innovative ways to identify candidates with a potentially high degree of success in pilot training.
Air Force Radio News 6 February 2020
Today's story: We're in the middle of flu season, and the Centers for Disease Control and prevention is reporting 19,000,000 cases, 180,000, hospitalizations and 10,000 deaths in the U.S. alone
Air Force Radio News 5 February 2020
Today's story: At one-hundred years of age, former Tuskegee Airman Charles McGee reached another milestone in his career. The retired Air Force Colonel found himself in the oval office at the White House, where President Donald Trump promoted him to the rank of Brigadier General. He was recognized the next day by the president as a guest at this year's state of the union address.
Air Force Radio News 4 February 2020
Today's story: Google is partnering with the Air Force in an experiment to improve the security of information technology systems.
Air Force Radio News 3 February 2020
Today's story: For the first time in a decade, the Air Force Academy in Colorado will have permanent military training instructors on the cadet wing staff to enhance the military training program.
Air Force Radio News 31 January 2020
Today's story: The U.S. Space Force wants to hire civilians with the expertise, passion and vision to build the sixth branch of the armed forces as a lean, agile and focused military service.
Air Force Radio News 30 January 2020
Today's story: Tyndall Air Force Base is being rebuilt as the installation of the future, after being nearly wiped out by Hurricane Michael in may of twenty-nineteen.
Air Force Radio News 30 January 2020
Today's story: Tyndall Air Force Base is being rebuilt as the installation of the future, after being nearly wiped out by Hurricane Michael in 2018
Air Force Radio News 29 January 2020
Today's story: It took 2.2 billion square feet of pavement in locations around the world to support more than 1.2 million flight hours for the Air Force in 2019.
Air Force Radio News 28 January 2020
Today's story: Joint all domain command and control or JADC-2, has been widely embraced by the Department of Defense as the critical transformation needed at a time in which Russia and China are emerging, in addition to traditional threats.
Air Force Radio News 27 January 2020
Today's story: Virtual reality training will bridge the gap for tech-oriented new airmen joining the Air Force, and faster training on mission-essential tasks.
Air Force Radio News 24 January 2020
Today's story: A new energy source that's sustainable and cost effective is under development at the Hawaii Air National Guard's 154th Wing, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.
Air Force Radio News 23 January 2020
Today's story: Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or SEAC, Ramon Colon-Lopez spoke to the airmen and soldiers of the California National Guard at their service member of the year banquet in San Diego.
Air Force Radio News 23 January 2020
Todays Story: Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, or SEAC, Ramon Colon-Lopez spoke to the airmen and soldiers of the California National Guard at their service member of the year banquet in San Diego.
Air Force Radio News 22 January 2020
Today's story: Wildfires across Australia have burned through more than 13 million acres since September. The Royal Australian Air Force is getting a hand in battling the fires from airmen at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News 21 January 2020
Today's story: The defense department's Miltax program on Military Onesource is offering electronic filing via do-it-yourself software and personalized support from a tax consultant.
Air Force Radio News 17 January 2019
Today's stories: The Air Force Aid Society is offering grants that range from $500-$4,000 to students attending undergraduate degree programs for the 2020-2021 academic year. Also, The Air Force Aid Society also recently released a new version of its free "Budget Builder" app.
Air Force Radio News 16 January 2020
Today's story: Leadership, lessons learned, and shared experiences were the top subjects of a talk between CMSAF Kaleth Wright and SEAC Ramón Colón-López.
Air Force Radio News 15 January 2020
Today's story: The Puerto Rico Air National Guard has been working alongside their National Guard Partners to provide relief services after a series of earthquakes and aftershocks have hit the island.
Air Force Radio News 14 January 2020
Todays Story: Eight finalists will compete for a share of one-million dollars in funding and resources at the 2020 Innovation Rodeo.
Air Force Radio News 13 January 2020
Today's story: Basic training recruits have a new piece of equipment to help them in their transition from civilian to airman, A personal tablet computer equipped with adaptive learning software.
Air Force Radio News 10 January 2020
Today's story: Six airmen will present their ideas to senior leaders at this years spark tank during the air warfare symposium in Orlando, Florida next month
Air Force Radio News 09 January 2020
Today's Story: The Air Force employee assistance program, or EAP, has relaunched with a new phone number and website.
Air Force Radio News 08 January 2019
Today's story: The U.S. Air Force-wide mobile app, Air Force connect, is equipped with features exclusively designed to enable, engage and empower airmen across the globe.
Air Force Radio News 07 January 2019
Today's story: Air force weapons school fighter pilots are prepping for stepped-up battle rhythms with rapid crew swap exercises, allowing launch and recovery of jets in 1/3 the normal time.
Air Force Radio News 06 January 2020
In preparation for its 75th anniversary, Sept. 18, 2022, the Air Force is soliciting birthday theme ideas from Total Force Airmen and civilians. Every year in September, the Department of the Air Force dedicates a theme to celebrate the Air Force’s birthday.
Air Force Radio News 3 January 2020
Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Kaleth O. Wright talks leadership, resiliency and all things Air Force with Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein.
Air Force Radio News 31 December 2019
By order of Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett, effective Dec. 20, Fourteenth Air Force was officially redesignated as Space Operations Command.
Air Force Radio News 30 December 2019
Leaders from across the Air Force gather to discuss force development advancement.
Air Force Radio News 27 December 2019
U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa recently implemented a new program, Air Forces Africa Cadre of African Bridge Advisors, across the command aimed at improving the cultural and language gap when operating in Africa.
Air Force Radio News 23 December 2019
Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett praised the formal creation of the U.S. Space Force Dec. 20, identifying it as a critical capability in defending the nation and pledging that the first new branch of the military since 1947 would be established with speed and clarity of purpose.
Air Force Radio News 20 December 2019
Today's story: Air Force Global Strike Command named its newest helicopter Grey Wolf at a naming ceremony at Duke Field on December 19th.
Air Force Radio News 19 December 2019
Registration for the Air Force Marathon opens January 1st 2020. The Marathon takes place September 19th 2020.
Air Force Radio News 18 December 2019
The final months of the 2019 fiscal year proved to be the most challenging and rewarding quarter yet for Tyndall Air Force Base when the June 2019 Supplemental Appropriations for Disaster Relief Act increased the installation’s annual Operations and Maintenance budget by a massive 450%.
Air Force Radio News 17 December 2019
Today's story: The new special warfare career field includes pararescue, combat control, tactical air control party and special reconnaissance. The consolidation of enlisted members to new Air Fforce specialty codes.
Air Force Radio News 16 December 2019
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John Wayne Troxell retired at the ceremony, turning the position over to Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Ramon "CZ" Colon-Lopez.
Air Force Radio News 13 December 2019
Today's stories: The Military OneSource website has a new feature that allows users to use one login to access multiple websites including MilLife Learning and Plan My Move. Also, registration for the 24th annual Air Force Marathon opens January 1st, at midnight, with the marathon scheduled for Saturday, September 19th, 2020.
Air Force Radio News 13 December 2019
Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Stephen Wilson recently visited two separate sites associated with the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office. He met with the B-21 Raider team at Northrop Grumman’s B-21 Design and Development Headquarters in Melbourne Dec. 3, and he went to the Kennedy Space Center to review the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle Processing Facility Dec. 4.
Air Force Radio News 11 December 2019
The Air Force Global Strike command commander spoke to more than 300 industry, government, media and academic leaders at Rand Corporation’s fifth annual West Coast Aerospace Forum in Santa Monica Dec. 6.
Air Force Radio News - 10 Dec 2019
Air Force Radio News 9 December 2019
Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Stephen W. Wilson paid a visit to the Air Force Technical Applications Center at Patrick Air Force Base, Dec. 4, to meet with nuclear scientists and engineers about their role in global nuclear deterrence and nonproliferation.
The visit gave the leaders an opportunity to discuss future operations and algorithmic warfare – the method by which battles are fought using artificial intelligence and machine learning as a weapon system – with members of the Defense Department’s sole nuclear treaty monitoring center and the United States' technical surveillance center of excellence.
Air Force Radio News 6 December 2019
Today's story: The Air Force Housing Helpline has been helping residents resolve concerns with privatized and government housing since its launch in May earlier this year.
Air Force Radio News 5 December 2019
Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center recently introduced a virtual tracking status bar for Guard and Reserve members to monitor the status of their submitted retirement application.
Air Force Radio News 4 December 2019
Secretary of the Air Force Barbara M. Barrett insisted to the Senate Armed Services Committee Dec. 3 that the service is moving aggressively to fix chronic problems with privatized housing while also acknowledging that the “Air Force owns part of the responsibility” for dangerous and unhealthy conditions.
Air Force Radio News 03 December 2019
Today's story: "Operation Christmas Drop" is getting ready to deliver aid to 20,000 people on 56 islands in the Pacific Ocean.
Air Force Radio News 02 December 2019
In an effort to demonstrate innovative prototypes that use commercial 5G technologies as a way to augment future military capabilities, the Department of Defense chose Hill Air Force Base and three other U.S. military bases including Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington; Naval Base San Diego and Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany, Georgia. as a test bed for 5G technology.
Air Force Radio News 27 November 2019
Air Force Radio News 26 November 2019
Today's story: Representatives from eighteen nations across the Indo-Pacific will gather in early December for the 2019 Pacific Air Chiefs Symposium at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, marking one of the most widely attended symposiums to date.
Air Force Radio News 25 November 2019
Today's story: In the first round of promotions based solely on performance, 530 SMSgts were selected from more than 2,500 eligible for promotion to CMSgt, a promotion rate of nearly 21%.
Air Force Radio News 22 November 2019
Today's story: Cannabidiol oil, also known as CBD oil is growing in popularity as an ingredient in health and pet products but it's not cleared for service members or federal employees to use.
Air Force Radio News 21 November 2019
Air Force officials released details Nov. 20 on the fiscal year 2020 Selective Retention Bonus program, which includes 72 eligible Air Force specialties.
Air Force Radio News 20 November 2019
Today's story: A new security measure is coming to the Thrift Savings Plan in December. All TSP participants must have validated contact information and use two-step authentication to log into personal TSP accounts starting in December.
Air Force Radio News 19 November 2019
Today's story: More than 3900 troops make up the National Guard cyber element including full and part time units that work directly for U.S. Cyber Command.
Air Force Radio News 18 November 2019
In a span of eight demanding months, four 62nd Fighter Squadron student pilots — two U.S. and two Norwegian — will learn the ins-and-outs of the F-35A Lightning II as they train through the first-ever allied F-35 basic flight course, or B-course, beginning as novices and developing into proficient and lethal fighter pilots.
Air Force Radio News November 15 2019
The Air Force created a new Cyberspace Capabilities Center Nov. 7, in an effort to bridge cyber support gaps and synchronize enterprise requirements to best support today’s warfighter.
Air Force Radio News November 14 2019
The U.S. military finds itself at a flashpoint, shifting from a period focused overwhelmingly on violent extremism to state competition.
It won’t be tanks, planes and ships that are the central differentiator in tomorrow’s conflicts, but the disruption of the ability of the U.S. to link and choreograph those elements together — a concept the Air Force is intently focused on.
Air Force Radio News 13 November 2019
Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein warned Nov. 6 that budget uncertainties could affect dozens of programs ranging from F-35 Lighting II upgrades to those addressing the pilot shortage, while also complicating longer-range efforts to reshape the force to meet future threats.
Air Force Radio News 12 November 2019
Today's story: The Air Force Employee Assistance Program, or AF EAP relaunched over the weekend with a new phone number and new website.
Air Force Radio News 7 November 2019
With up to $50 million in contracts on the line, non-traditional and small businesses are gathering in San Francisco to attend the Air Force Space Pitch Day.
Air Force Radio News 6 November 2019
Those who aspire to one day become a U.S. Air Force aviator must first meet several requirements, including height, before they are considered for pilot training. For those who fall outside of the Air Force’s height requirements, height waivers are available.
Air Force Radio News 5 November 2019
Today's story: The legacy of Gen. Benjamin O. Davis Jr. was memorialized with the dedication of an airfield at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.
Air Force Radio News 4 November 2019
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett was publicly sworn-in at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, CO.
Air Force Radio News 01 November 2019
Today's stories: Criteria is released for the new Remote Combat Effects Campaign Medal. Also, Airmen train on how to transport patients with Ebola safely.
Air Force Radio News - 2019 October 31
Air Force Radio News 30 October 2019
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett makes her first official trip to F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Oklahoma.
Air Force Radio News 29 October 2019
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright and Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein answered Airmen's questions and concerns on Reddit.
Air Force Radio News 28 October 2019
Today's story: The X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle lands successfully after more than 2 years in orbit.
Air Force Radio News 25 October 2019
Today's story: The 97th Air Refueling Squadron reactivated at Fairchild Air Force Base, WA, as the installation takes on more KC-135 Stratotankers.
Air Force Radio News 24 October 2019
Today's story: The Air Force will now streamline it's process for promoting active component line officers, beginning with the March 2020 lieutenant colonel promotion board.
Air Force Radio News 24 October 2019
Today's story: The Air Force will now streamline it's process for promoting active component line officers.
Air Force Radio News 23 October 2019
Today's story: Changes to the Transition Assistance Program are now in effect
Air Force Radio News 22 October 19
Today's story: Airmen and Soldiers practice the Agile Combat Employment concept of operations during Polar Force 20-1
Air Force Radio News 21 October 2019
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant Colon-Lopez will be the first Airmen to serve as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Air Force Radio News 18 October 2019
Today's story: Barbara Barrett is the 25th Secretary of the Air Force following a confirmation vote in the U.S. Senate.
Air Force Radio News 17 October 2019
Today's story: Barbara Barrett is the 25th Secretary of the Air Force following a confirmation vote in the U.S. Senate.
Air Force Radio News 16 October 2019
Today's story: Air Force is using Virtual Reality technology to faster train helicopter pilots.
Air Force Radio News 15 October 2019
Today's story: The Sixteenth Air Force activates, creating a single headquarters for global ISR, cyber, electronic warfare and information operations.
Air Force Radio News 11 October 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium, Acting Secretary of the Air Force, Matthew Donovan provided an update on the B-21 Raider.
Air Force Radio News 10 October 2019
Today's story: An Air Force Research Laboratory team provided 2.0 of the Survival Health Awareness Responders Kit to SERE instructors.
Air Force Radio News 9 October 2019
Today's story: The Air Force First Sergeant Academy realigns under the Ira C. Eaker Center for Leadership Development
Air Force Radio News 8 October 2019
Today's story: The Air Force enters a new phase for the three-year roll-out of the Operational Camouflage Pattern uniform.
Air Force Radio News 7 October 2019
Security forces have uploaded their first case to the new Air Force Justice Information System.
Air Force Radio News 4 October 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium at National Harbor, Maryland, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Kaleth Wright, Discussed goals for the fitness culture of the Air Force
Air Force Radio News 3 October 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium at National Harbor, Maryland, Acting Secretary of the Air Force, Matthew Donovan, talked improvements to privatized housing on military installations.
Air Force Radio News 2 October 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposum at National Harbor, Maryland, Acting Secretary of the Air Force, Matthew Donovan, talked about key successes of 2019 to include innovation, teamwork and progress.
Air Force Radio News 1 October 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium at National Harbor, Maryland, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Kaleth Wright, talked about the most important asset in the Air Force's arsenal, the human weapon system.
Air Force Radio News 30 September 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium at National Harbor Maryland, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Goldfien talks about what it takes to succeed in combat
Air Force Radio News 27 September 2019
Today's story: During an Air Force town hall meeting at National Harbor, MD, Dawn Goldfein, the wife of the CSAF, talked about a new initiative that allows military spouses to be reimbursed for re-licensing or re-certification.
Air Force Radio News 26 September 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium at National Harbor, MD, CMSAF, Kaleth Wright, shared his experiences talking to airmen about suicide awareness.
Air Force Radio News 25 September 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium at National Harbor, MD, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, spoke on the focus of the National Defense Strategy, or NDS.
Air Force Radio News 24 September 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium at National Harbor, MD, Air Force Space Command Commander, Gen. John Raymond, stressed the importance of space in everyday operations.
Air Force Radio News 23 September 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium in Washington, D.C., Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Stephen Wilson spoke about the biggest challenge facing the Air Force as it seeks a new vision for the National Defense Strategy, or NDS.
Air Force Radio News 20 September 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium in Washington, D.C., Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. David Goldfein spoke about the future of the Air Force as it relates to Multi-Domain Operations.
Air Force Radio News 19 September 2019
Today's story: During the Air, Space and Cyber Symposium in Washington, D.C., Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. David Goldfein spoke about the influence commanders and command teams can have on an organization.
Air Force Radio News 18 September 2019
The Air Force celebrates it's 72nd birthday.
Air Force Radio News 17 September 2019
The Air Force’s all-new advanced trainer aircraft, the T-X, has officially been named the T-7A Red Hawk.
Air Force Radio News 16 September 2019
In radio news today we take a closer look at General Goldfein's recent interview. Squadron structure, joint leader development and command and control are all addressed.
Air Force Radio News 13 September 2019
Today's story: The Air Force just released a new Artificial Intelligence, or AI Strategy for 2019.
Air Force Radio News 12 September 2019
Today's stories: Airmen from the 31st Maintenance Group at Aviano Air Base, Italy came up with an innovative solution to fix an issue that would have cost the air force over $100,000. Also, airmen interested in pitching their innovative ideas can sign up for the Air Force's annual Spark Tank competition.
Air Force Radio News 11 September 2019
Today's story: Airmen have a new digital option to stay current on Air Force knowledge and to help prepare for promotion testing with the debut of the Air Force Handbook 1, phone application.
Air Force Radio News 10 September 2019
Today's story: Some new features may be coming to the B-1B Lancer Bomber.
Air Force Radio News 09 September 2019
Today's story: The largest readiness exercise for Air Mobility Command to date, Mobility Guardian 2019, brings together more than 4,000 servicemembers from 30 nations.
Air Force Radio News 05 September 2019
Today's story: A few resources and step to make sure you're prepared for what to do before, during, and after a hurricane.
Air Force Radio News 04 September 2019
Today's story: The U.S. Space Command was formally established by the DOD as the 11th Unified Combatant Command, with Air Force General John W. Raymond as Commander.
Air Force Radio News 03 September 2019
Today's stories: The Coast Guard is assisting with rescue and recovery efforts in the Bahamas in response to the damage caused by Tropical Storm Dorian, which is now inching towards Florida then up the East Coast. Also, staying prepared and having a plan for the Hurricane Season is crucial to surviving a potential disaster.
Air Force Radio News 29 August 2019
Today's story: Air Force families in the Exceptional Family Member Program can take part in a Facebook virtual summit in September.
Air Force Radio News 28 August 2019
Today's story: The services are shifting administration and management of all medical facilities to the Defense Health Agency, marking the first time in the U.S.' modern military history that a single agency will be responsible for all DOD health care.
Air Force Radio News 27 August 2019
Today's stories: The Global Positioning System is on it's way to becoming 3 times more accurate with up to 8 times improved anti-jamming capabilities. Also, in a move that put safety first, 112 C-130 Hercules aircraft that were temporarily removed from service have been approved to return to worldwide operational duty.
Air Force Radio News 26 August 2019
Today's stories: The "Fight Tonight" scenario challenges space warfighters to respond to real-world challenges in an exercise setting. Also, the 86th Vehicle Readiness Squadron at Ramstein Air Base, Germany took that idea and applied it to driver training, using innovation funds to buy a simulator that reproduces German road and weather conditions, and different types of vehicles.
Air Force Radio News 23 August 2019
Today's story: AMRDC has been re-branded as DOD SAFE, and comes with a few new changes.
Air Force Radio News 22 August 2019
Today's story: Spread across several hotels on the Las Vegas strip, nearly 30,000 cyber enthusiasts gathered for the 27th annual DEF CON Hacking Conference.
Air Force Radio News 21 August 2019
Today's story: The 60th Maintenance Squadron is the first field unit in the Air Force to be certified with an industrial-sized 3D printer that is authorized to produce nonstructural aircraft parts.
Air Force Radio News 19 August 2019
Today's story: Air Force officials have selected 14,235 senior airmen for promotion to staff sergeant out of 29,179 eligible for a selection rate of 48.79%.
Air Force Radio News 20 August 2019
Today's story: Members of the Five Eyes Air Force Interoperability Council, a joint-nation alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States, convened for an annual exchange of their respective nations’ best practices at Travis Air Force Base, California.
Air Force Radio News 16 August 2019
Today's story: When melting permafrost made the remote Alaskan town of Newtok uninhabitable, the effort to rebuild the town in a safe location became part of the innovative readiness training initiative.
Air Force Radio News 15 August 2019
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein bestowed the Distinguished Flying Cross on Lt. Col. John Hourigan during a ceremony at the Kentucky Air National Guard Base, praising the pilot’s “exceptional airmanship under duress.”
Air Force Radio News 14 August 2019
Today's story: F-35A Lightning IIs from the 4th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron participated in Exercise Agile Lightning.
Air Force Radio News 13 August 2019
Today's story: Workers at the Ogden Air Logistics Complex at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, have installed the last of 173 new wings on A-10 Thunderbolt II, finalizing a project that started in 2011 with aircraft 80-0173.
Air Force Radio News 12 August 2019
Today's story: Members of the U.S. Air Force and Mongolian Armed Forces conducted a mass casualty exercise during Pacific Angel 19-3.
Air Force Radio News 12 August 2019
Today's story: Members of the U.S. Air Force and Mongolian Armed Forces conducted a mass casualty exercise, during Pacific Angel 19-3, a joint and combined humanitarian assistance engagement, enhancing participating nations’ humanitarian aid and disaster relief capabilities while providing beneficial services to people in need throughout South and East Asia.
Air Force Radio News 2019 August 8
Today's story: The 388th Fighter Wing at Hill Air Force Base, Utah just set a speed record for bringing a newly delivered F-35A Lighting 2 online.
Air Force Radio News 2019 August 8
Today's story: The 388th Fighter Wing at Hill Air Force Base, Utah just set a speed record for bringing a newly delivered F-35A Lighting 2 online.
Air Force Radio News 09 August 2019
Today's story: The Air Force Research Laboratory created a digital hangar to be used to house information for digital representations of Air Force aerospace systems that will inform decision-making within AFRL and other stakeholder organizations.
Air Force Radio News 07 August 2019
Today's story: Air Force Space Command unveiled its new enterprise data strategy during the AFSPC Chief Data Office Innovation Summit, at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado.
Air Force Radio News 06 August 2019
Today's story: Air Force Academy cadets create the Auto Belay Insertion System for battlefield Airmen.
Air Force Radio News 05 August 2019
Today's story: Lockheed Martin presented the 2nd Space Operations Squadron with a GPS Block III model satellite to celebrate the successful on-orbit testing of the new GPS III satellite at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado.
Air Force Radio News 02 August 2019
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein announced that all wings will conduct a stand down day to focus on resiliency and suicide prevention because of the service's growing suicide rate.
Air Force Radio News 01 August 2019
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein completes a 10-day trip across northern Europe and Greenland.
Air Force Radio News 31 July 2019
Today's story: The Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein recently visited Airmen at Thule Air Base, Greenland.
Air Force Radio News 30 July 2019
Today's story: U.S. Air Forces Central Command F-15E Strike Eagles attached to the 336th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron participated in an air operations in maritime surface warfare integration exercise with the U.S. Naval Forces Central Command USS Gonzalez and a P-3 Orion in the Arabian Gulf.
Air Force Radio News 29 July 2019
Today's story: The Air Force is encouraging Airmen to participate in the "Take 3 in 30" challenge as part of a Safe + Sound event.
Air Force Radio News 26 July 2019
Today's Story: The Air Force Uniform Office wants feedback on maternity uniforms.
Air Force Radio News 25 July 2019
Air Force Radio News 2019 July 24
Today's Story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein talked about the importance of multi-domain operations at this year's Air and Space Power Conference in London.
Air Force Radio News 2019 July 23
Today's Story: Because the quantity and speed of data flowing to the warfighter continues to increase, the Air Force is working to figure out the best ways to harness that data so warfighters can make quicker decisions and win in peer to peer conflicts.
Air Force Radio News 2019 July 22
Today's story: Big changes are underway for the Air Force's classified computer network, more commonly referred to as SIPRNet.
Air Force Radio News 19 July 2019
The Air Force released a request for proposals for its Ground Based Strategic Deterrent intercontinental ballistic missile weapon system program July 16.
Air Force Radio News 18 July 2019
The final AC-130U Spooky gunship returned here from the airframe’s last scheduled combat deployment July 8, 2019.
Air Force Radio News 17 July 2019
Leaders of the 48th Fighter Wing in partnership with Defense Infrastructure Organisation and members of the local community, hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the new F-35 Lightning II infrastructure at RAF Lakenheath, July 15.
Air Force Radio News 16 July 2019
This year commemorates the 30th anniversary of the B-2 Spirit’s inaugural test flight on July 17, 1989, from Palmdale to Edwards AFB, California.
Air Force Radio News 15 July 2019
The Department of Defense delayed an issued change in policy regarding service members transferring their Post-9/11 GI Bill educational benefits. Implementation has been delayed until January 12, 2020, giving long-serving members more time to transfer their education benefits to spouses or dependents.
Air Force Radio News 12 July 2019
Today's story: Lt. Gen. Richard Scobee, chief of Air Force Reserve, approved changes to the Active Guard Reserve, or AGR, program earlier this year which are expected to be implemented Sept. 1.
Air Force Radio News 10 July 2019
Today's story: The Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia recently completed their "1200 in 12" hiring initiative five months ahead of schedule.
Air Force Radio News 11 July 2019
Today's story: Acting Air Force Secretary Matthew Donovan is driving a new "Digital Air Force" initiative emphasizing reforms that take advantage of the strengths of a connected network of weapons, sensors and analytic tools.
Air Force Radio News 9 July 2019
Today's story: Airmen from Edwards Air Force Base, California provided emergency response crews to Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake near Ridgecrest, California, following two earthquakes that rocked the high desert area.
Air Force Radio News 8 July 2019
Today's story: Airmen assigned to the 409th Air Expeditionary Group and soldiers assigned to the civil affairs team, hosted a bazaar at Air Base 201, Niger.
Air Force Radio News 3 July 2019
Today's story: the first virtual reality training for airfield management just arrived at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi.
Air Force Radio News 2 July 2019
Today's story: the Air Force has reduced the tour lengths for special duty and instructor assignments from four years to three years.
Air Force Radio News 1 July 2019
Today's Story: The Air Force Medical Service is reorganizing medical personnel to help restore readiness.
Air Force Radio News 28 June 2019
Today's story: The 2019 Warrior Games are well underway in Tampa, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 27 June 2019
Today's story: The U.S. Air Force's Space and Missile Systems Center and its mission partners, NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association recently launched the DOD's Space Test Program-2, or STP-2 mission from the Kennedy Space Center's Launch Complex.
Air Force Radio News 26 June 2019
Today's story: The Air Force is unveiling a new medical model to return Airmen to duty quicker and restore overall readiness.
Air Force Radio News 25 June 2019
Today's story: Air Force Space Command's space and missile systems Center or SMC, is preparing for Summer of Launch 19 which is the SMC's plan to execute four space missions in the next two months, weather and technical issues permitting.
Air Force Radio News 24 June 2019
Today's story: For the first time outside of the U.S. a team of Norwegian and American F-35 Lightning II maintainers worked together on two American F-35s.
Air Force Radio News 21 June 2019
Today's story: 300 wounded, ill and injured service members and veterans are participating in this years Department of Defense Warrior Games.
Air Force Radio News 20 June 2019
Today's stories: In less than 30 days transferring GI Bill benefits will change. Also, Airmen from the 48th Fighter Wing participate in exercise Anatolian Eagle 2019.
Air Force Radio News 19 June 2019
Today's story: The Air Force Research Laboratory supports the manufacturing of lighter, thinner, transparent armor.
Air Force Radio News 18 June 2019
Today's story: The Department of Defense is working on a Resident Bill of Rights that will identify basic housing rights for service members and their families who live on privatized housing.
Air Force Radio News 17 June 2019
Today's story: The Community College of the Air Force will no longer accept applications for the Professional Manager Certification program after September 30th.
Air Force Radio News 13 June 2019
Today's story: There is an app available for caretakers of those suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD.
Air Force Radio News 14 June 2019
Today's story: The Air Force successfully conducted the first test flight of the AGM-183 Air Launched Rapid Response Weapon, known as ARRW.
Air Force Radio News 12 June 2019
Today's story: The Air Force Reserve Recruiting Command's "Share Your Adventure" program gives Air Force reservists the chance to talk with friends, family members, or co-workers about their experiences and the benefits of service.
Air Force Radio News 11 June 2019
Today's story: Congress approved disaster aid funds for the Air Force, so Tyndall Air force Base, Florida, is moving forward with repairs and rebuilding.
Air Force Radio News 10 June 2019
Today's story: For the first time, U.S. Air Force F-35-As integrated operationally with Italian Air Force F-35-A's, making use of one of its main technological design features of interoperability.
Air Force Radio News 07 June 2019
Today's story: Air Force flight equipment is being redesigned for female aviators.
Air Force Radio News 6 June 2019
More than 100 Airmen from Team Ramstein arrived at Cherbourg-Maupertus Airport to support the commemoration of D-Day in Normandy, France.
Air Force Radio News 5 June 2019
Amidst a sea of aviation history, Gen. Arnold W. Bunch Jr. assumed leadership of the Air Force Materiel Command during a ceremony at the National Museum of the Air Force, May 31.
Air Force Radio News 04 June 2019
Today's stories: During a readiness training exercise, a team of reserve airmen from Joint Base Charleston's 315th Airlift Wing, South Carolina, delivered life-saving equipment to citizens of Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. Also, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Kaleth Wright reminded airmen that motivation is just an emotion.
Air Force Radio News 03 June 2019
The Air Force and the Federal Aviation Administration announced a collaborative effort to counter the national aircrew shortage, May 31.
Air Force Radio News 2019 May 31
Today's story: Air Force members from Pacific Air Forces were in Denpasar, Indonesia for an Indonesian Air Force and U.S. Air Force Airman to Airman talk.
Air Force Radio News 2019 May 30
Today's story: Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio has 12 houses that have been deemed uninhabitable after a tornado passed through the Prairies at Wright Field housing are base late Memorial Day evening.
Air Force Radio News 29 May 2019
Today's story: F-35A Lightning II fighter jets deploy from Hill Air Force Base, Utah, to Aviano Air Base, Italy.
Air Force Radio News 28 May 2019
Today's story: A storm passed through Wright Patterson AFB, late Memorial Day evening.
Air Force Radio News 28 May 2019
Today's story: A storm hit Wright Patterson Air Force, Base, Ohio late Memorial Day evening.
Air Force Radio News 28 May 2019
Today's Story: A powerful storm passed through Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, late Memorial Day evening, damaging about 150 homes in the Prairies at Wright Field housing area.
Air Force Radio News 23 May 2019
Today's stories: The Air Force Research Lab or AFRL just recently launched ARCnet, the Autonomy Research Collaboration Network. More than 4700 technical sergeants were selected for promotion to master sergeant.
Air Force Radio News 22 May 2019
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson spoke to the men and women of the Air Force and said farewell during a celebration ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 21 May 2019
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson announced a contract with MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, focused on accelerating artificial intelligence technology through fundamental research.
Air Force Radio News 20 May 2019
Special Operations Weather Team Airmen, or SOW-T Airmen combine their meteorology skills with their core skills of Special Operations Forces making them a critical asset to the War on Terror.
Air Force Radio News 17 May 2019
Today's stories: An F-15 Avionics course at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas is the first of its kind to teach using only tablets, instead of printed media. Also, new technologies to lower sustainment costs and improve the readiness of the Air Force's C-130 fleet will be tested as part of a partnership between the University of Dayton Research Institute and the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center.
Air Force Radio News 16 May 2019
Today's stories: Spouses of airmen who have to get occupational re-certification or re-licensed when they move for a permanent change of station can now be reimbursed up to $500 for that expense. Also, a new Airman Leadership School curriculum, is scheduled to roll-out Air Force-wide June 5th.
Air Force Radio News 15 May 2019
Today's story: Air Force teams and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Hurricane Center hosted a week-long hurricane awareness tour along the east coast to help prepare a weather-ready nation.
Air Force Radio News 14 May 2019
Today's stories: The 33rd Fighter Wing at Eglin AFB, Florida was chosen as the potential new F-35 training squadron. Also, SECAF Heather Wilson announced the re-designation of the 319th Air Base Wing at Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota, as the 319th Reconnaissance Wing.
Air Force Radio News 13 May 2019
Today's story: White House National Security adviser John Bolton speaks on the movement of aircraft to Al-Udeid Air Base, Qatar. Also, check out the latest episode of BLUE, Stronger Together to learn about the Air Force's partnerships and alliances around the world.
Air Force Radio News 10 May 2019
Today's stories: U.S. B-52 Stratofortress aircraft arrive at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, as part of the Bomber Task Force defending U.S. interests in the region. Also, the Air Force is reactivating the 65th Aggressor Squadron at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News 09 May 2019
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein spoke to the rescue community at the 50th Jolly Green Association reunion.
Air Force Radio News 08 May 2019
Today's stories: Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, is starting construction of the Intrepid Spirit Center. Also, changes are being made to the promotion recommendation forms for officers.
Air Force Radio News 07 May 2019
Today's story: Air Force officials discuss rebuilding Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, at a second Industry Day.
Air Force Radio News 06 May 2019
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein spoke at the EOD Memorial Ceremony at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 03 May 2019
Today's story: Air Education and Training Command officials are beta testing an accelerated officer commissioning program for senior non-commissioned officers.
Air Force Radio News 02 May 2019
Today's stories: A T-6 Texan II from Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, crashed in Oklahoma. Also, residents of privatized housing on Air Force Bases now have a 24-7 helpline for unresolved housing concerns.
Air Force Radio News 01 May 2019
Today's stories: Two F-35A Lightning II aircraft conduct airstrikes in Iraq. Also, the Air Force stops all new rebuilding efforts at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 30 April 2019
Today's stories: The Romanian Space Agency became the 20th nation to sign a space situational awareness agreement with U.S. Strategic Command. Also, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein visits participants of the Space Flag exercise.
Air Force Radio News 29 April 2019
Today's story: Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson spoke about the importance of having strong allies at the War Studies University in Poland.
Air Force Radio News 26 April 2019
Today's stories: The Air Force posted updated guidelines on the Operational Camouflage Pattern uniforms. Also, the latest episode of BLUE featuring building partnerships and strengthening alliances is on YouTube.
Air Force Radio News 25 April 2019
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson spoke about the importance of space superiority at the Policy Exchange in London.
Air Force Radio News 23 April 2019
Today's stories: Air Force scientists and engineers will highlight technology advancements at the Department of Defense Lab Day. Also, the Air Force Career Skills Program prepares Airmen who are transitioning from military to civilian work.
Air Force Radio News 19 April 2019 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein shared the importance of working closer with allies in order to win in space.
Air Force Radio News 18 April 2019
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson released a new Science and Technology Strategy.
Air Force Radio News 17 April 2019
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein hosts a space conference with partner nations.
Air Force Radio News - F-35 Lightning deploys to Middle East
The U.S. Air Force’s fifth generation multi-role aircraft arrived for its first deployment to the Middle East on April 15. The F-35A Lightning IIs are from active duty 388th and reserve 419th Fighter Wings at Hill Air Force Base, Utah.
Air Force Radio News - Gen. Goldfein tweets about the 35th Space Symposium
Chief of Staff of the Air Force General David Goldfein tweeted about the 35th Space Symposium held in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Air Force Radio News 12 April 2019 B
Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and other military senior leaders testified on the proposal to establish a Space Force at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services committee, April 11, 2019.
Air Force Radio News 12 April 2019 A
Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and other military senior leaders testified on the proposal to establish a Space Force at a hearing of the Senate Armed Services committee, April 11, 2019.
Air Force Radio News 2019 April 11 B
Today's story: U.S. Pacific Air Forces and the South East Asian Nations Center for Military Medicine are working to increase international relations and establish a disease outbreak surveillance system.
Air Force Radio News 2019 April 11 A
Today's story: The Air Force has a new app that provides Airmen access to information they need for their lives and careers.
Air Force Radio News 10 April 2019 B
Today's story: Retired Lieutenant Colonel Richard E. Cole passed away.
Air Force Radio News 2019 April 10 A
Today's Story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Chief of Staff of the Air Force General David Goldfein spoke yesterday at the 35th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Air Force Radio News 2019 April 4 B
Today's Story: Retired Lieutenant Richard E. Cole, the last surviving member of the Doolittle Raiders, passed away Tuesday in San Antonio, Texas at the age of 103.
Air Force Radio News 9 April 2019 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein wishes NATO Allied Air Command a happy 70th birthday.
Air Force Radio News 9 April 2019 A
Today's story: Air Force Senior Leaders are attending the 35th Space Symposium, held at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, which brings together space leaders from around the world to discuss, address and plan for the future.
Air Force Radio News 8 April 2019 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson joined her Army and Navy counterparts April 4-5, for the first national discussion on sexual assault and sexual harassment at America’s colleges, universities and service academies summit at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 8 April 2019 A
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson joined her Army and Navy counterparts April 4-5, for the first national discussion on sexual assault and sexual harassment at America’s colleges, universities and service academies summit at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 05 April 2019 B
Today's story: The Air Force is creating a Computer Language Initiative to gain more airmen fluent in the language of computers.
Air Force Radio News 05 April 2019 A
Today's story: The Air Force Reserve Command is using Direct Hire Authority, or DHA to recruit and appoint Air Reserve Technicians, or ART maintenance personnel faster and easier.
Air Force Radio News 04 April 2019 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein addressed Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson's soon departure.
Air Force Radio News 04 April 2019 A
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talks about the shortage of operational squadrons during the House Armed Services Committee hearing.
Air Force Radio News 03 April 2019 B
Today's story: SECAF Heather Wilson shared plans for the direction of the future Space Combatant Command in testimony before the U.S. House Armed Services Committee this week.
Air Force Radio News 03 April 2019 A
Today's story: In testimony before the U.S. House Armed Services Committee this week, SECAF Heather Wilson talked about the need for additional funds to clean up and repair two bases after natural disasters.
Air Force Radio News 02 April 2019 B
Today's story: The Air Force is looking to redesign gear worn by pilots to make them more fitting.
Air Force Radio News 02 April 2019 A
Today's story: Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, purchases firefighter training simulators to reduce the amount of smoke inhalation due to training in live fires.
Air Force Radio News 01 April 2019 B
Today's stories: Go to our Youtube page to see the latest Air Force Tech Report: "Seeing The Future in 20/20." Also, we post new content daily on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that will keep you spun up on current Air Force news, updates, and stories.
Air Force Radio News 01 April 2019 A
Today's stories: Space experts and leaders came together during the Air Force Space Command Space Futures Workshop at the Air Force Academy to collaborate and predict what space will look like in the next 20-40 years. Also, "Developing March-21 Airmen" is a professional development podcast designed to help communicate and inform Total Force Airmen across the globe on relevant, timely topics related to the recruiting, training, education, and development fields.
Air Force Radio News 29 March 2019
Today's story: Air Force Space Command Commander General John Raymond was nominated to assume position as the commander of the United States Space Command.
Air Force Radio News 29 March 2019 A
Today's stories: Air Force Global Strike Command ordered a safety stand-down of the B-1B Lancer aircraft fleet. Also, Air Force senior leaders visited Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, to assess flood damage.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 28 B
Today's story: The Air Force is working to debut a new prototype autonomous, unmanned combat air vehicle called Skyborg as early as 2023.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 28 A
Today's Story: The Air Force just announced Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota as the preferred location for the first operational B-21 Raider bomber and formal training unit.
Air Force Radio News 27 March 2019 B
Today's story: The Air Force just added a more lethal aircraft to its arsenal.
Air Force Radio News 27 March 2019 A
Today's story: U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School applications for 2019 are due by May 29th.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 26 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson visited Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska to assess damage and discuss the rebuilding efforts for the base following recent flooding.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 26 A
Today's story: Royal Air Force Lakenheath's 48th Fighter Wing and personnel from the United Kingdom's Royal Air Force teamed up for exercise Point Blank in Yorkshire, England last week.
Air Force Radio News 25 March 2019 B
Today's story: A new Infrastructure Investment Strategy created by Air Force Civil Engineers shifts the way the Air Force maintains facilities.
Air Force Radio News 25 March 2019 A
Today's story: The 2019 Spark Tank competition completed it's second year.
Air Force Radio News 22 March 2019 B
Today's story: Starting July 12th, Guard members will need to have served 6 years before they can transfer Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to their spouse or children and they must transfer the benefits by the time they hit 16 years of service.
Air Force Radio News 21 March 2019 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein highlights the importance of taking an introspective approach to leadership.
Air Force Radio News 21 March 2019 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein highlights the importance of diversity and inclusion.
Air Force Radio News 20 March 2019 B
Today's story: Dr. Will Roper, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics discussed plans to expedite the contracting processes.
Air Force Radio News 20 March 2019 A
Today's story: Runners and marchers from around the world visited New Mexico to participate in the 30th Annual Baatan Memorial Death March in honor of the U.S. and Filipino soldiers who defended the Philippine Islands during World War II.
Air Force Radio News 19 March 2019 B
Today's story: Dr. Will Roper, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics delivers remarks about the tomorrow's Air Force becoming Faster and Smarter at the 2019 Air Warfare Symposium.
Air Force Radio News 19 March 2019 A
Today's story: Dr. Will Roper, Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics delivers remarks about the tomorrow's Air Force becoming Faster and Smarter at the 2019 Air Warfare Symposium.
Air Force Radio News 18 March 2019 B
Today's story: During their recent leadership speech, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright spoke about servant leadership.
Air Force Radio News 18 March 2019 A
Today's story: During their recent leadership speech, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright spoke about the importance of overcoming the "frozen middle" within the Air Force's culture.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 15 B
Today's Story: Amidst a new era of warfare, military leaders at the Pentagon are taking a closer look at offensive space capabilities and the overall space domain.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 15 A
Today's story: Chief of Staff of the Air Force General David Goldfein and Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson are continuing to make strides in achieving the Air Force we need.
Air Force Radio News 14 March 2019 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talked about her priorities concerning maintaining a lethal and ready force during an interview at the Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 14 March 2019 A
Today's story: Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Stephen Wilson talked about innovation, and his message to the next generation of tech talent, during an interview at the Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 13 March 2019 A
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson reiterated her priorities for the Air Force in an interview at the Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida. she shared her thoughts on steps Airmen can take to ensure the lethality of the force.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 13 B
Today's story: Under the White House's 2020 spending plan, the Air Force's budget would increase to about $165 billion dollars, a ten billion dollar increase.
Air Force Radio News 12 March 2019 A
Today's story: 45 delegates from the U.S., Rwanda, Cameroon, Ghana, Senegal and Zambia Air Forces came together to learn and share ideas with each other about flight safety programs.
Air Force Radio News 12 March 2019 B
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright talked about his priorities concerning the culture of the Air Force in an interview at the Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 11 B
Today's Story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright spoke to airmen about leadership at the Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 11 A
Today's Story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson recently announced she's stepping down from the position to become President of the University of Texas at El Paso on Twitter.
Air Force Radio News 8 March 2019 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein highlights the importance of taking an introspective approach to leadership.
Air Force Radio News 8 March 2019 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein highlights the importance of diversity and inclusion.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 07 B
Today's Story: The Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida brought airmen face to face with Air Force leadership to discuss high level goals and priorities.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 07 A
Today's Story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson reiterated her priorities for the Air Force in an interview at the Air Warfafe Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 6 March 2019 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talked about space during an interview at the Air Warfare Symposium.
Air Force Radio News 6 March 2019 A
Today's story: Air Force senior leaders are continuing to make strides in achieving the Air Force We Need.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 05 B
Today's Story: U.S. Air Forces Africa and the Rwanda Defense Force just kicked off African Partnership Flight Rwanda in Kigali, Rwanda this week.
Air Force Radio News 2019 March 05 A
Today's Story: Air Force military tour lengths have just been changed for unaccompanied assignments to Papa Air Base, Hungary and Moron Air Base, Spain.
Air Force Radio News 4 March 2019 B
Today's story: More than 120 wounded warriors from the Air Force and Army gathered March 1 to officially open the sixth annual Air Force Trials at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News 4 March 2019 B
Today's story: More than 120 wounded warriors from the Air Force and Army gathered March 1 to officially open the sixth annual Air Force Trials at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News 4 March 2019 A
Today's story: The Air Force released its first business operations plan, March 4, establishing a roadmap for reform and improvement in its practices and processes.
Air Force Radio News 01 March 2019 A
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talked about restoring force readiness at the Air Warfare Symposium.
Air Force Radio News 01 March 2019 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talked about the National Defense Strategy at the Air Warfare Symposium.
Air Force Radio News 28 February 2019 A
Today's story: Airmen and Soldiers participate in a joint training exercise on chemical, biological, nuclear and high yield explosives techniques and procedures.
Air Force Radio News 28 February 2019 B
Today's stories: More than 2,900 personnel are participating in Exercise Cope North at Anderson Air Force Base, Guam. Also, more than 1,400 Master Sergeants were selected for promotion to Senior Master Sergeant.
Air Force Radio News 27 February 2019 B
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein posted about a podcast he was apart of on his official Facebook page. Also, there is an updated timeline on when OCP uniforms will reach specific Air Force bases.
Air Force Radio News 27 February 2019 A
Today's story: Air Force civilians interested in developmental education can submit applications through MyVECTOR.
Air Force Radio News 26 February 2019 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein delivers a speech at the National Character and Leadership Symposium at the Air Force Academy.
Air Force Radio News 26 February 2019 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein delivers a speech at the National Character and Leadership Symposium at the Air Force Academy.
Air Force Radio News 25 February 2019 B
Today's stories: Air Force senior leaders will be addressing Air Force challenges today and in the future at the 2019 Air Warfare Symposium this week. Also, Air Force trials for the 2019 Department of Defense Wounded Warrior Games is happening later this week.
Air Force Radio News 25 February 2019 A
Today's story: Airmen, Sailors and Soldiers participate in a joint training exercise with coalition partners at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar.
Air Force Radio News 22 February 2019 B
Today's stories: 20 Air Force Special Tactics Airmen are on an 830 mile ruck march from Lackland Air Force Base, Texas to Hurlburt Field, Florida in honor of SSgt. Dylan J. Elchin. Also, Joint Base Langley-Eustis is calling on artists and creative designers to submit a logo design for the "2020 Air Power Over Hampton Roads" air show.
Air Force Radio News 22 February 2019 A
Today's story: New guidance for travel to Mexico has been released.
Air Force Radio News 21 February 2019 B
Today's stories: A "100 percent review" of the condition and safety of all military housing will be conducted by March 1st at every Air Force base worldwide. Also, the Air Force awarded two Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle, or EELV launch service contracts worth a combined total of $739 million.
Air Force Radio News 21 February 2019 A
Today's stories: A "100 percent review" of the condition and safety of all military housing will be conducted by March 1st at every Air Force base worldwide. Also, the Air Force awarded two Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle, or EELV launch service contracts worth a combined total of $739 million.
Air Force Radio News 21 February 2019 A
Today's story: Airmen who've been non-deployable for more than 12 consecutive months will be evaluated for retention as part of new guidance in a memo signed February 19th by Air Force leaders.
Air Force Radio News 19 February 2019 B
Today's stories: More than 300 Airmen from the 52nd Fighter Wing and nearly 20 F-16 Fighting Falcons assigned to the 480th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron are conducting a Flying Training Deployment with the Portuguese air force February 4-22, 2019. Also, the 388th Fighter Wing’s 4th Fighter Squadron wrapped up flying operations with the F-35A Lightning II in an exponentially more challenging exercise Red Flag, 19-1 Feb. 15.
Air Force Radio News 19 February 2019 A
Today's story: Three C-17 Globemaster III cargo aircraft from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J., and Joint Base Charleston, S.C., delivered humanitarian aid to Cucuta, Columbia, Feb. 16, 2019 in coordination with the Department of State and the United States Agency for International Development.
Air Force Radio News 15 January 2019 A
Today's stories: Airmen interested in participating in the 2019 Golf Trial Camp have until March to submit their applications. Also, the 2019 Air Warfare Symposium is almost here.
Air Force Radio News 15 February 2019 B
Three 30th Contracting Squadron civilians saved $1 billion for the Air Force here January 2012 through January 2019.
Air Force Radio News 14 February 2019 B
Today's story: The largest military exercise in the Indo-Pacific region recently began its 38th iteration.
Air Force Radio News 14 February 2019 A
Today's stories: The Chief of the Air Force Reserve recently approved changes to the Active Guard Reserve program. An MQ-1B Predator accident investigation report was released on February 13th.
Air Force Radio News 13 February 2019 B
The U.S. Air Forces in Europe Manpower, Personnel and Services Directorate, personnel division, has recently approved a way to recognize Airmen for their outstanding contributions to the Strategic Airlift Capability Program and the Heavy Airlift Wing at Pápa Air Base, Hungary. The Heavy Airlift Wing Service Medal, which was originally approved by the SAC program in June 2013, was approved for presentation to U.S. Airmen on Jan. 14, 2019.
Air Force Radio News 13 February 2019 A
Airman 1st Class Peejay Jack, a 290th Joint Communications Support Squadron vehicle maintainer with the Florida Air National Guard, was awarded the Airman’s Medal by Maj. Gen. Lenny Richoux, the Joint Enabling Capabilities Command commander, during a ceremony at MacDill AFB Feb. 9.
Air Force Radio News 12 February 2019 A
Today's story: Raising the number of flying combat missions is one way the Air Force is increasing it's lethality and readiness.
Air Force Radio News 12 February 2019 B
Today's story: A new podcast focusing on professional development of Airmen across the Air Force was recently launched by Air Education and Training Command.
Air Force Radio News 11 February 19 A
Today's Story: The brand new KC 46A Pegasus made its historic debut when it arrived at Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma last week, and is getting closer to becoming fully operational.
Air Force Radio News 11 February 2019 B
Today's story: With a focus on improving aircrew safety and saving lives, the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center's Agile Combat Support Directorate is fielding 12,000 new personnel locator beacons.
Air Force Radio News 19 February 07 A
Today's story: The U.S and Philippine Air Forces just successfully wrapped twelve days of training during bilateral air contingent exchange-Phillipines, or BACE-P, last week.
Air Force Radio News 19 February 07 B
Today's story: A C5 Super Galaxy at Dover Air Force Base, Deleware is the latest aircraft to have 3D printed parts installed.
Air Force Radio News 08 February 2019 B
Today's story: Military OneSource offers service members ways to help file their taxes.
Air Force Radio News 08 February 2019 A
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright addressed recent concerns with mold in privatized housing.
Air Force Radio News 06 February 2019 B
Today's story: Airmen out of Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, flew a combined humanitarian and training mission to three countries over the weekend.
Air Force Radio News 06 February 2019 A
Today's story: 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Airmen are flying missions through atmospheric rivers to collect data for storm predictions.
Air Force Radio News 19 February 05 B
Today's story: Edwards Air Force Base, California will now begin phase three testing for the new KC 46A Pegasus.
Air Force Radio News 19 February 05 A
Today's story: There's a major change to the enlisted promotion system for E-7 and up.
Air Force Radio News 04 February 2019 B
Today's stories: Airmen at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, tested their ability to process and deploy a large amount of personnel and equipment on short notice during exercise Winter Havoc. Also, the United States Air Force Thunderbirds participated in the opening ceremony at the Super Bowl.
Air Force Radio News 04 February 2019 A
Today's story: Air Force officials spoke about their plans to rebuild Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, during Tyndall Industry Day.
Air Force Radio News 1 February 2019 A
Today's stories: If you’ve ever considered becoming a teacher after your military career, then the Airman and Family Readiness Center has a program called Troops to Teachers. Also, the Air Force Thunderbird's show season schedule is released.
Air Force Radio News 1 February 2019 B
Today's story: A 315th Airlift Wing unit finished its most recent joint-service training exercise Jan. 29, at Marine Corps Base Hawaii.
Air Force Radio News 31 January 2018 B
Today's story: Captain Zoe Kotnik becomes the Air Force’s first female single-ship aerial demonstration pilot.
Air Force Radio News 31 January 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force is working with sister services to study a virtual training platform called Crowd-Sourced Assessment of Technical Skills, or C-SATS.
Air Force Radio News 30 January 2019 B
Today's story: For the first time in its history, the 79th Rescue Squadron earned the That Others May Live Foundation Rescue Squadron of the Year Award in 2018.
Air Force Radio News 30 January 2019 A
Today's story: The Air Force recently announced the 2019 Spark Tank finalists who will showcase their innovative ideas to Air Force senior leaders Feb. 28, in Orlando, Florida, at the Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium.
Air Force Radio News 29 January 2019 B
Today's stories: A new program at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama is changing the way doctors and patients communicate during appointments. Also, beginning March 1st, students from around the country will be able to enter into the 36th Annual Student Aviation Art Competition, being held by the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 29 January 2019 A
Today's story: For the first time in Air Force Academy history, enlisted Airmen will have the opportunity to be deliberately hired for faculty teaching positions.
Air Force Radio News 28 January 2019
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson's remarks at the introduction ceremony for the delivery of the first KC-46 Pegasus to McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas, January 25, 2019.
Air Force Radio News 28 January 2019
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein's remarks at the introduction ceremony for the delivery of the first KC-46 Pegasus to McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas, January 25, 2019.
Air Force Radio News 25 January 2019 B
Today's story: The Royal Australian Navy and the U.S. Navy gave a big thank-you to the Air Force Test Center and Edwards Air Force Base for their assistance in a critical test of the combat system on Australia's newest guided missile destroyer, the HMAS Hobart.
Due to the partial government shutdown, the 2018 Combined Federal Campaign, or CFC, has a new deadline of February 8th.
Air Force Radio News 25 January 2019 A
Today's story: A high-fidelity modeling and simulation environment for the F-35 Lightning II and F-22 Raptor is under development.
Air Force Radio News 2019 January 24 B
Today's story: Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center at Buckly Air Force Base, Colorado has implented an innovative new way of processing officer and enlisted performance reports.
Air Force Radio News 2019 January 24 A
Today's story: The Air Force recently updated evaluation policies for enlisted airmen and enlisted performance reports.
Air Force Radio News 23 January 2019 B
Today's story: High powered microwaves and high energy laser systems are the future for the Directed Energy Experimentation Campaign.
Air Force Radio News 23 January 2019 A
Today's stories: A Delta IV Heavy rocket launched last weekend from Vandenberg Air Force Base with a payload from the National Reconnaissance Office. The Air Force Reserve Command Headquarters is working to improve communications with family members and civilian employees, learning from the results of the 2017 Air Force Community Feedback Survey.
Air Force Radio News 2019 January 22 B
Today's Story: The 412th Electronic Warfare Group at Edwards Air Force Base, California is inching closer to bringing their joint simulation environment to life.
Air Force Radio News 2019 January 22 A
Today's story: U.S. Air Force F-16s, aircrew, maintenance and support personnel deployed from Kunsan Air Base, Korea to Basa Air Base, Philippines last week to train with the Philippine Air Force during bilateral air contingent exchange Phillipines or BACE-P.
Air Force Radio News 2019 January 18 A
Today's Story: A virtual reality and augmented reality demonstration took place this month at Joint Base Langley, Virginia.
Air Force Radio News 18 January 2019 B
Today's story: A new breakthrough in 3-D printing capability occurred when maintainers at Hill Air Force Base, Utah installed the first 3-D printed metallic part to an operational F-22 Raptor.
Air Force Radio News 17 January 2019 B
Today's story: The Thrift Savings Plan is a good way for Airmen to start saving for retirement.
Air Force Radio News 17 January 2019 A
Today's story: The Air Force is taking submissions for the Vice Chief's Challenge.
Air Force Radio News 16 January 2019
The Air Force is calling for submissions from start-ups and small businesses as it seeks to rapidly invest up to $40 million at Air Force Pitch Day as part of a larger rapid contracting effort.
Air Force Radio News 16 January 2019 A
Due to an update to the enlisted personnel handbook, an associate’s degree from the Community College of the Air Force is no longer required for promotions, however, master sergeants still have to keep education in mind for their enlisted performance reports.
Air Force Radio News 15 January 2019 B
Today's story: Military OneSource offers MilTax to help service members file their taxes easily.
Air Force Radio News 15 January 2019 A
Today's story: Air Force Medal of Honor recipient Lieutenant Colonel Joe Jackson passed away over the weekend.
Air Force Radio News 11 January 2019 B
Today's stories: Three B-2 Spirit Bombers are in the Pacific to support US Strategic Command's Bomber Task Force, or BTF. Also, you can file your taxes this year through Military One-Source Miltax.
Air Force Radio News 11 January 2019 A
Air Force Radio News 08 January 2019 B
Today's story: Combining humanitarian relief with training missions is a regular part of the job for Reservists from the 315th Airlift Wing at Joint Base
Charleston, South Carolina.
Air Force Radio News 10 January 2019 A
Today's story: Air Force lodging facility rates were increased on January 1st. It's part of a program to move Department of Defense lodging to a complete non-appropriated funds model.
Air Force Radio News 09 January 2019 B
Today's story: Air University just hosted its second annual Leadership Education Development Experience, or LEDx, at Maxwell Air Force Base Alabama.
Air Force Radio News 09 January 2019 B
Today's story: Air University just hosted its second annual Leadership Education Development Experience, or LEDx, at Maxwell Air Force base Alabama.
Air Force Radio News 09 January 2019 A
Today's stories: Air Force senior leaders recently announced via Twitter that Air Force Pitch Day will take place March 6th and 7th. Also, if you weren't aware, Twitter is a great way to keep up with the latest Air Force news and stories.
Air Force Radio News 08 January 2019 B
Today's story: The Alaska Air National Guard came to the rescue of a pilot and two passengers when their small private plane sank in snow and ice at Alaska's 20 Mile Glacier.
Air Force Radio News 08 January 2019 A
Today's stories: DoD's premier space exercise, Space Flag 19-1, tested Air Force Space Command's ability to achieve and maintain space superiority in a contested, degraded, and operationally limited environment.
Air Force Reserve Command flightline maintainers now have direct access to their maintenance database right at the aircraft they're repairing.
Air Force Radio News 07 January 2018 B
Today's story: 50 talented and qualified software techies will be hired right away at the Kessel Run Boston Hiring Event later this month.
Air Force Radio News 07 January 2018 A
Today's stories: The results of an investigation into the September 2017 crash of an MQ-1B Predator remotely piloted aircraft have been released. Also, Cadet Airmen interested in the Language Enabled Airman Program, or LEAP, have until March 15th to turn in their application.
Air Force Radio News 04 January 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force's Officer Training School at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama is working to revitilize the squadron by increasing the quantity and quality of officers who graduate from OTS.
Air Force Radio News 04 January 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen and Soldiers work together in a joint environment at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar supporting operations throughout the theater, ensuring rapid global mobility.
Air Force Radio News 03 January 2018 B
Today's story: US Air Force combat controllers trained the Polish Special Operations Combat Control Team on how they conduct special operations air-land integration as part of a joint culmination exercise in Krakow, Poland.
Air Force Radio News 3 January 2018 A
Today's story: Effective Jan. 1, 2019, the Military Justice Act of 2016 will instate the most reform to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and Manual for Courts-Martial in decades, modernizing dated aspects of the military justice system while also providing transparency.
Air Force Radio News 02 January 2018 B
Today's story: The Air Force joined mission partners to successfully launch the first ever Global Positioning System lll satellite.
Air Force Radio News 2 January 2018 A
Today's story: More than 800 Airmen, Sailors and Defense Department civilians from nine states completed exercise Sentry Aloha, a large-scale fighter exercise, , Dec. 19, at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam.
Air Force Radio News 28 December 2018 B
With every year comes a new tax season. One way you can file your taxes this year is through military one source MILTAX.
Air Force Radio News 28 December 2018 A
Additional guidance is now available on in reference to what Airmen can wear with the new OCP uniform.
Air Force Radio News 27 December 2018 B
Today's story: Thrift Savings Plan is a good way for military members to save for retirement.
Air Force Radio News 27 December 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright spent their Christmas in Afghanistan with deployed troops.
Air Force Radio News 26 December 2018 A
Today's stories: The F-35 Maintenance team at Edwards Air Force Base, California, are exploring the use of virtual reality for training. Also, December 31st, 2018 is the last day to opt-in to the Blended Retirement System.
Air Force Radio News 26 December 2018 B
Today's story: Registration for the annual Air Force Marathon at Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, opens up midnight January 1st.
Air Force Radio News 2018 December 21 B
Today's Story: Airmen at Travis Air Force Base, California are implementing new innovative strategies to reduce man hours and enhance mission effectiveness for the Air Force's largest air mobility wing.
Air Force Radio News 2018 December 21 A
Today's Story: Air University's newest course at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama will help future Air Force squadron commanders thrive in their command positions.
Air Force Radio News 20 December 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Space Command and the Air Force Weapons Schools at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado came together to make space and education history.
Air Force Radio News 20 December 2018 A
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Deputy Chief Information Officer, William Marion shared the soon-to-come changes to the Air Force's Cyber community at a Cyber Personnel all-call at Hurlburt Field, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 2018 December 19 B
Today's Story: The Air Force handbook one enlisted study guide is now available as a podcast on various platforms at no cost.
Air Force Radio News 2018 December 19 A
Today's stories: The Nevada Air National Guard will become official partners with the Republic of Fiji in the national guard's state partnership program early next year; and The Air Force will host a science, discovery and family fun event at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force on January 13.
Air Force Radio News 18 December 2018 A
Today's stories: The Cope India 19 training between U.S. and Indian Air Forces at Kalaikunda Air Force Station in India has officially wrapped up. Also, U.S. Airmen and Soldiers from Ramstein Air Base and service members from seven partner nations dressed as Santa Claus, Mrs. Claus, and elves to deliver presents from the sky as part of Operation Toy Drop 2018, the 7th annual mission.
Air Force Radio News 2018 December 18 B
Air Force Radio News 17 December 2018 B
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright posted on Facebook to remind Airmen that it's important to take care of their selves before they can take care of others.
Air Force Radio News 17 December 2018 A
Today's story: Retired Gen. Lloyd Newton became the first African American to receive the Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy during the 71st National Aeronautics Association’s Wright Brothers Memorial Dinner in Washington, D.C., Dec. 14.
Air Force Radio News 14 December 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen are participating in exercise Space Flag. Also, North American Aerospace Defense Command and U.S. North Command work together to track every flight over the U.S. and Canada airspace.
Air Force Radio News 14 December 2018 A
Today's story: Members of Chili's Air Force trained with Airmen at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, to gain a better understanding of Critical Care Air Transport Teams.
Air Force Radio News 13 December 2018 B
Today's story: In the past year, Air Force Operational Energy (SAF/IEN), helped the Air Force become more efficient in regards to aviation fuel.
Air Force Radio News 13 December 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein discusses concepts of Multi Domain Command and Control, one of his key priorities. Also, follow Airman Magazine on Twitter for Air Force news and stories.
Air Force Radio News 12 December 2018 A
Today's story: Airmen still have time to make the switch to Blended Retirement System before the December 31, 2018 deadline.
Air Force Radio News 12 December 2018 B
Today's story: F-35 fighter jets performed operations to identify technical and operational areas for improvement.
Air Force Radio News 11 December 2018 A
Today's story: According to Air Force leadership, the critical design review of the B-21 bomber aircraft highlights the significant progress that has been made on the B-21 since the engineering and manufacturing development phase began nearly three years ago.
Air Force Radio News 11 December 2018 B
Today's stories: Two Airmen within Air Force Special Operations Command were selected to compete with the USA Bobsled team. Also, FYI has information to help Airmen understand their retirement options.
Air Force Radio News 10 December 2018 A
Today's story: Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, was recommended to become home to the F-35 Lightning II.
Air Force Radio News 10 December 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen prepared for Operation Christmas Drop over the weekend by packaging goods for delivery.
Air Force Radio News 07 December 2018 B
Today's stories: US Air Force and Royal Air Force leaders signed a charter ensuring aircraft readiness and interoperability at a meeting. Also, military leaders can show their appreciation by recognizing civilian employees with the highest honor the Department of Defense gives to employers for supporting National Guard and Reserve employees.
Air Force Radio News 07 December 2018 A
Today's stories: District of Columbia National Guard Airmen joined Soldiers and multiple agencies to provide security, transportation, and disaster response capabilities during former President George H.W. Bush's state funeral held at the Washington National Cathedral. Also, don't forget to congratulate your new Chief Master Sergeants, as the 18E9 promotion cycle statistics have been released.
Air Force Radio News 6 December 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force names Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, home for the Program Office supporting the global fleet of F-35s.
Air Force Radio News 6 December 2018 B
Today's story: Two PACAF B-52s deploy to Australia as part of exercise Lightning Focus.
Air Force Radio News 04 December 2018 B
Air Force Radio News 04 December 2018 A
Air Force Radio News 2018 December 3 b
Air Force Radio News 2018 December 3 A
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 30 A
Today's Story: The Texas and Washington Air National Guard just finished a two-week multinational air combat exercise in Brazil.
Air Force Radio News 30 November 2018 B
Today's story: A next generation chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear, or CBRN protective mask is well on its way to replacing the Aircrew Eye and Respiratory Protection system on rotary wing aircraft like the HH-60G Pave Hawk and the UH-1N Huey.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 29 A
Today's Story: The Air Force has announced additional policy changes to the Post 9/11 GI Bill.
Air Force Radio News 29 November 2018 B
Today's story: Special tactics Airman Staff Sergeant Dylan Elchin was killed after his vehicle hit an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan.
Air Force Radio News 28 November 2018 A
Today's stories: Almost 600 Airmen participated in a total force rapid mobility exercise at Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina. Also, more than 400 Senior Master Sergeants were selected for promotion to Chief Master Sergeant.
Air Force Radio News 28 November 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen, Soldiers, and Sailors from across the country have been helping with the recovery of Tyndall Air Force Base following a direct hit on the Florida Panhandle from Hurricane Michael.
Air Force Radio News 27 November 2018 B
Today's story: The medical waiver adjudication process is being improved at the Surgeon General's Office of the Air Force Reserve Command.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 27 A
Today's Story: The Air Force's revitalizing the squadron effort is built around the idea that squadrons are the beating heart of the air force, the place where air force culture resides, innovation is born and where airmen succeed in mission execution.
Air Force Radio News 26 November 2018 B
Today's stories: In the wake of Hurricane Michael's devastation, with recovery efforts well underway, Maxwell Air Force Base is reporting some statistics on support they've provided. Also, Airmen are also teaming with FEMA in the Indo-Pacific for relief efforts from Super Typhoon Yutu.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 26 A
Today's story: The Tactical Leadership Programme is the focal point of NATO's allied air force training.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 23 A
Today's Story: F-15-C eagles and an f-15-D eagle from Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England are participating in the NATO tactical leadership program, or t-l-p 18-4 at Amendola Air Base, Italy.
Air Force Radio News 23 November 2018 B
Today's story: If you have some leave saved up and you're looking to travel, check out Space-A travel.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 21 A
Today's story: A team of six airmen beat the army and navy to capture the first ever inter-service alpha warrior final battle in San Antonio.
Air Force Radio News 2018 Nov 21 B
Today's story: Dozens Of F-35-A Lightning Ii Aircraft Launched Within Twenty To Forty Second Intervals Of Each Other During A Combat Power Exercise At Hill Air Force Base, Utah.
Air Force Radio News 20 November 2018 A
Today's story: The investigation of an F-16 Fighter accident from back in February at Misawa Air Base, Japan is complete.
Air Force Radio News 20 November 2018 B
More than 530 U.S. Air Force Academy cadets from the 2019 graduating class have been matched to attend pilot training pending final qualifications and commissioning. This is a 26 percent increase over the 2018 class.
Air Force Radio News 19 November 2018 B
Today's story: Four Air Force bases will support the next generation Long Range Strike Bomber, the B-21 Raider.
Air Force Radio News 19 November 2018 A
Air National Guardsmen from the 195th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group have been aerial imagery support to agencies battling fires in California.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 16 A
Today's Story: The Airmen involved in the T-38 Talon crash at Laughlin Air Force Base on November 13th have been identified.
Air Force Radio News 16 November 2018 B
The 388th Fighter Wing’s 34th Fighter Squadron recently returned from a weapons evaluation exercise at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, where they employed the GBU-49 for the first time in F-35A Lightning II combat training.
Air Force Radio News 15 November 2018 B
Today's Story:
After several months, an innovative program in the 388th Fighter Wing is proving it has the potential to deliver combat power more efficiently and may shape how the Air Force determines future requirements to sustain F-35A Lightning II operations.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 15 A
Today's Story: The Air Force Spark Tank competition is heating up.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 14
Today's story: The national museum of the U.S. Air Force is offering scholarship opportunities to teens with its ninth annual air force heritage and history writing competition.
Air Force Radio News 14 November 2018 B
Today's story: One pilot was killed and another pilot was transferred to Val Verde Regional Medical Center when an Air Force T-38C Talon aircraft crashed at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas on November 13th around 7:40 p.m.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 13 A
Today's Story: Investigation results have been released from the puerto rico air national guard w-c-130-h hercules crash near savannah, georgia in may of this year.
Air Force Radio News 13 November 2018 B
Today's stories: Airmen in the flying training community now have a direct line to the commander of 19th Air Force. Coalition partners from three different countries were among the graduates of the first-ever deployed senior non-commissioned officer leadership course at the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing in Southwest Asia.
Air Force Radio News 09 November 2018 B
Today's stories: Developing strategic leaders who can provide innovative solutions to complex challenges, drives Developmental Education for Officers. Also, "Trident Juncture 18" was NATO's largest exercise since 2002. 50,000 participants from 31 countries took part, including, for the first time, an E-3 Sentry Aircraft and crew from Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma.
Air Force Radio News 09 November 2018 A
Today's story:
In the latest example of the strong ties between the U.S. and Ukraine, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein held high-level discussions with his Ukrainian counterpart, Col-Gen. Sergii Drozdov, at the Pentagon, Nov. 8.
Air Force Radio News 08 November 2018
Today's story:
Airmen selected for an extended deployment can now apply for an advanced assignment, giving families of the deployed airman the option to move to the advanced assignment early.
Air Force Radio News 08 November 2018 B
Today's story: 179 students from the Airey Noncommissioned Officer Academy at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, will continue their education at an alternate site after Hurricane Michael caused them to evacuate.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 7 B
Today's story: KC 135 Stratotankers deployed to Amari Air Base, Estonia from Royal Air Force Mildenhall as part of a weeklong mission assurance exercise.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 7 A
Today's Story: Kunsan air base is taking its first step toward becoming more energy efficient and environmentally conscious. The energy savings performance contract, a dod-wide initiative to assess energy consumption on military installations, has set groundwork for the 8th civil engineer squadron at kunsan to modernize facilities with energy saving technology.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 6 B
Today's Story: Air Force Basic Military Training has an updated curriculum with a new focus on readiness and lethality, airmanship, fitness and the warrior ethos.
Air Force Radio News 06 November 2018
Today's story:
The Air Force and HackerOne have teamed up for Hack the Air Force 3.0, the military service’s third and most inclusive bug bounty program.
Air Force Radio News 05 November 2018 A
Today's stories: Following Hurricane Michael, several important missions will resume at Tyndall AFB in the next few months, and others will temporarily shift to other locations. Also, the Air Force also announced the temporary relocation of F-22s from Tyndall.
Air Force Radio News 05 November 2018 B
Today's stories: Hill Air Force Base, Utah, completes a combat exercise involving the F-35A Lightning II. Also, the latest episode of Tech Report featuring solar power is available on YouTube.
Air Force Radio News 02 November 2018 B
Today's story: U.S. Strategic Command launched Global Thunder 2019, an annual Command and Control exercise that provides training opportunities to assess all USSTRATCOM mission areas and joint and field training operational readiness, with a specific focus on nuclear readiness.
Air Force Radio News 02 November 2018 A
Today's story:
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright recently posted on his Facebook page that it's now open season for the Blended Retirement System or BRS.
Air Force Radio News 01 November 2018 A
Today's stories:
Enlisted, officer and government employees may now submit their innovative ideas for the 2019 Air Force Spark Tank Competition.
Air Force Radio News 2018 November 1 B
Today's story: The Marrakech Air Show 2018 showcased leadership in aerospace technologies by the U.S., Morocco and other regional partners.
Air Force Radio News 31 October 2018 A
Today's story:
The 50th annual Airlift/Tanker Association Symposium brought top Air Force leadership to Grapevine, Texas, Oct. 25 to 27, to address issues of interest to the mobility force and the Air Force as a whole.
Air Force Radio News 31 October 2018 B
Today's story: A cash prize competition by the Air Force and the Wright Brothers Institute (WBI) kicked off the hunt for top space awareness innovators.
Air Force Radio News 30 October 2018 A
Today's story:
The name of recent Medal of Honor recipient, Master Sergeant John Chapman, was unveiled on the Wall of Honor during a memorial ceremony at Hurlburt Field, Florida on October 27, 2018.
Air Force Radio News 30 October 2018 B
Today's stories:
Air Mobility Command held its first-ever Phoenix Spark Tank competition where four finalists proposed their innovation ideas to a panel of judges.
The ideas presented included solutions to problems that exist with cargo parachutes, abnormal wear to landing gear and even painting aircraft parts.
Air Force Radio News 29 October 2018 A
Today's story:
The Air Force Aid Society has provided more than $6 million in hurricane disaster and relief assistance to airmen and their families across the Florida Gulf region following the aftermath of Hurricane Michael.
Air Force Radio News 29 October 2018 B
Today's Story: Over the weekend, Chief of Staff of the Air Force General David Goldfein and Chief Master Sergeant of the air force Kaleth Wright visited Tyndall Air Force Base for the second time since Hurricane Michael caused catastrophic damage.
Air Force Radio News 2018 October 26 A
Today's stories: For the first time, fuel cell technology was used in a Hawaii National Guard exercise as part of a training event with Indonesian forces; and Ramstein Air Base, Germany just got its largest shipment of munitions since 1999.
Air Force Radio News 25 October 2018 B
Today's story: Two flying training squadrons from Joint Base San Antonio Randolph, Texas, are seeing measurable benefits from a virtual reality program implemented earlier this year.
Air Force Radio News 25 October 2018 A
Today's stories: Air University at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama is working to improve Flight Commanders' leadership skills; and Air Force Materiel Command, or AFMC sees almost 90% of all Air Force fraud cases.
Air Force Radio News 2018 October 26 B
Today's stories: An associate's degree from the Community College of the Air Force is no longer required for promotions; and It's getting down to the wire as airmen have less than 70 days to decide whether they want to opt in to the blended retirement system.
Air Force Radio News 24 October 2018 A
Today's story: Following the devastation of hurricane Michael, Tyndall Air Force Base is making progress in recovery efforts.
Air Force Radio News 23 October 2018 A
Today's story: Relief efforts are ongoing after the earthquake and tsunami that hit Indonesia last month.
Air Force Radio News 23 October 2018 A
Relief efforts are ongoing after the earthquake and tsunami that hit Indonesia last month.
Air Force Radio News 24 October 2018 B
Today's story:
Submissions for the 2019 Air Force Spark Tank Competition are underway. The competition calls for airmen to unleash their innovative capacity and pitch their ideas to Air Force Senior Leaders.
Air Force Radio News 23 October 2018 B
Today's story:
The Air Force is extending the high year of tenure or HYT limits for senior airmen through technical sergeants.
Air Force Radio News 23 October 2018 B
Today's story:
The Air Force is extending the high year of tenure or HYT limits for senior airmen through technical sergeants.
Air Force Radio News 22 October 2018
Today's story: Squadrons around the Air Force are starting to see the benefit of the new squadron innovation fund announced by Chief of Staff General David Goldfein in February.
Air Force Radio News 22 October 2018 A
Today's story: Squadrons around the Air Force are starting to see the benefit of the new Squadron Innovation Fund announced by Chief of Staff General David Goldfein in February.
Air Force Radio News 22 October 2018 B
Today's stories:
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson recently issued new guidance to the Air Force's Voting Assistance Program.
Also, the Hatch Act is a regulation that prohibits federal employees from engaging in certain political activities. While the Air Force recognizes service member's rights to support issues and candidates of their choice, there are still specific rules governing those rights.
Air Force Radio News 19 October 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force military and civilian personnel affected by hurricane Michael should fill out a Needs Assessment survey on the Air Force Personnel Accountability and Assessment System, or AFPAAS.
Air Force Radio News 19 October 2018 A
Today's stories: Cyber Airmen assigned to the 557th Weather Wing, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, teamed with the defense innovation unit to improve the way airborne tankers schedule their flight plans.
Air Force Radio News 18 October 2018 B
Today's stories: A new communication satellite for the Air Force launched on an Atlas V rocket from Cape Canaveral Wednesday. Also, a new podcast from the Contracting Directorate at Air Force Materiel Command will educate and inform government professionals across the globe.
Air Force Radio News 18 October 2018 A
Today's Stories: Phase 2 in the recovery of Hurricane Michael is underway at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.
It's that time of year; flu season is upon us.
Air Force Radio News 17 October 2018 A
Today's story: One US service member and one Ukrainian service member died in a crash near the end of exercise "Clear Sky" 2018 in Ukrain.
Air Force Radio News 17 October 2018 B
Today's stories: Airmen impacted by hurricane Michael can apply for Stabilizing Assistance Grants. Also, the Royal Thailand Air Force signed an agreement joining 16 other nations who share Space Situational Awareness services and data with United States Strategic Command.
Air Force Radio News 16 October 2018 A
Today's story: When hurricane Michael made a direct hit on Tyndall air force base in Florida, other air force bases across the U.S. responded.
Air Force Radio News 16 October 2018 B
Today's story: In the aftermath of category four Hurricane Michael, a team of Airmen from the 116th Air Control Wing at Robins Air Force Base deployed to help distribute food and water to citizens in Seminole County, Georgia.
Air Force Radio News 15 October 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force's top three leaders toured the damage from category four hurricane Michael at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida over the weekend. After the tour Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talked about recovery.
Air Force Radio News 15 October 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force top three assessed the damage at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, and then briefed the press on the condition.
Air Force Radio News 12 October 2018 B
Today's story:
In the aftermath of category four Hurricane Michael, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein shared a message for the affected airmen from Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 12 October 2018 A
Today's stories:
A new Special Warfare Training Wing is up and running at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas.
Also, over 1,300 active-duty officers are up for promotion to Lieutenant Colonel and Major.
Air Force Radio News 11 October 2018 B
Today's story:
Hurricane Michael made landfall, Wednesday afternoon as a category four with wind speeds over one hundred fifty miles per hour.
Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, suffered extensive damage but as of Thursday morning there are no reported injuries on base.
Air Force Radio News 11 October 2018 B
Today's story:
Hurricane Michael made landfall, Wednesday afternoon as a category four with wind speeds over 150 MPH. Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, suffered extensive damage but as of Thursday morning there are no reported injuries on base.
Air Force Radio News 11 October 2018 A
Today's story:
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talked about restoration of the force at the Senate Armed Services Committees Subcommittee in Washington D.C. October 10th.
Air Force Radio News 10 October 2018 A
Today's stories:
A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the SAOCOM 1A satellite launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California Sunday.
Also, the Air Force Reserve is accepting Mandatory Separation Date and High Year of Tenure extension requests.
Air Force Radio News 10 October 2018 B
Today's stories: Airmen have less than ninety days to decide whether or not they want to opt-in to the Blended Retirement System. Also, having an emergency plan is important in case of natural disasters.
Air Force Radio News 09 October 2018 B
Today's stories: Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, evacuates in preparation for Hurricane Michael. Also, Airmen out of Anderson Air Force Base, Guam, deliver humanitarian assistance to Indonesia following recent natural disasters.
Air Force Radio News 09 October 2018 A
Today's story:
New technology is easing flight line maintenance on the United States’ most advanced multi-role fighter aircraft. Maintainers on Hill Air Force Base’s Flight line in Utah are using new, high-tech, hand-held tablets to work on the F-35A Lightning II.
Air Force Radio News 5 October 2018 A
A new rocket vehicle propulsion system called the X-60-A will help the Air Force develop hypersonic technology.
Air Force Radio News 05 October 2018 B
Today's stories: Science is helping to improve graduation rates of Battlefield Airmen for Special Operations Forces. Also, KC-135 Stratotankers from Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington are supporting the French military's operations in Mali and North Africa, in an effort known as Juniper Micron.
Air Force Radio News 04 October 2018 A
Today's story::
There's a new policy that could affect up to 1,600 active duty Airmen.
The Air Force is finalizing details on how it will implement Department of Defense Instruction on Retention Determination for Non-Deployable Service Members.
Air Force Radio News 4 October 2018 A
Today's story: There's a new policy that could affect up to 16 hundred active duty airmen.
Air Force Radio News 04 October 2018 B
Today's story:
3D printing parts for aircraft at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, is saving the service time and money.
Air Force Radio News 03 October 2018 B
Today's story: An online Express Licensing process is allowing the Air Force and DOD to get technologies they develop into the hands of industry partners quickly for broad distribution and improvement. Also, a Royal Jordanian Air Force Officer earned the "Student Ace Award" for perfect scores when he finished the 361st Training Squadron's Aircraft Fuel Systems Apprentice Course at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas.
Air Force Radio News 03 October 2018 A
Today's stories:
F-35 Lightning II and F-22 Raptor fighter sorties are now requested to fly closer to the fighters' maximum range airspeed, while still within tanker boom limits, during Coronet missions.
Also, October is energy action month.
Its an opportunity to "Protect the Power" by making the most effective use of energy and water resources to support the war fighting mission and enhance readiness.
Air Force Radio News 2 October 2018 B
Today's Stories: The Air Force begins transitioning Hospitals and Clinics to the Defense Health Agency and PACAF hosts joint partners.
Air Force Radio News 02 October 2018 A
Today's story: Operation Colony Glacier is a continuing Joint Effort Casualty Recovery Mission in Alaska. It can only be carried out during a small window of opportunity in the summer, each year.
Air Force Radio News 1 October 2018 B
Today's stories: The OCP uniform is now authorized for wear and Airmen participate in Exercise Ample Strike.
Air Force Radio News 01 October 2018 A
Today's story: An experimental pilot program known as First Assignment Companion Trainer, or FACT, is being introduced to give Air Force Undergraduate Pilot Training, or UPT Students the opportunity to select the U-2-S air frame on their "dream sheets."
Air Force Radio News 28 September 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Space Commander General Jay Raymond talks about growing space operations and where they plan to be in the future.
Air Force Radio News 28 September 2018 A
Today's stories: B-52's continue to support the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command's Continuous Bomber Presence operations. Also, the Air Force awarded a contract for the next-generation fighter and bomber trainer to The Boeing Company.
Air Force Radio News 27 September 2018 A
Today's story: Valiant Shield 2018, a US-only field training exercise conducted by the US Indo-Pacific Command wrapped up this week around the Marianas Island Range Complex and on Guam.
Air Force Radio News 27 September 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein shares some advice on how to keep a healthy work-life balance.
Air Force Radio News 26 September 2018 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talks about working with other service secretaries to help address concerns of military members across all services.
Air Force Radio News 26 September 2018 A
Today's story: Senior Air Force leaders discuss concerns about education systems at local military bases.
Air Force Radio News 25 September 2018 B
Today's story: Mrs. Dawn Goldfein, spouse of Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein, talks about what the Air Force is doing to help families get care from the Child Development Center.
Air Force Radio News 25 September 2018 A
Today's stories: The Air Force awarded a contract to Boeing for a new helicopter. Also, the Air Force is seeking nominations for the Arthur S. Flemming award.
Air Force Radio News 24 September 2018 B
Today's Stories: In a discussion on pilot retention during the 2018 Air Force Association Air & Space Conference, General James Holmes, Commander of Air Combat Command talked about the importance of the Squadron Revitalization Task Force.
Air Force Radio News 24 September 2018 A
Today's stories: Radiologists Lieutenant Colonel David Gover and Major Jason Hoskins out of Travis Air Force Base, California, performed the first Air Force only liver cancer treatment with Y-90 Radio Embolization. Also, Air Force officials are looking for nominations for the 2019 Brigadier General Wilma Vaught Visionary Leadership Award.
Air Force Radio News 21 September 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein delivered an Air Force Update during this year's Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference in National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 21 September 2018 B
Today's stories: The wing responsible for MQ-9 Reaper and F-16 Fighting Falcon training is realigning from Air Combat Command to the Air Education and Training Command. Also, you can find full speeches from Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson, Chief of Staff David Goldfein and others discussing what's happening in today's Air Force, all on our Youtube site.
Air Force Radio News 20 September 2018 A
Today's story: As the 2018 Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference comes to an end, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright speaks to attendees about taking care of airmen from the ground up.
Air Force Radio News 20 September 2018 B
Today's story: Jeff Bezos, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Amazon shared some of his management tips about innovation at the 2018 Air and Space Conference at National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 19 September 2018 B
Today's stories: A T-6 crashed near Randolph Air Force Base, Texas and an update about the Air Force Association's Air, Space and Cyber conference.
Air Force Radio News 19 September 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein heads to National Harbor, Maryland to speak at the 2018 Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference.
Air Force Radio News 18 September 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson spoke about the future of space at the Air Force Association's Air, Space and Cyber conference in National Harbor, MD.
Air Force Radio News 18 September 2018 A
Today's story: The 2018 Air Force Association Air Space and Cyber Conference is underway at National Harbor, Maryland. Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson speaks to attendees about the Air Force's need to strengthen and increase squadrons.
Air Force Radio News 17 September 2018 B
Today's story: Enlisted, officer and government employees may now submit their innovative ideas for the 2018 Air Force Spark Tank Competition.
Air Force Radio News 17 September 2018 A
Today's stories: Pacific Air Force's Security Forces team won this year's Air Force Defender Challenge at Joint Base San Antonio-Bullis, Texas. Also, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio hosted the 22nd Annual Air Force Marathon.
Air Force Radio News 14 September 2018 B
Today's Stories: An Air Force-wide Operational Safety Review initiated in the Spring by Chief of Staff General David Goldfein, has wrapped up. Also, varying levels of oxygen were found to be the culprit behind the Unexplained Physiological Events affecting T-6 Texan II pilots.
Air Force Radio News 14 September 2018 A
Today's story: Air National Guard Airmen from the 920th Rescue Wing deploy to Georgia to help with Hurricane Florence.
Air Force Radio News 13 September 2018 B
Today's story: U.S. Airmen are teaming up with the Columbian Air Force for Exercise Angel de los Andes.
Air Force Radio News 13 September 2018 A
Today's story: Multiple states on the east coast have declared states of emergency and activated their national guard in advance of Hurricane Florence.
Air Force Radio News 12 September 2018 A
Today's story:Air Force officials have selected 3 captains to be a part of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Captains Prestigious Ph.D. Program.
Air Force Radio News 12 September 2018 B
Today's story: The Air Force and Navy announced their Joint Physiological Episodes Action Team, or J-PEAT, at the Pentagon this week.
Air Force Radio News 11 September 2018 B
Today's story: The 23rd Maintenance Squadron’s propulsion flight from Moody Air Force Base, Georgia made history by ensuring every TF34 engine was repaired to serviceable status.
Air Force Radio News 11 September 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force Reserve Command is convening an officer continuation board to give Airmen in critical manned career fields and nearing separation the opportunity to continue serving.
Air Force Radio News 10 September 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force Reserve's 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, better know as the Hurricane Hunters began flying data collection missions into Hurricanes Olivia and Florence.
Air Force Radio News 10 September 2018 B
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright along with previous Chief Master Sergeants of the Air Force, participated in the 2018 Senior Enlisted Statesman Forum at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska.
Air Force Radio News 07 September 18 B
Today's story: US Airmen are participating in a search and rescue exercise led by the Colombian Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 07 September 2018 A
Today's stories:
Technological advances by potential adversaries is driving innovation and change in the way the Air Force acquires things like software.
Also, This month is the Air Space and Cyber Symposium Conference at National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 06 September 2018 A
Today's stories:
The Air Force has considered how big the force needs to be based on the National Defense Strategy.
Also, The 2018 GEICO award nominations are underway, recognizing community contributions made by enlisted members from all military service branches.
Air Force Radio News 06 September 18 B
Today's story: Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, becomes the first Air Force base with a Tele-Intensive Care Unit system.
Air Force Radio News 05 September 2018 A
Today's story:
The Air Force is refining and strengthening how Airmen are developed to integrate into and lead joint teams.
Air Force Radio News 05 September 2018 B
Today's stories: The first Invisible Wounds Center for the Air Force just opened at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. Also, loss of oxygen, headaches and disorientation can all affect aircrews. They're called Unexplained Physiological Events, and they can hinder flight safety and effectiveness.
Air Force Radio News 04 September 2018 A
In an historic first, the U.S. Air Force Central Command held their change of command ceremony at AFCENT's forward headquarters at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. Lieutenant General Joseph Guastella assumed command from Lieutenant General Jeffery Harrigian August 30th.
Air Force Radio News 04 September 2018 B
Today's Stories: The 420th Munitions Squadron at RAF Welford in the UK just finished up their largest shipment in 15 years. Also, two B-52H Bombers from Anderson Air Force Base, Guam took part in training missions in the South China Sea vicinity, integrating with the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group.
Air Force Radio News 31 August 2018 B
Today's stories: For the first time in 14 years, Security Force teams from Air Force Major Commands, Great Britain and Germany will compete in the 2018 Air Force Defender Challenge. Also, in an effort to win the cyber battle raging worldwide, while protecting yourself, your family, and the air force, tactics to improve cyber awareness can be found at
Air Force Radio News 30 August 2018 B
Today's story: Fully disabled veterans are now eligible to fly on space available travel.
Air Force Radio News 31 August 2018 A
Today's stories: The 100th Maintenance Squadron at RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom, saves money by utilizing a high-tech 3D printer. Also, the Selection Board Secretariat releases the CY-19 calendar year schedule for boards.
Air Force Radio News 30 August 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force leadership announces the elimination of more than 226 directive publications and almost 4,795 compliance items after a 24 month review.
Air Force Radio News 29 August 2018 B
Today's stories: U.S. Airmen and Soldiers combine forces for exercise Predictable Iron at Pope Field, North Carolina. Also, the Air Force announces the winners of the 2018 Arthur J. Myers Food Service Excellence Awards.
Air Force Radio News 29 August 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force is preparing to launch the newest GPS III satellite.
Air Force Radio News 28 August 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson talks about initiatives to get more women interested in STEM jobs.
Air Force Radio News 28 August 2018 A
Today's stories: Several F-15E Strike Eagles from the 492nd Fighter Squadron join the Royal Air Force's premiere combat training exercise Typhoon Warrior at Coningsby, England. Also, the calendar year 2018-D Major Line of the Air Force Promotion Board begins on December 3rd.
Air Force Radio News 27 August 2018 A
Today's stories: General Timothy Ray takes command of Air Force Global Strike Command. Also, Air Forces Cyber, or AFCYBER, joins Air Combat Command to help give U.S. forces a distinct advantage over our adversaries.
Air Force Radio News 27 August 2018 B
Today's stories: The Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Airfield Pavement Evaluation Team from Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida received the General Mark A. Welsh III One Air Force Award for mission success. Also, a U.S. Department of Agriculture team developed a system for catching birds to prevent damage to aircraft at the busiest aerial port in U.S. Air Forces Central Command.
Air Force Radio News 24 August 2018 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson, Chief of Staff David Goldfein, and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright, attended the unveiling of the addition of TSgt John Chapman's name to the Air Force Memorial in Arlington, Virginia.
Air Force Radio News 24 August 2018 A
Today's stories: The Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter's mission is to fly into tropical storms and hurricanes. Operation Deep Freeze brings cargo and personnel to prepare runways and airfields for the anticipated heavy traffic for the upcoming 2018 2019 season.
Air Force Radio News 23 August 2018 A
Today's story: KC-10 Extender boom operators from Travis Air Force Base, California received three-dimensional simulator training and life-size cargo load training.
Air Force Radio News 23 August 2018 B
Today's story: Integrating reconnaissance aircraft in training, like the RQ-4 Global Hawk, is a key part of executing the Air Force's Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance or ISR mission.
Air Force Radio News 22 August 2018 A
Today's stories: General Miller has just been confirmed for her fourth star, making her the first Reserve Airman to achieve that rank. Also, Brazil joins fourteen other nations that benefit from the ability to request specific information gathered by Air Force Space Command’s 18th Space Control Squadron.
Air Force Radio News 22 August 2018 B
Today's story: In a White House ceremony Wednesday, Technical Sergeant John A. Chapman, an Air Force Special Tactics Combat Controller was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism during the Battle of Takur Ghar, Afghanistan, in March of 2002.
Air Force Radio News 21 August 2018 A
Today's stories: Congress voted to terminate and replace the Flat Rate with Standard Per Diem rates. Also, Ninth Air Force is working to become a Joint Task Force-capable Headquarters, with certification coming up in December.
Air Force Radio News 21 August 2018 B
Today's story: As flight systems become more complex, there may be fewer safety incidents, but when they do occur, they could be catastrophic.
Air Force Radio News 20 August 2018 B
Today's story: A historic weekend training flight aboard a reconnaissance aircraft allowed active-duty Airmen to work together with members of the Nebraska Air National Guard.
Air Force Radio News 20 August 2018 A
Today's story: Reserve Airmen, Soldiers and Sailors from around the country came together to participate in Engines Running Onload and Offload training during Exercise Patriot Warrior at Fort McCoy, Wisconsin.
Air Force Radio News 17 August 2018 A
Today's story: U.S. and Polish troops came together for their annual Aviation Detachment Rotation training at Powidz Air Base, Poland.
Air Force Radio News 17 August 2018 B
Today's stories: Airmen at Hill Air Force Base, Utah tested the F-35A Lightning II during a strafing exercise. Also, our latest episode of BLUE, Life Cycle of an Airmen takes you through an Airman's career from recruitment to retirement.
Air Force Radio News 16 August 2018 A
Today's story: Exercise Pitch Black 2018 is taking place at Royal Australian Air Force Base Darwin, Australia from July 27 through Aug. 17.
Air Force Radio News 16 August 18 B
Today's stories: Airmen discussed the importance of preventing vector borne illnesses with Sri Lankan health officials. Also, the Air Force promoted more than 50 percent of eligible senior airmen to staff sergeant.
Air Force Radio News 15 August 18 B
Today's stories: Air Force researchers are testing a digital noise-immune stethoscope. Also, Military OneSource benefits were extended for military members who have separated or retired from service.
Air Force Radio News 15 August 2018 A
Today's story: The Columbian Air Force refueled U.S. aircraft for the first time in history during Red Flag.
Air Force Radio News 14 August 2018 A
Today's story: Exercise Northern Strike kicked off in northern Michigan last week. The exercise was coordinated by the Michigan Army National Guard and brought together U.S. and allied military members.
Air Force Radio News 14 August 18 B
Today's stories: The Air Force awarded a hypersonic weapon contract to Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control. Also, the latest episode of BLUE, Life Cycle of an Airman, is on YouTube.
Air Force Radio News 13 August 18 B
Today's story: Air Force squadrons are reporting positive feedback after Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfeins initiative to revitalize squadrons.
Air Force Radio News 13 August 2018 A
Today's story: Students graduated from the first iteration of the Aviation, Character and Education Flight Program. The three-week training camp was designed to combat the growing pilot shortage affecting the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 10 August 18 B
Today's stories: Reserve Airmen deployed to California to help suppress wildfires. Also, Air Force captains are getting the opportunity to earn a doctorate degree in science, technology, engineering and math programs.
Air Force Radio News 10 August 18 A
Today's stories: 500 Airmen were selected for promotion via the enlisted in-system supplemental promotion process. Also, deployable air base system kits will soon be available around Europe.
Air Force Radio News 09 August 18 B
Today's story: Airmen from the 910th Medical Squadron trained with active duty counterparts at Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany. Also the Air and Cyber Space Symposium is coming soon to National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 09 August 18 A
Today's stories: U.S. Airmen and Japan Self-Defense Fighters participate in a joint live fire training at Kadena Air Base, Japan. Also, the Air Force needs pilots for the new KC-46 squadrons at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas.
Air Force Radio News 08 August 18 B
Today's story: Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, celebrated the full operational capability of the only human-rated centrifuge in the Defense Department.
Air Force Radio News 08 August 18 A
Today's stories: Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, conducted a training sortie for the first time with mostly Air National Guard and Reserve Airmen. Also, more than 300 military members are participating in readiness training Tropic Care Maui 2018.
Air Force Radio News 07 August 18 B
Today's story: Service members wounded in combat are exempt from the new Defense Department policy.
Air Force Radio News 07 August 18 A
Today's story: The first group of Airmen in the Pilot Training Next program graduated last week.
Air Force Radio News 06 August 18 A
Today's story: Air Force scientists are studying artificial silk to make body armor, parachutes, and tents for forward operating bases.
Air Force Radio News 06 August 18 B
Today's story: NASA selects 9 astronauts to fly on American-made, commercial spacecraft to and from the International Space Station.
Air Force Radio News 03 August 2018 B
Today’s stories: Air Force Personnel Center’s call center moves to 24-hour operations. Also, the Dirty Dozen exercise is coming up at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.
Air Force Radio News 03 August 2018 A
Today’s stories: Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets gained first-hand experience of active-duty lifestyle during Operation Air Force at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia. Also, the Air Force is looking at ways to enhance deliveries using space.
Air Force Radio News 02 August 18 B
Today's story: Security Forces teams from the United States, Great Britain, and Germany are preparing for the upcoming Defender Challenge this September.
Air Force Radio News 02 August 18 A
Today's story: Airmen from the California Air National Guard are helping officials battle wildfires in Northern California.
Air Force Radio News 01 August 2018 B
Today's story: The Air Force has taken steps to accomodate nursing mothers in uniform.
Air Force moms who choose to breastfeed their children are now authorized to wear Air Force Instruction, or AFI approved undershirts in their Airman Battle Uniform or Operational Camouflage Pattern uniform.
Air Force Radio News 01 August 2018 A
Today's stories: The Air Force selects 8 active duty officers for the DARPA Service Chief's Fellows Program. Also, Red Flag Alaska 18-3 is set to begin on August 9th at the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex.
Air Force Radio News 31 July 2018 B
Today's stories:
Following this year's Technical Sergeant promotion cycle release, the Air Force discovered that more than 50 Refueling/Bomber Aircraft Maintenance Airmen were improperly considered for promotion.
Also, the Air Force rolled out a new app for Airmen called AF Connect. The CAC enabled app can be used on the go via your personal mobile device and combines all essential AF Portal applications into one.
Air Force Radio News 31 July 2018 A
Today's stories: Two B-52 Stratofortress bombers from Barksdale AFB, Louisiana join other units for bilateral training as part of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command's Continuous Bomber Presence operations. Also, the Air Force announces the winners of this year's Innkeeper Award for best lodging operations across the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 30 July 2018 B
Today's story:
The Air Force has placed an emphasis on school-age dependent education, recommending that the quality of local public schools be considered in future basing decisions for Airmen and their families.
Air Force Radio News 30 July 2018 A
Today's story: President Donald Trump announced he will posthumously award the Medal of Honor to the family of fallen Special Tactics Combat Controller TSgt. John Chapman.
Air Force Radio News 27 July 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force officials announced the NCO Retraining program for fiscal year 2019.
Air Force Radio News 27 July 2018 A
Today's story: General C.Q. Brown takes command of PACAF.
Air Force Radio News 26 July 2018 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force assisted SpaceX in the launch of the Telstar 19 Vantage Satellite from Space Launch Complex 40 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. Also, Joint Terminal Attack Controllers, or JTACs, from The British Royal Army trained with Airmen at Ellsworth Air Force Base in South Dakota to gain experience in controlling US Air Force B-1 and B-2 Bombers.
Air Force Radio News 26 July 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson establishes the new Air Force Rapid Sustainment Office.
Air Force Radio News 25 July 2018 B
Today's story: The 24th Air Force was reassigned from Air Force Space Command to Air Combat Command.
Air Force Radio News 25 July 2018 A
Today's story: The first South Korean Pilot takes flight in the F-35A.
Air Force Radio News 24 July 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen from Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington test a new Joint Service Aircrew Mask.
Air Force Radio News 24 July 2018 A
Today's story: Reserve Airmen from Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona win best in show at the RAF Fairford, England.
Air Force Radio News 23 July 2018 B
Today's story: The commander of Air Combat Command selected the newest officers for the Thunderbird's 2019 season.
Air Force Radio News 23 July 2018 A
Today's stories: During Combat Archer, a part of the Weapons System Evaluation Program, the 1st Fighter Wing from Joint Base Langley-Eustis traveled to Tyndall Air Force Base in Florida to get first-hand experience with live fire. Also, Air Mobility Command, or AMC, is accepting applications through August 17th, 2018, for active-duty mobility pilots to pioneer a new aviator technical track program.
Air Force Radio News 20 July 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force is working with partner nations to improve individual and collective space capabilities in order to expand mission effectiveness across all domains.
Air Force Radio News 20 July 2018 B
Today's story: The Air Force awarded a contract to The Boeing Company to design and build the new Air Force One fleet by 2024.
Air Force Radio News 19 July 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force officials are currently accepting nominations for the Lance P. Sijan Leadership Award until August 31st.
Air Force Radio News 19 July 2018 A
Today's story: Advanced technology, like 3-D printers are providing fast repair capabilities and bringing cost effective maintenance to the F-35, America's most advanced fighter aircraft.
Air Force Radio News 18 July 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff David Goldfein visited several air bases across Italy where he met with military and political leaders.
Air Force Radio News 18 July 2018 A
Today's story: Columbian fighter jets made a quick stop at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base to train with A-10s and F-16s before participating in the Air Force's premier air to air combat training exercise, Red Flag 18-3.
Air Force Radio News 17 July 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force officials announced changes to Air Force Instruction 36-2903.
Air Force Radio News 17 July 2018 A
Today's story: Situational awareness and accurate information can be the deciding factor between mission success and failure for security forces and base defenders.
Air Force Radio News 16 July 2018 B
Today's story: The KC-46 Pegasus program hit a milestone at Boeing Field in Seattle, Washington when they completed of the final flight tests required for first aircraft delivery planned in late October.
Air Force Radio News 16 July 2018 A
Disaster relief and humanitarian aid continues to be a major focus for Pacific Air Forces.
Air Force Radio News 13 July 2018 A
Today's story:The Department of Defense issued a substantive change today to its policy on the transfer by service members in the uniformed services of Post-9/11 GI Bill educational benefits to eligible family member recipients.
Air Force Radio News 13 July 2018 B
Today's story:
The Continuous Process Improvement, or CPI Greenbelt Course inspired the innovation of a single Airman to help save time for an entire Squadron.
Air Force Radio News 12 July 2018 B
Today's story:
Hurricane Hunters flew missions over the Indian Ocean with the government of Sri Lanka to study the island's atmosphere and predict Monsoon patterns to save lives.
Air Force Radio News 12 July 2018 A
Today's stories: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson visited Royal Air Force Lakenheath,England where she met with Airmen from across the base, learning what it takes to make the mission happen every day and saw how 48th Fighter Wing personnel are innovating by streamlining processes and reducing redundancies.
Air Force Radio News 11 July 2018 A
Today's stories:The 13th Fighter Squadron participated in Combat Hammer at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, an evaluation exercise which is part of the Air Force’s weapons system evaluation program. Also, The Air Force Reserve’s Hurricane Hunters spent the weekend flying weather reconnaissance missions.
Air Force Radio News 11 July 2018 B
Today's stories:
Secretary of the Air Force, Heather Wilson will join other military keynote speakers at the 2018 Air Force Information Technology and Cyberpower Conference, or AFITC, in Montgomery, Alabama. Also, Nascar brought Airmen from both Patrick and Moody Air Force base, with members of other services to participate in Nascar's annual nod to America's military - "Nascar Salute," at the Daytona International Speedway in Daytona, Florida earlier this week.
Air Force Radio News 10 July 2018 B
Today's stories:
Two Air Force Material Command, or AFMC Directorates, merged to increase synergy and coordination in support of the Air Force's Nuclear Modernization efforts. Also, forecasters have projected this hurricane season to be an average one; however, whether it's a busy or slow season, it only takes one storm with devastating impacts to a community to make it a bad one, so it's important to be prepared.
Air Force Radio News 10 July 2018 A
Today's Story: The inaugural class of Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps cadets participating in the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Flight Academy Scholarship program this summer are off and flying.
Air Force Radio News 09 July 2018 B
Today's story:
A new document is saving the Air Force thousands of hours spent in processing acquisitions.
Air Force Radio News 09 July 2018 A
Today's story: Active-duty officers interested in developing language skills and regional cultural knowledge are encouraged to apply for the Department of Defense Olmsted Scholar Program.
Air Force Radio News 06 July 2018 B
Today's story:
Airmen in Kuwait have been working day and night with Kuwaiti counterparts to build the nearly-finished, temporary base called "Cargo City" from the ground up.
Air Force Radio News 06 July 2018 A
Today's story: Air National Guard aircrews from Wyoming and Nevada join fire suppression efforts at Peterson Air Force Base to fight the wildfires in Spring Creek, Colordao.
Air Force Radio News 03 July 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen from the Texas and Nebraska Air National Guard participated in the bi-national Air exercise, "Sky Avenger" in the Czech Republic as part of a State Partnership between the US and Czech military.
Air Force Radio News 03 July 2017 A
Today's stories: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talks Air Force innovation while touring AFWERX and Pilot Training Next at Joint Base San Antonio, Texas. Also, Arctic Thunder Open House concludes at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.
Air Force Radio News 02 July 2018 B
Today's Stories: Six passengers lost at sea for six days were rescued by crew members flying a B-52-h Stratofortress, during a Joint Search and Rescue mission in the Pacific Ocean, southwest of Guam. Also, two Afghan female pilots were among the graduates of the 15-month Initial Entry Fixed-Wing School in the Czech Republic last week.
Air Force Radio News 02 July 2018 A
Today's stories: The Air Force announced the winners of 2018's 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year award. Also, the 88th Security Forces Squadron from Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio is named this year's winner of the Air Force Association Verne Orr Award.
Air Force Radio News 29 June 2018 A
Today's stories: The Air Force Aid Society awarded a $1 million grant to the Air Force Enlisted Village for the renovation of the Bob Hope Village Community Center. Also, Air Force officials announced 45 projected Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps detachment commander positions and 104 instructor vacancies are currently available for eligible candidates.
Air Force Radio News 29 June 2018 B
Today's story: The new KC-46 Pegasus tanker aircraft is scheduled to arrive at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas, in October. A lot of progress has been made to prepare for the new tanker, including the construction of hangars, and a huge effort by the 22nd Maintenance Group to ensure they're ready to take care of the Pegasus when it becomes operational.
Air Force Radio News 28 June 2018 B
Today's story: Ruck marches, distance running, and swimming are all part of becoming a Battlefield Airman. the training is tough, and recruits can injure themselves if they're not prepared.
Air Force Radio News 28 June 2018 A
Today's story: Air Chiefs from across the Americas meet in Panama to promote cooperation.
Air Force Radio News 27 June 2018 B
Today's stories: Space X is awarded the contract to so send an Air Force satellite into orbit and Airmen help fight ISIS by bribing supplies to Camp Taji, Iraq.
Air Force Radio News 27 June 2018 A
Today's story: Vermont Air National guardsman Lt. Col Daniel Finnegan receives the Koren Kolligian trophy for his actions in 2017.
Air Force Radio News 26 June 2018 B
Today's story: 19 Romanian air force warrant officers and senior NCOs graduated from the U.S. Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy, and they didn't even leave their home country.
Air Force Radio News 26 June 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force Space command is preparing for a launch this fall, that will send astronauts to International Space Station to study the
Air Force Radio News 25 June 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force awards a contract to the Northrop Grumman Corporation for the maintenance of Ballistic Missile Radars.
Air Force Radio News 25 June 2018 B
Today's story: An A-29 Super Tucano crashed over the Red Rio Bombing Range, north of Holloman Air Force Base, June 22nd. The U.S Navy announced the death of lieutenant Christopher Carey Short.
Air Force Radio News 22 June 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force officials announced the four winners of the Lance P. Sijan leadership award that recognizes Airmen who have demonstrated outstanding leadership abilities.
Air Force Radio News 22 June 2018 A
Today's story:
A new, environmentally friendly fire fighting foam is now in use across the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 21 June 2018 A
Today's Stories:
The US Air Force, the Royal Australian Air Force, and the Australian Defense Force worked together during the Continuous Bomber Presence, or CBP exercise over South- East Queensland, Australia. Also, with fewer Maintainers and C-17 aircraft available, the Air Force gathered partners from around the globe to discuss ways to streamline required scheduled inspections.
Air Force Radio News 21 June 2018 B
Today's story: Green Flag West combines the capabilities of the Air Force and Army as a multi-domain fighting force.
Air Force Radio News 20 June 2018 A
Today's story:
Airmen who are interested in re-training to a job that better fits their strengths and needs can access the Air Force Personnel Center's new and improved Air Force Work Interest Navigator, or AFWIN.
Air Force Radio News 20 June 2018 B
Today's stories: Air Force Global Strike Command resumes B-1B flight operations this week after a safety stand-down. Also, the 575th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron gives their T-38 Talons the most extensive upgrade in their history.
Air Force Radio News 19 June 2018 B
Today's story: The Eagle Vision program has enabled Air Force disaster relief and humanitarian response efforts for nearly three decades.
Air Force Radio News 19 June 2018 A
Today's story: U.S. Air Forces Central Command released an update on operations conducted in the month of May. In Afghanistan, C-17s and C-130s dropped more than 190,000 pounds to support U.S. and Afghan ground troops.
Air Force Radio News 18 June 2018 A
Today's story: U.S. Air Force engineers and test pilots join forces with the Norwegian Government to complete a large testing phase for the Joint Strike Missile at Edwards AFB, CA.
Air Force Radio News 18 June 2018 B
Today's story: U.S. paratroopers teamed up with British Paratroopers in Latvia to conduct Exercise Swift Response 2018.
Air Force Radio News 15 June 2018 B
Today's story: The Distinguished Flying Cross was presented to Captain's John Nygard and Salvador Cruze, 79th Fighter Squadron Instructor Pilots, at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina.
Air Force Radio News 15 June 2018 A
Today's stories: The Air Force along with the U.S. army and Australian Air Force trained together during Rainer War.
Air Force Radio News 14 June 2018 B
Today's stories: Air Force Captains seeking unique learning experiences can now apply for the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Captains Prestigious PHD program. Also, the Air Force Reserve Command is expanding the Aviation Bonus, or AVB program to qualifying Air Reserve Technicians, or ARTs to increase Rated-Aircrew retention.
Air Force Radio News 14 June 2018 A
Today's stories: The Chilean Air Force trained with a Mobile Training Team from Air Forces Southern in Chile on Crash Damaged Disabled Aircraft Recovery from may 13th to June 8th. An Emerging Infectious Diseases Training Event recently concluded in Panama during the New Horizons 2018 humanitarian training exercise.
Air Force Radio News 13 June 2018 B
Today's story: With the launch of the "We Are Airmen 2018 Recruiting Video Contest," Airmen are being called to create a video showcasing their creativity and pride in being an Airman in the US Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 13 June 2018 A
Today's story: A KC-135 Stratotanker from MacDill Air Force Base forward deployed to Pease Air National Guard Base, New Hampshire to support Swift Response 18 by providing in-flight refueling.
Air Force Radio News 12 June 2018 B
Today's stories: Airmen at the 386th Expeditionary Wing created a tool that will save the base more than $123,000 a year. Also, Joint Terminal Attack Controller Airmen from the U.S. and other Partnered Nations trained together during Saber Strike 18 in Adazi, Latvia.
Air Force Radio News 12 June 2018 A
Today's story: Two E-3 Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft, or AWACS from Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, partnered with NATO allies in support of Exercise Baltic Operations.
Air Force Radio News 11 June 2018 B
Today's stories: Closing ceremonies for the Air Force-hosted 20-18 DOD Warrior Games were held Saturday at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. Also, a revision to the Joint Travel Regulation grants some Reserve Citizen Airmen an increase in the maximum pay they receive for travel expenses.
Air Force Radio News 11 June 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force officially has a new parental leave policy. Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Kaleth Wright announced on his facebook page that now the Air Force has the most generous parental leave policy in the federal government.
Air Force Radio News 08 June 2018 A
Today's stories: Airmen from Ramstein Air Base, Germany's 86th Airlift Wing help commemorate the 74th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy, France. Also, two B1-B Lancers from Dyess Air Force Base, Texas participate in Exercise Baltic Operations.
Air Force Radio News 8 June 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force cyber responsibilities are realigning from Air Force Space Command to Air Force Combat Command.
Air Force Radio News 07 June 2018 A
Today's story: 2018 DoD Warrior Games athlete Hannah Stolberg explains how the competition inspires camaraderie among its contestants.
Air Force Radio News 07 June 2018 B
Today's story: Six Guatemalan children injured by the eruption of the Fuego Volcano were transported to the United States Wednesday for medical treatment.
Air Force Radio News 06 June 2018 A
Today's story: Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines teamed up for Exercise Red Flag Rescue at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. The two week exercise allowed the servicemembers the chance to gain realistic combat rescue training experience.
Air Force Radio News 06 June 2018 B
Today's story: The 2018 Department of Defense Warrior Games are still underway at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and Warrior Games participant, master sergeant Benjamin Seekel talks about how competing in the games help him and other athletes.
Air Force Radio News 05 June 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein spoke at the opening ceremony for the 2018 Warrior Games and initiated a new tradition for the annual competition.
Air Force Radio News 05 June 2018 B
Today's stories: Taliban narcotics production and storage facilities in Afghanistan were bombed by a B-1-B Lancer aircraft from the 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. The Colorado Air National Guard is supporting Saber Strike 18, a joint multinational exercise in the Baltic region and Poland, by providing F-16 Fighting Falcons to help train with Joint Tactical Air Controllers from about 20 nations.
Air Force Radio News 04 June 2018 B
Today's story: This year's 2018 Warrior Games have officially started in Colorado Springs, Colorado. during the opening ceremony, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein spoke about the warriors competing.
Air Force Radio News 04 June 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force officials announce changes to Striped for Exceptional Performers program.
Air Force Radio News 01 June 2018 B
Today's stories: Airmen from the 23rd Wing visited the Devil Raiders of the 621st Contingency Response Wing participate in a rescue operations exercise. Also, Air Force Materiel Command met their strategic savings objective for the second year in a row.
Air Force Radio News 01 June 2018 A
Today's story: The 437th and 315th Airlift Wings at Charleston Air Force Base, South Carolina are creating a virtual reenactment of the D-Day invasion on social media.
Air Force Radio News 31 May 2018 A
Today's stories: A special team of Airmen and civilian acquisition professionals presented recommendations on sustaining legacy aircraft to senior Air Force leaders.
Air Force Radio News 31 May 2018 B
Today's stories: F-22A Raptors assigned to Joint Base Elemendorf-Richardson, Alaska, deployed to Kadena Air Base, Japan. Also, the 2018 Warrior Games will kick off on June 2nd at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Air Force Radio News 30 May 2018 B
Today's story: The Air Force is expanding the number of senior noncommissioned officers in the International Enlisted Engagements Program.
Air Force Radio News 30 May 2018 A
Today's stories: Last week two Air Force pilots were awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. Also, this Friday starts the 2018 Department of Defense Warrior Games.
Air Force Radio News 29 May 2018 B
Today's story: Personnel from across the DOD participated in the first RED-FLAG RESCUE exercise.
Air Force Radio News 29 May 2018 B
Today's story: More than 700 Combat Search and Rescue Personnel from across the DOD participated in the first RED-FLAG RESCUE.
Air Force Radio News 29 May 2018 A
Today's story: Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, updates their cyber security course that trains network security professionals in the basics.
Air Force Radio News 25 May 2018 A
Today's stories: It's a big change for Cadets attending the Air University's Officer Training School, or O-T-S. Also, Airmen can now search a single database for all Air Force special trophies and awards.
Air Force Radio News 25 May 2018 B
Today's stories: Memorial Day marks the start of the 101 Critical Days of Summer safety campaign. Also, an Air Force Civil Engineer team at Vandenberg Air Force Base, California earned top honors in the 2018 Secretary of Defense Environmental Awards program for their commitment to innovative, green and restoration techniques.
Air Force Radio News 24 May 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein spoke at the U.S. Air Force Academy Class of 2018 graduation, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Air Force Radio News 24 May 2018 A
Today's story: Retired Air Force rated officers with Air Force Specialty Codes can apply for the Voluntary Retired Return to Active Duty Program to help alleviate manning shortages within the Air Force rated community.
Air Force Radio News 23 May 2018 B
Today's story: The results for this year's Master Sergeant promotions have been released.
Air Force Radio News 23 May 2018 A
Todays story: The Afghan Air Force is seeing a greater success rate in military operations since the addition of laser-guided munitions.
Air Force Radio News 22 May 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen from Travis Air Force Base, California deliver a much need piece of equipment to Hawaii, to help with volcano relief.
Air Force Radio News 22 May 2018 A
Today's stories: the 100th Air refueling Wing of RAF Mildenhall, England hosted 13 NATO nations during the 5th annual European Tanker Symposium. Also, Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona won the 2018 Commander in Chief's Installation Excellence Award for the second time in six years.
Air Force Radio News 21 May 2018 A
Todays story: The Thunderbirds bounced back from their first fatal mishap in 36 years with a performance at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia last weekend.
Air Force Radio News 21 May 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein testified before the Senate Appropriation committee's defense sub committee about how the FY 2019 budget will benefit pilots.
Air Force Radio News 18 May 2018 A
Today's story:
The Air Combat Command is testing a new wing organizational structure at the 366th Fighter Wing at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho.
Air Force Radio News 18 May 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen got the opportunity to present ideas to leadership for infrastructure investment, resilient and agile support operations and development of multi-function combat Airmen at the 2nd Annual Installation and Mission Support Weapons and Tactics Conference on May 16th.
Air Force Radio News 17 May 2018 A
Today's story: A search for visionary ideas in technology is driving a series of listening forums the Air Force Research Lab is hosting at six universities across the U.S.
Air Force Radio News 17 May 2018 B
Today's story: The Kessel Run Experimentation Lab is the Air Force's innovative step to tackle technological hurdles faced by the warfighter.
Air Force Radio News 16 May 2018 A
Today's story:
Air Force Cyber Mission Force teams achieved full operational capability on may 11th. Also, 1,176 technical sergeants were selected for promotion to master sergeant, in the 2018 E7 promotion cycle.
Air Force Radio News 16 May 2018 B
Today's story: Flight leaders at Grand Forks Air Force Base, Nebraska are getting the chance to gain new insights on leadership at a course designed to expose them to information that will help them be more successful.
Air Force Radio News 15 May 2018 B
Today's story: 18 newly commissioned Air force lieutenants from the University of Texas, San Antonio heard inspirational words from the commander of Air Education and Training Command, Lieutenant General Steve Kwast at their commissioning ceremony last week.
Air Force Radio News 15 May 2018 A
Today's story:
Air Force leaders announced that the service will move to a single combat utility uniform by adopting the Operational Camouflage Pattern, or OCP, which is already in use by the army.
Air Force Radio News 14 May 2018 A
Today's story: The 80th Flying Training Wing at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas developed a new app that consolidates over 15-hundred documents, and makes them available to pilots on a hand-held device.
Air Force Radio News 14 May 2018 B
Today's story:
An expert from the Headquarters Air Education Training Command visited the 58th Special Operations Wing at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico to discuss the Continuum of Learning.
Air Force Radio News 11 May 2018 B
Today' story:
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and National Science Foundation Director Dr. France Córdova signed a letter of intent May 9th, to focus joint research efforts in four areas of common interest: space operations and geosciences, advanced material sciences, information and data sciences and workforce and processes.
Air Force Radio News 11 May 2018 A
Today's Stories:
Air Marshall Sean Reynolds, senior officer responsible for personnel and capability of the United Kingdom's Royal Air Force visited Pilot Training Next in Austin, Texas. Also, The Air Force announced its intention to award two sole-source contracts for the Next-Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared program.
Air Force Radio News 10 May 2018 A
Today's stories: Chief of Staff of the Air Force directs all Air Force wings with flying and maintenance functions to execute a one day stand down. Also, AFWERX is accepting submissions.
Air Force Radio News 10 May 2018 B
Today's stories: Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, hosts the Air and Space Expo 'Legacy of Liberty'. Also, the first course for flight surgeons was created one-hundred years ago.
Air Force Radio News 09 May 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein is directing a safety inspection for all Air Force wings with flying and maintenance functions to be completed by May 21st.
Air Force Radio News 09 May 2018 A
Today's stories: Air Force Youth Program Camps are accepting applications for the 2018 summer programs.
Air Force Radio News 08 May 2018 A
Todays story: Phase two of the Air Force's light attack experiment began this week at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. Pilots are flying the A-29 Super Tucano and the AT-6B Wolverine during a three month live fly experiment.
Air Force Radio News 08 May 2018 B
Today's stories: The Air Force is working on the F-16 Service Life Extension Program to keep the jets flying until nearly 2050. Also, Airmen from Hill Air Force Base, Utah, return from a six-month deployment to Kadena Air Base, Japan.
Air Force Radio News 07 May 2018 B
Today's stories: The Air Force is looking to upgrade its current missile warning satellites to maintain air superiority. Also, the Air Force is looking for photo submissions for its 2018 Air Force photo contest.
Air Force Radio News 07 May 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force Reserve Command Recruiting Service has a new tool in its recruiting arsenal with the launch of the interactive Mobile Marketing Platform.
Air Force Radio News 04 May 2018 A
Today's stories: A C-130 Hercules crash in Savannah, Georgia claimed the lives of nine Airmen from the Puerto Rico Air National Guard. Also, Airmen from the 346th Air Expeditionary Group participate in Exercise New Horizons 2018 in Panama.
Air Force Radio News 4 May 2018 B
Today's story: A record 186 commanders, and command chiefs attended Air Mobility Command’s 2018 Spring Phoenix Rally conference at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois.
Air Force Radio News 03 May 2018 B
Today's stories: The Explosive Ordnance Disposal, or E-O-D preliminary school at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas developed a new PT program to reduce injury and enhance performance. Also, nearly 95 personnel and six F-16 Fighting Falcons from Misawa Air Base, Japan participated in an Aviation Training Relocation program at a Japanese air base last week.
Air Force Radio News 3 May 2018 A
Today's stories: The Air Force announced that the B-21 Raider will replace B-1 Lancer and B-2 Spirit aircraft at three existing bomber bases beginning in the mid-2020s. Also, a U.S. C-130 Hercules cargo plane from the Puerto Rico Air National Guard crashed in Georgia.
Air Force Radio News 2 May 2018 B
Today's stories: New virtual reality F-35 simulators are currently under construction at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. Also, U.S. Strategic Command entered into an agreement with the Danish Ministry of Defence to share space situational awareness, or SSA, services and information.
Air Force Radio News 2 May 2018 A
Today's story: The AFWERX Fusion Challenge, which is now accepting submission until May 20th, 2018, is an open innovation collaboration between the Air Force and non-military collaborators in technology, academics, engineering, defense, small business and start-ups.
Air Force Radio News 01 May 2018 B
Today's stories: Air Mobility Command and civic leaders had their Biannual Phoenix Rally Summit meeting at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois with a focus on better education for military families.
Air Force Radio News 1 May 2018 A
Today's stories: The NASA InSight, destined for Mars, is scheduled to launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, on a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket. Also, more than 2,000 students from 23 different schools attended the 2018 Air and Space Expo at Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina.
Air Force Radio News 30 April 2018 B
Today's Stories: The Department of Defense instituted the Continuous Evaluation Program earlier this year, changing requirements for people with security clearances. Also, the Air Force Reserve Command is putting a priority on training Flight Engineers with a program called "High School to Flight School."
Air Force Radio News 30 April 2018 A
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein and his wife, Dawn Goldfein, posted a video on Facebook, with characters from Sesame Street, to honor military children for the Month of the Military Child. Also, a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker supported U.K.-led exercise Joint Warrior, over RAF Mildenhall, England.
Air Force Radio News 27 April 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force has a new acquisition program that could potentially save 2 billion dollars.
Air Force Radio News 27 April 2018 B
Today's stories: The Air Force Technical Applications Center, the only agency in the Department of Defense that conducts global nuclear surveillance, recently went through a full-scale organizational change to better align the center’s vital capabilities to improve mission effectiveness. The U.S. Air Force Concert Band and Britain's Central Band of the Royal Air Force performed together in the Royal Air Force Centenary Concert recently in Washington D.C.
The 435th AEW Mission
Commander of the 435th Air Expeditionary Wing, Col Michael Rawls explains the wings mission and his goals during his command.
Air Force Radio News 26 April 2018 A
Today's stories: Airmen will no longer be required to complete distance learning prior to in-residence attendance at the NCO and senior NCO academy. MacDill Air Force Base recently hosted the first Leaders Inspiring for Tomorrow, or LIFTx, seminar where ten speakers shared their stories of leadership, inspiration, innovation and resiliency.
Air Force Radio News 26 April 2018 B
Today's story: U.S. Strategic Command or USSTRATCOM and the Danish Ministry of Defense signed an agreement to share space situational awareness services and information.
Air Force Radio News 25 April 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force Chief Data Office hosted their annual workshop.
Air Force Radio News 25 April 2018 B
Today's stories: Airmen from the 21st Airlift Squadron and the 860th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron from Travis Air Force Base, California delivered an ambulance and fire truck to Guatemala City, Guatemala on April 20th. The 202nd Engineering Installation Squadron from the Georgia Air National Guard deployed to restore and sustain communications equipment at Muniz Air National Guard Base, Puerto Rico.
Air Force Radio News 24 April 2018 A
Today's story: Guard and Reserve Airmen begin training with the Modular Airborne Firefighting System.
Air Force Radio News 24 April 2018 B
Today's stories: Five Explosive Ordnance Disposal technicians assigned to the 509th Civil Engineer Squadron recovered and safely disposed of 13 unexploded ordnances or UXOs, in the Kansas City metropolitan area. The 911th Airlift Wing assigned to the Pittsburgh International Airport Air Reserve Station is changing to meet the needs of the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 23 April 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force is continuing its roll out of the Alpha Warrior Program with the launch of the 2018 Alpha Warrior meet and greet tour.
Air Force Radio News 23 April 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force officials announced Schriever Air Force base, Colorado, as the preferred location for the Joint Force Space Component staff.
Air Force Radio News 20 April 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force F-22 Raptor Demonstration Team performs at an air show in chile.
Air Force Radio News 20 April 2018 B
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, gave a speech emphasizing the importance of Airmen during the 34th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs, CO. Also, the first iteration of Red Flag 18-1 is scheduled to commence April 26th.
Air Force Radio News 19 April 2018 B
Today's stories: Commander of Air Force Space Command, General Jay Raymond, spoke to members of the International Space Community, Industry, and Media at the 34th Space Symposium, describing the past year as a turning point for National Security Space.
Air Force Radio News 19 April 2018 A
Today's stories:
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson delivered the key note address at the 34th Annual Space Symposium April 17, 2018, in Colorado Springs. Also, the U.S. and Philippine Armed Forces will conduct subject matter expert exchanges at military installations throughout the Philippines starting April 23rd through May 4th.
Air Force Radio News 18 April 2018 B
Today's stories: Air Education and Training Command conducted its first ever Squadron Command Team and Spouses Course. Also, Pacific Air Forces hosted the Indonesian Air Force for an Airman to Airman talk on April 11th.
Air Force Radio News 18 April 2018 A
Today's story: The 45th Space Wing supports the launch of United Launch Alliance's AFSPC-11 spacecraft.
Air Force Radio News 17 April 2018 B
Today's stories: The 688th Cyperspace Wing at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas wrapped up its first Airpower Leadership Academy or ALA last week.
Air Force Radio News 17 April 2018 A
Today's story: Air Combat Command released the findings of an Aircraft Mishap investigation from late last year.
Air Force Radio News 16 April 2018 B
Today's stories: The Air Force Culture and Language Center is looking for Airmen who know one or more foreign languages to serve as Ambassadors of the U.S. Air Force, through the Language Enabled Airman Program, or LEAP.
Air Force Radio News 16 April 2018 A
Today's story: Staff Sergeant Casey Andersen became the first Airman to receive the Basic Army Instructor Badge at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia.
Air Force Radio News 13 April 2018 B
Today's stories: The first ever Pathways To Thriving summit was held at the U.S. Air Force Academy this week for survivors of sexual assault. Also, the final development flight test for the F-35 program based at Edwards Air Force Base, California, and Naval Station Patuxent River, Maryland marked the end of the System Development and Demonstration phase of the program.
Air Force Radio News 13 April 2018 A
Today's stories: Miltax is a quick and reliable way for service members to prepare and file their taxes.
Air Force Radio News 12 April 2018 A
Today's stories: The 28 Megawatt Solar Array opens at Vandenberg Air Force Base, CA. Also, the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida prepares to launch the Continuous Broadcast Augmenting SATCOM into orbit.
Air Force Radio News 12 April 2018 B
Today's stories:
Security Forces Airmen at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas, are using a new virtual simulator to enhance their skills. Also, during the 2018 Federal Benefits open season, TRICARE beneficiaries will be eligible to enroll in the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, or FEDVIP.
Air Force Radio News 11 April 2018 A
Today's stories: Lieutenant General David Thompson earns his third star by assuming the new Air Force Space Command Vice Commander position. Also, a portrait honoring former Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James was unveiled in Washington D.C. at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling.
Air Force Radio News 11 April 2018 B
Today's story: Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Stephen Wilson spoke at the 2018 Future of War Conference in Washington, D.C. on Monday. He emphasized Airmen will continue leading the way in preparing for the future of war and highlighted the importance of speed, connectivity and innovation.
Air Force Radio News 11 April 2018 B
Today's story: Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Stephen Wilson spoke at the 2018 Future of War Conference in Washington, D.C. on Monday. He emphasized Airmen will continue leading the way in preparing for the future of war and highlighted the importance of speed, connectivity and innovation.
Air Force Radio News 10 April 2018 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson highlighted priorities demanded by the new National Defense Strategy during a town hall in Bedford, Massachusetts.
Air Force Radio News 10 April 2018 A
Today's Stories: When the Space-X Falcon Nine rocket launched safely last week to resupply the International Space Station, Reserve Citizen Airmen were patrolling the path of the launch, ready to clear maritime traffic in case of a problem.
Air Force Radio News 09 April 2018 A
Today's stories: 280 ROTC Cadets from 15 universities and enlisted members who are looking to commission came from all over the country to attend the Fourth Annual "Pathways to Blue" at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi last week.
Air Force Radio News 09 April 2018 B
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright addressed more than 50 senior leaders from across U.S. combatant commands and the Joint Staff at the Pentagon, during the first ever Air Force Element Senior Enlisted Leader Conference last week.
Air Force Radio News 06 April 2018 B
Today's stories: The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds Pilot who died when his F-16 Fighting Falcon crashed over the Nevada Test and Training Range has been identified as Major Stephen Del Bagno. Also, Airmen who can’t file their Federal Tax Return by the April 17, 2018 deadline, should consider filing for an extension.
Air Force Radio News 06 April 2018 A
Today's stories: Air Force Sports launches an online application system to make it easier for Airmen athletes to apply for Air Force sports teams.
Air Force Radio News 05 April 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen from the US and nine African nations spent a week training together for African Partnership Flight Senegal.
Air Force Radio News 05 April 2018 A
Today's story: A U.S. Air Force Thunderbird pilot was killed during training on 04 April, 2018.
Air Force Radio News 04 April 2018 A
Today's stories: Boeing awarded a contract modification related to the F-15. Also, Future Airmen can begin their career as a company grade officer through three main paths.
Air Force Radio News 04 April 2018 B
Today's story:Air Force Materiel Command is playing a critical role in analyzing unexplained physiological events with the T-6 Texan II training Aircraft.
Air Force Radio News 03 April 2018 B
Today's Stories: Applications for the 2018 Civilian Strategic Leadership program are due to the Air Force Personnel Center by May 1st. Also, the Air force has a program that helps military spouses interested in getting to know their installation and community resources.
Air Force Radio News 03 April 2018 A
Today's stories: Air Force officials are accepting nominations for the 2018 Civilian Strategic Leadership Program. Also, the Key Spouse Program is an official Air Force Unit Family Readiness Program designed to promote family resiliency and enhance community involvement.
Air Force Radio News 02 April 2018 B
Today's story: The Air Force Institute of Technology Graduate School of Engineering and Management awarded 241 degrees.
Air Force Radio News 30 March 2018 A
Today's story: The 2018 Air Force Assistance Fund campaign is back to raise money for charities. From March 26th until May 4th, Air Force bases worldwide will be
participating in the campaign.
Air Force Radio News 30 March 2018 B
Today's story: U.S Air Force Special Operations Forces from the 352nd Special Operations Wing conducted an Arctic Winter training course in Ssweden with Army Special Forces assigned to the 10th Special Forces Group, from February to March 2018.
Air Force Radio News 29 March 2018 B
Today's story: The 1st Space Operations Squadron accepted control authority of a new satellite during a ceremony at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado.
Air Force Radio News 29 March 2018 A
Today's stories: Exercise Cope West 2018 wraps up. Also, Tax help on
Air Force Radio News 28 March 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen deploying to AFCENT AOR's now have a shorter deployment checklist.
Air Force Radio News 28 March 2018 B
Today's stories: Airmen deploying to AFCENT AOR's have a reduced deployment checklist.
Air Force Radio News 28 March 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen deploying to AFCENT AOR's now have reduced deployments checklists.
Air Force Radio News 28 March 2018 A
Today's stories: Retired Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Rodney J. McKinley visited Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota. Also, Filing taxes after the April 17th deadline is more common then you think.
Air Force Radio News 27 March 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force Installation and Contracting Agency recently captured more than one-billion dollars in budgetary savings and cost avoidance.
Air Force Radio News 27 March 2018 B
Today's story: Officers attend a Flight Commanders course hosted by FTAC at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado.
Air Force Radio News 26 March 2018 A
Today's Story: The 386th Air Expeditionary Wing in Southwest Asia is upgrading their lodging to give Airmen a better quality of life.
Air Force Radio News 26 March 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen from the 56th Logistics Readiness Squadron vehicle operations flight at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona have started using new training technology.
Air Force Radio News 22 March 2018 B
Today's story: Firefighters from the 379th Expeditionary Civil Engineer Squadron and Qatar Emiri Air Force recently combined forces to increase mission effectiveness.
Air Force Radio News 22 March 2018 A
Todays story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson testified before the U.S. House of Representatives about the 2019 Air Force budget.
Air Force Radio News 20 March 2018 A
Today's story: The African Partnership Flight program, a week-long event, kicked off on March 19th after an opening ceremony at Captain Andalla Cisse Air Base, Senegal.
Air Force Radio News 20 March 2018 B
Today's stories: 15 year old Jared Stoney becomes an honorary A-10 Thunderbolt II pilot at Mood AFB, GA. Also, Tax help at
Air Force Radio News 19 March 2018 B
Today's story: For the first time ever, a U.S. Air Force Airman will attend the 2018 United Nations Logistics Officer Course in Bangladesh starting this fall.
Air Force Radio News 19 March 2018 A
Today's story: The 39th Medical Operations Squadron is performing the duties of explosive ordnance disposal Airmen at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey to help reduce the stress that comes with working in 75-pound protective bomb suits
Air Force Radio News 16 March 2018 B
Today's story: During Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein's testimony to the House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations, he stressed the importance of having Air Force assets in the fight to support ground forces.
Air Force Radio News 16 March 2018 A
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson said there are two bold moves in the Air Force’s fiscal year 2019 budget during testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations.
Air Force Radio News 15 March 2018 A
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations about the Air Force’s fiscal year 2019 budget in Washington, D.C., this week.
Air Force Radio News 15 March 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein joined the Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson to testify before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations Tuesday about the Air Force's fiscal year 2019 budget.
Air Force Radio News 14 March 2018 A
Today's story: U.S. Air Forces Central Command hosted its second annual Innovation Summit last week at Al Udeid Air Base, in Qatar.
Air Force Radio News 14 March 2018 B
Today's Story: Rescue Airmen from the 23rd Wing recently participated in a joint rescue operation with other Air Force and U.S Marine Corps assets off the coast of California.
Air Force Radio News 13 March 2018 B
Today's story: Technical Sergeant Phillip Dyer was awarded the Airman's Medal on March 9th for his efforts during a flood.
Air Force Radio News 13 March 2018 A
Today's story: the Air Force Services Activity is partnering with the National Park Trust for the Buddy Bison Program Great Outdoor Challenge.
Air Force Radio News 12 March 2018 A
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright paid a visit to the Airmen of Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, last week to discuss several topics from Air Force resiliency to the feasibility of warrant officers.
Air Force Radio News 12 March 2018 B
Today's Stories: The Joint Staff recently approved the Humanitarian Service Medal for active service members, Coast Guardsmen, and members of the Reserve components, including the National Guard, who were physically present during recent hurricane disaster relief. Also, the Air Force continues to strike the terrorist organization ISIS in Syria and Iraq in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 9 March 2018 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talks about what Airmen must do to ensure the Air Force maintains air and space superiority in the future.
Air Force Radio News 8 March 2018 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson discusses what separates Airmen from service members in other branches.
Air Force Radio News 08 March 2018 A
Today's story: In a recent interview at the Air Force Association in Orlando Florida, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright spoke to us about social fitness and how he maintained his resiliency during challenging times in his career.
Air Force Radio News 09 March 2018 A
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright spoke to us in a recent interview and explained to us why he has chosen to take a transparent approach when it comes to his social media.
Air Force Radio News 7 March 2018 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talks about improving the quality of life for Airmen.
Air Force Radio News 7 March 2018 A
Today's story: The 18th Space Control Squadron at Peterson Air Force Base Colorado carries out the Air Force's space surveillance mission by tracking close to 1,800 active satellites and a multitude of other man-made objects orbiting the Earth. Also, The Air Force Personnel Center is transitioning the Air Force Officer Assignment System from three to two cycles.
Air Force Radio News 06 March 2018 A
Today's story: Air Force officials have announced the creation of a new Information Operations technical training school.
Air Force Radio News 6 March 2018 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson discusses how communications among Arimen need to change to meet the challenges of battle.
Air Force Radio News 5 March 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein speaks about the National Defense Strategy at the Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 05 March 2018 A
Today's story: Reserve Citizen Airmen of the 920th Rescue Wing supported the Atlas V rocket launch, which delivered a next-generation weather satellite for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Air Force Radio News 05 March 2018 A
Today's story: Reserve Citizen Airmen of the 920th Rescue Wing supported the Atlas V rocket launch, which delivered a next-generation weather satellite for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Air Force Radio News 02 March 2018 A
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein posts a link to his professional military reading list on his official Facebook page. Also, The Air Force continues to strike ISIS in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 02 March 2018 B
Today's stories: The 19th Air Force Commander, has ordered the end to the operational pause of the T-6 Texan II fleet.
Air Force Radio News 01 March 2018 A
Today's stories: The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Hurricane Hunters completed weather recon on atmospheric rivers last month. Also, 1,549 Master Sergeants were selected for promotion to Senior Master Sergeant.
Air Force Radio News 01 March 2018 B
Today's story: 22nd Air Refueling Wing Aircraft boom instructor, Master Seargant Bartek Bachleda took home the top prize in the Air Force’s first-ever Spark Tank innovation competition, at the Air Force Association’s Air Warfare Symposium.
Package: BG France Participates in K9 Demonstration on ADAB
The K-9 unit on Al Dhafra Air Base recently held a demonstration of their four-legged wingmen. The hour-long demonstration included obedience, detection, and attacks. One of the unique things spectators in attendance were able to watch Brig. Gen. Derek C. France, Commander of the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing, volunteering to wear a bite suit during the show.
Interview #1: Brig. Gen. Derek C. France, Commander of the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing
Interview #2: Staff Sgt Joshua Leddy,... read more
The K-9 unit on Al Dhafra Air Base recently held a demonstration of their four-legged wingmen. The hour-long demonstration included obedience, detection, and attacks. One of the unique things spectators in attendance were able to watch Brig. Gen. Derek C. France, Commander of the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing, volunteering to wear a bite suit during the show.
Interview #1: Brig. Gen. Derek C. France, Commander of the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing
Interview #2: Staff Sgt Joshua Leddy, 380th K-9
Please see related products about the K9 Demonstration on ADAB:
General France BROLL w/soundbites:
Interview - Staff Sgt Joshua Leddy:
show less
Air Force Radio News 28 February 2018 B
Today's story: During the Air Force Association in Orlando, Florida, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein spoke about using technology and innovation to stay ahead of our adversaries.
Air Force Radio News 28 February 2018 A
Today's story: During the Air Force Association in Orlando, Florida, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein spoke about using technology and innovation to stay ahead of our adversaries.
Air Force Radio News 27 February 2018 B
Today's story: During the 2018 Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium, Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, Kaleth Wright spoke about how to harness the innovative spirit of Airmen.
Air Force Radio News 27 February 2018 A
Today's story: General Mike Holmes discussed the significance of deterring adversaries through innovation at the 2018 Air Warfare Symposium.
Air Force Radio News 26 February 2018 B
Today's stories: Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico hosted Dissimilar Aircraft Training and Integration with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Also, Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas' Air Force Sports is accepting applicants for the 2018 Armed Forces Soccer team.
Air Force Radio News 26 February 2018 A
Today's stories: The Advanced Pilot Trainer, or T-X, will replace the T-38C Talon at the Air Force's Undergraduate Pilot Training bases. Also, the Air Force trials for the Warrior Games has begun at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News 23 February 2018 B
Today's story: General Tod Wolters toured Norway to see the Royal Norwegian Air Force capabilities and training identification procedures.
Air Force Radio News 23 February 2018 A
Today's stories: The U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine debuts the new Dari System, which could predict injuries before they happen. Also, Air National Guardsmen from Hawaii and California participate in Exercise Patriot South.
Air Force Radio News 20 February 2018 A
Today's stories: The Air Force demonstrates hydrogen as an alternate fuel source at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. Also, officials are seeking nominations for the 2018 First Sergeant of the Year Award.
Air Force Radio News 20 February 2018 B
Today's stories: Over the phone appointments available for Air Force patients who don't need to see their provider in person. Also, U.S. Air Forces in Europe band's trip to Kosovo.
Air Force Radio News 16 February B
Today's story: 2 Air Commandos receive the Distinguished Flying Cross for actions in Afghanistan.
Air Force Radio News 16 February A
Today's story: The Air Force selects new foreign area officers and and Holloman hosts the Royal Canadian Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 15 February 2018 B
Today's stories: Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General David Goldfein concludes his Indo-Pacific Tour. Also, the Air Force selects 57 officers to join its Foreign Area Officer Program.
Air Force Radio News 15 February 2018 A
Today's story: A Medal of Honor recipient is laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia.
Air Force Radio News 14 February 2018 B
Today's story: Airmen partner with the Niger military to help find a missing local girl.
Air Force Radio News 14 February 2018 A
Today's stories: the Air Force selected its first two candidates for a new cyberspace officer direct appointment pilot program. Also, the service-wide migration to the Microsoft Windows 10 Operating System has begun.
Air Force Radio News 13 February 2018 A
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein and his wife Dawn, visited Andersen Air Force Base, Guam to meet servicemembers and their spouses. Also, U.S. Air Forces in Europe transitions to the Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management system.
Air Force Radio News 13 February 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force leadership talks about the proposed fiscal year 2019 budget.
Air Force Radio News 12 February 2018 B
Today's story: The Air Force Research Lab teams up with Airmen from Dover and private companies to make the C-17 fleet lighter, safer and more fuel efficient.
Air Force Radio News 12 February 2018 A
Today's stories: Pacific Air Force's F-16 Fighting Falcon Demonstration Team participated in the Singapore International Airshow. Also, The Ohio Air National Guard's 180th Fighter Wing deployed to a Theater Security Package in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 09 February 2018 A
Airmen from the 920th Rescue Wing, supported the launch of SpaceX's Falcon 9 Heavy on February 7th.
Air Force Radio News 09 February 2018 B
Today's Story: Early February, Air Force officials announced that emails containing personally identifiable information, or P-I-I will be blocked from transmission unless the email is encrypted.
Air Force Radio News 08 February 2018 A
Today's story: U.S. Forces conduct strikes in Northern Afghanistan, and A1C Cory Kuttler tells you the ins and outs of the blended retirement system in the newest installment of FYI.
Air Force Radio News 08 February 2018 B
Today's Story: The 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron, based at Al Udeid Air Base, qatar transported equipment and personnel from Iraq to Afghanistan, in late January.
Air Force Radio News 07 February 2018 A
Today's story: the Air Force continues with experimentation on light attack aircraft and a promo for AFTV's YouTube page.
Air Force Radio News 07 February 2018 B
Today's Story: The Air Force Medical Service continues to train its surgical teams, using the latest technology to ensure patients have access to the most advanced surgical procedures and the best possible outcomes.
Air Force Radio News 06 February 2018 A
Today's story: the Air Force has assembled a group to explore how the service will continue to lead, operate and integrate electronic warfare throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, called the Enterprise Capability Collaboration Team.
Air Force Radio News 06 February 2018 B
Today's Story: Reservists from the 315th Airlift Wing at Joint Base Charleston delivered nearly 100,000 pounds of humanitarian aid to Haiti this weekend.
Air Force Radio News 06 February 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force has assembled a group to explore how the service will continue to lead, operate and integrate electronic warfare throughout the electromagnetic spectrum, called the Enterprise Capability Collaboration Team.
Air Force Radio News 05 February 2018 A
Today's stories: Dobbins Air Reserve Base Airmen arrive in Portugal for Exercise Real Thaw 18. Also, the U.S. military participates in the 2018 Singapore International Airshow.
Air Force Radio News 05 February 2018 B
Today's Story: U.S. Air Forces Central Command, in coordination with Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve, stood up a Coalition Aviation Advisory and Training Team in Iraq Feb. 1.
Air Force Radio News 02 February 2018 A
Today's stories: Construction underway in Kuwait City to provide a work environment for Coalition Forces to continue Aerial Port Operations. Also,Army Air Force Staff Sergeant John H Canty who served in WWII was accounted for last month.
Air Force Radio News 02 February 2018 B
Today's stories: A modernized version of the website goes live, thanks to the U.S. Transportation Command in partnership with the Air Force Digital Service. Also, the Air Force begins accepting nominations for the 2019 Presidential Award for Extraordinary Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons.
Air Force Radio News 01 February 2018 A
Today's stories: T-6 Texan II pause in training. Also, Virtual Reality training at Sheppard AFB, Texas.
Air Force Radio News 01 February 2018 B
Today's stories: Two C-130H Hercules aircraft and approximately 50 Airmen from the 94th Airlift Wing at Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Georgia, deployed to Monte Real Air Base, Portugal to participate in Real Thaw 18. Also, tax season is now in session, as of January 29th, with a filing deadline of April 17th, 2018.
Air Force Radio News 31 January 2018 A
Today's stories: Approximately 300 Airmen and four B-52H Stratofortress aircraft from the 23rd Expeditionary Bomb Squadron assigned to the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, returned home from their deployment to RAF Fairford, England on January 30th. Also, Airmen assigned to the 432nd Wing and 432nd Air Expeditionary Wing at Creech Air Force Base, Nevada, received the Doolittle Award.
Air Force Radio News 31 January 2018 B
Today's stories: The results of an MQ-1B crash from February 2016 has been released by Headquarters Air Combat Command. Also, the Air Force selected 467 officers for promotion in the CY17-D Central Selection Board.
Air Force Radio News 30 January 2018 A
Today's story: Members of the U.S. Air force Heritage Flight are scheduled to perform a flyover at Super Bowl Fifty Three on February 4th.
Air Force Radio News 30 January 2018 B
Today's story: Officials announced they're accepting nominations for 2018's Air Force Sergeant Association Pitsenbarger Award.
Air Force Radio News 29 January 2018 B
Today's stories: The 635th Material Maintenance Squadron heads to Chad to help the Chadian Air Force recover after a wind storm destroyed aircraft and shelters at their main airfield last year. Also, the National Space Defense Center begins 24/7 operations.
Air Force Radio News 29 January 2018 A
Todays Story: Recent policy changes are making it easier for Air Force Reservists to meet mandatory Transition Assistance Program requirements.
Air Force Radio News 26 January 2018 A
Today's stories: 2nd Security Forces Squadron unveil first ever Security Forces Memorial Wall. Also, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson visited Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickham, Hawaii, on the first leg of her Indo-Pacific Tour.
Air Force Radio News 26 January 2018 B
Today's story: The Air Force announced the six Spark Tank finalists who will showcase their innovative ideas to Air Force senior leaders at the Air Force Association's Air Warfare Symposium on February 23rd in Orlando, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 25 January 2018 A
Todays Story: Reserve Airmen and A-10 aircraft of the 303rd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron out of Whiteman air force base, Missouri have been realigned to Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 25 January 2018 B
Today's story: The Air Force successfully launched the fourth Space Based Infrared System Geosynchronous Earth Orbit satellite from Patrick Air Force Base, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 24 January 2018 A
Today's Story: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration along with the German Aerospace center or DRL, conducted bio-fuel testing throughout Europe last week.
Air Force Radio News 24 January 2018 B
Today's story: Air Force Space Command nominated two innovative ideas for the Air Force's Spark Tank competition.
Air Force Radio News 23 January 2018 B
Today's stories: U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa hosted the first ever partnership flight symposium. Also, Sentry ALOHA 18-1 wraps up this week at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickham, Hawaii.
Air Force Radio News 23 January 2018 A
Today's story: Airmen from Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona prepare the A-10 for the 2018 air show season.
Air Force Radio News 19 January 2018 B
Today's stories: A 20th Space Control Squadron Airman received the Airman's Medal at a ceremony at Eglin AFB, Florida. Also; Exercise Commando Sling 18 kicks off in Singapore.
Air Force Radio News 19 January 2018 A
Today's stories: The Second Annual Enlisted Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilot Selection Board prepares to select new applicants to the RPA Training Program. Also; the Air Force announces dates and locations for The Science and Technology 2030 Summit in Washington D.C.
Air Force Radio News 18 January 2018 B
Today's story: The Air Force implements a new approach to plan programs and budgets, as part of Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson's effort to establish an "Air Force Warfighting Integration Capability."
Air Force Radio News 18 January 2018 A
Today's story: Under Secretary of the Air Force, Matthew P. Donovan, sits down for an interview with Airman Magazine and talks about his 31 years of service to the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 17 January 2018 B
Today's stories: The U.S. Air Forces Central Command Band, worked with the U.S. Embassy in Djibouti, to perform for the Balbala E-learning Center in Djibouti City. Also, as Air Mobility Command's transition to cloud-based services approaches , AMC senior leaders gathered at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, for an experiential learning activity.
Air Force Radio News 17 January 2018 A
Today's stories:A civilian technology company teams with Sheppard AFB, Texas to develop a virtual environment trainer for maintenance Airmen. Also, Reservists from Kessler AFB, Mississippi's 403rd Wing deploy to Southwest Asia in support of Operations Freedom's Sentinel and Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 16 January 2018 B
Today's stories: Six U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress bombers and 300 Airmen from Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, are deploying to Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, in support of U.S Pacific Command's Continuous Bomber Presence mission. Also, Air Command and Staff College, Air University out of Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, conducted an adaptive flight training study with pilots at Columbus Air Force Base Mississippi.
Air Force Radio News 16 January 2018 A
Today's story: The Ohio Air National Guard teams up with Spangdhalem Air Base, Germany's 52nd Fighter Wing for a Theater Security Package in Estonia to support Operation Atlantic Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 12 January 2018 A
Today's stories: Four B-52 Stratofortress aircraft from the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, are now at RAF Fairford, England, supporting a strategic bomber deployment, conducting theater integration and training in the United Kingdom. Also, The Air Education and Training Command is sending two proposals to the Air Force's Spark Tank Competition that revolve around using the latest technological platforms to train and educate in an accelerated, cost efficient, learning-focused manner.
Air Force Radio News 12 January 2018 B
Today's story: Vice President Mike Pence met with Airmen from Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, during his trip to attend the grand opening of the first AFWERX facility in downtown Las Vegas.
Air Force Radio News 11 January 2018 B
Today's stories: A new Air Force JROTC program aims at putting more pilots into military aircraft. Also, the new AFWERX Initiative was put on display at this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, NV.
Air Force Radio News 11 January 2018 A
Today's stories: The 129th Rescue Wing is providing 8 HH-60-G Pave Hawk rescue helicopters, and personnel in Southern California for those affected by recent mudslides. Also, the Air Force selected 223 Airmen for promotion via the enlisted in-system supplemental promotion process.
Air Force Radio News 10 January 2018 A
Today's story: The 74th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron out of Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, is wrapping up a deployment that saw heavy involvement in the fight against the Islamic State.
Air Force Radio News 10 January 2018 B
Today's stories: The 493rd Expeditionary Fighter Squadron turns over command of NATO's Baltic Air Policing Mission to the Royal Danish Air Force. Also, Combat Aviation Advisors are authorized wear of the new Brown Beret at Air Force Special Operations Command Installations.
Air Force Radio News 09 January 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force is now accepting nominations for the 2018 USO Service Member of the Year Award through April 4, 2018.
Air Force Radio News 09 January 2018 B
Today's stories: Breaking Barriers GRIP III unites the U.S. Air Force with the Army and Navy for joint training scenarios. Also, Major General Anthony Cotton has been confirmed for promotion by the U.S. Senate.
Air Force Radio News 08 January 2018 B
Today's stories: the Iraqi Air Force certified their first 7-level craftsman C-130 Hercules maintenance technicians. Also, the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron's Hurricane Hunters flew their first winter storm mission of the year.
Air Force Radio News 08 January 2018 A
Today's Story: On January 5th, explosive ordnance disposal team leader, Technical Sergeant Douglas Smits received a Purple Heart.
Air Force Radio News 05 January 2018 B
Today's stories: The 90th MMXS takes the 90th MSFS on a tour of F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming's missile launch facilities. Also, the Calendar Year 17-A Medical and Dental Corps Central Selection Board promotion list has been released.
Air Force Radio News 05 January 2018 A
Today's story: The Air Force Research Laboratory Materials and Manufacturing and Space Vehicles Directorates, the Space Industrial Base Working Group and SolAero Technologies created more advanced solar cells to reduce costs and increase power efficiency for military space applications.
Air Force Radio News 04 January 2018 B
Today's stories: Maintainers from the 100th MXS at RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom created a confined space training unit to train Airmen. Also, the Air Force selected 1,648 First Lieutenants for promotion to Captain.
Air Force Radio News 04 January 2018 A
Today's story: Enlisted Performance Reports are no longer required for regular Air Force Airmen in the grade of airman first class and below with less than 36 months’ Time-In-Service.
Air Force Radio News 03 January 2018 B
Today's stories: Cyber Specialists participate in the Cyber Security Incident Response Training Program at Little Rock AFB, AK and the 2018 Tax Filing season begins.
Air Force Radio News 03 January 2018 A
Today's story: While returning from leave on a flight from San Francisco to Seattle, Staff Sergeant Cassidy McCurdy saved the life of a woman who was in cardiac arrest.
Air Force Radio News 03 January 2018 A
Today's story: While returning from leave on a flight from San Francisco to Seattle, Staff Sergeant Cassidy McCurdy saved the life of a woman who was in cardiac arrest.
Air Force Radio News 02 January 2018 B
Today's stories: Many Airmen will have the choice of opting into the new Blended Retirement System or staying with the current High-3 retirement system. Also, the U.S. Department of State issued a word of caution to travelers to familiarize themselves with their destinations and whether they require additional clearances ahead of time.
Air Force Radio News 02 January 2018 A
Today's story: The Line of the Air Force Colonel Continuation Board begins this month which allows eligible members to voluntarily serve an additional three years past the current active-duty retirement time of 30 years. Also, service members should be sure to update and review their Virtual Record of Emergency Data annually.
Air Force Radio News 29 December 2017 B
Today's stories: A new pilot training program from the 80th Flying Training Wing premieres in Central Texas in early 2018; Airmen are reminded to keep current their Virtual Record of Emergency Data and Servicemember's Online Election System information annually.
Air Force Radio News 29 December 2017 A
Today's story: 35th Security Forces Airmen train in the first ever Winter Warrior at Misawa Air Base, Japan.
Air Force Radio News 27 December 2017 A
Today's story: Earlier this month the 418th Flight Test Squadron out of Edwards Air Force Base, California assisted in a mock airdrop of the Orion Spacecraft.
Air Force Radio News 27 December 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen deployed to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, received a holiday conference call from President Donald Trump on Christmas Eve. Also, Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, supported the successful launch of the fourth Iridium mission on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket over the holiday weekend.
Air Force Radio News 26 December 2017 A
Today's story: The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Marine Corps General Joe Dunford, visits Airmen and other service members serving at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, during the Holidays.
Air Force Radio News 26 December 2017 B
Today's stories: The U.S. Department of State issued a word of caution for travelers this holiday season. Also, Airmen should review and update their Virtual Record of Emergency Data and their Servicemember's Online Election System information annually.
Air Force Radio News 22 December 2017 B
Today's story: The Air Force Material Command encourages everyone to drive sober this holiday season and gives tips for staying safe.
Air Force Radio News 22 December 2017 A
Today's stories: The F-35 completed a major milestone bringing its full combat capabilities closer to the battlefield. Also, nominations are being accepted for the 2018 U.S. Air Force Alison Award until May.
Air Force Radio News 21 December 2017 B
Today's stories: Deployed Airmen volunteer at the air base post office to help enhance morale downrange. Also, Airmen out of Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, fly more than a dozen flights a day in support of the campaign to defeat ISIS.
Air Force Radio News 21 December 2017 A
Today's stories: The Air Force Research Laboratory licenses Ultra-Stable Antibody Liquids for humanitarian use.
Air Force Radio News 20 December 2017 B
Today's story: The North American Aerospace Defense Command is tracking Santa during his annual trip around the globe.
Air Force Radio News 20 December 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen helped deliver school buses to Haiti using a C-17 aircraft. Also, Airmen at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, are looking at new initiatives to save aircraft downtime for F-16s.
Air Force Radio News 20 December 2017 B
Today's story: Fifteen hundred volunteers help North American Aerospace Defense Command or NORAD, track Santa on his annual trip around the globe.
Air Force Radio News 19 December 2017 B
Today's stories: Members from Edwards Air Force Base, California won the Department of Defense 2017 Maintenance Innovation Challenge People's Choice Award. Also, the Air Force is offering internships to eligible scholars that could lead to a career with the Air Force Civilian Service.
Air Force Radio News 19 December 2017 A
Today's story: Special tactics operator Chief Master Sergeant Michael West was awarded the Silver Star Medal for his heroic actions during a deployment.
Air Force Radio News 18 December 2017 B
Today's stories: Pacific Air Force Commander General Terrence O’Shaughnessy visits the Philippines to strengthen alliances. Also, a special nuclear events analyst Airman qualified for the 2018 Ironman World Competition.
Air Force Radio News 18 December 2017 A
Today's stories: New York Air National Guardsmen partner with California Air National Guardsmen to assist with fighting wildfires in southern California. Also, Airmen from Ellsworth Base, South Dakota help combat a wildfire at Custer State Park.
Air Force Radio News 15 December 2017 A
Today's Story: Operation Christmas Drop is underway. Over the course of 12 days, crews will airdrop donated food, supplies, educational materials, and tools to 56 islanders throughout the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, Federated States of Micronesia, and The Republic of Palau.
Air Force Radio News 15 December 2017 B
Today's stories: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson visited Civil Air Patrol National Headquarters. She toured the building learning about various programs and met with several cadets.
Also, happy birthday to the U.S. National Guard which recently celebrated its 381st birthday.
Air Force Radio News 14 December 2017 B
Today's stories: the 554th Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Engineer Squadron (REDHORSE) held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the conclusion of more than 70 construction projects at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam and Researchers and cyber security experts attended the Hack the Air Force 2.0 event at New York.
Air Force Radio News 14 December 2017 A
Today's stories: U.S. Transportation Command completed a new Proof of Principle effort to improve cargo shipping logistics and Air Force officials announce the participants for the 2018-19 academic year for Advanced War Fighting Schools.
Air Force Radio News 13 December 2017 B
Today's stories: Aircrews from Ellsworth Air Force Base worked side-by-side with members of the 582nd Helicopter Group out of F.E. Warren AFB, Wyoming and joint terminal attack controllers from the United Kingdom's Royal Air Force during a joint-training exercise in western South Dakota. Also, the MQ-9 Reaper has been selected as the featured aircraft for the 2018 Air Force Marathon
Air Force Radio News 13 December 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein tweeted that Airmen will now deploy in teams of three. Also, Airmen at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base participated in the annual Cactus Flag exercise.
Air Force Radio News 12 December 2017 B
Today's story: A C-130J pilot from the Royal Australian Air Force explains how the 66th Annual Operation Christmas Drop serves as both a holiday tradition and a training exercise.
Air Force Radio News 12 December 2017 A
Today's stories: four Air Force Major Commands join forces to overhaul Command and Control systems at Naval Station Rota, Spain and Airmen are reminded to update their Virtual Record of Emergency Data and Servicemember's Online Election System information annually.
Air Force Radio News 11 December 2017 B
Today's story: A1C Cory Kuttler reminds Airmen to exercise safety during the Holiday Season.
Air Force Radio News 11 December 2017 A
Today's stories: Many Airmen have the choice to opt into the new Blended Retirement System, and the 327th Airlift Squadron at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas reached full operational capability for the C-130J.
Air Force Radio News 8 December 2017 A
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee Washington, D.C. about the National Defense Authorization Act, which delegated acquisition authorities back to the services.
Air Force Radio News 8 December 2017 B
Today's story: Pilots assigned to Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina hosted Navy and Marine Corps pilots to give them the opportunity to test their skills against different airframes.
PACKAGE: 156th Airlift Wing Partners with Foundation for Puerto Rico for a Food and Water Distro in Orocovis _NO CG / lower thirds
A package about the men and women from the 156th Airlift Wing from Muniz Air Base and how they partnered with volunteers from the Foundation for Puerto Rico, to distributing food and water in the municipality of Orocovis on Friday, Dec. 8, 2017. The Orocovis municipality, which is in the Central Mountain Range in Puerto Rico, is an area hard to reach in the mountainous part of the island because of washed out and unstable roadways. Some of the people occupying the area have been without... read more
A package about the men and women from the 156th Airlift Wing from Muniz Air Base and how they partnered with volunteers from the Foundation for Puerto Rico, to distributing food and water in the municipality of Orocovis on Friday, Dec. 8, 2017. The Orocovis municipality, which is in the Central Mountain Range in Puerto Rico, is an area hard to reach in the mountainous part of the island because of washed out and unstable roadways. Some of the people occupying the area have been without power for the last two months and the much-needed supplies were welcomed.
Interviewee #1: Staff Sgt. Alex Rivera, 156th Airlift Wing MEDGroup
Interviewee #2: Michael Menda, Foundation for Puerto Rico
Interviewee #3: Natalia Arcila, Foundation for Puerto Rico (woman in car)
Interviewee #4: Airman Angel Ayala RIvera, 156th Airlift Wing LRS
*Please see BROLL, Spanish and English Interviews
show less
Air Force Radio News 7 December 2017 B
Today's story: The 35th Fighter Wing from Misawa Air Base, Japan sent 18 F-16 Fighting Falcons and about 300 Airmen to Osan Air Base, South Korea for a flying exercise called Vigilant Ace 18.
Air Force Radio News 7 December 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force senior leaders have directed a Zero-Based Review of all Air Force programs, budget accounts, and associated manpower authorizations. Also, the Air Force has selected 472 senior master sergeants for promotion to chief master sergeant - with a selection rate of 22 percent.
Air Force Radio News 6 December 2017
Today's stories: A new C-130H Hercules aircraft arrived on the flightline of Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico, last week. Also, the Defense Commissary Agency has announced that the Fisher House Foundation's Scholarships for Military Children program will begin accepting applications for the 2018 and 2019 school year on December 15th.
Air Force Radio News 6 December 2017 A
Today's story: The 571st Mobility Support Advisory Squadron sent a 15 member mobility training team to the Republic of El Salvador to conduct training for two weeks.
Air Force Radio News 05 December 2017 A
Today's stories: The Air Force Research Laboratory is working on creating a new wireless communication system.
Air Force Radio News 5 December 2017 B
Today's Stories: Special Tactics Airmen from Air Force Special Operations Command conducted multiple airfield surveys with Afghan Air Force counterparts in Faryab province, Afghanistan this week. Also, the Striker 3000, a high performance fire truck at the 633rd Civil Engineering Squadron Fire Department brings improved technology to the Langley Air Force Base flightline and community.
Air Force Radio News 4 December 2017 A
Today's story:
General Jay Raymond, Air Force Space Command commander, became the first Joint Force Space Component commander during a ceremony at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado.
Air Force Radio News 04 December 2017 B
Today's stories: Operation Christmas Drop, the Department of Defense's longest recurring humanitarian mission, turns 66 this December. Also, Travis Air Force Base recently delivered seven full sized school buses to support education in Haiti in response to natural disasters affecting the country.
Air Force Radio News 01 December 2017 B
Today's story: Aircrew of Spooky Four Three receive the Mackay Trophy for their heroic actions while deployed in 2016.
Air Force Radio News 01 December 2017 A
Today's Stories: Hurricane season officially ended on November 30th and the Hurricane Hunters flew more than eight hundred hours on more than ninety missions, including historic hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria. Also, Air Force Space Command has teamed up with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory on a Space Tactics Internship.
Air Force Radio News 30 November 2017 B
Today's stories: The 8th Fighter Wing Kunsan Air Base, Republic of Korea conduct a large force employment drill. Also, Nurse Enlisted and Direct Enlisted commissioning program is accepting applications.
Air Force Radio News 30 November 2017 A
Today's story: Airmen of the 332nd Expeditionary Civil Engineering Squadron are busy repairing a damaged airfield that has been vital in support of Operation Inherent Resolve in Southwest Asia.
Air Force Radio News 29 November 2017 B
Today's stories: Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, has been selected as the possible location for the new MQ-9 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Wing. Also, Airmen of the 37th Airlift Squadron at Ramstein Air Base, Germany participate in Joint Exercise Double Eagle.
Air Force Radio News 29 November 2017 A
Today's stories: more than 300 Airmen of the 388th and 419th Fighter Wings out of Hill Air Force Base, Utah and 12 F-35A Lightning IIs are currently deployed to Okinawa, Japan as part of a theater security package. Also, the Air Force evaluation board selected 472 Senior Master Sergeants for promotion to Chief Master Sergeant in the 17 E-9 promotion cycle.
Air Force Radio News 28 November 2017 B
Today's stories: 46th Test Squadron Eglin AFB, FL have been working with the Deployable Instrument Landing System. Also, The first Conventional Rotary Launcher was flown out of Barksdale AFB, LA.
Air Force Radio News 28 November 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force leaders recently announced continuation pay rates, part of the new blended retirement system, or BRS.
Air Force Radio News 27 November 2017 B
Today's stories: Afghan National Defense and security forces launched a series of strikes targeting Taliban drug laboratories and a command and control node. Also, seven airmen received the bronze star at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey for their actions during a recent deployment in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 27 November 2017 A
Today's stories: Exercise Lightning Focus is taking place this week over the Northern coast of Australia. Also, more than 100 Airmen from the 153rd Airlift Wing based in Cheyenne, Wyoming, deployed to the 737th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron in Southwest Asia in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 24 November 2017 B
Today's stories: Chief Master Sergeant Amy Giaquinto, makes history as the first woman to serve as command chief of the New York Air National Guard. Also, More than 300 airmen and 12 F-35As from Hill Air Force Base deployed to Okinawa, Japan for a Theater Security Package.
Air Force Radio News 24 November 2017 A
Today's stories: A demolition ceremony at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England marked the first physical step in developing the infrastructure needed for the 48th Fighter Wing’s future F-35A Lightning II squadrons. Also, the Air Force’s Personnel Center will accept applications from active-duty enlisted Airmen for the Nurse Enlisted and Direct Enlisted Commissioning Programs through March 16, 2018, for the April selection boards.
Air Force Radio News 22 November 2017 B
Today's story: Jet trainer aircraft instructors from Columbus Air Force Base, Mississippi, visited the 14th Air Lift Squadron Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina to brief pilots on what it takes to become an instructor. Also, be sure to remember the updated flat rate per diem policy reducing the rate from 100 percent to 75 percent for TDYs exceeding 31 days and 50 percent for TDYs lasting longer than 180 days.
Air Force Radio News 22 November 2017 A
Today's story: Air Education and Training Command is developing initiatives to improve the learning experience of airmen who are fresh out of basic military training.
Air Force Radio News 21 November 2017 B
Today's Story: Air Mobility Command deployed its first aircraft to support Argentina's search for a missing submarine.
Air Force Radio News 21 November 2017 A
Today's story: Joint Base Andrews partnered with the U.S. Air Force Wounded Warrior Program for the North East Warrior CARE event last week at Andrews and Oxon Hill, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 20 November 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Lieutenant General John Cooper, Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection spoke at the 2017 Logistics Officer Association Symposium in National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 20 November 2017 A
Today's story: A United Launch Alliance Delta II rocket carrying a NASA/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellite successfully launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California.
Air Force Radio News 17 November 2017 B
Today's story: The follow-on assignment program is for airmen selected for a dependent-restricted short tour for their second or later assignments. Also, the historic 77th Fighter Squadron and the 20th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron from Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, deployed to an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia in support of Operation Freedom's Sentinel.
Air Force Radio News 17 November 2017 A
Today's Story: The fleet of intercontinental ballistic missiles maintained by the Air Force plays a critical role in keeping the U.S. safe.
Air Force Radio News 16 November 2017 A
Today's story: The 924th Fighter Group was chosen by the Air Force Reserve Command as the test unit to work with Apple on the development of an Integrated Maintenance Database System application.
Air Force Radio News 16 November 2017 B
Today's Stories: The M-117 General Purpose Bomb is now part of Air Force history. Also, the All-Air Force men's and women's basketball teams placed second and third in the 2017 Armed Forces Basketball Championships at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, last week.
Air Force Radio News 15 November 2017 B
Today's story: The Air University-Associate-to-Baccalaureate Cooperative Program, or AU-ABC, is designed to help enlisted airmen pursue advanced education beyond the associate degrees they earn through the Community College of the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 15 November 2017 A
Today's story: The 924th Fighter Group was chosen by the Air Force Reserve Command as the test unit to work with Apple on the development of an Integrated Maintenance Database System application.
Air Force Radio News 14 November 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson explains to Congress why they need stable, predictable budgets instead of long lasting continuing resolutions during the State of the Air Force address.
Air Force Radio News 14 November 2017 A
Today's story: Senior Enlisted Leaders from 20 African partner nations, the U.S., and NATO participated in the inaugural Senior Enlisted Leader Conference hosted by U.S. Africa Command, Nov. 6-10, 2017 in Grainau, Germany.
Air Force Radio News B 13 November 2017
Today's story: The 200th Red Horse Squadron is in Puerto Rico, assisting with Hurricane Maria Disaster Relief efforts by providing the local community with purified water.
Air Force Radio News 13 November 2017 A
Today's story: Senior Enlisted Leaders from 20 African partner nations, the U.S., and NATO participated in the Senior Enlisted Leader Conference hosted by U.S. Africa Command Grainau, Germany.
Air Force Radio News 9 November 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force officials raise course limit for civilian tuition assistance. Also, the 308th Rescue Squadron and the 920th Operations Support Squadron work together to conduct survival evasion resistance escape, or SERE, training.
Air Force Radio News 9 November 2017 B
Today's stories: 560th Red Horse Squadron returns home from deployment. Also, the 16th Space Control Squadron out of Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, is defending against sources of electromagnetic interference on U.S. Military and commercial satellites.
Air Force Radio News 08 November 2017 B
Today's stories: Exercise Global Thunder 18 concludes at Beale Air Force, California. Also, a repair facility at Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, saved the Air Force over 13 million dollars this year.
Air Force Radio News 08 November 2017 A
Today's stories: The Alpha Warrior Final Battle will take place in San Antonio this Veterans Day. Also, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein interview NASA Astronaut Jack Fisher.
Air Force Radio News 7 November 2017 B
Today's story: The Benefits Delivery at Discharge program was recently redesigned to allow most service members to receive disability benefit decisions the day after their discharge.
Air Force Radio News 7 November 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen and members of Nellis Air Force Base pay tribute to the city and members of Las Vegas by painting an F-15C Eagle. Also, Air Force Senior Leaders use Twitter to communicate Air Force information.
Air Force Radio News 6 November 2017 B
Today's story: President Donald Trump spoke to U.S. and Japanese service members at Yokota Air Base, Japan during his visit in the Indo-Asia-Pacific Region.
Air Force Radio News 6 November 2017 A
Today's stories: More than 100 Airmen from the 130th Airlift Wing return home to Charleston, West Virginia from a deployment in Southwest Asia. Also, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein and Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talked with astronaut Colonel Jack Fischer on Facebook Live.
Air Force Radio News 03 November 2017 B
Today's stories: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright creates an Instagram account. Also, more than 800 officers are selected for intermediate and senior developmental education.
Air Force Radio News 03 November 2017 A
Today's stories: The F-35A Lightning II started its first operational deployment to the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. Also, there's a new 3-day course at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, that combines survival training with Tactical Combat Casualty Care.
Air Force Radio News 02 November 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen and KC-135 Stratotankers from McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas, deploy to Spain. Also, Airmen out of Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, won an award for their work on the F-35A Lightning II.
Air Force Radio News 02 November 2017 A
Today's story: Non-commissioned officers interested in flying remotely piloted aircraft can submit their applications until November 15th.
Air Force Radio News 01 November 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen at Travis Air Force Base, California, are helping deliver relief supplies to Puerto Rico. Air Force officials announced the winners of the 2016 General Larry O. Spencer Innovation Awards.
Air Force Radio News 01 November 2017 A
Today's stories: The Tennessee Air National Guard is helping deliver packages to Puerto Rico. Also, Airmen and F-16 Fighting Falcons out of Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, deploy to Afghanistan.
Air Force Radio News 31 October 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David L. Goldfein addressed the importance of taking care of Airmen and their families during the 2017 ThanksUSA Treasure our Troops Gala in Washington, D.C. Also, Airmen and KC-135 aircraft from the 100th Air Refueling Wing, RAF Mildenhall England, operated from Greece for the first time during a training mission.
Air Force Radio News 31 October 2017 A
Today's story: The 2017 Combined Federal Campaign kicked off at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska.
Air Force Radio News 30 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright gives updates on the status of issues affecting the enlisted force structure. Also, there are changes being made to TRICARE enrollment beginning January 1st.
Air Force Radio News 30 October 2017 B
Today's stories: Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, conducts a wing-wide sortie surge exercise. Also, Airman Magazine redesigned their website.
Air Force Radio News 27 October 2017 B
Today's stories: Aircrew from the 317th Airlift Wing completed a global channel mission in Honduras. Also, Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, was designated a central hub for sustained efforts aiding Puerto Rico.
Air Force Radio News 27 October 2017 A
Today's story: Airmen with the 354th Fighter Wing out of Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska started exercise Arctic Gold 18-1.
Air Force Radio News 26 October 2017 B
Today's stories: The Air Force released the medical academic selections for 2018. Also, U.S. Transportation Command at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, is the first to initiate the migration of its cyber domain to a commercial cloud provider.
Air Force Radio News 26 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, are working ahead to prepare for the Air Force Specialty Code merger. Also, Chief of Medical Staff, Lieutenant Colonel Katie Crowder earned a national level award.
Air Force Radio News 25 October 2017 B
Today's story: Additional active-duty positions were added for Air National Guard and Reserve pilots to help with pilot manning.
Air Force Radio News 25 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Exercise Pacific Thunder 18-1 kicks off at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea. Also, Airmen from the 193rd Special Operations Wing are coming home from their deployment in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 24 October 2017 B
Today's stories: Alaska Air National Guardsmen deployed to Southwest Asia in support of Operations Inherent Resolve and Freedom's Sentinel. Also, senior members of the Chaplain Corps discuss issues affecting war-fighters across the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.
Air Force Radio News 24 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen out of Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, are working on restoring radio communications in Puerto Rico. Also, the F-35A Lightning II is going on its first operational deployment to the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.
Air Force Radio News 23 October 2017 B
Today's stories: Security Forces Airmen from the Indiana Air National Guard deployed to Puerto Rico to support relief efforts. Also, two Airmen stationed at Osan Air Base, South Korea, rescued a woman after her vehicle crashed.
Air Force Radio News 23 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen with the 386th Air Expeditionary Wing successfully complete their first combat mission with the MQ-9 Reaper remotely piloted aircraft. Also, Air Force researchers are testing a new device for Airmen to detect pathogens on the battlefield.
Air Force Radio News 20 October 2017 B
Today's story: Airmen out of Hill Air Force Base, Utah, head for Northeast Asia's largest air show to support the F-35A's first time on Asian soil.
Air Force Radio News 20 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen from the 219th Red Horse Squadron are building tent cities for Airmen and Soldiers to stay at while working in Puerto Rico. Also, Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado is making strides towards being more energy efficient.
Air Force Radio News 19 October 2017 B
Today's story: Airmen out of Aviano Air Base, Italy, deployed throughout U.S. Central and Africa Commands in support of Operation Inherent Resolve and Operation Freedom Sentinel.
Air Force Radio News 19 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Medical Airmen out of Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, went to Puerto Rico to provide medical support. Also, Air Force officials selected more than 300 officers as candidates for Combat Air Forces squadron command in 2018.
Air Force Radio News 18 October 2017 A
Today's story: Ten Special Operations Airmen received valorous awards for their acts of heroism during a deadly ambush while deployed to Afghanistan.
Air Force Radio News 18 October 2017 B
Today's stories: Officials release the 2017 Air Force Handbook 1, Airmen and the Enlisted Promotions Study Guides. Also, Officials sign an agreement to develop a European flag-level exercise.
Air Force Radio News 17 October 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen return to RAF Lakenheath, England, after a six month deployment to Southwest Asia. Also, Air Force researchers are designing new sizes of the AgilePod to fit more aircraft.
Air Force Radio News 17 October 2017 A
Today's story: Airmen from the Kentucky Air National Guard returned home after a three week deployment assisting in recovery efforts in Puerto Rico.
Air Force Radio News 16 October 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen at Beale Air Force Base, California, are assisting in battling wildfires in the U.S. Also, the new Blended Retirement System goes into effect next year.
Air Force Radio News 16 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen at March Air Reserve Base, California, are helping local authorities battle wildfires across California. Also, Air Force officials are taking nominations for the 2018 Air Force Association Outstanding Air Force Civilian Employees of the Year Award.
Air Force Radio News 13 October 2017 B
Today's Stories: The Air Force selects 609 Airmen for promotion to senior noncommissioned officer through the supplemental promotion board. Also, keep safe this Halloween with a few important safety tips.
Air Force Radio News 13 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Travis Air Force Base, California is assisting with wildfires in northern California. Also, the 11th Schriever Wargame started at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News 12 April 2017 A
Today's story: Airmen from the West Virginia Air National Guard will deploy to Puerto Rico to support recovery efforts following Hurricane Maria.
Air Force Radio News 12 October 2017 B
Today's stories: The Air Force is testing a new oxygen concentrator system known as SAROS 15. Also, the Air Forces Services Activity is holding an Air Force Art Contest for Airmen and their families.
Air Force Radio News 11 October 2017 B
Today's stories: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Also, after the Route 91 Harvest Festival Mass Shooting, spouses of the Nellis Air Force Base community came together to show support for the victims, family members, and first responders.
Air Force Radio News 11 October 2017 A
Today's story: A pilot with the Puerto Rico Air National Guard shares the challenges the people of Puerto Rico face, as they continue to recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
Air Force Radio News 10 October 2017 A
Today's story: The Air Force is reminding Airmen of the role that energy plays in fueling the Air Force mission during Energy Action Month.
Air Force Radio News 10 October 2017 B
Today's stories: Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi started recovery efforts after Hurricane Nate. Also, the 35th Medical Group out of Misawa Air Base, Japan held a chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear attack exercise.
Air Force Radio News 06 October 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talks about the importance of modernization and innovation in space during a forum in D.C.
Air Force Radio News 06 October 2017 A
Today's stories: TRICARE is making major changes beginning in January. Also, Airmen out of Ebbing Air National Guard Base, Arkansas, are supporting relief efforts in Puerto Rico.
Air Force Radio News 5 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen from Dover Air Force Base, Delaware headed to Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Georgia, to provide airlift for technicians working to restore communication capabilities in Puerto Rico. Also, the Air Force awarded two contracts in a design competition to upgrade the airborne launch control system.
Air Force Radio News 5 October 2017 B
Today's story: Major Charles Chesnut, an Air Force Surgeon, shares his experience after he aided victims of the mass shooting in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News 4 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force Special Operations Command provided humanitarian assistance and disaster relief after Hurricane Maria in support of Joint Task Force Leeward Islands. Also, Air Force Materiel Command is promoting its Avoiding Job Burnout Awareness Campaign.
Air Force Radio News 4 October 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Mobility planners from Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida have coordinated more than 1,500 relief flights in support of the ongoing hurricane relief efforts. Also, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein offers his condolences, following the tragic events in Las Vegas.
Air Force Radio News 03 October 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson discusses the 100-percent promotion from Captain to Major at the Air Force Association Conference in National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 03 October 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, gathered at the chapel for a vigil after Sunday night's shooting at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival. Also, Airmen out of Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, assist with hurricane relief efforts.
Air Force Radio News 2 October 2017 B
Today's story: The Air Force's top leaders recently spoke at the Air Force Associations Air, Space, and Cyber Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. President of the Air Force Association, retired General Larry spencer, explains.
Air Force Radio News 2 October 2017 A
Today's story: Airmen from around the U.S. continue to assist in recovery efforts after the hurricanes that battered the Caribbean and the southeast U.S.
Air Force Radio News 29 September 2017 B
Today's stories: The Illinois Air National Guard is helping to provide critical communications to Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricane Maria. Also, the Air Force has a new Mini Crypto chip that secures communications data.
Air Force Radio News 29 September 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force Academy Superintendent Lieutenant General Jay Silveria addressed the Cadet Wing and Air Force Academy Preparatory School stating that racism has no place at the Academy.
Air Force Radio News 28 September 2017 A
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright talks about making mental health care a normal part of overall health.
Air Force Radio News 28 September 2017 B
Today's story: Pacific Air Forces senior leaders gathered at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii for the 2017 Pacific Air Chiefs Symposium. Also, Commander of Air Force Global Strike Command General Robin Rand says the Air Force will sustain the ICBM capability by replacing the Minuteman III with the ground-based strategic deterrent.
Air Force Radio News 27 September 2017 A
Today's story: Chief of Staff of the Air Force General David Goldfein discusses the future of the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 27 September 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen with the 165th Air Terminal Operations Center at Savannah Air National Guard Base, Georgia, deliver hurricane disaster relief. Also, Chief of Staff of the Air Force General David Goldfein discusses the future of combat operations.
Air Force Radio News 26 September 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson talks about the importance of restoring readiness within the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 26 September 2017 A
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright discussed changes the Air Force will be making, over the next year, to give Airmen back more free time.
Air Force Radio News 25 September 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein discussed key areas that senior leaders are focusing on to improve readiness in the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 25 September 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson discusses one of Air Force leadership's top priorities, modernization.
Air Force Radio News 22 September 2017 B
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright discussed what the Air Force is doing to maintain the balance between taking care of Airmen and taking care of the Mission.
Air Force Radio News 22 September 2017 A
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright spoke about developing Airmen as leaders during the Air Force Association’s Air, Space and Cyber Conference.
Air Force Radio News 21 September 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen deployed from Kentucky Air National Guard Base, Louisville, to the Caribbean to support hurricane relief efforts. Also, the 50th anniversary of the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force was celebrated during the Air Force Association Conference at National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 21 September 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David L. Goldfein spoke about revitalizing the squadron during his remarks at the Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference in National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 20 September 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force senior leaders discussed the fight against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria during the 2017 Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference.
Air Force Radio News 20 September 2017 B
Today's story: In response to the devastation throughout the eastern Caribbean caused by hurricane Irma, Cannon Air Force Base deployed Airmen and aircraft in support of relief operations.
Air Force Radio News 19 September 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein posts about the Air Force's 70th birthday on Facebook. Also, exercise Pacific Angel 17 concludes in Tam Ky, Vietnam.
Air Force Radio News 19 September 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson discussed readiness at the Air Force Association's Air, Space, and Cyber Conference.
Air Force Radio News 18 September 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson announced the Air Force will conduct a twelve month Science and Technology review to update its research priorities and strategy.
Air Force Radio News 18 September 2017 A
Today's stories: U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps aircraft joined Japan Air Self-Defense Force and Republic of Korea Air Force aircraft in a sequenced bilateral show of force over the Korean Peninsula. Also, several thousand participants gathered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio for the 21st annual U.S. Air Force Marathon.
Air Force Radio News 15 September 2017 B
Today's stories: Seymour Johnson Air Force Base is officially designated as the next destination for the Boeing KC-46A Pegasus Aerial Refueling Tanker. Also, the Air Force Association’s annual Air & Space Conference and Technology Exposition is set to take place at National Harbor, MD.
Air Force Radio News 15 September 2017 A
Today's story: Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina enabled Hurricane Irma recovery operations by helping stand up a Federal Emergency Management Agency installation support base.
Air Force Radio News 14 September 2017 B
Today's stories: Communications Airmen left Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, to assist Homestead Air Reserve Base, Florida, with hurricane relief efforts. Also, the Air Force announced 100 percent promotion opportunity to Major.
Air Force Radio News 14 September 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen from Goldwater Air National Guard Base, Arizona, deployed to the Virgin Islands to assist with hurricane relief efforts. Also, students at the University of Cincinnati have the opportunity to work with the Air Force Research Laboratory.
Air Force Radio News 13 September 2017 A
Today's stories: Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama sent more than 160 tractor trailers loaded with supplies to Florida to support hurricane relief efforts. Also, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein posted a link to his professional reading list website on his Facebook page.
Air Force Radio News 13 September 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen from Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada went to the Florida Keys to assist with search and rescue efforts. Also, scientists at the Air Force Research Laboratory are working on new ways to generate energy.
Air Force Radio News 12 September 2017 B
Today's stories: For the first time, all three special mission units from the Air Force Reserve Command have been called to action simultaneously. Also, U.S. Air Force advisers work with Nepal officials to conduct disaster response training.
Air Force Radio News 12 September 2017 A
Today's story: Medical Airmen from Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi deployed to Scott Air Force Base, Illinois in support of Hurricane Irma.
Air Force Radio News 11 September 2017 A
Today's story: U.S. Airmen along with 19 Allied and Partner nations as well as members of the Czech armed forces participate in Exercise Ample Strike 2017. Service members will perform the Forward Air Controller (FAC) or Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) drills in Air-Land-Integration scenarios.
Air Force Radio News 11 September 2017 A
Today's story: U.S. Airmen along with 19 Allied and Partner nations as well as members of the Czech armed forces participate in Exercise Ample Strike 2017. Service members will perform the Forward Air Controller (FAC) or Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) drills in Air-Land-Integration scenarios.
Air Force Radio News 11 September 2017 B
Today's stories: The 45th Space Wing successfully launched a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch vehicle. Also, Air Force senior leaders from Headquarters Air Force and major commands will visit multiple locations in the Arctic region to better understand the challenges of operating in the region.
Air Force Radio News 8 September 2017 A
Today's story: Airmen from around the U.S. are supporting relief efforts in the wake of Hurricane Irma.
Air Force Radio News 8 September 2017 B
Today's story: The Air Force Reserve Command's 302nd Airlift Wing sent a second modular airborne fire fighting system-equipped C-130 to Fresno Air Tanker Base, California, to support ongoing aerial fire fighting efforts in the western U.S. where dry conditions, extreme heat, and lightning strikes are causing widespread forest fires.
Air Force Radio News 7 September 2017 B
Today's story: The Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office is undergoing final launch preparations for the fifth mission of the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle.
Air Force Radio News 6 September 2017 A
Today's story: U.S. and Romanian military members concluded Carpathian Fall 2017, a two-week bilateral training exercise, on Otopeni Air Base, Romania.
Air Force Radio News 6 September 2017 B
Today's story: National Guard units from around the United States are mobilizing in preparation of Hurricane Irma, now classified as a category 5 storm with maximum winds of 175 miles per hour.
Air Force Radio News 7 September 2017 A
Today's story: The Air Force will allow limited fighter aircrew to extend their time at certain assignments in an effort to help retain experienced aviators for longer than 20 years.
Air Force Radio News 5 September 2017 B
Today's story: At Joint Base San Antonio-Seguin, Texas, battlefield airmen instructors from the 350th Battlefield Airmen Training Squadron have joined in to assist airfield management operations at the Federal Emergency Management Agency's Incident Support Base in support of Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.
Air Force Radio News 5 September 2017 A
Today's story: Two C-130 Hercules aircraft and 14 airmen deployed from the Kentucky Air National Guard base in Louisville to fly humanitarian aid and airlift evacuation missions in Texas following unprecedented flooding caused by Hurricane Harvey.
Air Force Radio News 1 September 2017 A
Today's story: The Sierra Nevada Corporation's Dream Chaser spacecraft recently underwent a captive carry test at NASA's Armstrong Flight Research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, California.
Air Force Radio News 1 September 2017 B
Today's story: In response to recent North Korean provocations, Pacific Air Forces commander General Terrence O'Shaughnessy met with Japanese counterparts to reaffirm the strength of the U.S. military partnership and validate the readiness of the alliance.
Air Force Radio News 31 August 2017 A
Today's story: The Air Force is updating the enlisted special duty assignment pay on November 1st for several career fields, locations or special assignment duties following the most recent air force semiannual review.
Air Force Radio News 31 August 2017 B
Today's story: The U.S. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II Aircraft, joined U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancers for the first time in a sequenced bilateral mission with Japan and Republic of Korea aircraft in Northeast Asia, Wednesday.
Air Force Radio News B 30 August 2017
Today's story: Member's of the 136th Airlift Wing, out of Fort Worth, Texas, sent the first wave of C-130s to Galveston, Texas, to fly out victims of Hurricane Harvey.
Air Force Radio News A 30 August 2017
Today's story: 48th Fighter Wing Vice Commander, Col John Kent talks about the unit's recent deployment to Lithuania to take over the Baltic Air Policing Mission.
Air Force Radio News A 29 August 2017
Today's stories: Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson addressed JAG Corps Airmen at the 2017 Horizons Summer Conference in Falls Church, Virginia. Also, Exercise Tropic ACE kicks off at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii.
Air Force Radio News 29 August 2017 B
Today's stories: More Airmen from around the U.S. are headed to Texas to assist with rescue and recovery efforts, during Hurricane Harvey. Also, Commander of Air Force Space Command, General Jay Raymond spoke at the Air Force Association Lance P. Sijan Chapter’s Multi-Domain Command and Control Symposium.
Air Force Radio News 28 August 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Force officials announced three additional initiatives designed to enhance mission readiness by keeping pilots in the service and bringing retired pilots back to fill critical-rated positions. Also, Pacific Angel 17-4 concluded.
Air Force Radio News A 28 August 2017
Today's stories: Texas Army and Air National Guardsmen support disaster relief for those affected by Hurricane Harvey in southeast TX. Also, The Aircrew Crisis Task Force completed a two-week aircrew retention summit at Joint Base Charleston, S.C.
Air Force Radio News 25 August 2017 A
Today's stories:Team Vandenberg launched the FORMOSAT-5 satellite on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. Also, Airmen from Pacific Air Forces reunited with their counterparts from the Philippine Air Force at Clark Air Base, Philippines as part of an ongoing series of air contingent exchanges between military professionals.
Air Force Radio News 25 August 2017 B
Today's story: The Air Force awarded contracts to Lockheed Martin Corporation and Raytheon Company for a new long range standoff weapon to replace the air launched cruise missile.
Air Force Radio News 24 August 2017 A
Today's story: Testing at Arnold Air Force Base's Engineering Development Complex space chamber helped in preparing the Roll-Out Solar Array for its successful deployment at the International Space Station.
Air Force Radio News 24 August 2017 B
Today's stories: A C-17 crew from Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, had the opportunity to fly through the path of a Solar Eclipse. Also, Combat Controllers from the 321st Special Tactics Squadron were recently in Rakvere, Estonia simulating close air support missions with A-10s from the 175th Wing.
Air Force Radio News A 23 August 2017
Today's stories: 33rd MXS Airmen mentor Sailors from the U.S.S. Abraham Lincoln on Aerospace Ground Equipment training. Also, 10 teams of Civil Engineers compete in the Prime BEEF Challenge at Ellsworth AFB, S.D.
Air Force Radio News 23 August 2017 B
Today's stories: The Desert Defender Ground Combat Readiness Training Center at Fort Bliss, Texas, recently graduated its first joint service class of Airman and Sailors. Also, Chief of Staff of the Air Force General David Goldfein stops by Ramstein Air Base's commissary to bag groceries.
Air Force Radio News 22 August 2017 A
Today's stories: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Chief of Staff of the Air Force General David Goldfein visit Airmen in Southwest Asia to discuss top priorities for the future of the Air Force. Also, a fallen Airman has a highway dedicated in his honor.
Air Force Radio News 22 August 2017 B
Today's story: The Air Force awards two contracts for a new intercontinental ballistic missile weapon system to Boeing Company and Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation.
Air Force Radio News 21 August 2017 A
Today's stories: The new Air Force Space Operations Directorate achieves operating capability. Also, express scripts Tricare pharmacy home delivery program begins new process of annual consent for automatic prescription renewals.
Air Force Radio News 21 August 2017 B
Today's stories: Edwards Air Force Base hosts Boeing Airlines to test out their newest airliner. Also, the Air Force's Pathfinder initiative is a total force effort that will benefit the entire Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 18 August 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force Reserve Command and Air Force National Guard C-130 Aircraft equipped with modular airborne firefighting systems, or MAFFS, work to suppress wildfires throughout California.
Air Force Radio News 18 August 2017 B
Today's Story: For the first time in 38 years, a total solar eclipse will be visible across America from coast to coast on Monday, August 21st.
Air Force Radio News 17 August 2017 A
Today's stories: Officers from seven countries gathered at Rochefort Air Base France for the 23rd annual International Junior Officer Leadership Development course. Also, Colonel Scott Jones received the 2017 General Larry D. Welch-Officer Award.
Air Force Radio News 17 August 2017 B
Today's stories: U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancers fly a bilateral mission with two Japan Air Self-Defense Force F-15s. Also, the 489th Attack Squadron celebrates their 100 year anniversary.
Air Force Radio News 16 August 2017 B
Today's stories: Combat Controllers from the 321st Special Tactics Squadron land A-10s on a makeshift runway in Jagala Karavete, Estonia. Also, Air Force officials release promotion results for Staff Sergeant.
Air Force Radio News 16 August 2017 A
Today's story: The Air Force Sustainment Center is making plans to establish software sustainment capability for the F-35A Lightning II.
Air Force Radio News 15 August 2017 B
Today's stories: Exercise Mobility Guardian comes to a close at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. Also, exercise Ares Shadow comes to a close at Aviano Air Base Italy.
Air Force Radio News 15 August 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen from Hill Air Force Base, Utah supported and flew F-35A Lightning II aircraft during Combat Hammer, the first operational air-to-ground weapons evaluation for the Air Force’s newest fighter jets. Also, Airmen from Misawa Air Base and Japanese Air Self-Defense Force pararescuemen executed exercise Cope Angel, on Japan's mainland for the first time.
Air Force Radio News 14 August 2017 A
Today's story: Matthew Donovan was sworn in as Undersecretary of the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 14 Aug 2017 B
Today's stories: the 482nd Comm Squadron is working to bring cyber security to the wing level through Path Finders. Learn more about this initiative on the latest edition of BLUE on Youtube and Also, the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group delivers 23 F/A 18C Hornet Fighter Aircraft to the Marine Corp a year ahead of schedule.
Air Force Radio News 11 August 2017 A
Today's story: Hack the Air Force results were released to the public. The program is designed to better secure Air Force online assets.
Air Force Radio News 11 August 2017 B
Today's story: The Air Force Research Laboratory Advanced Power Technology Office recently finished testing an advanced diesel engine that will increase the efficiency of military aircraft missions.
Air Force Radio News 10 August 2017 A
Today's story: The Air Force Technical Applications Center will collaborate with the University of Texas at Austin to conduct research in the field of nuclear forensics.
Air Force Radio News 10 August 2017 B
Today's stories: Exercise Mobility Guardian offers hot defueling training. Also, Operation Llama Fury 3.0 kicks off at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia.
Air Force Radio News 09 August 2017 A
Today's stories: Two U.S. Air Force B-1B bombers join the Republic of Korea and Japanese air forces in sequenced bilateral missions. Also, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson highlights the four aircraft that Air Force pilots will fly in the Light Attack Experimentation Campaign next week.
Air Force Radio News 09 August 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein says thank you to all members of the joint and coalition team for everything they've done and continue to do. Also, three years have passed since Coalition Airmen and aircraft first started battling against ISIS.
Air Force Radio News 08 August 2017 A
Today's stories: Pilots graduate from the first F-35A Lightning II initial qualification course at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. Also, the 8th Fighter Squadron was reactivated at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico.
Air Force Radio News 08 August 2017 B
Today's stories: Two new 747s will take the place of the Air Force One aircraft currently in use. Also, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson spoke with pilots about retention at Langley Air Force Base, Virginia.
Air Force Radio News 7 August 2017 A
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson announced the Air Force will seek to significantly reduce unnecessary Air Force instructions over the next 24 months, in order to allow greater flexibility and mission focus.
Air Force Radio News 7 August 2017 B
Today's stories:The Air Force’s first female enlisted pilot completed Undergraduate Remotely Piloted Aircraft Training at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas. Also, the second half of Exercise Mobility Guardian began at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington.
Air Force Radio News 4 August 2017 B
Today's story: Six B-1B Lancers and 350 Airmen from Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota, deployed to Andersen Air Force Base, Guam in support of U.S. Pacific Command’s Continuous Bomber Presence mission.
Air Force Radio News 04 August 2017 A
Today's stories: The Air Force filled more than 700 positions across nine developmental special duties. Also, Airmen deployed to Estonia in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 3 August 2017 B
Today's story: In a recent letter to the Total Force, Air Force senior leaders released their new priorities and addressed issues Airmen face day to day.
Air Force Radio News 03 August 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen can now manage their Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance online with the new SGLI Online Enrollment System. Also, Air Force researchers developed a new electronic patient monitoring tool to use on the battlefield.
Air Force Radio News 02 August 2017 A
Today's story: A team of Air Force Global Strike Command Airmen from the 90th Missile Wing at F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming, launched an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile.
Air Force Radio News 02 August 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson highlights the four aircraft that Air Force pilots will fly in the Light Attack Experimentation Campaign.
Air Force Radio News 1 August 2017 B
Today's stories: Afghan Air Force maintenance leaders request to take full responsibility for flightline maintenance operations. Also, Airman Magazine has 70th birthday posters available for download on their Facebook page.
Air Force Radio News 1 August 2017 A
Today's stories: The Air Force is offering high year tenure extensions to active-duty Airmen in shortage specialties and grades. Also, exercise Mobility Guardian focuses on Air Mobility Command's four core competencies.
Air Force Radio News 31 July 2017 B
Today's stories: Two U.S. Air Force B-1B Bomber aircraft flew a bilateral mission with allies in response to North Korea launching intercontinental ballistic missiles. Also, Airmen at Schriever Air Force Base, Colorado, briefed filmmakers from Hollywood about the military space mission.
Air Force Radio News 31 July 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force veteran and prisoner of war survivor, Colonel Freeman Bruce Olmstead, was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery last week. Also, more than 200 Airmen completed a three week training deployment at RAF Lakenheath, England this week.
Air Force Radio News 28 July 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen and KC-135 stratotankers of the 507th Air Refueling Wing were in Europe during the month of July to Support Operations Atlantic Resolve. Also, bats and crickets are the inspiration for some future tech the Air Force research lab is using to change the way aircraft fly.
Air Force Radio News 28 July 2017 A
Today's Stories: Application packages for the Air Force's health professions loan repayment program will be accepted until September 1, 2017. Also, Airmen engineers teamed up with engineers from the Republic of Fiji to renovate five Fijian schools.
Air Force Radio News 27 July 2017 A
Today's story: The 159th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron conducts training in Romania alongside the Romanian Air Force as part of the theater security package- a rotational deployment meant to ensure regional stability and increase interoperability with NATO allies.
Air Force Radio News 27 July 2017 B
Today's stories: Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General David Goldfein, described the future of conflict during an Air Force Association breakfast. Also, Holloman Air Force Base's remotely piloted aircraft training mission gets an upgrade.
Air Force Radio News 26 July 2017 B
Today's stories: B-52 testers from the 412th Test Wing are looking to use B-52 stratofortress aircraft for leaflet drops. Also, the 17th Attack Squadron celebrates 75 years of aviation excellence.
Air Force Radio News 26 July 2017 A
Today's stories: The 633rd Air Base Wing at Joint Base Langley Eustis has called in the 757th Airlift Squadron from Ohio to help battle mosquitoes. Also, Airmen at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, are using a Chief shadowing program for mentorship opportunities.
Air Force Radio News 25 July 2017 A
Today's stories: The Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program goes into effect this October. Also, the Air Force selected 8 officers to participate in the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Service Chiefs’ Fellows Program.
Air Force Radio News 25 July 2017 B
Today's stories: NASA, SpaceX, and Boeing are working together to develop new low-orbit launch vehicles. Also, B1-B Bomber aircraft out of Anderson Air Force Base, Guam, headed to Australia for exercise Talisman Saber 17.
Air Force Radio News 24 July 2017 A
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright posted a podcast to his official Facebook page answering questions about the changes that were made to the Enlisted Military Education Program.
Air Force Radio News 24 July 2017 B
Today's stories: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson announced a new program known as AFwerX. Also, senior leaders from around the European Theater gathered for an F-35 leadership forum.
Air Force Radio News 21 July 2017 B
Today's stories: A new mental health assessment has been added to the periodic health assessment (PHA). Also, Biomedical Sciences Corps releases officer promotion numbers.
Air Force Radio News 21 July 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force releases technical sergeant promotion results. Also, fighter aircraft from Misawa Air Base, Kadena Air Base and the Japan Air Self Defense Force train together in the skies over Misawa during aviation relocation training.
Air Force Radio News 20 July 2017 B
Today's Story: Airmen from the 432nd Wing at Creech Air Force Base, Nevada, debuted the MQ-9 Reaper Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, or UAV, at the Lethbridge International Air Show in Alberta Province, Canada.
Air Force Radio News 20 July 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen test their ability to track and process medical supplies during a joint exercise at Kadena Air Base, Japan. Also, the Arizona Air National Guard is helping battle wildfires in Arizona.
Air Force Radio News 19 July 2017 B
Today's stories: A military training instructor facilitator has been selected as the Military Times 2017 Airman of the Year. Also, Pacific Angel 17-3, a humanitarian exercise, kicks off in Fiji.
Air Force Radio News 19 July 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force officials announced major changes to the enlisted professional military education program via an initiative called Enlisted Professional Military Education for the 21st Century, or “EPME 21.”
Air Force Radio News 18 July 2017 A
Today's story: Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve Airmen are providing no cost quality health care to the community members of Cass Lake, Minnesota.
Air Force Radio News 18 July 2017 B
Today's stories: The U.S. Air Force is providing intelligence, airlift, and refueling for the massive exercise, Talisman Saber. Also, engineers from around Edwards Air Force Base California, partnered with members of the Desert High School robotics team to come up with a solution to a real-world test problem.
Air Force Radio News 17 July 2017 B
Today's stories: The 455th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron teamed up with a researcher from the Air Force Research Laboratory to teach Airmen how to pilot small drones and use them to train coalition forces on how to react to them on the battlefield. Also, Air Commandos participated in Total Force Exercise 17-3 in south Indiana.
Air Force Radio News 17 July 2017 A
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson recognized the career achievements of 12 senior civilians during the 2016 Presidential Rank Awards Ceremony at the Pentagon.
Air Force Radio News 14 July 2017 B
Today's stories: Exercise Red Flag 17-3 began, a three-week air-to-air combat training exercise. Also, Army Command Sergeant Major John Troxell, the senior enlisted advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, spent a day at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News 14 July 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force Master Sgt. Israel Del Toro, a wounded warrior, receives Pat Tillman Award for Service at the 2017 ESPY Awards.
Air Force Radio News 13 July 2017 B
Today's story: U.S. Air Force Air Advisors work hand-in-hand with their Iraqi counterparts at Qayyarah West Airfield supporting coalition and Iraqi operations against ISIS in Mosul.
Air Force Radio News 13 July 2017 A
Today's stories: U.S. Air National Guard helps contain a 45 square-mile wide fire in Santa Barbara County, California. Also, Airmen at Hill Air Force Base, Utah achieved another milestone in completing the combat capability blueprint of the F-35A Lightning II.
Air Force Radio News 12 July 2017 B
Today's stories: Talisman Saber 2017, the biennial intelligence based training, is underway throughout various locations in Australia. Also, Air Force Materiel Command celebrates 25th anniversary.
Air Force Radio News 12 July 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force officials have released promotion numbers for the upcoming Technical Sergeant release. Also, first-term Airmen re-training quotas for fiscal year 18 are available through myPers.
Air Force Radio News 11 July 2017 B
Today's story: The Air Force Medical Service has launched a new mobile app to connect Airmen and patients to news and information about the AFMS.
Air Force Radio News 11 July 2017 A
Today's stories: More than 260 Airmen and 18 F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft from the 52nd Fighter Wing at Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, arrived at R.A.F Lakenheath, England to participate in a flying training deployment. Also, two U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam conducted a bilateral mission with South Korean and Japanese fighter jets in response to a series of increasingly escalatory actions by North Korea.
Air Force Radio News A 10 July 2017
Today's stories: U.S. Airmen and Marines team up for the first ever F-35 joint Forward Air Refueling Point (FARP) exercise at Kadena Air Base, Japan. Also, the Air Force announces the 12 Outstanding Airmen for 2017.
Air Force Radio News 10 July 2017 A
Today's Stories: U.S. Airmen and Marines team up for first ever F-35 joint forward area refueling point exercise. Also, Air Force officials announce the 2017 12 Outstanding Airmen.
Air Force Radio News 10 July 2017 B
Today's Story: U.S. Air Force makes announcement on hosting the 2018 Department of Defense Warrior Games.
Air Force Radio News 07 July 2017 A
Today's Story: Air University's Squadron Officer School redesigns program to better align with the needs of the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 07 July 2017 B
Today's Story: U.S. Air Force and Japan Self-Defense Force units conduct bilateral mission over the East China sea at night.
Air Force Radio News 06 July 2017 A
Today's story: The RQ-4 Global Hawk arrives early at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia.
Air Force Radio News 06 July 2017 B
Today's stories: The theme for this year's 2017 Focus on Defense Symposium is "Sustaining the Nuclear Triad." Also, Airmen deployed to Southwest Asia saved the Air Force thousands of dollars by making a creative repair to a C-130 aircraft.
Air Force Radio News 5 July 2017 A
Today's stories: The Air Force’s first three Enlisted Pilot Initial Class graduates are slated to complete their final phase of training requirements in July at Beale Air Force Base, California, and the commander of Air Combat Command, General Mike Holmes, has selected the officers who will be joining the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds for the 2018 demonstration season.
Air Force Radio News 05 July 2017 B
Today's story: Air Force senior leaders attended the 2017 Warrior Games opening ceremonies in Chicago, to show support for the athletes participating in the week-long competition. Jonathan Lemoine joined the Air Force in 2014 as a Firefighter. After a career ending spinal cord injury, he continues to represent the Air Force as a athlete in Warrior Games.
Air Force Radio News 3 July 2017 A
Today's stories: The 34th Fighter Squadron and 34th Aircraft Maintenance Unit at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, accepted its final two combat-coded F-35A Lightning lls. Also, the Block 5 MQ-9 Reaper was successfully flown in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 3 July 2017 B
Today's stories: U.S. and Filipino service members will partner with local non-governmental organizations to train together by providing medical, dental, optometric, and engineering assistance during Pacific Angel 2017. Also, three Airmen saved Aviano Air Base nearly $3 million so far in fiscal year 2017.
Air Force Radio News 30 June 2017 A
Today's story: Members of the 418th Flight Test Squadron test a new parachute canopy for the Advanced Concept Ejection Seat II.
Air Force Radio News 30 June 2017 B
Today's story: The 23rd Bomb Squadron from Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota celebrates 100 years of history.
Air Force Radio News 29 June 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen assigned to the 725th Air Mobility Squadron responded to a C-5 Galaxy landing incident at Naval Station Rota, Spain, assuring minimal disruption to the airfield’s operations. Also, squadron revitalization teams visited Scott Air Force Base.
Air Force Radio News 29 June 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Force officials are making three substantial changes to the developmental special duty process. Also, the Air Force is looking for men and women softball players to attend trial camps with the potential to compete in the Armed Forces Championships.
Air Force Radio News 28 June 2017 A
Today's stories: The United States Air Force Weapons School re-activated the 6th Weapons Squadron. Also, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base became the first military installation to be declared a “Bee City USA.”
Air Force Radio News 28 June 2017 B
Today's story: Staff Sergeant Ashleigh Buch becomes the first openly transgender Airman to be recommended for return to flying duties.
Air Force Radio News 26 June 2017 A
Today's stories: Saber Strike 17, a month-long exercise including 11,000 U.S. and NATO military members from 20 countries, wrapped up this past weekend. Also, the Air Force’s Magazine Day strengthens interactions with media outlets to help spark future story ideas highlighting the innovation and dedication of Airmen.
Air Force Radio News 26 June 2017 B
Today's stories: The Air Force announced its intent to begin a pilot program providing battlefield Airmen skill incentive pay based on qualified skills versus performed duties. Also, the Armed Forces of the Philippines and United States forces will work together to conduct humanitarian assistance engagements as part of Pacific Angel 2017.
Air Force Radio News 27 June 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force officials released criteria for the new military decoration devices. Also, personnel at Air Force Life Cycle Management Center-Hanscom are ensuring intelligence can be quickly, securely shared with allies by performing pre-contract market research for maintenance of a program called CENTAUR.
Air Force Radio News 27 June 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Force officials recently approved tuition assistance funding for eligible Ph.D. candidates through the Civilian Tuition Assistance Program. Also, Airmen who were medically separated between Sept. 11, 2001 and Dec. 31, 2009, can have their disability ratings reviewed.
Air Force Radio News 22 June 2017 A
Today's stories: Minot Air Force Base selected as one of four beta test installations for Task Force True North. Also, two KC-135 Stratotankers provide support for Red Flag Alaska 17-2.
Air Force Radio News 22 June 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright visit Battlefield Airmen Training Group at Joint Base Lackland San Antonio. Also, 2017 Department of Defense Warrior Games start on June 30th.
Air Force Radio News 23 June 2017 A
Today's stories: U.S. Strategic Command Commander General John Hyten addressed attendees at the Capitol Hill Club on space, nuclear and missile defense modernization. Also, Airmen from the 2nd Munitions Cruise Missile Maintenance Flight took part in the Air Force Global Strike Challenge.
Air Force Radio News 23 June 2017 B
Today's stories: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein briefed congressional leaders on the Senate’s Defense Appropriations Committee on the future of air and space. Also, the F-35 Lightning 2 debuted at the 2017 Paris Air Show.
Air Force Radio News 20 June 2017 B
Today's stories: The Paris Air Show is underway in Le Bourget, France. Also, Luke Air Force Base will resume F-35A flying operations after an eleven day pause.
Air Force Radio News 20 June 2017 A
Today's stories: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson will continue to be the principal advisor to the Secretary of Defense on space. Also, Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson approved the reorganization of the Air Force headquarters to establish a Deputy Chief of Staff for Space Operations.
Air Force Radio News 21 June 2017 A
Today's stories: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson spoke about the important role communities play in supporting the Air Force mission at the 2017 Defense Communities National Summit in Washington, D.C. Also, application packages for the next Undergraduate Flying Training selection board are due to the Rated Officer Assignments branch of the Air Force Personnel Center by November 17th, 2017.
Air Force Radio News 21 June 2017 B
Today's stories: Two U.S. Air Force B-1B Lancers from the 9th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, deployed from Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, flew from Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, for a 10-hour mission, flying in the vicinity of Kyushu, Japan, the East China Sea, and the Korean peninsula. Also, a U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker from the 100th Air Refueling Wing, RAF Mildenhall, England, refueled a B-2 Spirit from Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, off the coast of Spain.
Air Force Radio News 19 June 2017 A
Today's stories: Officers are being considered for Health Profession Education Programs. Also, Air Force Fighter Annual Awards recognize fighter pilots and weapons system officers' performance.
Air Force Radio News 19 June 2017 B
Today's Story: The 2017 Department of Defense Warrior Games are taking place in Chicago from June 30th through July 8th.
Air Force Radio News 16 June 2017 A
Today's Stories: CMSAF Kaleth Wright speaks to airmen at Yakota Air Base. Also, OSI HQ presents bronze star medal to first fallen hero, 50 years after he was killed in action.
Air Force Radio News 16 June 2017 B
Today's Story: Seven F-35As from the 61st Fighter Squadron used in student pilot basic course at Mountain Home, Idaho, earlier this month.
Air Force Radio News 15 June 2017 B
Today's story: 370th Air Expeditionary Air Advisory Group began recovering more than $2.1 million in U.S. Air Force aerial port assets from Iraqi air force counterparts.
Air Force Radio News 15 June 2017 A
Today's Story: 388th Fighter Wing receives F-35A bulk ammunition loaders for field use.
Air Force Radio News 14 June 2017 A
Today's stories: The 435th Contingency Response Group is in Latvia for exercise Saber Strike. Also, the 910th Airlift Wing is teaming up with the 914th Airlift Wing and the 445th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron for joint training.
Air Force Radio News 14 June 2017 B
Today's story: The 33rd Special Operations Squadron is celebrating its centennial anniversary.
Air Force Radio News 12 June 2017 B
Today’s stories: Two Airmen complete the first phase of Marine Raider training for the first time in history. Also, three of Air Force Global Strike Command’s Strategic Bomber aircraft are simultaneously in the European Theatre.
Air Force Radio News 12 June 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force Global Strike Command supports BALTOPS and Saber Strike. Also, the Georgia Air National Guard hosted Colombian Air Force officers as part of the State Partnership Program.
Air Force Radio News 13 June 2017 A
Today's story: A team of six Hanscom Airmen and one team member from Rome, New York, competed against teams from six other bases to develop a system that could potentially defend installations from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
Air Force Radio News 13 June 2017 B
Today's story: The 371st Special Operations Combat Training Squadron hosts a five-day culmination exercise in which combat aviation advisor students are put in a simulated partner nation to teach and conduct missions.
Air Force Radio News 09 June 2017 A
Today's stories: Lt. Col. Raja Chari was selected by NASA to be part of the 2017 Astronaut Candidate Class. Also, the 726th Air Control Squadron received its first major Control and Reporting Center weapons system upgrade in 20 years.
Air Force Radio News 09 June 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Capitol Hill about the future of air and space power.
Air Force Radio News 08 June 2017 A
Today's stories:
Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein testified before the senate armed services committee on Capitol Hill.
Air Force Radio News 08 June 2017 B
Today's stories: Exercise Baltic Operations, or BALTOPS, is underway in the Baltic Sea Region. BALTOPS is an annual multinational maritime-focused exercise designed to provide high-end training. Also, The United States Air Force Weapons School has expanded its curriculum for the current era of joint operations.
Air Force Radio News 7 June 2017 B
Today's story: The Defense Department officially launched the Blended Retirement System comparison calculator, which provides eligible service members their first opportunity for an individualized comparison of retirement systems.
Air Force Radio News 7 June 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force officials announced Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington, as the preferred location for basing 12 KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft, and MacDill AFB, Florida, as the reasonable alternative.
Air Force Radio News 5 June 2017 A
Today's stories: Secretary of the Air Force, Heather Wilson talks about her career and leadership priorities in SECAF: The First Interview on Also, the Air Force men's volleyball team won their second Armed Forces championship in three years.
Air Force Radio News 5 June 2017 B
Today's stories: The 86th Airlift Wing will support D-Day 73 by flying over the beaches of Normandy and holding remembrance ceremonies. Also, Airmen interested in becoming enlisted remotely piloted aircraft pilots have until Nov. 15, 2017, to submit completed application packages, including physical exams, to the Air Force Personnel Center.
Air Force Radio News 6 June 2017 A
Today's stories: The 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron “Hurricane Hunters” spent May 30 to June 1, 2017, providing weather information for the Navy’s first Gulf of Mexico oceanography unmanned systems operational demonstration. Also, the Air Force released details on the fiscal year 2017 Aviation Bonus Program (AvB) June 5, 2017.
Air Force Radio News 6 June 2017 B
Today's stories: The Aviation Bonus Program provides a holistic approach to improve readiness and capacity by increasing retention of experienced aviators. Also, General Tod Wolters, commander of United States Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa, visited the Hungarian Defence Force’s 59th Air Base, Hungary to recognize the efforts of six regional partners during Exercise Load Diffuser 2017.
Air Force Radio News 02 June 2017 A
Today's stories: B-52H Stratofortresses from Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana, and about 800 Airmen from Air Force Global Strike Command, deployed to Royal Air Force Fairford. Also, the Air Force is accepting nominations for the 2017 Lance P. Sijan U.S. Air Force Leadership Award.
Air Force Radio News 02 June 2017 B
Today's stories: The 40th Helicopter Squadron rescued two girls and their dog from Sluice Boxes State Park, Montana. Also, Airmen and aircraft from the 5th Reconnaissance Squadron, Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, deployed to Kadena Air Base, Japan.
Air Force Radio News 01 June 2017 B
Today's stories: Members of the 353rd Special Operations Group and Royal New Zealand Air Force team up for exercise Teak Net. Also, the Air Force has selected 50 active-duty Airmen for the Interservice Physician Assistant Program.
Air Force Radio News 01 June 2017 A
Today's stories: DOD Missile Defense Agency conducts successful first ever live-fire test of ballistic missile defense system. Also, Investigation report released on MQ-9A Reaper crash from July 2016.
Air Force Radio News 31 May 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen from 11 separate nations participated in Arctic Challenge, the largest European air exercise of the year. Also, the all-Air Force women’s volleyball team won the Armed Forces Championship, at Naval Station Mayport, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 31 May 2017 A
Today's stories: F-35A Lighting II 3,000th sortie. Also, Children bowl for free at Air Force installations.
Air Force Radio News 30 May 2017 B
Today's Story: Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force General Stephen Wilson discussed the state of the nuclear triad last week.
Air Force Radio News 26 May 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen who volunteer for a 365 day deployment can apply for one of two assignments. Also, Air Force T.V. Radio just published their latest episode of BLUE.
Air Force Radio News 26 May 2017 B
Today's story: Air Force leaders discussed specifics of the service's fiscal 2018 space investment budget.
Air Force Radio News 25 May 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson spoke at the Air Force Academy graduation on Wednesday.
Air Force Radio News 25 May 2017 A
Today's story: The Air Force plans to increase personnel commander support staff manning by Fiscal Year 2020.
Air Force Radio News 24 May 2017 A
Today's stories: The Air Force released its latest promotion selection list on myPers. Also, Airmen out of Dover Air Force Base, Delaware supported Exercise Rapid Rescue.
Air Force Radio News 24 May 2017 B
Today's story: The Air Force presented its Fiscal Year 2018 President's Budget, following the Defense Department and sister services' budget briefings.
Air Force Radio News 23 May 2017 B
Today's stories: Vice President Mike Pence spoke to Wright-Patt Airmen and their families as part of his visit here for Armed Forces Day. Also, 80 Airmen attached to the 86th Airlift Wing from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, deployed to Israel in support of exercise Juniper Falcon from May 7-18, 2017.
Air Force Radio News 23 May 2017 A
Today's story: The Air Force Research Laboratory is looking for ideas for an upgraded mobile weather platform.
Air Force Radio News 22 May 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein hosted a National Pilot Sourcing Meeting with airline executives to discuss the national pilot shortage. Also, 230 personnel from the 493rd Fighter Squadron, Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England, and the 351st Air Refueling Squadron, RAF Mildenhall, England, deployed to bases in Finland and Sweden for Arctic Challenge 2017.
Air Force Radio News 22 May 2017 A
Today's stories: Coalition forces conduct a joint crash response exercise in Southwest Asia. Also, Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, hosted a series of events for National Police Week.
Air Force Radio News 19 May 2017 B
Today's story: Air Force senior leaders testified before the Senate Armed Service Committee Strategic Forces subcommittee on military space, organization, policy and programs.
Air Force Radio News 19 May 2017 A
Today's stories: More than 25 percent of eligible Technical Sergeants were selected for promotion to Master Sergeant. Also, Airmen out of Little Rock Air Force Base, Arkansas, saved the Air Force thousands after creating an aircraft part.
Air Force Radio News 18 May 2017 A
Today's stories: For the first time U-2 participated in Northern Edge, at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. Also, the Air Force has rolled out a new First Term Airmen Course, dedicated to developing Airmen as next-generation leaders.
Air Force Radio News 18 May 2017 B
Today's story: The 2017 African Air Chiefs Symposium was the largest to date in Kasane, Botswana.
Air Force Radio News 17 May 2017 B
Today's stories: An AC-130U aircrew from Air Force Special Operations Command receives the Clarence Mackay Trophy, for accomplishing the most meritorious flight of the year. Also, the Air Force Repair Enhancement Program at Mountain Home Air Force Base saves the Air Force millions of dollars per year.
Air Force Radio News 17 May 2017 A
Today's story: During Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson's official swear-in ceremony she shared some of her focus areas during her tenure.
Air Force Radio News 16 May 2017 B
Today's stories:The Air Force has a program that gives active duty enlisted Airmen a commissioning opportunity, into the nursing field. Also, part four, of a six part series, honoring the position of Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force is on the official Air Force Facebook page.
Air Force Radio News 16 May 2017 A
Today's stories: Doctor Heather Wilson becomes the 24th Secretary of the Air Force. Also, the Air Force removed the weight restriction that kept pilots weighing under 136 pounds from flying the F-35A.
Air Force Radio News 15 May 2017 B
Today's story: Air Force officials developed a Revitalizing Air Force Squadrons Idea Site to leverage knowledge and expertise from Airmen in the field.
Air Force Radio News 15 May 2017 A
Today's stories: The F-35 Lightning II aircraft successfully completed its deployment in Europe. Also, it's Mental Health Awareness Month and the Air Force Medical Service Mental Health Awareness page can offer tips to help.
Air Force Radio News 12 May 2017 A
Today's story: Squadron Officer School class 17G is cancelled due to a course re-write and curriculum changes by Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein.
Air Force Radio News 12 May 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen are able to submit uniform change requests through the Airmen Powered by Innovation website. Also, Northern Edge 2017 kicks off at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska.
Air Force Radio News 11 May 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen assigned to the 40th Helicopter Squadron, Malmstrom Air Force Base, Montana, rescued an injured hiker in the Little Belt Mountains. Also, the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School is accepting applications from interested officers and civilians.
Air Force Radio News 11 May 2017 B
Today's story: Scientists at the Air Force Research Lab are using technology inspired by the fine hairs on bats and crickets to change the course of agile flight.
Air Force Radio News 10 May 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force senior leaders are considering ways to accelerate hypersonics research and development.
Air Force Radio News 10 May 2017 B
Today's story: Eight F-35A Lightning IIs from the 34th Fighter Squadron, out of Hill Air Force Base, Utah, along with supporting units and equipment, completed the first F-35A deployment to Europe.
Air Force Radio News 9 May 2017 A
Today's story: Dr. Heather Wilson is confirmed by the Senate as the new Secretary of the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 9 May 2017 B
Today's story: Airmen from the 301st Airlift Squadron, Travis Air Force Base, California, transported four Bottlenose Dolphins and their handlers from Naval Air Station Key West, Florida, to the U.S. Naval Marine Mammal Program, San Diego.
Air Force Radio News 8 May 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein posts about the 5 Air Force core missions on his official Facebook page. Also, the Air Force's unmanned, reusable space plane, the X-37B, landed at NASA's Kennedy Space Center Shuttle Landing Facility.
Air Force Radio News 8 May 2017 B
Today's Story: U.S. Air Force Academy Superintendent, Lieutenant General Michelle Johnson, testified before the House's Military Personnel Subcommittee on The Academy's sexual assault prevention and response programs.
Air Force Radio News 5 May 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen assigned to the 20th Fighter Wing, Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, return from a sixth month deployment to Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan.
Also, information on how to apply to become an Air Force OSI Enlisted Special Agent.
Air Force Radio News 05 May 2017 A
Today's stories: The Air Force started its initiative to allow Gold Star families unescorted access to Air Force installations. Airmen can now access all force development resources through the virtual force development center.
Air Force Radio News 04 May 2017 A
Today's story: Lt. Col. Benjamin Mitchell receives the 2017 Heroes of Military Medicine Award in Washington D.C.
Air Force Radio News 04 May 2017 B
Today's stories: Hurricane Hunters and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration hosted the Caribbean Hurricane Awareness Tour. Also, Medal of Honor recipient, Colonel Leo Thorsness passed away earlier this week.
Air Force Radio News 03 May 2017 A
Today's stories: An unmanned MQ-9 Reaper crashed outside Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico. Also, Military Service Academy graduates and ROTC athletes are no longer able to be recruited directly into professional sports.
Air Force Radio News 03 May 2017 B
Today's stories: After 51 years, Air Force Captain Robert Barnett is laid to rest with full military honors. Also, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, practiced new life saving techniques during an active shooter exercise.
Air Force Radio News 02 May 2017 A
Todays Stories: Airmen from the 407th Expeditionary Support Squadron update coalition forces during operation Inherent Resolve. Also coalition forces made 15 strikes against ISIS targets in Syria and Iraq.
Air Force Radio News 01 MAY 2017 B
Today's stories: The F-35A continues to prove itself during its first overseas deployment at RAF Lakenheath, England. Also squadrons from Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado loaded a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker with supplies for the Denton Program destine for Afghanistan.
Air Force Radio News 01 MAY 2017 A
Todays stories two F-35A Lighting 2 aircraft arrived in Bulgaria from RAF Lakenheath, England continuing its first European deployment, Also the MQ-9 Reaper was showcased at the 2017 Gulf Coast Salute Open House and Air Show last week at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.
Air Force Radio News: 28 Apr 2017
Today's Stories:The Air Force Club Scholarship Program is looking for submissions and AFPC has educational resources to help military children.
Air Force Radio News: 28 Apr 2017
Today's Stories: The Air Force has updated the policy on females getting out of the military after having a baby and Exercise Max Thunder at Kunsan Air Base, Korea has wrapped up.
Air Force Radio News A 27 April 17
Today's stories: Two Explosive Ordnance Disposal Airmen make history as the first EOD Airmen to graduate the U.S. Army's Air Assault School in Kuwait; also, the "Hack the Air Force" event opens on May 15th, 2017.
Air Force Radio News B 27 April 17
Today's stories: Airmen from Florida and Louisiana's Air National Guard head to Bulgaria for a theater security package, Thracian Eagle. Also, Course 15 will be phased out and replaced with the new Non-commissioned Distance Learning Course starting May 31st, 2017.
Air Force Radio News 26 April 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Force Pararescue Airmen participated in a historical class at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. Also, the Air Force is seeking nominations for the 2017 General Larry O. Spencer Innovation Award.
Air Force Radio News 26 April 2017 A
Today's stories: Aeromedical Evacuation Airmen received basic veterinarian training at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. Also, Airmen deployed to Bulgaria as part of a Theater Security Package in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 25 April 2017 B
Today's stories: The first three non-commissioned officers in the Enlisted Pilot Initial Class will be completing the undergraduate remotely piloted aircraft training May 5th. Also, F-35 A aircraft are participating in their first training deployment to Amari Air Base, Estonia.
Air Force Radio News 25 April 2017 A
Today's stories: Hundreds of firefighting aircrew completed an annual training in preparation for fire season this summer. Also, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, won the 2017 Secretary of Defense Environmental Award for Sustainability.
Air Force Radio News 24 April 2017 B
Today's stories: A KC-135 aircraft out of Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, made history after being the first to fuel a Navy P-8A Poseidon aircraft over the Atlantic Ocean. Also, U.S Air Force Colonel Jack Fischer arrived at the International Space Station Thursday morning.
Air Force Radio News 24 April 2017 A
Today's story: U.S. Security Forces Airmen trained with the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Defense Military Police to enhance job related skills.
Air Force Radio News 21 April 2017 A
Today's stories: Medical staff at Travis Air Force Base, California are training with a new advanced birthing simulator. Also, the Air Force is seeking nominations for the 2017 General Mark A. Welsh III One Air Force Award.
Air Force Radio News 21 April 2017 B
Today's stories: For the first time the Air Force simultaneously presented two Airmen the Air Force Cross award. Also, Travis Air Force Base, California receives the final KC-10 extender.
Air Force Radio News 20 April 2017 A
Today's stories: Keesler Medical Center became the first Air Force hospital to implant the world's smallest pacemaker. Also, Hundreds of Airmen return home after a six month deployment in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 20 April 2017 B
Today's stories: The National Museum of the United States Air Force paid tribute to the 75th anniversary of the Doolittle Tokyo Raid. Also, Air Force Special Operations Squadron at Hurlburt Field, Florida celebrated 50 years of Contemporary Irregular Warfare Courses.
Air Force Radio News 19 April 2017 B
Today's story: An Air Force Academy graduate will travel to the International Space Station to conduct research for NASA.
Air Force Radio News 19 April 2017 A
Today's stories: Teens wanting to explore careers as aviators or astronauts will have the opportunity through summer camps. Also, the African Partnership Flight kicked off in Burkina Faso this week.
Air Force Radio News 18 April 2017 B
Today's stories: The Hill Aerospace Museum is turning the inside of an old C-130 Hercules aircraft into an interactive classroom.
Air Force Radio News 18 April 2017 A
Today's story: The Air Force added additional Air Force specialty codes to the Voluntary Limited Period of Active Duty program.
Air Force Radio News B 17 April 17
Today's stories: 24 Airmen earned the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge at Fort Campbell, KY. Also, a new terminal at Hurlburt Field, FL becomes the first Special Operations Logistics Readiness Squadron to become a Space-Available support base.
Air Force Radio News A 17 April 17
Today's story: Combat-ready F-35A Lightning II multi-role fighter aircraft arrived April 15, 2017, at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England.
Air Force Radio News A 14 April 17
Today's stories: CSAF General David Goldfein talks about Air Force readiness at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C. Also, 30 Airmen from Shaw Air Force Base, South Caroline participate in the Army Warfighter Exercise 17-4 last week.
Air Force Radio News B 14 April 17
Today's stories: The last two surviving members of the 510th Fighter Squadron from World War II reunite online. Also, the latest episode of Blue shows you the inside world of the Air Education and Training Command.
Air Force Radio News 13 April 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen conducted a successful simulated missile launch out of F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyoming. Also, a team of Airmen went to Honduras to build and strengthen partner relations.
Air Force Radio News 13 April 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen used a B-1 Lancer aircraft to assist in tracking drug traffickers from South America to the U.S. Also, the Air Force unveiled 3 major space initiatives at the 33rd Space symposium.
Air Force Radio News A 12 April 2017
Today's stories: Airmen from the Central Command Band celebrate Afghan Mothers Day and Airmen join with other servicemembers for Exercise Razor Talon at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C.
Air Force Radio News B 12 April 2017
Today's story: The Air Force Medical Service showcases its focus on safety in its facilities with its "Zero Harm" initiative.
Air Force Radio News 11 April 2017 B
Today's stories: Active Duty Air Force Captains can now apply for the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Captains Prestigious Ph.D. Program. Also, cadets attended the Pathways to Blue event at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi.
Air Force Radio News 11 April 2017 A
Today's stories: The 35th Fighter Squadron at Kunsan Air Base, South Korea, is receiving new aircraft flow-through shelters. Also, Airmen from the 621st Contingency Response Wing trained with U.S. Soldiers, and Republic of Korea Air Force, during exercise Turbo Distribution.
Air Force Radio News 10 April 2017 A
Today's stories: Tech Sergeant Brian Claughsey received the Silver Star Medal for his actions during a deployment to Afghanistan. Also, Jamal Braxton was given the Operation Homefront 2017 Air Force Military Child of the Year award.
Air Force Radio News 10 April 2017 B
Today's story: The 319th Special Operations Squadron building at Hurlburt Field, Florida was renamed the Richard E. Cole Building in dedication to the last surviving Doolittle Raider.
Air Force Radio News 07 April 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein spoke with the House Armed Services Committee about passing a full budget for fiscal year 2017.
Air Force Radio News 07 April 2017 B
Today's story: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein spoke with the House Armed Services Committee about passing a full budget for fiscal year 2017.
Air Force Radio News 06 April 2017 A
Today's stories: U.S. Strategic Command signed an agreement with Norway to share space services and information. Also, Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, signed the 250th Air Force community partnership agreement.
Air Force Radio News 06 April 2017 B
Today's stories: Two U.S. Air Force C-130 Hercules aircraft flew to Peru to assist the communities affected by flooding. Also, Air Force Special Operations Command is improving access to blood products on the battlefield, one of which is freeze-dried plasma.
Air Force Radio News A 05 April 2017
Today's stories: An F-16C Fighting Falcon crashed outside of Joint Base Andrews Maryland; and Air Force Global Strike Command opened the new Air Force Nuclear Command, Control and Communications Center in Barksdale, Louisiana.
Air Force Radio News 05 April 2017 B
Today's Story: Strategic Command Commander General John Hyten discussed STRATCOM programs at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.
Air Force Radio News 04 April 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein visits Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts for the first time. Also, Airmen participate in an aeromedical evacuation exercise, Patriot Delta, at Travis Air Force Base, California.
Air Force Radio News 04 April 2017 A
Today's stories: Major League Baseball Stadiums across the U.S. are playing a special video to celebrate the Air Force's 70th birthday. Also, members from the 560th Flying Training Squadron held a Freedom Flyer Reunion and a POW/MIA Symposium at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas.
Air Force Radio News 03 April 2017 A
Today's stories: 79th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron Commander, Lt. Col. Craig Andrle, reached a milestone after he completed 1000 combat hours in an F-16 Fighting Falcon. Also, a 380th Air Expeditionary Wing EQ-4 Global Hawk remotely piloted aircraft completed 1000 continuous sorties without any maintenance cancellations.
Air Force Radio News 03 April 2017 B
Today's story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright sends a message to Airmen addressing their responsibility to help end sexual assault.
Air Force Radio News 31 March 2017 B
Today's story: Secretary of the Air Force nominee, Doctor Heather Wilson, speaks at the Armed Services Committee Nomination Hearing.
Air Force Radio News 31 March 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force officials have decided to integrate suicide prevention into Green Dot training. Also, The U.S. Air Force, Royal Thai Air Force, and Republic of Singapore Air Force are participating in exercise Cope Tiger.
Air Force Radio News 30 March 2017 B
Today's stories:Air Force surgeons performed the Air Force's first robotic surgery at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi. Also, the Air Force Research Laboratory developed new and improved landing zone lighting units to replace older lighting units.
Air Force Radio News 30 March 2017 A
Today's story: Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower and Personnel Services, Lieutenant General Gina Grosso, talked about the pilot shortage at the House Armed Service Committee's Military Personnel Subcommittee.
Air Force Radio News 29 March 2017 A
Today's story: The 721st Aerial Port Squadron out of Ramstein Air Base, Germany, designed a program to help Airmen complete their five level training.
Air Force Radio News 29 March 2017 B
Today's stories: Air Force Brigadier General Matthew Isler is leading a credibility assessment following recent reports of civilian casualties in Mosul, Iraq. Also, Airmen from the Delaware Air National Guard deployed to Powidz Air Base, Poland, for a training exercise.
Air Force Radio News 28 March 2017 A
Today's story: Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, was selected to set up the Air Force's first Invisible Wounds Clinic.
Air Force Radio News 28 March 2017 B
Today's stories: The next generation F-35 Lightning II coatings booth is expected to be operational by October. Also, Air Force officials are accepting nominations for the 2017 Civilian Strategic Leadership Program.
Air Force Radio News 27 March 2017 A
Today's stories: A Lebanese student pilot training with the 81st Fighter Squadron in Moody Air Force Base, Georgia completes the first in-seat training sortie in an A-29 Super Tucano. Also, the Air Force launches a special website for the service's 70th birthday.
Air Force Radio News 27 March 2017 B
Today's stories: The U.S. conducted a counterterrorism airstrike that killed a well-known
al-Qaida leader. Also, Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi receives a new training aid known as Science on a Sphere.
Air Force Radio News 24 March 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, thanks Airmen at Air Mobility Command, for providing strategic airlift capabilities in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve. Also, Airmen from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, recently partnered with the Bulgarian paratroopers for exercise Thracian Spring 17.
Air Force Radio News 24 March 2017 B
Today's Story: A candlelight vigil was held for three Airmen recently killed in a plane crash near Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico.
Air Force Radio News 23 March 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen came together with Thai and Singaporean military members for Exercise Cope Tiger. Also, Westover Air Reserve Base, Massachusetts, will start receiving electricity from a newly installed solar plant.
Air Force Radio News 23 March 2017 B
Today's story: During a conference in Washington DC, Air Force Vice Chief of Staff General Stephen Wilson discusses readiness, force structure, and modernization in the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 22 March 2017 B
Today's story: A bomber aircraft from Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam, Hawaii, conducts bilateral training missions with Japan's Air Force and the Republic of Korea's Air Force, to build partnerships and improve coalition capabilities.
Air Force Radio News 22 March 2017 A
Today's stories: Airmen at Yokota Air Base, Japan complete their first C-130J training sortie. Also, Air force officials picked 7 Airmen for the Enlisted to Medical Degree Preparatory Program.
Air Force Radio News 21 March 2017 B
Today's story: Retired Master Sergeant Kristopher Parker was awarded the Silver Star for his courageous acts during his deployment to Afghanistan in 2014.
Air Force Radio News 21 March 2017 A
Today's stories: Boeing personnel and Airmen worked together to conduct KC-46A Pegasus ground and flight testing at Travis Air Force Base, California. Also, Four A-29 Super Tucano aircraft were brought to Kabul Air Wing, Kabul, Afghanistan for combat operations.
Air Force Radio News 20 March 2017 B
Today's story: The Air Force Space Command successfully launched the ninth Wideband Global SATCOM spacecraft from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 20 March 2017 A
Today's stories: For the first time ever the Air Force made air refueling contact with Romanian Air Forces over Bucharest. Also, President of the United States Donald Trump is requesting additional funding to rebuild the armed forces and accelerate the campaign against ISIL.
Air Force Radio News B 17 March 2017
Today's story: Acting Secretary of the Air Force Lisa Disbrow speaks to attendees at the Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium about the Air
Force's plans to resolve the shortage of manpower.
Air Force Radio News 17 March 2017 A
Today's stories: During an interview with Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein, he talked about how Airmen bring their values with them to the battlefield.
Air Force Radio News 16 March 2017 A
Today's stories: Officials are investigating the cause of a U-28A aircraft crash that claimed the lives of three Airmen aboard. Also, Airmen will now be able to reenlist or extend if they haven't completed their Enlisted Professional Military Education courses by their suspension date.
Air Force Radio News 16 March 2017 B
Today's stories: Airmen from the 5th Bomb Wing out of Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, deployed to the middle east in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. Also, officials are accepting nominations for the 2017 Outstanding Department of Defense Employee or Service Member with a Disability Award.
Air Force Radio News 15 March 2017 A
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein discusses the progress of his first two focus areas, revitalizing squadrons and strengthening joint leaders and teams.
Air Force Radio News 15 March 2017 B
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein discusses the importance of having ready nuclear capability in the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 14 March 2017 A
Today's Story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright talks about his commitment to Airmen.
Air Force Radio News 14 March 2017 B
Today's Story: Acting Secretary of the Air Force Lisa Disbrow discussed the importance of reviewing national space policy during the Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando.
Air Force Radio News 13 March 2017 A
Today's Story:Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, addresses a recent social media scandal involving service members exchanging inappropriate pictures and comments on social media.
Air Force Radio News 13 March 2017 B
Today's Story: The President of the Air Force Association Larry O. Spencer highlights the importance of the AFA Symposium for Airmen and their professional development.
Air Force Radio News 10 March 2017 B
Today's Stories: Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii is hosting the first ever F-35 Symposium next week. Also, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein releases the final paper in his three-part CSAF series.
Air Force Radio News 10 March 2017 A
Today's Stories: Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, recently hosted the first jump on their new drop zone. Also, Commander of Air Combat Command, General Hawk Carlisle, flew an F-16C Strike Eagle for his final flight.
Air Force Radio News 9 March 2017 A
On this segment of Air Force Radio News Acting Secretary of the Air Force Lisa Disbrow talks about the importance of reviewing Air Force strategy in the future.
Air Force Radio News 9 March 2017 B
On this segment Air Force Radio news CMSAF Wright talks about the future of enlisted pilots.
Air Force Radio News 8 March 2017 B
On this segment of AFRN CMSAF Kaleth Wright speaks about what Airmen should expect from him during his tenure.
Air Force Radio News 8 March 2017 A
On this segment of Air Force Radio news CSAF Gen. David Goldfein talks about the Air Force's 70th Birthday theme; breaking barriers.
Air Force Radio News 7 March 2017 A
Today's Story: Acting Secretary of the Air Force, Lisa Disbrow announced basing decisions that will be made this year, during the Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 7 March 2017 B
Today's Story: An aircraft from the 81st Fighter Squadron, Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, crashed in residential area.
Air Force Radio News 6 March 2017 A
Today's Story: Acting Secretary of the Air Force, Lisa Disbrow, addressed total force manning issues, during the Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 6 March 2017 B
Today's Story: Acting Secretary of the Air Force, Lisa Disbrow, spoke about the need to revitalize the Air Force's aircraft fleet, during the Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, Florida.
Air Force Radio News A 03 March 2017
Today's story: Air Combat Command Commander General Hawk Carlisle discusses C-2 capabilities at the Air Force Association's 33rd Annual Air Warfare Symposium and Technology Expo in Orlando, FL.
Air Force Radio News B 03 March 2017
Today's story: CSAF General David Goldfein attended the Air Force Association Air Warfare Symposium in Orlando, FL and discussed his three focus areas and C-2 capabilities.
Air Force Radio News A 02 March 2017
Today's stories: Air Mobility Command delivers U.S. Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters to Latvia in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve. Also, The Air Force seeks nominees for the 2017 Blacks in Government Meritorious Service Award.
Air Force Radio News B 02 March 2017
Today's stories: CMSAF Kaleth O. Wright visited Barksdale Air Force Base, Louisiana and discussed the future of the Air Force's Enlisted Force. Also, the first group of enlisted Airmen to attend Air University's Air War College in-residence are nearing graduation.
Air Force Radio News A 01 March 2017
Today's story: The Air Force District of Washington teams with Joint Base Andrews Maryland to revitalize Air Force Squadrons.
Air Force Radio News B 01 March 2017
Today's story: The Air Force releases the 2017 Fiscal Year Selective Re-enlistment Bonus Program.
Air Force Radio News B 28 February 2016
Today's stories: Wounded Warriors from around the world head to the Opening Ceremony of the 4th Annual Air Force Warrior Games Trials Competition at Nellis Air Force Base, NV. Also, the Air Force Research Laboratory begins designs on its new PEARL Laboratory at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii.
Air Force Radio News 28 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: Aircraft at Pittsburgh International Airport Air Reserve Station, Pennsylvania, receive new modifications. Also, the Air Force is looking for nominations for the 2017 American Legion Spirit of Service Award.
Air Force Radio News 27 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force is retiring the MQ-1 Predator remotely piloted aircraft and will transition solely to the MQ-9 Reaper. Also, Airmen are working with NASA and the Defense Department to test space capsule recovery systems.
Air Force Radio News 27 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein posted on his official Facebook Page about the Air Force's push to brace for war in space. Also, this year's Cope North exercise at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, was the second largest iteration of Cope North ever.
Air Force Radio News 24 February 2017 B
Today's Story: Commander of USAFE-AFAFRICA, General Tod Wolters speaks about violent extremist organizations and the Air Force's strong partnership with its NATO entities.
Air Force Radio News 24 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force released updates to the Selective Re-enlistment Bonus program. Also, Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, is testing a new environmentally friendly bio-based grease.
Air Force Radio News 23 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: The 53rd Weapons Evaluation Group out of Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, found a way to save money by sharing resources with the Navy. Also, Civil Engineer airmen at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska participated in an oil spill response training.
Air Force Radio News 23 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: Travis Air Force Base is supporting FEMA's response to the flooding in California. Also, the QF-16 took its first flight at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico.
Air Force Radio News 22 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: The Emerging Technologies Combined Test Force completed its first "Test High" above Edwards Air Force Base, California. Also, Air Mobility Command recently achieved a milestone with its electronic flight bag initiative.
Air Force Radio News 22 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: Airmen will help show off U.S. military aircraft at the 2017 Australian International Airshow and Aerospace and Defense Exposition at Avalon Airport, Victoria, Australia. Also, eligible Airmen will receive email notifications about the new Blended Retirement System.
Air Force Radio News 21 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Kaleth Wright talks about things he'd like to focus on during his tenure. Also, Airmen from Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, participate in a wing-wide Mission Assurance exercise.
Air Force Radio News 21 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: A new robotic arm tool allows aircraft maintainers to save time during inspections. Also, don't forget to look up our YouTube channel AFTV Radio to get the latest Air Force news and stories.
Air Force Radio News 17 February 2017 A
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force James Cody relinquished the duties and responsibilities of the Air Force's highest enlisted leader to the 18th Chief Master Sergeant of The Air Force Kaleth Wright, during a ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 17 February 2017 B
The Air Force is starting trials next week at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, for the Warrior Games. Also,100 officers were selected to start the 2017 Undergraduate Flying Training Program.
Air Force Radio News 16 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: Airmen participate in a testing marathon at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar. Also, nominations are being accepted for the 2018 Presidential Award for Extraordinary Efforts to Combat Trafficking in Persons.
Air Force Radio News 16 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force made some new authorizations to its dress and appearance standards. Also, the Air Force is starting to migrate email to cloud-based services.
Air Force Radio News 15 February 2017 A
Today's Story: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, James Cody makes a case for the importance of Airmen's compensation on Capitol Hill.
Air Force Radio News 15 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: NASA astronauts train with Air Force survival school instructors at Fairchild Air Force Base. Also, a new Blue episode about the F-35 aircraft is on AF.Mil.
Air Force Radio News 14 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, thanks Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, James Cody, and wishes Chief Cody the best on his life after retirement. Also, for the first time MQ-9 Reaper remotely piloted aircraft integrated with F-35 aircraft during Red Flag 17-1 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News 14 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein presented Lieutenant Colonel Eric Amissah with an award as one of the Air Force's top performing African American officers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Air Force Radio News 13 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: Beale Air Force Base, California, shelters evacuees in response to the Oroville Dam spillway emergency. Also, security forces advisers from Train, Advise, Assist Command trained Afghan Air Force security forces on response procedures to an insider threat at Kabul Air Wing, Afghanistan.
Air Force Radio News 13 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: Airmen from the 31st Fighter Wing return to Aviano Air Base, Italy, after a seven month deployment to Camp Lemonniera, Dijibouti. Also, Airmen and members of the Royal Australian Air Force recently struck ISIS in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 10 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: Will Rogers Air National Guard Base, Oklahoma receives 8 new aircraft Shelters. Also, the Air Force is starting a new leadership development course for civilian personnel.
Air Force Radio News 10 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: February is National African American History Month, and Air Force history is filled with notable African American leaders. Also, our latest episode of Blue; A Step Ahead, showcasing the F-35 Lightning II jet is now available on YouTube.
Air Force Radio News 9 February 2017 B
Today's Story: Air Force Vice Chief of Staff, General Stephen Wilson, recently testified before the House and Senate Armed Services Committees on Capitol Hill about readiness needs. General Wilson expanded on the need for increased force structure and modernization.
Air Force Radio News 09 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: Security Forces Airmen start training with a new virtual training system.
Also, B-1B Lancers deploy to Anderson Air Force Base, Guam to support the continuous bomber presence in the Pacific.
Air Force Radio News 08 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: Airmen delivered humanitarian aid to relief organizations in Central American and Caribbean nations. Also, The Air Force is working on turning government vehicle operator certifications into commercial driver's licenses.
Air Force Radio News 08 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: Airmen are starting to test the first C-130J with a Block 8.1 upgrade. Also, the Air Force is looking for nominations for the 2017 First Sergeant of the Year Award.
Air Force Radio News 7 February 2017 B
Today's Story: Pacific Air Force commander, General Terrence O'Shaughnessy, visited Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, and says Andersen projects airpower and deterrence across the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. General O'Shaughnessy also highlighted the importance of exercise COPE NORTH 2017, at Andersen, and the partnership it builds between the U.S., Japan, and Australia.
Air Force Radio News 07 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: B-2 Bombers flew to Libya earlier this year to conduct an airstrike against ISIL. Also, the Air Force is looking for nominations for the 2017 USO Service Member of the Year Award.
Air Force Radio News 6 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: Special Operations Airmen made Air Force history in CV-22 Osprey aircraft, flying the aircraft in formation for the first time. Secretary of Defense James Mattis took his first official trip to Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea.
Air Force Radio News 06 February 2017
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein discusses the importance of space operations. Also, the USAF Thunderbirds performed a flyover at the 51st Super Bowl.
Air Force Radio News 3 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: After a service-wide review of medals following 9/11, a pararescueman upgrades from the Silver Star Award, and receives the Air Force Cross, for his courageous acts in Afghanistan. Also, a recent change in Air Force policy allows pregnant Reservists, on active duty support orders, to serve throughout their pregnancy.
Air Force Radio News A 03 February 2017
Today's stories: A new tracking system helps the 92nd Security Forces Squadron streamline their inventory accountability process. Also, construction began on the new Air Force Reserve Command Headquarters building.
Air Force Radio News 2 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: Two groups of Airmen from the 920th Rescue Wing at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida, deployed to East Africa and Afghanistan. Also, Air Force repair and maintenance technicians at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia saved the Air Force 2.4 million dollars during fiscal year 2016.
Air Force Radio News 02 February 2017
Today's Stories: An expeditionary U-2 serving with the US Air Forces Central Command reached a record 30,000 flying hours. Also, the deadline to file your taxes this year is April 18th, unless you're in a combat zone.
Air Force Radio News 2 February 2017 B
Today's Stories: Bomber crews and B-2 Spirit aircraft recently returned to Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, following a three-week deployment to Andersen AFB, Guam. Also, the latest episode of Around the Air Force is on
Air Force Radio News 01 February 2017 A
Today's Stories: Airmen from Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma are working on building a new 9-1-1 call center. Also, the US Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces in Africa announced their new Command Chief, Chief Master Sergeant Phillip Easton.
Air Force Radio News 31 January 2017 B
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, talks about the F-35 aircraft appearing at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, for their first Red Flag Exercise. Also, for American Heart Month, Civilian Health Promotion Services is offering educational briefings on how to lower your risk factors for heart disease.
Air Force Radio News 31 January 2017 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force approved a new contract with Boeing for the production of KC-46A Pegasus Tankers. Also, the Air Force is starting to see positive results from the Repair Network Enhancement Program.
Air Force Radio News 30 January B
Today's Story: Military Deputy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition Lieutenant General Arnold Bunch talks about the importance of technological advance.
Air Force Radio News 30 January 2017 A
Today's Story: The Military Deputy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisitions, Lieutenant General Arnold Bunch, talks about the "Should Cost" program, which saves the Air Force billions of dollars annually.
Air Force Radio News 27 January 2017 B
Today's Stories: Airmen at Yokota Air Base, Japan continue preparations to receive fourteen C-130J Super Hercules aircraft. Also, rescue squadrons and fighter pilots team up with the Republic of Korea Air Force for exercise Pacific Thunder 17-1 at Osan Air Base, South Korea.
Air Force Radio News 27 January 2017 A
Today's Story: Airmen from the 119th Fighter Squadron prepare for a deployment to Osan Air Base, South Korea. Also, Active duty officers can start applying for intermediate and senior development educational opportunities starting January 30th.
Air Force Radio News 26 January 2017 A
Today's Stories: Airmen successfully load and release live bombs from an F-35 for a training exercise at Eglin, Air force Base, Florida. Also, Airmen from the Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance and Cyber communities test new capabilities at exercise Red Flag.
Air Force Radio News 26 January 2017 B
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein said the U.S. must invest in nuclear deterrence capabilities and and infrastructure. Also, 280 Airmen and 15 aircraft from the Arizona Air National Guard deploy to Souda Bay, Greece, to build interoperability with the Hellenic Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 25 January 2017 B
Today's Story: Air Force Reserve Command released a memorandum regarding the civilian hiring freeze.
Air Force Radio News 25 January 2017 A
Today's Stories: French and US Airmen complete a firefighting confidence course in Southwest Asia. Also, new paint booths for military aircraft at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia reduce production time, work hazards, and environmental impact.
Air Force Radio News A 24 January 2017
Today's stories: Under Secretary of the Air Force Lisa Disbrow serves as Acting Secretary of the Air Force until a permanent replacement is named. Also, for the first time ever, F-35s deploy to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada for Exercise Red Flag.
Air Force Radio News B 24 January 2017
Today's stories: The KC-135 Block 45 Upgrade Program reaches a milestone. Also, U.S. Airmen participate in a Subject Matter Expert Exchange with their Philippine counterparts at Clark Air Base, Philippines.
Air Force Radio News B 23 January 2017
Today's stories: The 1,000th graduate of the Undergraduate Remotely Piloted Aircraft Training Program received a commemorative certificate at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, TX. Also, Air Mobility Command Airmen help enable the deliver of Marine F-35B Lightning II Aircraft to Japan.
Air Force Radio News 23 January 2017 A
Today's Stories: Air Force student pilots complete a two week training at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona. Also, the first of 375,000 solar panels were installed at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 20 January 2017 B
Today's Story: Deborah Lee James leaves office at the Pentagon, after serving more than three years as the Secretary of the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 20 January 2017 A
Today's Stories: Eight Airmen will receive upgraded medals after Secretary of Defense Ash Carter directed a review of medals earlier last year. Also, Air Force Special Operations Command announces new policies on dress and appearance for Air Commandos worldwide.
Air Force Radio News 19 January 2017 A
Today's Stories: A new energy flight plan, which lays out the long term vision of the Air Force mission, assurance through energy assurance, is introduced. Also, Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina is selected as the preferred location to base a new MQ-9 Reaper group.
Air Force Radio News 19 January 2017 B
Today's Story: Officials announce Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, Texas is the preferred location of the first Air Force Reserve led F-35 Base.
Air Force Radio News 18 January 2017 B
Today's Stories: Iraqi Forces regained control over eastern Mosul from ISIL. Also, Civilian Health Promotion Services is offering a new tobacco cessation program.
Air Force Radio News 18 January 2017 A
Today's Stories: More than 300 Airmen practiced for their part in the 58th presidential inauguration. Also, Airmen from the 315th Airlift Wing delivered more than 50,000 pounds of food to refugees in Iraq.
Air Force Radio News 17 January 2017 B
Today's Story: A team from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, and SpaceX launched the Falcon 9 Rocket to put ten Iridium NEXT satellites into orbit.
Air Force Radio News 17 January 2017 A
Today's Stories: Members of the F-35 integrated test force at Edwards Air Force Base, California, developed a new system that could save the Air Force nearly eighty thousand dollars per test. Also, nominations are open for the 13th annual David O Cooke Excellence in Public Administration Awards.
Air Force Radio News A 13 January 2017
Today's stories: The Air Force announces the preferred location for the first AFR led F-35A Base. Also, the nomination process begins for the 62nd Department of Defense Distinguished Civilian Service Award.
Air Force Radio News B 13 January 2017
Today's stories: The Air Force selects Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina as the preferred location for a new MQ-9 Reaper Group. Also, two locations have been picked to house the next two active duty led KC-46A Pegasus bases.
Air Force Radio News A 12 January 2017
Today's story: SECAF Deborah Lee James says farewell to Airmen at a ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland earlier this week.
Air Force Radio News B 12 January 2017
Today's story: SECDEF Ash Carter bids farewell to Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James at a ceremony at Joint Base Andrews Maryland earlier this week.
Air Force Radio News 11 January 2017 A
Today's Story: Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James talks about her priorities and areas she focused on during her tenure.
Air Force Radio News 11 January 2017 B
Today's Stories: On Facebook, Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein says the new tattoo policy will open a wider door for talented folks to join and serve. Also on Facebook, Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James says the changes to medical accessions policies are part of an effort to attract and retain as many qualified Airmen as possible.
Air Force Radio News B 10 January 2017
Today's Stories: Coalition air strikes continue to hit ISIL targets in Iraq and Syria. Also, a new memorial was unveiled in the United Kingdom in remembrance of four Airmen who died after their helicopter crashed during a training mission three years ago.
Air Force Radio News A 10 January 2017 A
Today's stories: Changes to the Air Force tattoo policy are due to take effect on 1 February 2017. Also, new changes are effective immediately for the Air Force's Service Medical Accessions.
Air Force Radio News 9 January 2017 B
Today's Stories: The Air Force Wounded Warrior program is hosting a Warrior CARE event at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, Texas, to promote mental and physical wellness for wounded, ill, and injured service members. Also, the last KC-135 Stratotanker aircraft returned to MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, after evacuating during Hurricane Matthew.
Air Force Radio News A 09 January 2017
Today's story: SECAF Deborah Lee James spoke about her time as the 23rd Air Force Secretary at the Air Force Association's Breakfast Series at Arlington, VA last week.
Air Force Radio News A 06 January 2017
Today's stories: Sheppard Air Force Base, TX celebrates 75 years of service. Also, the latest episode of Blue, "Generation STEM" explores how the Air Force keeps a technological edge by recruiting the brightest minds for research and development.
Air Force Radio News 06 January 2017 B
Today's stories: A-10 Thunderbolts at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base are getting new systems to help pilots communicate better with individuals on the ground. Also, the United States led airstrikes that killed several ISIL terrorist leaders in Iraq and Syria.
Air Force Radio News 5 January 2017 B
Today's Stories: New synthetic tie-downs and winch cables that reduce weight and increase the fuel efficiency of C-17 Globemaster aircraft are tested at Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina. Also, 94 Air Reservists from Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma deployed to Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, to provide air refueling support for the KC-135 Stratotanker.
Air Force Radio News 05 January 2017 A
Today's Story: President Barack Obama talked to troops about what a privilege it's been to serve as Commander-in-chief during a farewell ceremony at Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall, Virginia.
Air Force Radio News 04 January 2017 B
Today's Stories: The Air Force launched the Cyber Resiliency Office for Weapons Systems, otherwise known as CROWS. Also, the Air Force released a developmental request for proposal for the Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (JSTARS) recapitalization program.
Air Force Radio News 04 January 2017 A
Today's Stories: A team of Airmen transported a retired military aircraft to the Air Mobility Command Museum for restoration and display. Also, the Air Force is well on it's way to rolling out their new Advanced Pilot Training program.
Air Force Radio News 03 January 2017 A
Today's Stories: Staff Sergeant August O'Neill, a pararescueman, is training to get back to the mission after losing his leg from an injury in combat. Also, ISIL strikes are continuing this new year in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 03 January 2017 B
Today's Stories: An Air Force marching band performed during the 128th Rose Parade. Also, Airmen deployed to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar restored a New Year's Eve ball to help ring in the new year..
Air Force Radio News 29 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force is rolling out a new program for civilian Airmen in April. Also, Airmen from Beale Air Force Base, California donated toys and food to help families in need over the holidays.
Air Force Radio News 29 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: Sesame Street offers a free website to help military families with some challenges they may face. Also, AFN features a complete listing of football bowl and playoff games from now until January 9th.
Air Force Radio News 30 December 2016 A
Today's Story: Military OneSource offers free non-medical counseling to help military members coming home from deployments.
Air Force Radio News 30 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: Active duty enlisted Airmen interested in nursing can apply for the Nurse Enlisted or the Direct Enlisted Commissioning Programs from now through January 27th. Also, AFTV Radio has released their latest episode of BLUE: Generation STEM to their YouTube page.
Air Force Radio News A 28 December 2016
Today's News: The newly approved National Defense Authorization Act contains important changes for Airmen and their families, as well as changes to the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. Also, Air Force TV has released a new episode of BLUE. You can watch it on our YouTube Page. Search AFTV Radio, and subscribe.
Air Force Radio News B 28 December 2016
Today's News: Coalition forces conduct airstrikes over Iraq and Syria to take out ISIL targets. Also, contingency response Airmen help soldiers load helicopters during an exercise in Alaska.
Air Force Radio News A 27 December 2016
Today's stories:Air Force CSAF General David Goldfein visited the 25th Air Force Headquarters to thank Airmen for their hard work and dedication before the holidays. Also, multinational paratroopers participate in the 19th Annual Randy Oler Memorial Operation Toy Drop.
Air Force Radio News B 27 December 2016
Today's stories: Three B-52H Stratofortresses completed 15 sorties as part of U.S. Strategic Command's Bomber Assurance and Deterrence Mission. Also, the latest episode of Air Force Tech Report, "Air Force Research Laboratory" is live now on the AFTV Radio YouTube channel.
Air Force Radio News 23 December 2016 A
Today's Story: Returning from deployments can sometimes be overwhelming, but there are resources that can help with the transition.
Air Force Radio News 23 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein talks about the Air Force needing more Airmen. Also, a new episode of Tech Report featuring how the Air Force develops and integrates affordable war fighting technology is on AFTV radio.
Air Force Radio News 22 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force is almost finished re-certifying all of their installations 1.5 mile and 2 km walk courses after discovering some tracks were too long. Also, every year the North American Aerospace Defense Command helps children track Santa.
Air Force Radio News 22 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: Security Forces and Office of Special Investigations Airmen went on a six mile ruck march to honor fallen Task Force Crimson Airmen. Also, the Air Force is working on a solar energy project at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey.
Air Force Radio News 21 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: Dyess Air Force Base, Texas is assisting Joint Inter-Agency Task Force South's Mission to detect and monitor illicit drug trafficking in Latin America. Also, Airmen from Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska teamed up with soldiers from Fort Wain-Wright, Alaska, for exercises During Rapid Alaska Airlift Week.
Air Force Radio News 21 December 2016 A
Today's Story: Combining Exercises Checkered Flag 17-1 and Combat Archer save the Air Force resources and time.
Air Force Radio News 20 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: A new web based application will be released to help with reporting safety hazards. Also, Airmen from Fairchild Air Force Base, Washington corrected a 60-year old maintenance flaw with the KC-135.
Air Force Radio News 20 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force selected 84 health professions officers for medical squadron command assignments. Also, a new library in Chicago will honor the achievements of President Barack Obama.
Air Force Radio News 19 December 2016
Today's Stories: The Air Force Personnel Center is starting two new childcare programs for bases that support the remotely piloted aircraft mission. Also, Airmen delivered presents to veterans at the Charleston Veterans Affairs Patriot Harbor Community Living Center.
Air Force Radio News A 19 December 2016
Today's stories: Senior Officials from the U.S. and Indian Air Forces meet as part of the 20th Executive Steering Group. Also, Airmen and Soldiers joined forces for Exercise Rainier War earlier this month.
Air Force Radio News 16 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: Airmen from the 45th Space Wing helped launch a weather tracking satellite. Also, don't forget to go to our YouTube page and check out new videos every week.
Air Force Radio News A 16 December 2016
In today's stories: The Profession of Arms Center for Excellence (PACE) held its fourth Professional Summit at Joint Base San Antonio Randolph, Texas;The registration for the annual 2017 Air Force Marathon begins on January 2nd, 2017.
Air Force Radio News 15 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: Air Force rescue squadron Airmen along with the Japan Air Self-Defense Force rescue MV-22 Aircraft crew members after they landed in shallow water off the coast of Okinawa. Also, registration for the 2017 Air Force Marathon begins in January.
Air Force Radio News 15 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: An Accident Investigation Board reported the cause of a Thunderbird F-16 aircraft crash that occurred in June, at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. Also, Operation Christmas Drop wraps up at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam and keeps 65 years of tradition alive.
Air Force Radio News 14 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: Pilots and navigators from Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska trade in their bulky paper training manuals for iPads. Also, explosive ordinance Airmen train along EOD Airmen from the Republic of Korea at Kunsan Air Base.
Air Force Radio News 14 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: Specially equipped C-130 aircraft called Compass Call combat ISIL by disrupting communication lines. Also, Airmen deliver the first F-35s to Israel in the latest Around the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 13 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: Airmen delivered two new F-35 aircraft to Israel. Also, the first group of officers graduated from the first Advanced Sortie Production Course at the Advanced Maintenance and Munitions Operations School at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News 13 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James addressed concerns of Airmen and their families during a Facebook townhall. Also, fighter jets and 140 Airmen from Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina participate in exercises Checkered Flag and Combat Archer at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 12 August 2016 B
Today's Story: Tips from the National Highway Traffic Administration to avoid drunk driving this holiday season.
Air Force Radio News 12 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: Airmen with the 709th Airlift Squadron prevented an aircraft collision at an airport in Minneapolis, Minnesota after their aircraft's brakes failed. Also, 300 Airmen from the Vermont Air National Guard deployed to join the the fight against ISIL.
Air Force Radio News A 9 December 2016
Today's Stories: 531 senior master sergeants were promoted to chief master sergeant. Also, Air Force programs Palace Chase and Palace Front give active duty members the opportunity to transfer into the Air National Guard or Air Reserve.
Air Force Radio News 9 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James will host a Facebook Town Hall for Airmen and their families, following the Spouse and Family Forum this past October. Also, the Scholarships for Military Children program will give out 700 scholarship grants for the upcoming school year.
Air Force Radio News 8 December 2016 A
Today's Story: President of the United States Barack Obama visited service members and gave a national security speech at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida.
Air Force Radio News 8 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: The first undergraduate class of F-35 A Lightning II pilots began training with a newly written course curriculum at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. Also, Air Force Space Command successfully launched the Wideband Global SATCOM 8 satellite into space.
Air Force Radio News 7 December 2016 A
Today's Story: Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James reflects on the 75th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, and shares her thoughts on whether such an attack could happen again.
Air Force Radio News 7 December 2016 B
Today's Story: Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James speaks about deterrence at the Reagan National Defense Forum in Simi Valley, California.
Air Force Radio News 6 December 2016 B
Today's Story: Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James spoke at the Reagan National Defense Forum about the need to modernize nuclear warfare systems, because they are a major deterrence force for America.
Air Force Radio News 6 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: After an increase in funding, the Air Force expands eligibility for the civilian tuition assistance program. Also, Operation Christmas Drop kicks off in Guam. The humanitarian operation will deliver gifts to more than 50 islands in the Pacific.
Air Force Radio News 05 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: Airmen are preparing for the 58th Presidential Inauguration by practicing crowd control techniques. Also, the North American Aerospace Defense Command continues to help children track Santa.
Air Force Radio News 5 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein spoke about nuclear deterrence at the Reagan National Defense Forum, in Simi Valley, California. Also, Airmen and three B-52 Stratofortresses from Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota recently deployed to Anderson Air Force Base, Guam.
Air Force Radio News 2 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: Afghan Air Force Maintainers complete a major milestone after completing the first six-hundred hour inspection in the country on an A-29. Also, Air Force officials are currently looking for nominations for the Zachary and Elizabeth Fisher Distinguished Civilian Humanitarian Award.
Air Force Radio News 2 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: The Air Force Special Operations Surgical Team treated more than 750 patients, in two months during their deployment to the Middle East. Also the Civil Air Patrol celebrates its 75th anniversary.
Air Force Radio News 1 December 2016 B
Today's Stories: The first Foreign Military Sales F-35 arrived at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, and over the next several years, Luke AFB will train F-35 Pilots from ten partner nations. Also, more than eighty airmen returned from a seven month deployment to Southwest Asia, in support of Operation Inherent Resolve.
Air Force Radio News 01 December 2016 A
Today's Stories: Lt. Col. John Marks logged his six-thousandth hour flying in the A-10 Thunderbolt. Also, Archaeologists at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia are discovering items dating back thousands of years.
Air Force Radio News 30 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: A new program called Re-Fit was developed to help cope with PTSD. Also, make sure to check out our newest edition of Around the Air Force featuring stories on the Berlin Airlift, and a new stretcher for traumatic brain and spinal injury patients.
Air Force Radio News 30 November 2016 B
Today's Stories: Airmen have almost completed the five phases of the Air Force Research Laboratory's C-17 Drag Reduction Program. Also, the United States Air Force band surprised visitors at the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum with a flash mob performance.
Air Force Radio News 29 November 2016 B
Today's Stories: The Military Training Leader Course at Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi graduated its first class of MTL's, since adding an additional two weeks of practical training to the course curriculum. Also, C-130 Hercules from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania's International Airport Air Reserve Station flew what may be their last exercise, in Pittsburgh.
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Air Force Radio News 29 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Airmen from Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico received the first of fifteen ground control stations. Also, the December issue of Citizen Airmen is available to view online.
Air Force Radio News 28 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, posted about the shortage of Air Force fighter pilots on Facebook. Also, the reopening ceremony for the Berlin Airlift Memorial took place at Frankfurt International Airport, Germany.
Air Force Radio News 28 November 2016 B
Today's Stories: Maintainers at Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma will be the first to work on a new engine for the RQ-4 Global Hawk. Also, Scientists with the U.S. Air Force School of Aerospace Medicine are testing a new stretcher to safely transport patients with traumatic brain and spinal injuries between the air and ground.
Air Force Radio News 23 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: For the first time an 8th Special Operations Squadron aircraft connects to a KC-10 for refueling. Also, remember to be safe this holiday weekend.
Air Force Radio News 23 November 2016 B
Today's Stories: United States forces recently killed a senior Al-Qaeda leader during a precision airstrike in Syria. Also, check out our YouTube page to stay up to date on the latest Air Force stories.
Air Force Radio News 24 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Several hundred service members and personnel from U.S. Africa Command attend a regional synchronization working group symposium. Also, Airmen from the Republic of Singapore Air Force train at Tyndall Air Force Base, Fla., for a weapons exercise.
Air Force Radio News 24 November 2016 B
Today's Stories: The Air Force Association is taking nominations for the Joan Orr Air Force Spouse of the Year Award. Also, JROTC students from Biloxi High School, Miss., fly with the 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron Hurricane Hunters.
Air Force Radio News 22 November 2016 B
Today's Stories: Air Force Special Operations Command inducts Lieutenant General Brad Heithold into The Order of the Sword. Also, Airmen from Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, team up with the State Patrol's Mobile Field for a simulated active riot exercise.
Air Force Radio News 22 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: The oldest surviving Tuskegee Airman, Master Sergeant Willie Rogers passed away Friday at the age of 101. Also, keep up with the latest programs and changes by watching episodes of FYI.
Air Force Radio News 21 August 2016 B
Today's Stories: Barskdale Air Force Base, Louisiana hosts the Bomber Corps Development Course to unite and educate all levels and specialties of bomber Airmen. Also, security forces Airmen from the 821st Contingency Response Group defend the Qayyarah West Airfield in northern Iraq.
Air Force Radio News 21 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force is set to fill a large number of cyber and acquisition civilian positions by the end of next year. Also, the new C-17 hangar complex at Papa Air Base, Hungary is finished and has already made an impact, saving time and money for the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News B 18 November 2016
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General Goldfein spoke about the keys to success during modern warfare at the Defense One Summit. Also, Joint Base Andrews hosts a volleyball tournament for Wounded Warrior care month.
Air Force Radio News 18 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force is eliminating time-in-grade and time-in-service points for promotion. Also, Air Mobility Command plans to save the Air Force $12 million dollars annually starting next summer.
Air Force Radio News 17 November 2016 A
Today's Story: Air Force Chief of Staff General Goldfein announced that Chief Master Sergeant Kaleth Wright will become the 18th Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News B 17 November 2016
Today's Story: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein speaks about the successes of outgoing Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, James Cody. Chief Kaleth Wright will assume the position as the highest ranking enlisted member in the Air Force, in February.
Air Force Radio News B 16 November 2016
Today Stories: Airmen and members of the Japan Self-Defense Forces practice air drops at Yokota Air Base, Japan during exercise Keen Sword 2017. Also, Moody Air Force Base undergoes it's first surge exercise to asses Airmen's readiness.
Air Force Radio News 16 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Brigadier General Charles Corcoran became one of fifteen F-22 pilots to reach one thousand flying hours. Also, our latest episode of around the Air Force features Airman First Class Cory Kuttler telling us about Airmen returning from deployment, exercise Tonnerre Lightning, and more.
Air Force Radio News B 15 November 2016
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, wraps up his tour in the Pacific with a visit to Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska. Also, U.S. Air Force tankers and fighter jets, from around Europe, met up with France and the U.K. at Royal Air Force Waddington, England to exercise air operation scenarios, during Tonnerre Lightning.
Air Force Radio News 15 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Airmen from the 43rd Aircraft Maintenance Unit developed a cost effective solution to a weapon systems issue with the F-22 Raptor; Service members who are looking into adoption may be eligible for benefits and programs that help with the adoption process.
Air Force Radio News 14 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Airmen from the 301st Fighter Wing at Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas returned home from a deployment to Afghanistan, and the Air Force Research Laboratory along with PPG Industries received the R&D 100 Award for creating an environmentally safe aircraft primer.
Air Force Radio News 14 November 2016 B
Today's Stories: Airmen and firefighters complete an emergency medical technician refresher course at Moody Air Force Base, Georgia that prepares them for real world situations. Also, Air Force officials selected more than three hundred officers as 2017 Combat Air Force Squadron Commander candidates.
Air Force Radio News B 10 November 2016
Today's Stories: Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein speaks with Japan's Prime Minister, during his tour in the Pacific. Also, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James is excited to be on The Daily Show for Veteran's Day.
Air Force Radio News 10 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Airmen from McConnell Air Force Base made a ten year old boy's day after making him an honorary member of the 344th Air Refueling Squadron, and the Air Force selected more than 300 active-duty enlisted Airmen to move on to the second step of becoming a remotely piloted aircraft pilot.
Air Force Radio News A 9 November 2016
Today's Stories: Airmen at Al Udeid Air Base repaired over sixty craters on the Q-West Airfield, to open supply routes for the recapture of Mosul from ISIL. Also, rescue squadron airmen head to France for Exercise Salamander.
Air Force Radio News B 9 November 2016
Today's Stories: The U.S., U.K., and Korean Air Forces participate in exercise Invincible Shield at Osan Air Base, South Korea. Also, the latest episode of FYI gives an overview of the new blended retirement system.
Air Force Radio News 08 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Retired Staff Sergeant Benjamin Hutchins is awarded the Silver Star for his heroic actions in Afghanistan, and General John Hyten becomes the new United States Strategic Command Commander.
Air Force Radio News B 8 November 2016
Today's Stories: Kadena Air Base, Japan hosts thousands for the 17th Annual Kadena Special Olympics. Also, the November issue of Airman Magazine is now available online.
Air force Radio News 07 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Two Air Force Master Sergeants are the first enlisted Airmen to complete a solo flight in sixty years, and the Air Force Falcons beat the Army Black Knights during a football game at West Point.
Air Force Radio News B 7 October 2016
Today's Stories: A World War II bomber pilot receives the Silver Star for his heroic acts, almost seventy years ago. Also, the U.S. led coalition executes a multinational strike on a ISIL weapons facility, in Iraq.
Air Force Radio News A 4 November 2016
Today's Stories: The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center, at Joint Base San Antonio Lackland, Texas declares full operational capability. Also, the 44th Fighter Squadron from Kadena Air Base, Japan returns home after 4 months of continuous training exercises.
Air Force Radio News B 04 November 2016
Today's stories include: CSAF General David Goldfein takes an immersion tour of Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea; and a B1 B Lancer conducts air support training near Australia for the first time in 10 years.
Air Force Radio News 03 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force is doubling the length of the Military Training Leader Course, and a new tool is available for non-commissioned officers to assist with retraining.
Air Force Radio News B 3 November 2016
Today's Stories: U.S. Strategic Command and allied partners complete Exercise Global Thunder 17 at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. Also, a new Air Force Tech Report shows you how biofuels are being used.
Air Force Radio News B 2 November 2016
Today's Stories: C-130 Hercules aircraft help extinguish a fire started by Da'esh, near Mosul, Iraq. Also, F-35A Maintainers at Hill Air Force Base, Utah are working to repair their jets to get them back in the air.
Air Force Radio News 02 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Pararescuemen from Portland, Oregon recovered the body of Army veteran, Melvin Burtch after he went missing during a hike. United States Air Force B-1's are conducting close air support training in Australia.
Air Force Radio News 01 November 2016 A
Today's Stories: Nellis Air Force base receives its first ever Tele-ICU to its critical care unit. Airmen from the 589th United States Forces Police Squadron received an award at Ramstein Air Base, Germany.
Air Force Radio News B 1 November 2016
Today's Stories: Hundreds of Airmen from Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho deployed to Southwest Asia in October, to support Operation Inherent Resolve. Also, Commander of Air Mobility Command, General Carlton Everhart II, says it's important to modernize the AMC fleet, at the Airlift Tanker Association Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.
Air Force Radio News A 31 October 2016
Today's Stories: Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James spoke about promoting modernization programs to Congress at the Airlift Tanker Association Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. Also, mobility Airmen continue to resupply strike platforms, in the fight to free Mosul.
Air Force Radio News B 31 October 2016
Today's Stories: A new Air Force memorandum will reduce training that isn't related to Airmen's primary jobs. Also, the commander of Air Combat Command, General Hawk Carlisle, is inducted into The Order of the Sword.
Air Force Radio News 28 Oct - A
On this edition of Air Force Radio News, we give Halloween safety tips, and how the DOD is distributing MWR satisfaction surveys to military members.
Air Force Radio News 28 Oct - B
On this edition of Air Force Radio News the Air Force Space Command gets a new commander and the newest episode of BLUE is out!
Air Force Radio News 27 October 2016 A
Today's Stories: More than 200 Air Force Officers were selected to attend programs to further their education. Airmen from the Massachusetts Air National Guard provided basic medical care to more than 2,000 Kenyan civilians and military members.
Air Force Radio News B 27 October 2016
Today's Stories: Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James speaks about diversity and inclusion at the Service Secretaries Panel at the Pentagon. Also, the remotely piloted QF-4 will retire from its mission in the sky in December.
Air Force Radio News 25 October 2016 A
Today's Stories: Keesler Air Force base acquires the latest robotic surgical system and starts a training program. Staff Sergeant Traci Keller gives us the newest episode of Around the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News A 26 October 2016
Today's Stories: The U.S. Air Force is conducting airstrikes to assist Iraqi Forces in the operation to recapture Mosul from Da'esh. Also, more than 200 Air Commandos travel to Gulfport, Mississippi to take part in Task Force Exercise Southern Strike.
Air Force Radio News B 25 October 2016
Today's Stories: KC-46 air refueling boom operators help with testing and training for the new boom system at Edwards Air Force Base, California. Also, A-10 Thunderbolt IIs and F-16 aircraft from Osan and Kunsan Air Bases participate in the Sacheon Airshow, Republic of Korea.
Air Force Radio News 25 October 2016 A
Today's stories: Air operations are able to continue at an airfield in Iraq after a major runway was repaired; The Air Force Cyber College at Air University is allowing civilians to attend a series of lectures geared toward cyber awareness.
Air Force Radio News B 24 October 2016
Today's Stories: The 3rd Air Force welcomes its new commander, Lieutenant General Richard Clark, with a ceremony at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Also, Noble Arrow 16 concludes at Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England.
Air Force Radio News 24 October 2016 A
Today's Stories: Air Force engineers finished repairing a major runway in Iraq that will help coalition forces deliver supplies. Also, the first special tactics Airmen memorial was unveiled in Hurlburt Field, Florida.
Air Force Radio News A 21 October 2016
Today's Story: Air Force Space Command received a new telescope this week and plans to operate it jointly with our Australian allies, and during The Secretary of the Air Force Spouse's and Family Forum at Andrews Air Force Base, Air Force leaders discussed the issues regarding employment, childcare, assignments, and more.
Air Force Radio News B 21 October 2016
Today's Story: Tactical Air Control Party airmen conducted air support training for their Afghan counterparts near Kabul, Afghanistan.
Air Force Radio News A 20 October 2016
Today's Story: During The Secretary of the Air Force Spouse's and Family Forum at Andrews Air Force Base, Air Force leaders discussed the issues regarding the Exceptional Family Member Program.
Air Force Radio News B 20 October 2016
Today's Stories: During The Secretary of the Air Force Spouse's and Family Forum at Andrews Air Force Base, Air Force leaders discussed spouse employment and childcare. Leaders say Military OneSource is a good resource for spouses facing employment challenges.
Air Force Radio News A 19 October 2016
Today's Stories: A preview for the Secretary of the Air Force Spouse's and Family Forum. Also, Pacific Air Force Commander, General Terrence O'Shaughnessy talks about partnership with Japan's Air Force.
Air Force Radio News B 19 October 2016
Today's Story: Airmen from Stratton Air National Guard Base, New York, head to Antarctica for Operation Deep Freeze, which is managed by the National Science Foundation.
Air Force Radio News 18 October 2016 A
Today's Stories: The Air Force has approved incentive pay for active duty Airmen assigned to Turkey. Also, the Air Force Heritage of America Band is celebrating its 75th anniversary this month.
Air Force Radio News B 18 October 2016
Today's Stories: A new Air Force safety initiative, Quest For Zero (Q4Z) sets a goal of zero on-duty injuries and fatalities, and aims to save money, and insure mission success. Also, about roughly Red Flag-Alaska 17-1.
Air Force Radio News B 17 October 2016
Today's stories: Three hundred Airmen from Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, return home from a record-breaking six month deployment in Southwest Asia. Also, Commander of Air Education and Training Command, Lieutenant General Darryl Roberson, reflects on AETC's achievements over the past year.
Air Force Radio News 17 October 2016 A
Today's story: During the Air Force Memorial's tenth anniversary, Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James was made an honorary Tuskegee Airman. As part of the ceremony, Secretary James was presented the Tuskegee Airman signature red jacket.
Air Force Radio News 14 October 2016 A
Today's stories: The Air Force releases transgender guideline procedures for Airmen transitioning, and Air Force Special Operations Command along with Naval Research Laboratory develop a new body armor prototype.
Air Force Radio News B 14 October 2016
Today's stories: A new test force at Edwards Air Force Base, California, provides flight test capabilities, focusing primarily on small unmanned aircraft systems. Also, Airmen from Yokota Air Base, Japan, practice air drops with the Philippine Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 13 October 2016 A
Today's Stories; During fire prevention week the National Fire Protection Association reminds everyone to check the manufacture date on their smoke detectors, and the upcoming spouse and family forum will be streaming live on
Air Force Radio News B 13 October 2016
Today's stories: Air Force Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein, released his second letter to airmen, that addresses strengthening joint leaders and teams. Also, airmen take part in an interoperability exercise, Noble Arrow, which strengthens U.S. relations with England and Portugal.
Air Force Radio News 12 October 2016 B
Today's Stories; United States Airmen and Latvian Airmen participate in exercise Sky Fist, an exercise involving a simulated aircraft accident, and keep up with more Air Force news by going to AFTV radio on youtube and checking out new episodes every week.
Air Force Radio News 12 October 2016 A
Today's Stories; Air Force Life Cycle Management Center and Batelle Memorial Institute established an agreement to develop a convenient ice protection technology to de-ice aircraft, and explosive ordinance disposal Airmen disposed of several civil war-era cannonballs that washed ashore following Hurricane Matthew.
Air Force Radio News B 11 October 2016
Today's stories: A new Air Force Materiel Command initiative promotes physical activity throughout daily work routines, and promo for Around The Air Force.
Air Force Radio News 11 October 2016 A
Today's stories; Airmen from Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey deployed to Haiti to provide assistance after Hurricane Matthew, and the Air Force Research Laboratory developed a new flexible lithium-ion battery.
Air Force Radio News A 07 October 2016
Today's Story; Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein talks about his thoughts on the Air Force's role in joint operations.
Air Force Radio News B 07 October 201
Today's Story; Chief Master Sergeant James Cody talks about enlisted performance reports and the new promotions process and how the Air Force will continually look to make improvements when needed.
Air Force Radio News 06 October 2016 A
Today's Stories; Air National Guardsmen from South Carolina and Florida have been activated to assist with evacuations and recovery during Hurricane Matthew, and the Air Force has mandated a service wide re-certification of all one and a half mile run and two kilometer walk courses after discovering some track lengths were longer than required.
Air Force Radio News B 6 October 2016
Today's story; Commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Africa, General Tod Wolters, says the Air Force has plans to receive the F-35 in upcoming years. He goes on to talk about his excitement about the f-35's capabilities.
Air Force Radio News 05 October 2016 B
Today's Story; The Commander of the U.S. Air Forces in Europe and U.S. Air Forces in Africa General Tod Wolters talked about how important teamwork is with our military partners and allies.
Air Force Radio News 05 October 2016 A
Today's Story; Retired Chief Master Sergeant Athena Cody gave advice on how to keep dual military relationships strong at the Air Force Association Conference in National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 04 October 2016 A
Today's stories:Active duty and civilian Airmen volunteered at the Veteran's Memorial Park in Hudson, Florida to help homeless veterans, and two Airmen from Lackland Air Force Base,Texas go to Europe to swim the English Channel.
Air Force Radio News B 4 October 2016
Today's story:Air Combat Command Commander, General Hawk Carlisle, speaks about the issue of low manning for Air Force fighter pilots.
Air Force Radio News A 3 October 2016
Today's story; Military spouses working in medical or education career fields have a difficult time transfering certifications from state to state. Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James seeks for ways to make their transitions' easier.
Air Force Radio News B 3 October 2016
Today's stories; Air Force officials released the 2016 E-5, E-6, and E-7 promotion stats, and the Air Force launches a year long 'Cyber Secure" campaign.
Air Force Radio News B 30 September 2016
Today's story; SECAF Deborah Lee James says the Air Force is still fighting to keep dual BAH for military couples.
Air Force Radio News 30 September 2016 A
Today's stories; The Air Force changed assignments for Turkey to 12 month unaccompanied tours, and some ways General David Goldfein prepared for his new position as Air Force Chief of Staff.
Air Force Radio News B 29 September 2016
Today's story; SECAF Deborah Lee James says money for AF family programs will stay in this year's budget.
Air Force Radio News 29 September 2016 A
Today's story; Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force James Cody talks about ways to help balance Air Force needs and family needs during the Air Force Association conference in National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News 28 September 2016 B
In today's episode of Air Force Radio the Air Mobility Command museum celebrated its 30th year with a festival of flight at Dover AFB. Also, Air Force officers can apply for retraining into low manned career fields with the non-rated line officer crossflow program.
Air Force Radio News 28 September 2016 A
In today's episode of Air Force Radio News Secretary of Defense Ash Carter visited Minot Air Force Base in North Dakota to speak with Airmen about the important roles they play in nuclear deterrence. Also, the Air Force is looking for civilian aircraft maintainers to work alongside Airmen around the country.
Air Force Radio News 27 Sept. 2016 - A
On this edition of Air Force Radio news, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Joe Dunford speaks at the Air Force Associations Air, Space and Cyber Conference. Also the QF-16 becomes the Air Forces first 4th generation aerial target.
Air Force Radio News 27 Sept. 2016 -B
On this edition of Air Force radio news Pararescuemen from the 31st and 33rd Rescue Squadrons save at downed pilot of the coast of japan. Also aircraft and Airmen from PACAF support the Philippine Government.
Air Force Radio News A 26 September 2016
Today's story includes a soundbite from Colonel Larry Broadwell, 9th Reconnaissance Wing Commander, regarding the U-2 crash near Beale Air Force Base, CA and how it affects the U-2 flying mission.
Air Force Radio News B 26 September 2016
Today's story features Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force James Cody at the Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference.
Air Force Radio News B 23 SEPTEMBER 2016
Today's story; At the Air Force Association Conference in National Harbor, Maryland Air Combat Command Commander, General Hawk Carlisle, says the AF needs to simplify the process to get the latest technology.
Air Force Radio News A 23 September 2016
Today's Story; Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James talks about the importance of the Air Force global space mission during an interview in National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News B 22 September 2016
Today's story; Air Force Space Command Commander, General John Hyten, talks about the continually growing importance of cyberspace operations at the Air Force Association Conference in National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News A 22 September 2016
Today's story; Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein announces Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force James Cody's retirement at the Air Force Association conference in National Harbor, Maryland.
Air Force Radio News A 21 September 2016
Today's stories include an update on the U-2 aircraft that crashed near Beale Air Force Base, California and the Civil Air Patrol received an award as part of honoring its 75th Anniversary.
Air Force Radio News B 21 September 2016
Today's story features CSAF General David Goldfein's first Air Force update at the Air Force Association's Air, Space and Cyber Conference in National Harbor, MD.
Air Force Radio News A 20 September 2016
Today's story includes Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James discussing how Air Force leaders plan to address improving support for Airmen and their families at the Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference at National Harbor.
Air Force Radio News B 20 September 2016
Today's stories feature Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James at the Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference and the official naming of the new B-21 Bomber.
Air Force Radio News A 19 September 2016
On this edition of Air Force Radio News, 15,000 show up for the AIr Force Marathon at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and Dover Air Force Base, Delaware is set to re-open one of its runways after upgrades finish this week.
Air Force Radio News B 19 September 2016
In this edition of Air Force Radio News, a new reserve civil engineering squadron stands up at Beale Air Force Base, California. Also, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter will host a live-streaming troop talk Wednesday, September 21st.
Air Force Radio News A 16 August 2016
In this edition of Air Force Radio News, local national nursing students in Germany tour Ramstein Air base medical facilities, and F-15 crews take part in a NATO leadership program in Spain.
Air Force Radio News B 16 August 2016
In this edition of Air Force Radio News, Airmen at Langley Air Force Base take part in POW/MIA events, and civil engineer Airmen in the Pacific are training to repair airfields, with new and more efficient techniques.
Air Force Radio News - A
In this episode of Air Force Radio News, Airmen take part in an African Aerospace exposition. Also, Yokota Airmen take part in disaster training with the Japan Ground Self Defense Force.
Air Force Radio News - B
In this edition of Air Force Radio News, in it's 61 years of service, the U-2 see's it's 1,000th pilot take flight. Also, The U.S. Air Force sinks a decommissioned ship, as part of exercise Valiant Shield.
Air Force Radio News - A
In this episode of Air Force Radio News, Airmen take part in a week long event in Ghana to teach African partner nations how to build up their aviation capacities. Also, Air Commandos commemorate fallen AC-47 crew members with a plaque at Hurlburt Field,
Air Force Radio News - B
In this edition of Air Force Radio News, para-rescue units from all over the Air Force train together in an all new certification course. Also, Air Force Reserve Airmen from Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi, fly a multi-aircraft training mission for the first time since finding out they will not be deactivated.
Air Force Radio News - A
In this episode of Air Force Radio News, Defense Department officials confirm a U.S. air strike targeting ISIL leader Abu Muhammad Al-Adnani was successful. Also, Air Force Material Command Commander General Ellen Pawlikowski was presented the General James V. Hartinger Award for her service to the U.S. space mission.
Air Force Radio News - B
In this episode of Air Force Radio News, U.S. B-1 bombers fly a training mission over the Republic of Korea in a show of force in response to recent North Korean nuclear tests.
Air Force Radio News - A
In this episode of Air Force Radio News, Airmen take part in flying policing missions over the skies of Bulgaria. Also, six Air Force captains were selected to get their PhD.
Air Force Radio News - B
In this episode of Air Force Radio News we learn about the passing of an Airman stationed at Royal Air Force Croughton, England. Also, Vietnam Airmen who served as aircrew in the C7A Caribou were recognized at the Pentagon with the unveiling of a scale model of the aircraft.
Air Force Radio News A 09 September 201
Today's stories; 2nd Lt. Elaine Danforth Harmon becomes the first WASP to be laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery, and Remembering 9/11.
Air Force Radio News B 09 September 2016
Today's stories; The Air Force is narrowing down RPA MQ-9 Reaper candidate base selections, and the proper way to address political topics on social media.
Air Force Radio News A 08 September 2016
Today's stories; The 33rd Fighter Wing recently completed the largest F-35 Deployment, and the latest episode of Airman Magazine has been released.
Air Force Radio News B 08 September 2016
Today's stories; PACAF Airmen meet with members from the Philippine Air Force for the annual Philippines Airman to Airman talks, and how to get more information about federal voting assistance.
Air Force Radio News B 07 September 2016
Today's stories; Airmen conducted an unarmed test missile launch, and the new episode of Around the Air Force discusses ways the Air Force combats the spread of disease and illness.
Air Force Radio News A 07 September 2016
Today's stories; Two B-1 Aircraft and a B-52 Stratofortress participate in exercise Ample Strike 16, and EMT Airmen competed in the Air Force Medical Service EMT Rodeo.
Air Force Radio News B 06 September 2016
Today's stories include the recent strikes against ISIL during Operation Inherent Resolve, and the progress on replacing the older intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Air Force Radio News A 06 September 2016
Today's stories; Ramstein Airmen are helping prevent the Zika virus from spreading, and Hurricane Hunters from Keesler AFB, Mississippi track recent hurricane Hermine.
Air Force Radio News B 2 September 2016
Today's story shows how the Transport Isolation System helps aero-medics train for real world threats like Ebola.
Air Force Radio News A 2 September 2016
Today's story includes AF Secretary Deborah Lee James speaking at Anderson AFB, Guam about the continuous bomber presence mission.
Air Force Radio News B 1 September 2016
Today's stories;A unit at Hill AFB, Utah received The Dr. James G. Roche Sustainment Excellence Award, and September is suicide prevention month.
Air Force Radio News A 1 September 2016
Todays stories; U.S. and Pakistan's AF team up for Exercise Red Flag 16-4 and the KC-135 Stratotanker celebrates its 60th birthday.
Air Force Radio News B 31 August 2016
Today's stories; A new ariel refueling and joint services operations training center opened at Altus AFB, Oklahoma, and the B-1B Lancer officially replaced the B-52 at Anderson Air Force Base, Guam in support of the US Pacific Command's continuous bomber presence mission.
Air Force Radio News A 31 August 2016
Today's stories; The Air Force is not going to use the FluMist vaccine this year. The shot is your only choice for flu vaccination. And we get you new information about the updated reenlistment and promotion eligibility policy that goes into effect this coming January.
Air Force Radio News B 30 August 2016
Today's stories; F-35s at Edwards Air Force Base, California flew triple the number of weapons tests compared to previous months, and Airmen take part in an NFL-style boot camp.
Air Force Radio News A 30 August 2016
Today's stories; for the first time an Air Force Reservist was selected to be the Air Force Assistant Vice Chief, and a preview of our latest episode of Yesterday's Air Force featuring a 1936 summer Olympics Gold Medalist Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Archie Williams.
Air Force Radio News B 29 August 2016
Today's stories include a welcoming ceremony for the new Vice Chief of Staff General Stephen Wilson, and Yokota Airmen continue storm recovery efforts after tropical storm Mindulle at Yokota Air Base, Japan.
Air Force Radio News A 29 August 2016
Today's stories include the RQ-4 Global Hawk Remotely Piloted Aircraft Program that is now open to all Air Force specialty codes, and Airmen and soldiers participate in a medical training exercise at Misawa Air Base, Japan.
Air Force Radio News B 26 August 2016
Today's stories include a look at Operation PACANGEL and an important reminder about how the Controlled Substance Act affects Airmen.
Air Force Radio News A 26 August 2016
Today's story highlights the Joint Airborne/Air Transportability Training Program, also known as "JA/ATT" and how it works to ensure the Air Force and sister services can meet training needs that require air support.
Air Force Radio News B 25 August 2016
Today's stories include Chief of Staff of the Air Force General David Goldfein visited Airmen deployed to Afghanistan, and fighter pilots from Shaw, AFB, South Carolina participated in exercise Red Flag 16-4 at Nellis AFB, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News A 25 August 2016
Today's stories include Bio-environmental Engineer Airmen working with the Georgia Department of Public Health to combat Zika virus, and the Staff Sergeant promotion list is now available.
Air Force Radio News B 24 Aug 2016
Today's stories include the launch of two surveillance satellites from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, and Airmen participating in the Yellow Ribbon Event that connects Reservists and their families with resources for deployments.
Air Force Radio News A 24 August 2016
Today's stories include Airmen from US and other countries learning new leadership skills in the Pacific Rim Junior Enlisted Leadership Forum and Spec Ops Airmen participated in exercise Olympic Archer which focused on medical evacuations and in-flight medical procedures.
Air Force Radio News B 23 August 2016
Today's stories include the F-35 being tested on surviving simulated chemical warfare, and promotions for newest episode of ATAF on AFTV radio.
Air Force Radio News A 23 August 2016
Today's stories include Air Force career retraining, and strikes on ISIL.
Air Force Radio News B 22 August 2016
Today's stories include the reduction or elimination of additional duties to give Airmen more of their time back, and Civil Engineer Reservists from Peterson AFB, Colorado traveled Gallup, New Mexico to build homes for the Navajo Nation.
Air Force Radio News A 22 August 2016
Today's stories include Air Force Chief of Staff General David Goldfein visiting Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, and a promotion for the newest episode of Blue featuring the Olympics.
Air Force Radio News A 19 August 2016
Today's stories include two C-130J Hercules Aircraft activated to support firefighting in California, and exercise held in Joint Base Charleston South Carolina using a Transportation Isolation System.
Air Force Radio News B 19 August 2016
Today's stories include Airmen from Travis AFB California participate in Exercise Northern Strike at Grayling Army Airfield, and promotion for the newest episode of Blue.
Air Force Radio News B 18 August 2016
Today's stories include F-16 pilots from Osan AB, Korea traveling to Daegu AB, Korea to train with South Korean F-15K Pilots for exercise Buddy Wing and TACP airmen from the 17th Special Tactics Squadron return home after extended deployment.
Air Force Radio News A 18 August 2016
Today's stories include a new way to repair a switch on A-10 Thunderbolt Aircraft that will save the AF a lot of money, and information regarding an aircraft crash near Nellis AFB, Nevada.
Air Force Radio News B 17 August 2016
Today's stories include the Air Force plan to update their standard computer operating systems to Windows 10, and Operation PACANGEL 16-3 takes place in Sri Lanka.
Air Force Radio News A 17 August 2016
Today's stories include Louisiana Air National Guardsmen that have been assisting with flood victims in Baton Rouge, and Nominations are now being accepted for the 2017 Vanguard Award.
Air Force Radio News B 16 August 2016
Today's stories include an Airman receiving the highest non-combat valor award for saving four people, a new firefighting foam replaces the old with a new environmentally friendly version.
Air Force Radio News A 16 August 2016
Today's stories include a WWII pilot, 1st Lt. Robert L. McIntosh, finally being laid to rest after his remains were found in Italy, and information about deadlines for the Enlisted Medical Degree Program.
Air Force Radio News B 15 August 2016
Today's stories include CSAF General David Goldfein talking about fighter pilots during State of the Air Force press conference, and the Community College of the Air Force announces a subcommittee to improve Airmen's education opportunities.
Air Force Radio News A 15 August 2016
Today's stories include the KC-46A Pegasus on its way to becoming production ready, and the 22nd Airlift Squadron From Travis AFB, California transports a satellite using a C-5 Super Galaxy.
Air Force Radio News B 12 August 2016
Today's stories include General Tod Wolters assuming command of USAFE AF-Africa from General Frank Gorenc, and Defense Secretary Ash Carter awards Beale AFB, California the 2016 DOD Environmental Award.
Air Force Radio News A 12 August 2016
Today's stories include Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James talking about improving quality of life of Airmen, and a promo for a new episode of FYI featuring GI Bill benefits.
Air Force Radio News B 11 August 2016
Today's stories include State of the Air Force Conference, and EOD Airmen at Whiteman AF Base perform exercise with the Army.
Air Force Radio News A 11 August 2016
Today's stories include all three Air Force Global Strike Command Strategic Bombers working together at Andersen Air Force Base Guam, and Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James announces bonus increase for Remotely Piloted Aircraft Pilots.
Air Force Radio News B 10 August 2016
Today's stories include 300 airmen from Ellsworth AF base, South Dakota deploy to Anderson AF base, Guam to provide the Pacific with more Combat Experience, and General David Goldfein releases his first letter to airmen.
Air Force Radio News A 10 August 2016
Today's stories include Airmen from Malmstrom AF base, Montana climb Granite Peak for the USAF 50 Summits Challenge, and Colombian AF General takes lead during the annual Panamax Exercise at Davis-Monthan AF Base, Arizona.
Air Force Radio News B 9 August 2016
Today's stories include a new tool that cut several hours of labor, and the new sustainment campus being built at Tinker AF Base.
Air Force Radio News A 9 August 2016
Today's stories include a Blended Retirement Leader Course available for your smartphone, and Red Flag-Alaska 16-3 at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska.
Air Force Radio News B 8 August 2016
Today's stories include Air National Guard exercise Sentry Savannah 16-3 in Georgia, and a new helping agencey for airmen- Specialists for the Primary Prevention of Violence
Air Force Radio News A 8 August 2016
Today's stories include the non-combat related death of an airman, and a sortie surge sets new record at Eglin AF Base Florida
Air Force Radio News B 5 August 2016
Today's stories include A-10s conduct highway landings in Estonia as part of Atlantic Resolve, and Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany hosts exercise I.E.D Rodeo.
Air Force Radio News A 5 August 2016
Today's stories include the Real I.D. Act, and the Asia Pacific Military Health Exchange 2016 in Malaysia.
Air Force Radio News B 4 August 2016
Today's stories include Cope Taufan Exercise summary at Butterworth AB, Malaysia, and AF Firing Range at Guam providing island security.
Air Force Radio News A 4 August 2016
Today's stories include a humanitarian aid exercise for specops airmen at Kadena AB, and the latest Airman Magazine stories.
Air Force Radio News B 3 August 2016
Today's stories include budget cut and plans for Emerald Warrior 2017 at Hurylburt Field, Florida, as well as Airmen and sister service members participate in NFL training camp at Washington Redskins training center.
Air Force Radio News A 3 August 2016
Today's stories include 300 airmen deploy to Osan AB Korea, and paratroopers from U.S. and other countries participate in "Jump Week" throughout Germany.
Air Force Radio News B 02 August 2016
Today's stories include F-35 is announced combat ready by General Hawk Carlisle, and next generation of long range radar will improve battlespace awareness.
Air Force Radio News A 02 August 2016
Today's stories include specops airmen and marines work together during exercise to seize airfield at Kadena, and Squadron Officer School Training is now available at Ramstein, in Germany.
Air Force Radio News B 01 August 2016
Today's stories include Misawa Air Base, Japan conducts active shooter exercise, and air show in Romania draws crowd and demonstrates partnership.
Air Force Radio News A 01 August 2016
Today's stories include a C-130H at Robins AF base, Georgia fights fires, and Airmen from Malstrom AF base, Montana transport honey bees to new location.
Air Force Radio News A 29 July 2016
Today's stories include U.S. working with Malaysian AF for exercise Cope Taufan 16, and B1B Lancers replacing B52's at Anderson Air Force Base, as well as airmen deployment to Guam.
Air Force Radio News A 29 July 2016
Today's stories include U.S. AF and Mexican AF teaming up for tactical exercise, and AF high altitude pressure suits.
Air Force Radio News B 28 July 2016
Today's stories include C-5 undergoes inspection at Dover AF base, and Yakota replaces it's C-130H's with C-130J's.
Air Force Radio News A 28 July 2016
Today's stories include Air National Guard deployment to Asia to support the fight against ISIL, and AF Thunderbolt II's and support personnel head to Estonia for a two-week exercise.
Air Force Radio News B 27 July 2016
Today's news stories include Airmen from Tinker AF base deployed to Hawaii for RIMPAC, and education opportunities for active-duty officers
Air Force Radio News A 27 July 2016
Today's news stories include Exercise Red Flag 16-3 at Nellis AF base with the capabilities of the C-17, opportunities to cross-train into special forces career fields.
Air Force Radio News B 26 July 2016
Today's stories include the 40th anniversary of Blue Flag, and the end of a career for longest serving civilian in AF history.
Air Force Radio News A 26 July 2016
Today's stories include the first family female amputee pilot returns to flying, and change of command for U.S. AF central command.
Air Force Radio News B 25 July 2016
Today's stories include Eglin AFB Airmen reaching a milestone with the F-35A Lightning II and a promotion for the upcoming episode of Yesterday's Air Force.
Air Force Radio News A 25 July 2016
Today's stories include the deployment of Colorado Air National Guardsmen to Operation Atlantic Resolve and a new health program known as Total Exposure Health.
Air Force Radio News B 22 July 2016
Today's stories include commercial electric power being restored to Incirlik Air Base, Turkey after the attempted coup and Exercise Arctic Anvil.
Air Force Radio News A 22 July 2016
Today's stories include Exercise Pacific Thunder 16-2 and Researchers at Bethesda MD's National Intrepid Center of Excellence use new technology to study TBI.
Air Force Radio News B 21 July 2016
Today's stories include Lt. General John Dolan discussing the importance of the U.S. SOFA agreement with Japan and AFSOC has a new commander as Lt. Gen Brad Webb takes command.
Air Force Radio News A 21 July 2016
Today's stories include the new CSAF's first town hall meeting and the results for the Technical Sergeant promotion list are in.
Air Force Radio News B 20 July 2016
Today's stories include details of the Space Mission Force and the start of Thracian Summer 2016.
Air Force Radio News A 20 July 2016
Today's stories include the start of Operation Atlantic Resolve and a group of flight planners from Scott AFB, IL who developed a plan that could potentially save millions of dollars for the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News B 19 July 2016
Today's stories include the first flight for the F-15's new Advanced Display Core Processor II and the AFA is seeking nominations for the 2017 Verne Orr Award.
Air Force Radio News A 19 July 2016
Today's stories include an update on Incirlik Air Base members in the wake of the July 15th attempted coup and the KC-46 Pegasus completes all flight tests required for Milestone C Production.
Air Force Radio News B 18 July 2016
Today's story feautres the 1,000th subscale aerial target launch at Tyndall AFB, Florida.
Air Force Radio News A 18 July 2016
Today's stories include the next Air Force One plane, and the start of Exercise Red Flag 16-3.
Air Force Radio News B 15 July 2016
Today's stories include an airlift exercise that turned into a real world medical emergency, and NASA astronauts undergo full pressure suit training at Beale Air Force Base, CA.
Air Force Radio News A 15 July 2016
Today's stories include DoD experts heading to Congress to discuss Nuclear Modernization and the start of the combat search and rescue exercise, Pacific Thunder.
Air Force Radio News B 14 July 2016
Today's stories include the investigation results from an accident that claimed the lives of two Special Tactics Airmen and the application process has begun for the Air Force's new Career Intermission Program.
Air Force Radio News A 14 July 2016
Today's stories include the success of KC-46 A Pegasus testing and the F-35A Lightning IIs at Hill Air Force Base get closer to initial operational capability
AIr Force Radio News B 13 July 2016
Today's stories include General Terrence O'Shaughnessy assuming command of PACAF and the results of the investigation into an MQ-9 Reaper crash in the CENTCOM area of responsibility.
Air Force Radio News A 13 July 2016
Today's stories include Airmen and Marines teaming up for Rim of the Pacific 16 and Exercise Cope Taufan brings 7 Air Force units together with Royal Malaysian Air Force units.
Air Force Radio News B 12 July 2016
Today's stories feature the new Detachment for Aeromedical Evacuation training and the nomination process for the 68th Annual Arthur S. Flemming Award
Air Force Radio News A 12 July 2016
Today's stories feature the deployment of 560 troops to Iraq in support of the advances against ISIL and a new, innovative way to dispose of toxic firefighting foam
Air Force Radio News B 11 July 2016
Today's stories include the 169th Fighter Group's trip to Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea for a Theater Security Package and the 8 installations nominated to house the new Battlefield Airman Training program.
Air Force Radio News A 11 July 2016
Today's stories include CSAF General David Goldfein at the Royal International Air Tattoo 2016 and a new cooling technology to help reduce heat stress.
Air Force Radio News B 08 July 2016
Today's stories include the Blended Retirement System and an Airman makes it to the Olympic Pole Vaulting Team for the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games in August
Air Force Radio News A 08 July 2016
Today's stories include 8 potential homes for the new Battlefield Airman Training Program and enlisted Airmen nominations are now being accepted for the RPA Training Program.
Air Force Radio News B 07 July 2016
Today's stories include Airmen and Soldiers train together in Guam's Jungle Training Exercise and the latest episode of Around the Air Force.
Air Force Radio News A 07 July 2016
Today's stories include 10 Enlisted Airmen picked for the first ever Combined Enlisted and Officer Training course for RPAs and the F-35A arriving in the UK for the Royal International Air Tattoo
Air Force Radio News B July 06 2016
Today's stories include the 20th anniversary of the C-130 Weapons Instructor Course and the newest issue of Airman Magazine
Air Force Radio News A 06 July 2016
Today's stories include an MQ-9 Reaper crash and the creation of the new Directorate of Air, Space and Cyberspace Operations.
Air Force Radio News B 05 July 2016
Today's stories include the first Transatlantic Flight for the F-35 A Lightning II and the announcement that Transgender individuals can now openly serve in the Armed Forces.
Air Force Radio News A 05 July 2016
Today's story features the 21st Chief of Staff, General David Goldfein as he swears in to his new position.
Air Force Radio News B 30 June 2016
Air Force Radio News A 30 June 2016
Today's stories include the confirmation of the new Chief of Staff of the Air Force and the latest epsidoe of the Air Force Tech Report.
Air Force Radio News B 29 June 2016
Today's stories include a medical readiness exercise in Guatemala and the first of 21 HH60 G Pave Hawks lands in Hunstville, AL.
Air Force Radio News A 29 June 2016
Today's stories include 16 Air Force Weapons School Students completing the Weapons Instructor Course and a promo for the latest episode of Air Force Tech Report
Air Force Radio News B 28 June 2016
Today's stories include the first step of restructuring the Nuclear and Missile Operations career field and the new episode of Yesterday's Air Force which features the new building of the National Museum of the US Air Force.
Air Force Radio News A 28 June 2016
Today's stories include the burial of Doolittle Raider Staff Sergeant David Thatcher and applications for the Air Force's Undergraduate Flying Training Selection
Air Force Radio News B 24 June 2016
Today's stories include five Air Force Bases becoming candidates to house the KC-46 A Pegasus and a promo for the upcoming episode of BLUE.
Air Force Radio News A 24 June 2016
Today's stories include the F-35A Lightning II nears initial operational capability and the 2016 DoD Warrior Games comes to a close.
Air Force Radio News B 23 June 2016
Today's stories include the closing ceremony for Pacific Angel 16-2 and nominatons for the 2017 General and Mrs. Jerome F. O'Malley Award.
Air Force Radio News A 23 June 2016
Today's stories include the loss of Air Force legend Staff Sergeant David Thatcher and the return of two Minot Air Force Base B-52 Stratotankers after participating in BALTOPS and Saber Strike 16.
Air Force Radio News B 22 June 2016
Today's stories include Lt. Gen Joseph Lengyel's testimony to the Armed Services Committee for his Confirmation as NGB Chief and the C-130 J landing at Little Rock AFB to complete the new fleet.
Air Force Radio News A 22 June 2016
Today's stories include the Ultimate Champion winner at the DoD Warrior Games 2016 and the beginning of the African Partnership Flight
Air Force Radio News B 21 June 2016
Today's story is General David Goldfein's testimony at his Chief Of Staff confirmation hearing with the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Air Force Radio News A 21 June 2016
Today's stories include the memorial of Lt. Col William Schroeder who died in an incident of workplace violence and the arrival of a new C5-M Super Galaxy to Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland.
Air Force Radio News B 20 June 2016
Today's stories include Airmen participating in the Canadian Exercise Maple Flag 49 and the new Blended Retirement System.
Air Force Radio News A 20 June 2016
Today's stories include a new ISR Adapter for the RQ-4 Global Hawk and an MQ-9 reaper simulator that helps Ellsworth Air Force Base pilots participate in Exercise Virtual Flag.
Air Force Radio News B 16 June 2016
Today's stories include a Polish High School tour aboard an Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker, and Exercise Red Flag 16-2.
Air Force Radio News A 16 June 2016
Today's stories include a new Surveillance Radar System on Camp Lemmonier Djibouti, and a the recovery of the Automated Case Tracking System used by Air Force Inspector Generals.
Air Force Radio News B 14 June 2016
Today's stories include the start of Exercise Saber Strike 16 and the beginning of the 2016 Department of Defense Warrior Games in West Point, NY.
Air Force Radio News A 14 June 2016
Today's story features the opening of the new wing of the National Museum of the United States Air Force.
Air Force Radio News B 13 June 2016
Today's stories include the newly formed Battlefield Airmen Training Group, and the latest Air Force Officer promotions from O4 to O6.
Air Force Radio News A 13 June 2016
Today's stories include the burial of Tuskegee Airman, 2nd Lt Malvin Whitfield and a Canadian Royal Air Force C-130 making history at Edwards Air Force Base, CA.
Air Force Radio News - June 10, 2016 - A
In today's radio TSgt Holly Roberts-Davis tells us about Defense Secretary Ash Carter's Force of the Future announcement and the AF Week in Photos.
Air Force Radio News - June 10, 2016 - B
In today's radio TSgt Holly Roberts-Davis tells us about ROTC detachment instructor vacancies and the Joan Orr Spouse of the Year Award winner.
Air Force Radio News - June 9, 2016 - A
In today's Air Force Radio News, TSgt Holly Roberts-Davis tells us about a B-52H Stratofortress aircrew from Minot participating in BALTOPS 16.
Air Force Radio News - June 9, 2016 - B
In today's Air Force Radio News, TSgt Holly Roberts-Davis tells us about the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School Ph.D program and Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James' message about LGBT pride month.
Air Force Radio News B 08 June 2016
Today's stories feature the National Museum of the United States Air Force and the latest issue of Airman Magazine.
Air Force Radio News A
Today's stories feature an F-16 crash and the Behavioral Health Optimization Program.
Air Force Radio News - 06 June 16 - A
In today's Air Force Radio News, TSgt Holly Roberts-Davis tells us about Defense Attache duty and Yokota's newest C-130J getting it's wings.
Air Force Radio News - 06 Jun 16 - B
In today's Air Force Radio News, TSgt Holly Roberts-Davis tells us about a new unit at JBSA-Lackland and what the Air Force is doing about the Zika virus.
Air Force Radio News B 03 June 2016
Today's story features Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James at the Air Force Academy Commencement Ceremony.
Air Force Radio News A 03 June 2016
Today's story features President Obama at the Air Force Academy Commencement Ceremony.
Air Force Radio News B 02 June 2016
Today's stories include the 95th Fighter Squadron receiving the Raytheon Trophy and the upcoming GEICO Award nominations for servicemembers.
Air Force Radio News A 02 June 2016
Today's news story is the ceremony for Capt Matthew Roland as he is posthumously awarded the Silver Star.
Air Force Radio News B 01 June 2016
Today's stories include Bagram Airfield's Check Six Program.
Air Force Radio News A 01 June 2016
Today's stories include Exercise Arctic Fighter Meet 2016 and the release of the Air Superiority 203 Flight Plan.
Air Force Radio News B 31 May 2016
Today's stories include Chief of Staff General Mark Welsh at the Air Force Association Breakfast in Virginia and a delay in receiving the KC-46 Pegasus
Air Force Radio News A 31 May 2016
Today's stories include new water safety guidelines for US installations and a retired CMsgt who visited Ramstein Air Base to reflect on his past career
Air Force Radio News A 27 May 2016
Today's stories include a joint airfield damage training exercise at Kadena Air Base and changes to the Air Force On-Base Housing Utility Allowance policy.
Air Force Radio News B 27 May 2016
Todays story features Actor Tom Hanks as he receives France's highest order, the Legion of Honour.
Air Force Radio News B 26 May 2016
Today's stories include Exercise Trojan Footprint 16 and the Master Sergeant Promotion List.
Air Force Radio News A 26 May 2016
Todays story features Actor Tom Hanks as he receives France's highest order, the Legion of Honour.
Air Force Radio News B 25 May 2016
Today's stories include a remembrance ceremony at France's Saint-Mihiel American Cemetery and a new episode of the series BLUE.
Air Force Radio News A 25 May 2016
Today's stories include the end of Exercise Eagle Lion and a new total force integration plan to streamline KC-135 maintenance.
Air Force Radio News B 24 May 2016
Today's stories include a new deployment tracking tool made by Airmen at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, and the first US PACOM Medical Logistics Workshop
Air Force Radio News A 24 May 2016
Today's stories include Barksdale Air Force Base receiving a new upgrade for their B-52s and the launch of the Space X Falcon 9 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Florida
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Air Force Radio News B 17 May 2016
Today's stories include the African Air Symposium and the Chief of Staff 2016 Reading List.
Air Force Radio News A 17 May 2016
Today's stories include General Lori Robinson assuming command as NORAD and US NORTHCOM Commander and Exercise Buddy Wing 16-4.
Air Force Radio News 16 May - A
Air Force Radio News 16 May - A
Air Force Radio News 16 May - B
Air Force Radio News 16 May - B
Air Force Radio News B 12 May 2016
Today's stories include the 40th anniversary of the U-2 Dragon Lady at Osan Air Base, Korea and the Gulf Coast Awareness Tour for hurricane preparedness.
Air Force Radio News A 12 May 2016
Today's stories include General Lori Robinson departing PACAF to begin her new role as US Northern Command Commander and Exercise Emerald Warrior 2016.
Air Force Radio News B 11 May 2016
Today's stories include AFSPC's updated Commander's Strategic Intent and the last deployment of the C-130 Hercules from Niagra Fall's 914th AW.
Air Force Radio News A 11 May 2016
Today's stories include the winner of the 2016 Commander In Chief's Annual Award for Installation Excellence and the PGA Tour's Military Appreciation Day.
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Air Force Radio News
Air Force Radio News B 09 May 2016
Today's stories include F-35 air combat training at Hill Air Force Base, Utah and Medal of Honor Recipients visiting the 834th Airlift Wing in preparation of the 2016 Congressional Medal of Honor Convention.
Air Force Radio News A 09 May 2016
Today's stories include Exercise Red Flag at Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska and Mental Health Awareness Month.
Air Force Radio News B 06 May 2016
Today's stories include the B-52 Stratotankers joining the campaign to defeat ISIL and the 61st Airlift Squadron "Green Hornets" winning a MAJCOM level award.
Air Force Radio News A 06 May 2016
Today's stories include Jon Stewart at the USO's 75th Anniversary Comedy Show and a preview of the latest episode of BLUE: Out of Vietnam.
Air Force Radio News B 05 May 2016
Today's stories feature Retired Colonel Billy "Rusty" Napier's induction into USSOCOM's Commando Hall of Honor and the 25th Anniversary of the KC-10 Extender.
Air Force Radio News A 05 May 2016
Today's story features a Change of Command ceremony as General Philip Breedlove transfers command to General Curtis Scaparrotti.
Air Force Radio News B 04 May 2016
Today's stories include Exercise Mobility Guardian and Whiteman Air Force Base announces Kansas City Chiefs NFL Draft picks for the 2016-2017 season.
Air Force Radio News A 04 May 2016
Todays stories include the Lt. Dan Band visiting Little Rock Air Force Base and the start of exercise Emerald Warrior 2016.
Air Force Radio News B 03 May 2016
Today's story features the 120th AW retiring a C-130 Hercules after 24,000 career flying hours.
Air Force Radio News A 03 May 2016
Today's story features USAFE Commander General Frank Goranc at the International Marrakech Air Show.
Air Force Radio News B 02 May 2016
Today's story features Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James praising 21st Chief of Staff of the Air Force nominee, General David Goldfein.
Air Force Radio News A 02 May 2016
Today's stories include Airmen and Soldiers saving a family from a burning building near Osan Air Base, and Public Service Recognition Week.
Air Force Radio News B 29 April 2016
Today's story is about six KC-135 Stratotankers From McConnel Air Force Base evacuating to Fairchild Air Force Base due to severe weather hazzards.
Air Force Radio News A 29 April 2016
Today's stories include the winner of the 2016 Exceptional Sexual Assault Response Coordinator Award and Beale Air Force Base becoming the lead for the Resilient Energy Demonstration Initiative (REDI).
Air Force Radio News 19 April 2016
Todays Radio show includes deployments to Clark air base, Philippines, and the follow up of accident results from the c-130 crash in Afghanistan.
Air Force Radio News 19 April 2016
Todays Radio show includes stories about the largest F-22 Raptor deployment to Europe and helpful PCS tips from our show F-Y-I.
Air Force Radio News 18 April 2016
Todays Radio show includes Airmen at Yokota Air Base, providing humanitarian assistance following the earthquakes last week in Japan, and Cheyenne Mountains 50th anniversary.
Air Force Radio News 18 April 2016
Todays Radio Show includes C-130 accident follow-up from October, and New York Air National Guard participation in Canada.
Air Force Radio News April 15th - A
Todays radio news cast covers the order of the sword ceremony at Ramstein Air Base, Germany.
Air Force Radio News April 15th - B
Todays radio newscast includes stories following up the ordered mandatory move of DOD civilians in Turkey, and a reminder for airmen that they may be eligible for a High Year Tenure extension
Air Force Radio News April 14th - B
General Hyten announces Space Enterprise Vision; Happy birthday Air Force Reserves
Air Force Radio News April 14th - A
Airmen participate in Saber Junction 16.
Air Force Radio News April 13th - B
The Air Force announces candidate bases for the first reserve-led F-35A Lightning II location.
Air Force Radio News April 13th - A
Airmen receive the Airman's Medal at Fairchild Air Force Base, WA; Military children are honored with a special day.
Air Force Radio News April 12th - B
Edwards AFB looks for ways to cut fuel costs with the C-17; New Parent Support Program information.
Air Force Radio News April 12th - A
The Air Force approves two new initiatives for the RPA career field.
Air Force Radio News 4 April - A
Air Force Radio News 4 April - A
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Air Force Radio News 4 April - B
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Air Force Radio News March 11 - A
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Air Force Radio News March 7 - A
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Air Force Radio News 4 March - A
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Air Force Radio News 4 March - B
Air Force Radio News March 3rd - A
This segment of Air Force Radio News features headlines about the Air Forces newest cyber warfare weapon and the memorial to Stray 59.
Air Force Radio News March 3rd - B
This segment of Air Force Radio News features headlines about increasing the number of RPA pilots and US Airmen helping train the Indian Air Force
Air Force Radio News March 2 - A
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Air Force Radio News March 1 - B
Air Force Radio News Feb. 29 - A
Air Force Radio News Feb. 29 - A
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Air Force Radio News Feb 29 - B
Air Force Radio News Feb. 26 - A
This Segment features head lines from the Air Force Associations Air Warfare symposium in Orlando, Fla.
Air Force Radio News Feb. 26 - B
This Segment features head lines from the Air Force Associations Air Warfare symposium in Orlando, Fla.
Air Force Radio News Feb. 25 - A
Air Force Radio News Feb. 25 - A
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Air Force Radio News Feb. 25 - B
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Air Force Radio News February 23 - A
Air Force Radio News Feb, 23 - A
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Air Force Radio News Feb. 23 - B
Air Force Radio News Feb. 22 - A
This segment features headlines on am MQ-9 Reaper crash and the recovery of the remains of two Airmen from a 1950s crash of a C-124.
Air Force Radio News Feb. 22 - B
This segment features headlines about the Air Forces involvement in the French operation Juniper Micron and Gen. Mark Welsh's visit to Whiteman Air Force Base to see the Total Force initiative.
Air Force Radio News Feb. 19 - A
Air Force Radio News Feb. 19 - A
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Air Force Radio News Feb. 19 - B
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Air Force Radio News Feb. 18 - A
Air Force Radio News Feb. 18 - A
Air Force Radio News Feb. 18 - A
Air Force Radio News Feb. 17 - A
This segment features headlines about a Combined Forces flight over Osan Airbase, Korea and Air Force Vice Chief of Staff General David Goldfein testifying in front of the House Armed Services Committee.
Air Force Radio News Feb. 17 - B
This segment features headlines on the KC-46 and First Sergeant of the Year Award.
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Air Force Radio News Feb. 12 - A
Air Force Radio News Feb. 12 - A
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Air Force Radio News Feb. 12 - B
Air Force Radio News Feb. 11 - A
This segment features stories on the Singapore international air show and the 2017 Air Force budget.
Air Force Radio News Feb. 11 - B
This segment features headlines on the F-35 Simulated Deployment and Delta IV launch.
Air Force Radio News February 10th - B
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Air Force Radio News - A, Jan. 7, 2016.
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Air Force Radio News - B, Jan. 7, 2016.
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Luke AFB crew competes in competition
Air Force Radio News - B
US and coalition military forces continue to fight ISIL
Air Force Radio News - B
81st Fighter Squadron graduates first set of Afghan air force pilots
Air Force Radio News - A
Service members from Bagram Air Field got together to honor the memories of six Airmen killed in an IED attack early last week.
Air Force Radio News - Dec. 23, 2015
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Air Force Radio News - Dec. 23, 2015
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Air Force Radio News B - Dec. 21, 2015
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Air Force Radio News A - Dec. 21, 2015
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Air Force Radio News - 20 July 15
On this edition of Air Force Radio News, Tech. Sgt Holly Roberts-Davis tells us about an Airman at LRS who used his background in Information Technology to help save the Air Force some time and money.
Air Force Radio News - 11 Jun 15
This edition of Air Force Radio News takes us to Incrilik Air Base in Turkey, where radar airmen are hard at work, and students at Aviano Air Base win awards.
Air Force Radio News - 10 Jun 15
In this edition of Air Force Radio News, D-Day is remembered and an Airman takes up figure skating.
Air Force Radio News - 8 June 15
In this edition of Air Force Radio News, a town in Normandy remembers D-Day and a squadron at Aviano Air Base, Italy stays DUI free.
Air Force Radio News - 5 June 15
In this edition of Air Force Radio News, service members remember D-Day, and a chaplain in Korea uses baking to improve morale.
Air Force Radio News - 4 June 15
In this edition of Air Force Radio News, Normandy, France, residence continue to remember D-Day by cooking meals for service members, and a father/son duo compete in the Aviano AB triathlon.
Air Force Radio News - 2 June 15
On this edition of Air Force Radio News, women's Air Force history expands with a new four-star general, firefighters at Osan Air Base train with their ROKAF counterparts, and Misawa Air Base puts on its own cycling race.
Air Force Radio News - 3 Apr 15
In this edition of Air Force Radio News, we go to Osan and get a look at what it's like to be a veterinary technician, smoking cessation opportunities for airmen, and Kunsan airmen participate in a remembrance ruck march in honor of wounded vets.
Air Force Radio News - 2 Apr 15
On this edition of Air Force Radio News, Airmen perform joint training in Poland, former Command Master Sgt. of the Air Force James Binnicker is remembered, and we take a look at the JROTC in Misawa.
Air Force Radio News - 16 Mar 15
Air Force Radio News
Air Force Radio News - 13 Mar 15
Air Force Radio News
Air Force Radio News - 12 Mar 15
Air Force Radio News
Air Force Radio News - 11 Mar 15
Air Force Radio News
Air Force Radio News - 10 Mar 15
Air Force Radio News
Air Force Radio News - 9 Mar 15
Air Force Radio News
Air Force Radio News - 6 Mar 15
Air Force Radio News
Air Force Radio News - 4 Mar 15
Air Force Radio News
Air Force Radio News - 2 Mar 15
Air Force News: Fire Prevention (Radio)
Fire prevention week took Lajes Fire Fighters all over base to educate residents about fire safety. It also provided some chances to show what they're made of. Sound bite includes Master Sgt. Ronald Freeman, Operations Superintendent. Produced by Airman 1st Class Marshall Hunsaker.
Air Force News: Joint Fuel Conference (Radio)
This edition features a story on how the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps gathered at Kadena Air Base on Okinawa for a Joint Fuel Conference. The meeting brought a formal conclusion to previous issues. Sound bite includes Lt. Col. Kenneth Leeds. Produced by Cpl. Dane Knapik-Christensen.
Air Force News: Yokosuka Navy Ball - (Radio)
This edition features a story on Sailors from the Yokosuka Naval Base, Japan area got together to celebrate the Navy's 235th Birthday by attending a Navy Ball. Sound bites include Seaman Joshua Watkins and Petty Officer Lakeesha Graddic. Hosted by Petty Officer Brandon Shelander.
Air Force News: FOD Walks at Yokota (Radio)
This edition features a story on how to keep planes in the air, a lot of measures need to be taken to ensure their safe landing and takeoff. Airman 1st Class Ryan Lis talked to Master Sgt. Ernie Rivera and Airman 1st Class Nolan Locken to find out about a weekly check made at Yokota Air Base, Japan, that helps make sure planes and their crews stay safe. Produced by Airman 1st Class Ryan Lis.
Air Force News: Sparky (Radio)
This edition features a story on how as part of fire prevention week, Fire Departments across military installations are putting an added emphasis on fire safety. One way Incirlik Air Base is spreading the message is through Sparky the Dog, a larger than life canine who visited kids throughout the week. Sound bite includes Mark Klemcke, Fire Chief. Hosted by Senior Airman Lindsy Nelson.
Air Force News: Energy Awareness (Radio)
This edition features a story on how the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 was passed to protect consumers and to improve the energy performance of the U.S. Federal Government. On Okinawa, Japan members of the American, Naha and Tokyo consulates, as well as representatives of Marine Corps Base and Kadena Air Base got together to learn new ways to conserve energy. Sound bites include Tim Martin, American Consulate Administrative Manager and Ian Metzger, National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Hosted by Lance Cpl. Nate Carberry.
Air Force News: Sasebo 2010 Navy Ball (Radio)
This edition features a story on celebrating 235 years of heritage, the U.S. Navy's Birthday was celebrated at Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo. Petty Officer Octavio Ortiz shows us that a Navy Ball is more than just a party, but a remembrance of Naval heritage and commitment. Sound bites include Capt. Francis Martin, Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo and Lt. Rafael Macias, Chairman, Navy Ball Committee. Hosted by Petty Officer 3rd Class Octavio Ortiz.
Air Force News: Hispanic Heritage Performance (Radio)
This edition features a story on how Hispanic Heritage month provides a time to reflect on the history and contributions made by the Hispanic community. Senior Airman Priscilla Christensen explains how small residents at Yokota Air Base, Japan, reflected and honored Hispanic Heritage. Sound bites include Megan Alverson, 1st Grader and Sylvia Giannotti, Spanish Teacher. Produced by Senior Airman Priscilla Christensen
Air Force News: Yokosuka Town Hall Meeting (Radio)
This edition features a story on how Yokosuka's newly reformed Interagency Coordination hosted a town hall meeting. Sound bite includes Lt. Efland Amerson. Hosted by Petty Officer Brandon Shelander.
Air Force News: CFAS Hosts JDAC - (Radio)
This edition features a story on how Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo hosted the Japan District Advisory Council at the Community Education Center. Department of Defense schools educate and sponsor extracurricular activities for service members' children, but the system is not simple. Seamen Kyle Jackson brings us the story on some of the steps taken to insure DOD Students get everything they need. Sasebo, Japan. Sound bite includes Clayton Fujie, Japan District Superintendent. Hosted by Seaman Kyle Jackson.
Air Force News: Fire Safety (Radio)
This edition features a story on how students from Kadena Elementary School on Okinawa gathered outside for a demonstration on fire safety. Sound bites include Staff Sgt. Joseph Ferrara, Fire Departments Logistics NCOIC, Chief Master Sgt. Christopher Mohr, Chief Fire Fithter, Col. Brian Duffy, 18th Civil Engineer Group and Eileen Janiga, 3rd Grade Teacher. Produced by Cpl. Dane Knapik-Christensen
Air Force News: Fire Prevention Month (Radio)
This edition features a story on how October is Fire Prevention Month at Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo. Petty Officer Eric Moorer met up with CFAS' Fire Department as they taught the community more about fire safety. Sound bite includes Capt. Francis Martin, Co, CFAS. Hosted by Petty Officer 3rd Class Eric Moorer.
Air Force News: Pt. Preparation (Radio)
This edition features a story about how physical fitness plays a pivotal role in the lives of all Sailors. Fitness is key to mission readiness. With the physical readiness test on the horizon, Sailors all around Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo are preparing for the big test. Produced by Seaman Apprentice Scott Borgue.
Air Force News: Above the Influence - (Radio)
This edition features a story on Bob Mortimer, a Motivational Speaker injured in a car accident, speaks to Airmen at Aviano Air Base, Italy. Sound bites include Bob Mortimer, Motivational Speaker and Airman 1st Class John Loew. Produced by Senior Airman Melissa Hay.
Air Force News: Hispanic Heritage Festival (Radio)
This edition features a story on how Turkey is thousands of miles away from the origins of Hispanic culture, but Incirlik Air Base found a way to celebrate that vibrant heritage recently as part of Hispanic Heritage Month. Sound bites include Claudia Garcia, Organizer, Antonia De La Cruz, Attendee and Joe Scott, Spanish Booth. Hosted by Senior Airman Lindsey Nelson.
Air Force News: Vets Tour (Radio)
This edition features a story on how the battle of Okinawa was the last major conflict in the effort to bring peace to the United States and Japan. Lance Cpl. Tia Nagle takes us to Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan where former Japanese Soldiers got a look at some of the battle's historic monuments. Sound bites include Hideaki Sakihama, Community Relations Specialist and Yoshiaki Okuno, Veterans Association Chairperson. Hosted by Lance Cpl. Tia Nagle.
Air Force News: Hispanic Heritage Childrens Night (Radio)
This edition features a story about how as part of Hispanic Heritage month, Incirlik Air Base recently held a special children's night at the library featuring a puppet show in Spanish and traditional dancing by the kids. Sound bite includes Lt. Col. Douglas Houston. Produced by Senior Airman Lindsey Nelson.
Air Force News: Joint Dental Exercise
Package of Army, Air Force, and German dentists and hygienists working together at Spangdahlem Air Base for a joint forensic dentistry exercise. Produced by Senior Airman Alex Griffin.
Air Force News: AADD BMW Program
Package of the Armed Forces Against Drunk Driving (AADD) program, which allows those looking for a ride home to keep from drinking and driving. Produced by Staff Sgt. Rob Joswiak.
Air Force News: Motorcycle Safety
Package of police officers from Mobile Unit Traffic Nagasaki visiting Fleet Activities Sasebo to conduct motorcycle safety training. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Benjamin Dobbs.
Air Force News: LINKS Spouses
Package of a program for Marine Corps family team building known as LINKS, which stands for Lifestyles, Insight, Networking, Knowledge, and Skills. Produced by LCpl. Michael Krysinski.
Air Force News: Job Fair
Package about Marine Corps Community Services putting a joint job fair together to help each other land great jobs and learn about all the opportunities MCCS, AAFES and Kadena HRO have to offer. Produced by Lance Cpl. Frances Candelaria.
Air Force News: E-4 Advancement Exam
Package about Seamen taking the Advancement Exam to achieve the rank of Petty Officer. Produced by Petty Officer Jamie Hawkins.
Air Force News: Airman Becomes Honorary Chief
Package about an Airman who was among the Navy Chief Petty Officer Selects at the Chief Pinning Ceremony. Produced by Petty Officer Eric Jones.
Air Force News: PCSN Lee Feature (Radio)
Package of a feature story on Seaman Kurtis Lee, a professional bowler. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Benjamin Dobbs.
Air Force News: Air Show
Package about the air show at Air Force Week 2009 in Sacramento, Calif. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Steve German.
Air Force News: Stress Relief
Package about military members experiencing stress and how they can relive it. Produced by Senior Airman Marcella O'Campo.
Air Force News: Fit to Fight
Package about the importance of exercise on and off duty in staying physically fit enough to serve in the military. Produced by Senior Airman Marcella O'Campo.
Air Force News: Spouses Flight
Package about a program that lets spouses see what life is like for their husband or wife while on the job. Produced by Airman Ryan Lis.
Air Force News: 17th Air Force Blogging (Radio)
Package of Airmen from Africa Command (AFRICOM) using Facebook and Twitter to tell what they're doing there. Produced by Staff Sgt. Lance Heinzelman.
Air Force News: Iwakuni Musicfest
Summer Music Fest in Iwakuni, Japan.
Air Force News: Dorm Inspections (Radio)
Package of a recent dorm inspection at Spangdahlem Air Base that was a part of the Quarterly Dorm Competition. Produced by Senior Airman Holly Roberts.
Air Force News: Earth Ball (Radio)
Package of a new way to challenge Marines during the Commander's Cup developed by Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) and Semper Fit. Produced by LCpl. Jacquelyn White.
Air Force News: JEO Fund Raiser Breakfast (Audio Only)
Package of the newly formed Junior Enlisted Organization (J.E.O.) in Yokosuka holding a breakfast fundraiser for the organization. Produced by Petty Officer Matthew Cole. Audio only.
Air Force News: Supporting the Mission (Audio)
Package of an Airman who works as an Aircrew Flight Specialist, working behind-the-scenes, calibrating pilots equipment to help them accomplish their missions and stay alive. Produced by Staff Sgt. Trevor Pedro.
Air Force News: Transient Alert
Package of the key role Airmen of the Transient Alert team had in the 2009 Friendship Festival at Yakota Air Base. Produced by Airman Ryan Lis.
Air Force News: 623rd Returns (Audio)
Package of Camp Zama's 623rd Movement Control Team's homecoming ceremony after their year-long deployment. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Haley Oxborrow.
Air Force News: Back to School Driving Safety, Part 2 (Radio)
Package of Security Forces at Yokota keeping children safe by ensuring people are driving safely as the school year begins. Produced by Tech Sgt. Harry Kibbe.
Air Force News: Law-of-War Training
Package of Marines receiving law-of-war and rules of engagement training from Station Judge Advocate (JAG) representatives at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan. Produced by LCpl. Jacquelyn White.
Air Force News: Hirosaki Clerkship at 35 MDG (Audio)
Package of
Air Force News: Spangdahlem Housing Update (Radio)
Package of new and improved housing being built for residents at Spangdahlem Air Base. Produced by Senior Airman Brad Kasch.
Air Force News: SFS Museum Donation (Radio)
Package of the Security Forces Airmen at Spangdahlem Air Base raising nearly seven thousand dollars to donate to the Security Forces Museum at Lackland Air Force Base. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alex Griffin.
Air Force News: Speed Stacking (Radio)
Package of a physical education program known as speed stacking that helps children improve their concentration while having fun. Produced by Staff Sgt. Yoshi Shinzato.
Air Force News: Rockin' Back-2-Back (Radio)
Package of rock concerts held for troops at Naval Air Facility Atsugi and Yokosuka Naval Base. Produced by Seaman Gabrielle Blake.
Air Force News: Securing the Future (Radio)
Package of U.S. Airman training three delegates from Burkina Faso (western Africa) on how the U.S. military performs security operations. Produced by Staff Sgt. Trevor Pedro.
Air Force News: MALS-12 Power Plants Repairs Engines, Keep Pilots Flying (R
Package of some of the functions and importance of the mission of the power plant shop. Produced by LCpl. Bradley Hanson.
Air Force News: Captain Werner Explains Social Media (Radio)
Package of social media outlets that allow the consumer to define where and from whom they receive their information. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jamie Hawkins.
Air Force News: Cpt. Canady (Radio)
Talks to a reporter about his experience as the USS Essex Commander, as he prepares to leave for another duty assignment.
Air Force News: USS Chosin Deploys
Package about Sailors of the USS Chosin deploying to the Western Pacific. Produced by Nick Tovo.
Air Force News: USAFE Summer Reading Program
Package about volunteers reading to children during the summer on Aviano Air Base, Italy. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Sean Divine.
Air Force News: 31st FW Major Accident Response Exercise
Package about Aviano Air Base holding a Major Accident Response Exercise to test the readiness of first responders on base. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Shane Cronin.
Air Force News: Joint Training Mission
Package of a joint operation between the U.S. Army and Navy on the USS Curtis D. Wilbur. Produced by Petty Officer Hayley Oxborrow.
Air Force News: Hurricane Hunters Hawaii (Radio)
Package of members of the 53rd Reconnaissance Squadron "Hurricane Hunters" working from Hawaii after receiving the call that Hurricane Felicia was threatening the Islands. Produced by Nick Tovo.
Air Force News: Exercise Eagle Flag JTF Port Opening (Radio)
Package of Airmen and Soldiers working together at Naval Air Station New Jersey to transport over 300 pounds of cargo during joint training exercise Eagle Flag. Produced by Tech Sgt. Andrew Fletcher.
Air Force News: Incirlik MMA
Package about an Airman that teaches mixed martial arts to his fellow Airmen at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey. Also see "Air Force News: Incirlik MMA" in the package section. Produced by Airman 1st Class Vanessa Fuentes.
Air Force News: Auto Hobby Shop to the Rescue (Radio)
Package of the individuals who work at the Aviano Air Base Auto Hobby Shop, and the vast array of services they provide to service members and their spouses to keep their automobiles functioning properly. Produced by Airman 1st Class Lauren Lagudi.
Air Force News: Bosnia Combined Endeavor Prep
Package about the preparation beginning for exercise Combined Endeavor which involves 39 nations. Produced by Staff Sgt. Jason David.
Air Force News: CFC (Radio)
Package of Package about the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC), a program started in the 1960's that allows service members to support multiple charities without holding multiple campaigns yearly. Produced by Airman 1st Class Jay Hernandez.. Produced by Airman 1st Class Jay Hernandez.
Air Force News: Passport (Radio)
Package of Package of basic information about passports and the difference between passport types. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alex Griffin.. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alex Griffin.
Air Force News: Canadian Support Hub (Radio)
Package about the importance of the use of Spangdahlem Air Base as a hub to re-supply Canadian troops in Afghanistan. It is a joint mission with the new Canadian Support Group Detachment. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alex Griffin.
Air Force News: Airman Wins Award
Package of the individuals who work at the Aviano Air Base Auto Hobby Shop, and the vast array of services they provide to service members and their spouses to keep their automobiles functioning properly. Produced by Airman 1st Class Lauren Lagudi.
Air Force News: Croatia DEUCE
Package about Deployable Engagement USAFE Construction Engineers (DEUCE) service members working to repair a hospital in Croatia. Produced by Staff Sgt. Lance Heinzelman
Air Force News: Experiencing G-Force
Package of Airmen getting an opportunity to take a flight and feel the effects of acceleration on the body. Produced by Senior Airman Marcella O'Campo.
Air Force News: Career Assistance Advisor (Radio)
Package of a career assistance advisor (CAA) speaking about how he is motivated by helping Airman, and the satisfaction he receives from giving Airmen the benefit of his knowledge and experiences. Produced by Air Force News.
Air Force News: CFAS Undergoes Construction (Radio)
Package of construction at Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo, including both gates being improved to harden entry points. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eric Jones.
Air Force News: Retiree Activities Office
Package about the retired members who run the Retiree Activities Office on Misawa Air Base, Japan. Produced by Petty Officer Eric Crosby.
Air Force News: Djibouti Shoe Drive (Radio)
Package of Airmen at Yokota Air Base having a shoe drive to collect good footwear for the people of Djibouti, Africa. Produced by Airman Ryan Lis.
Air Force News: Pilots Get Wet
Package about pilots learning survival, evasion, readiness and escape (SERE) techniques. Produced by Senior Airman Jesse Ciciora.
Air Force News: U.S. Coast Guard Birthday (Radio)
Package of a celebration held in Japan to honor the U.S. Coast Guard's 219th year protecting shores. Produced by Airman 1st Class Jay Hernandez.
Air Force News: VMFA(AW)-533 Powerlines Run the Flight Line
Package of All Weather Fighter Squadron 533, and how their superior aircraft maintenance and engine work helps keep planes in flight. Produced by LCpl. Bradley Hanson.
Air Force News: Summer Reading Benefits All (Radio)
Package of the reading program at Misawa Air Base, meant to keep parents and children engaged in education during the summer months. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Juan King.
Air Force News: BX Progress (Radio)
Package of the opening of a new base exchange at Okinawa's Kadena Air Base . Produced by LCpl. Michael Krysinski.
Air Force News: U.S. Embassy Visits CFAY (Radio)
Package of the embassy staff from the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, visiting Yokosuka, Japan, to offer service members the opportunity to apply for a passport on base, rather than having to travel to Tokyo. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Adam York.
Air Force News: Career Symposium (Radio)
Package of Combined Naval Forces Japan (CNFJ), holding its first career symposium to update Sailors on policy changes that can affect their careers. Produced by Petty Officer Matthew Cole.
Air Force News: Ramstein WWII Crash Site - Audio Version
Package about the search for WWII fighter pilot remains. Also see "Air Force News: Ramstein WWII Crash Site - Long & Short Versions" in the package section. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Leigh Bellinger.
Air Force News: Bodybuilding Championship
Package about a bodybuilders competition in Japan. Produced by Airman Ryan Lis.
Air Force News: IA Luncheon
Package about a luncheon held in honor of those who serve as Individual Augmentees (IA). Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jamie Hawkins
Air Force News: Load Crew Competition
Package about Airmen in Load Crews competing in a competition in at Spangdahlem Air Base. Produced by Staff Sgt. Jared Frey
Air Force News: USO Provides Free Phones for Sailors
Package about the USO providing free Ipevo phones for Sailors to make free calls home. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza.
Air Force News: Nijmegen-Finishing Strong
Package of the final day of the grueling, one-hundred mile, four-day march, known as "The Walk of the World", that brings participants from numerous countries and continents to participate and celebrate with the people of Nijmegen, Netherlands. Produced by Staff Sgt. Trevor Pedro.
Air Force News: DeCA Makes Improvements
Package about the Defense Commissary Agency is proud to operate 259 commissaries around the world providing groceries to military members and their families in a safe and secure shopping environment. Senior Airman Marcella O'Campo shares how improvements to provide this quality care are a continuous effort.
Air Force News: Dyess Flare RIAT
Package about the 40th Airlift Squadron from Dyess, Texas bringing flare to the Royal International Air Tattoo. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alana Ingram.
Air Force News: H-VAC Airman
Package about an H-VAC Airman demonstrating his job. Produced by Airman 1st Class Joshua Adkins.
Air Force News: Sexual Assault Website
Package about a new Air Force website that allows people to find information on sexual assault. Produced by Senior Airman Alexander Farver. Also see "Sexual Assault Website" in the package section.
Air Force News: Incirlik Dental
Package about how Incirlik's Dental Clinic helps Airmen stay healthy. Produced by Airman 1st Class Vanessa Fuentes.
Air Force News: PMEL (Radio)
Package of the Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory (PMEL), which provides maintenance, repair, calibration, & certification for test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment at a military installation. Produced by Airman Ryan Lis.
Air Force News: Treehouse
Package about Navy Seabees building a treehouse for a local Okinawan kindergarten school. Produced by Lance Cpl. Michael Krysinski.
Air Force News: NMCB40 Commanding Officer Visit (Radio)
Package of Commander Glenn Hubbard, OIC (Officer in Charge) of Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 40, visiting Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo.
Air Force News: Touch N' Go Visits Italy
Package of USAFE (United States Air Force-Europe) bringing their popular American music show to the local nationals of Porcia, Italy. Produced by Tech Sgt. Shane Cronin.
Air Force News: Okinawa Eclipse (Radio)
Package of a solar eclipse that covered Okinawa, Japan, in partial darkness for several hours. Produced by Cpl. Denmark Knapik-Christensen.
Air Force News: Commander's Blog
Package of the Wing Commander using the digital age to reach Airmen. Produced by Staff Sgt. Michael Jackson.
Air Force News: Actiped Tracks Steps (Radio)
Package of a new Air Force program designed to track their fitness by becoming more aware of their everyday activities. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alex Griffin.
Air Force News: Sailors Train on Mark 21 Diving Rig
Package about Navy divers getting the chance to train on heavy duty equipment in Japan. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza.
Air Force News: Chow Hall
Package about the effort that goes into putting out chow for the Marines, and the cooperation between the Marines and the Japanese cooks. Produced by Lance Cpl. Justin Wiemers.
Air Force News: KMCC Services
Package about the services offered by the new Kaiserslautern Military Community Center. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Bret Reinhardt.
Air Force News: Automated DFAC Menu Line (Radio)
Package of an automated phone menu line that ensures customers know what's being offered at their dining facility, and enables the food service workers the time they need to prepare the meals, with minimal interruption. Produced by Staff Sgt. Sasha A. Navarro.
Air Force News: PACANGEL 09 - Dental (Radio)
Package of Air Force dentists working to provide quality dental care for Indonesians during operation "Pacific Angel" 2009. Produced by Sgt. Will Skelton.
Air Force News: PACANGEL 09 - CasEvac
Package of exercise "Pacific Angel" 2009, from the perspective of the Airmen responsible for working with members of the Indonesian army, navy, and air force, to perform casualty evacuation as the U.S. Air Force performs casualty evacuation. Produced by Sgt. Will Skelton.
Air Force News: PACANGEL 09 - Engineers (Radio)
Package of engineering Airmen helping to educate and build with local handymen to repair a bridge that was damaged by flooding as part of operation "Pacific Angel" 2009. Produced by Sgt. Will Skelton.
Air Force News: PACANGEL 09 - Medical (Radio)
Package of operation "Pacific Angel" 2009, from Airmen flight doctors and their technicians perspectives. They have been bringing good will and peace by providing medical care for many Indonesians during the exercise. Produced by Sgt. Will Skelton.
Air Force News: AFCEA
Package about a technology expo, hosted bythe Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association, that allows military members and civilians in the technology field , a chance to meet and talk tech. Also see "Air Force News: AFCEA" in the package section. Produced by Staff Sgt. Lance Heinzelman.
Air Force News: Pacific Angel 09.2 — Indonesia — Optical
Package about Air Force opticians providing optical care to people in Kupang, Indonesia. Produced by Sgt. Will Skelton.
Air Force News: WA- 60K Tunner Competition (Radio)
Package of the 2009 Air Mobility Command Rodeo, where teams from around the world compete for the title of "Best Port Dawg". Produced by Staff Sgt. Corey Parrish.
Air Force News: RIAT Overview
Package of the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT), the world's largest military air show in the world. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alana Ingram.
Air Force News: Diversity (Radio)
Package of the vast ethnic and cultural diversity of the U.S. Navy. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Isaac Needleman.
Air Force News: Typhoon Preparedness (Audio)
Package of the Pacific region typhoon season and ways to maintain awareness and safety during this dangerous time. Produced by Airman Ryan Lis.
Air Force News: Air Force Riat (Radio)
Package of the 2009 Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT), the world's largest military air show, and some of its highlights. Produced by Tech Sgt. Leigh Bellinger.
Air Force News: Movie Theatre (Radio)
Package of the Lajes Field theatre and its supervisor, and their role in keeping up troops morale. Produced by Senior Airman Alex Farver.
Air Force News: HEAT (Radio)
Package of Soldiers stationed on TOR II in Okinawa, training with the Humvee Egress Awareness Trainer (HEAT), which simulates Humvee rollover, to better prepare Soldiers for that situation in combat zones. Produced by LCpl. Daniel Malta.
Air Force News: Sabers Play Golf (Radio)
Package of Germans and Americans participating in the fourth annual Eifel-Friendship Cup tournament in Bitburg, Germany.
Air Force News: Serbian Air Force Visit Spangdahlem Air Base (Radio)
Package of members of the Serbian air force visiting the U.S. Air Force 81st Fighter Squadron, where they tested their skills in a flight simulator and received a brief on the A-10 aircraft. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alex Griffin.
Air Force News: USS Blue Ridge Reaches 30 Years in FDNF (Radio)
Package of the 30th anniversary of the USS Blue Ridge serving as the 7th Fleet's flagship for the forward deployed Naval Forces Japan. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Adam York.
Air Force News: RIAT Gator
Package about the Royal International Air Tattoo at RAF Fairford. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Leigh Bellinger.
Air Force News: Clinic vs. Hospital
Package of the Atsugi Medical Clinic providing for Airmen's needs, except the rare case where they must be referred to the hospital due to the volume of service members the clinic serves causing a limitation of resources. Produced by Airman 1st Class Jay Hernandez.
Air Force News: Military Adoption (Radio)
This edition features a story on a program that reimburses military families for some of the costs associated with adopting children. Produced by Airman 1st Class Michelle DeMers.
Air Force News: Tech. Sgt. Young Receives Bronze Star (Audio Only)
Package of combat photographer Tech. Sgt. Cohen Young receiving the Bronze Star for saving lives while photographing a reconstruction team effort in Iraq in 2008. Produced by Nick Tovo. Audio only.
Air Force News: Ramstein Air Base Honor Guard (Audio Only)
Package of the practice that goes into the precise work done by the honor guard at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Produced by Senior Airman Tiffany Gordon. Audio only.
Air Force News: EMS Implementation (Radio)
Package of Yokosuka Naval Base implementing the environmental management system. Produced by Seaman Gabrielle Blake. Audio only.
Air Force News: Military Working (Radio)
Package of a military dog handler preparing for his upcoming individual augmentee deployment. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza.
Air Force News: Sun Safety
Package about how to be safe in the sun. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny.
Air Force News: Chow Hall Grand Opening (Radio)
Package of the grand opening of the newly renovated Camp Kinser mess hall. Produced by Cpl. Denmark Knapik-Christensen.
Air Force News: German Volunteers (Radio)
Package of volunteers valuable efforts that are vital to multiple events in the National Veterans Wheelchair Games in Spokane, Washington. Produced by Tech Sgt. Steve German.
Air Force News: ATSE Inspection (Radio)
Package of Yokota Air Base recently underwent the Air Traffic System Evaluation and set a new high point. Produced by Airman Ryan Lis.
Air Force News: CMSgt (Ret.) Fredrick J. Finch
Package of former Command Master Sergeant Fredrick J. Finch visiting senior enlisted Airmen at Yakota Air Base as part of an NCO (non-commissioned officer) induction ceremony. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny.
Air Force News: Housing Rules (Radio)
Package of new housing policies taking effect on August 1, 2009, for service members on Island, Okinawa. Produced by LCpl. Michael Krysinski.
Air Force News: Housing Rules - Package
Package about military leaders from all services coming together in Okinawa to approve a new housing policy. Also see "Air Force News: Housing Rules" in the package section. Produced by Lance Cpl. Michael Krysinski.
Air Force News: Camp Schwab USO’s 33rd Birthday
Package about Camp Schwab's USO celebrating their 33rd birthday with an event full of free food, tournaments and entertainment. Produced by Cpl. Amber Watson
Air Force News: Intel IDEA Award
Package about an Airmen who came up with a whole new program to help out his Intel flight. Produced by by Staff Sgt. Jared Frey
Air Force News: Fire Awareness (Radio)
Package of Yokosuka’s fire department Works with The Child Development Home Program, teaching service personnel’s children about fire safety and prevention. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Matthew Cole.
Air Force News: Cultural Language Exchange Program (Radio)
Package of Japanese and U.S. Soldiers taking part in a cultural language exchange program that fosters good communications and better understanding between the two nations service members. Produced by Staff Sgt. Yoshi Shinzato.
Air Force News: Japan's Emporer (Radio)
Package of Japan's Emporer, Akihito and Empress Michiko visiting Hawaii for their first Imperial visit in 15 years. Produced by Nick Tovo.
Air Force News: Terri's Swim (Radio)
Package of a courageous woman competing in the swimming competition at the National Veterans Wheelchair Games, who has limited use of her hands and feet. Produced by Tech Sgt. Steve German.
Air Force News: Air Guns
Package about a contestant in the National Veteran's Wheelchair Games. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Steve German. Also see "Air Force News: Air Guns" in the package section
Air Force News: Trevor Romain (Radio)
Package of Trevor Romain, an author and illustrator who teaches children how to deal with various problems they face throughout their lives, while incorporating humor into the lessons he teaches through his books, television show, and DVD series. Produced by Airman 1st Class Lauren Lagudi.
Air Force News: Pacific Magazine,Tendon Valiant 2009
Package of U.S. Soldiers taking part in a number of bi-lateral operations with their Indonesian counterparts. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class A.C. Rainey
Air Force News: Brig. Gen. Williams Soundbite
Brig. Gen. Williams thanking those who made his tenure as Commander of 18th Wing a successful one. Audio only. Also see "Air Force News: Brig. Gen. Williams Change of Command Package" in the Video Packages section.
Air Force News: Cyber Bullying (Radio)
Package about cyber bullying, when someone harasses somebody else using interactive technologies such as instant messaging, texting, or any hate web sites. Produced by Senior Airman Alex Farver.
Air Force News: Painted Heavies (Radio)
Package of an Airman who adds a touch of artistry to her job by painting the simulated heavy equipment (Heavies) that are dropped from C-130s. Produced by Tech Sgt. Leigh Bellinger.
Air Force News: Basic Military Requirement Course
Package about Sailors who attended a basic military requirement course to gear up for the up coming advancement exams. Produced by PO3 Benjamin Dobbs.
Air Force News: H&HS Competition
Package about a competition for career Marines, that's meant to challenge their body, mind and spirit. Also see "Air Force News: H&HS Competition" in the package section. Produced by Lance Cpl. Bradley Hanson.
Air Force News: Pilot's Weahterman
Package about Aviano Air Base's weatherman and how he is always on duty if someone is flying. Produced by Airman 1st Class Lauren Lagudi.
Air Force News: Supermom (Radio)
Package of a mom, who is not only a mother of two, but the winner of the Ultrabodies 2009 competition for women overall, the women's figure category, and the best abs award. She is also a personal trainer. Produced by Airman 1st Class Lauren Lagudi.
Air Force News: AFRICOM Senior Leader Engagement - Part 2 (Radio)
Package of Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) from Africa attending a leadership conference hosted by 17th U.S. Air Force and intended to increase NCO development programs and build sustained partnerships. Produced by Tech Sgt. Bret Reinhardt.
Air Force News: Patriot Sailors Work in Base Galley (Radio)
Package of the Sailors of U.S.S. Patriot serving food to their fellow Sailors to provide the best food possible to their shipmates and command during the ship undergoing repairs. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza.
Air Force News: Submariner (Radio)
Package about Naval medical officers, their qualifications for submariner life, as well as some of the present challenges for female medical officers on submarines. Produced by Petty Officer Matthew Cole.
Air Force News: Personnel Records Display Application (PRDA) [Radio]
Package of the new online system that gives Airman convenient access to personnel documents. Produced by Staff Sgt. Michael Jackson.
Air Force News: IED Road (Radio)
Package of Marines learning about improvised explosive devices (IEDs) on a training site near Camp Hansen. Produced by L.Cpl. Michael Krysinski.
Air Force News: Yokota Asthma Clinic
Package about an asthma clinic at Yokota Air base. Also see "Air Force News: Yokota Asthma Clinic - Short and Long Versions" in the package section. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Isaac Needleman
Air Force News: Navy Families
Package of the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy revealing how the Navy is fostering communication between Sailors and their families. Produced by Petty Officer Isaac Needleman. Also see "Air Force News: Navy Families - Short and Long Versions" in the package section.
Air Force News: CFAS Sailors Participate in an Emergency Vehicle Drivers Co
Package of Master-at-Arms Specialists participating in EVOC, a course designed to teach driving rules and techniques while operating an emergency vehicle. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Myrick.
Air Force News: AETC Det Trains (Radio)
Package of Airmen who are skilled circuit board surgeons. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alex Griffin.
Air Force News: Basketball Camp
Package about an aide at Incirlik's Youth Program, who uses his love of basketball to teach kids. Also see "Air Force News: Basketball Camp" in the video section. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Matt Lichtenberg.
Air Force News: Fallen Airman (Radio)
Package of a memorial service at Lajes Field, Azores, for a fallen Airman who was serving there and had served her unit, the Air Force, and her nation with distinction. Produced by Senior Airman Alexander Farver.
Air Force News: Baker Band Performs at Misawa
Package of an Airman, stationed at Misawa Air Base, Japan, and his wife performing as a music duo for audiences at the air base. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eric Crosby. Audio only.
Air Force News: America Fest 2009
Package of the United Service Organization (USO) performing on Independence Day for service members, their families and the local Okinawans at Kadena Air Base, Japan. Produced by Lance Cpl. Frances Candelaria. Audio only.
Air Force News: Bi-lateral Picnic (Radio)
Package of 5th Air Force Engineers and Logisticians who came to enjoy a picnic at Yokota Air Base to celebrate the 4th of July with their Japanese counterparts, and the local community. Produced by Sgt. Will Skelton.
Air Force News: ADC (Radio)
Package about the Area Defense Council (ADC) and how they may assist service members facing disciplinary action. Produced by Airman 1st Class Joshua Adkins.
Air Force News: Army Prepares TAC-Ps for Deployment (Radio)
Package of Infantry Soldiers training Tactical Air Control Party (TAC-P) Airmen for an upcoming deployment. Produced by Tech Sgt. Elicia Summerville.
Air Force News: Midshipmen Visit (Radio)
Package of NROTC midshipmen from the U.S. and their Japanese counterparts coming together to interact and experience how each of the respective nation's Naval forces operate. Produced by Seaman Gabrielle Blake.
Air Force News: LRMC Mission / Change of Command (Radio)
Package about the renowned Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, and its recent transition of leadership. Produced by Staff Sgt. Rob Joswiak.
Air Force News: Paris Airshow (Radio)
Package of the International Air Show in France showcasing a California Air National Guard pilot, and the C-130J aircraft he flies. Produced by Senior Airman Tiffany Gordon.
Air Force News: COMPACAF General Chandler Visits Yokota AB
Package about Pacific Air Forces Commander, Gen. Howie Chandler, visiting bases throughout the Pacific before becoming the thirty-fifth Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force. Produced by Airman Ryan Lis. Also see "COMPACAF General Chandler Visits Yokota AB" in the video section.
Air Force News: Zama Command March
Package about a member of a military band who wrote a song for her base. Produced by Sgt. Will Skelton.
Air Force News: Baffin Strait 1 (Radio)
Package of U.S. Coast Guard inspectors insuring the safety of a sea vessel by performing a ship inspection. Produced by Sgt. Charlie Maib.
Air Force News: California Superbike School
Package about the California Superbike School teaching military riders some important lessons about motorcycle safety. Produced by Cpl. Amber Watson
Air Force News: Camp A.R.M.Y. Challenge
Package of children of service members at Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany participating in the Camp A.R.M.Y. (Adventure, Resilience, Memories, Youth) Challenge and taking culinary classes to learn how to make healthy food choices even when their parents aren't around. Produced by Senior Airman Holly Roberts.
Air Force News: American Red Cross Volunteer Awards
Package of the annual awards ceremony in which American Red Cross volunteers are being recognized for their work at Yokosuka, Japan. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Honey Nixon.
Air Force News: UH-1 Huey
Package of UH-1 Huey helicopters being used in the military from the Vietnam war until today. Produced by Staff Sgt. Anthony Kuhn. Audio only.
Air Force News: Operation Air Force (Radio)
Package of U.S. Air Force Cadets experiencing a close air support mission performed by the 8th Air Support Operations Squadron (ASOS) near the mountains of Aviano, Italy, as part of the training exercise Operation Air Force. Produced by Tech Sgt. Shane Cronin.
Air Force News: Credit Card Responsiblity (Radio)
Package of the advantages of owning and responsibly using credit cards. Produced by Senior Airman Alex Farver.
Air Force News: Join Spouse Assignments (Radio)
Package of married service members being stationed together after permanent change of stations thanks to the Join Spouse Program. Produced by Airman 1st Class Michelle DeMers.
Air Force News: American Red Cross Volunteer Awards
Package of the annual awards ceremony in which American Red Cross volunteers are being recognized for their work at Yokosuka, Japan. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Honey Nixon.
Air Force News: UH-1 Huey
Package of UH-1 Huey helicopters being used in the military from the Vietnam war until today. Produced by Staff Sgt. Anthony Kuhn.
Air Force News: Sailors Participate in CONSEP Course (Radio)
Package of Sailors taking part in the Career Options in Navy Skills Evaluation Program. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Grant Stolz.
Air Force News: American Red Cross Volunteer Awards
Package of the annual awards ceremony in which American Red Cross volunteers are being recognized for their work at Yokosuka, Japan. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Honey Nixon.
Air Force News: UH-1 Huey
Package of UH-1 Huey helicopters being used in the military from the Vietnam war until today. Produced by Staff Sgt. Anthony Kuhn.
Air Force News: Space Available Travel (Radio)
Package of how the military provides space available travel to service members, and some of the rules and regulations of the program. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny.
Air Force News: Ohio Guardsmen in Italy (Radio)
Pakcage of Package of Public Affairs Airmen in the Ohio Air National Guard doing their annual training at Aviano Air Base, Italy, and how they share their skills and experience with the rest of the Public Affairs shop. Produced by Airman 1st Class Lauren Lagudi.
Air Force News: Ashihara Karate (Radio)
Package of service members relieving stress and improving their combat skills while learning about Japanese culture through the martial art karate. Produced by Lance Cpl. Bradley Hanson.
Air Force News: Teen Social Networking (Radio)
Package of a teen leadership conference focused on using popular social networking websites in a safe and responsible manner. Produced by Senior Airman Rob Joswiak.
Air Force News: Yokosuka - Anti-DUI
Package of the anti-DUI campaign being held at Naval Air Facility Atsugi to encourage people to be safe and avoid drinking and driving. Produced by Seaman Gabrielle Blake. Audio only.
Air Force News: Aircrew Flight Equipment (Radio)
Package of Airmen who ensure pilots have all of their protective and emergency equipment and that all the equipment is maintained at the highest level. Produced by Staff Sgt. Anthony Kuhn.
Air Force News: CFAS Sailors and Community Members Graduate College (Radio)
Package of Sailors receiving college degrees in a graduation ceremony at the Community Education Center in Sasebo, Japan. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza.
Air Force News: Crash Recovery Exercise (Radio)
Package about how the base responders would deal with an emergency situation, specifically here, an F-16 crash on base, by simulating a base-wide exercise in which the responders were evaluated. Produced by Staff Sgt. Michael Jackson.
Air Force News: AFPC Spread the Word Tour
Package about the Air Force Personnel Center holding briefings to discuss various personnel topics that affect Airmen,and civilians. Produced by Senior Airman George Solis. Also see "Air Force News: AFPC Spread the Word Tour" in the package section.
Air Force News: Best Air Force Post Office
Package of Yokota Post Office being awarded the Air Force Outstanding Large Postal Facility for 2008. Produced by Senior Airman Priscilla Christensen. Audio only.
Air Force News: Best Air Force Post Office
Package of Yokota Post Office being awarded the Air Force Outstanding Large Postal Facility for 2008. Produced by Senior Airman Priscilla Christensen.
Air Force News: Best Air Force Post Office
Package of Yokota Post Office being awarded the Air Force Outstanding Large Postal Facility for 2008. Produced by Senior Airman Priscilla Christensen.
Air Force News: A K9's Resilience (Radio)
Package of how military working dogs have remained a steadfast constant continuing to serve alongside their fellow service members since the 1940's. Produced by Senior Airman Marcella O'Campo.
Air Force News: CFAS LCAC Dry Dock Station (Radio)
Package of construction to keep Landing Craft Air Cushions (LCAC) mission ready at Fleet Activities Sasebo, Japan. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Myrick.
Air Force News: Vienna Document (Radio)
Package of over ninety foreign military members and diplomats taking a tour of Aviano Air Base, Italy, as part of an agreement signed in Vienna in 1999 that basically states that the signatory nations have a right to visit each other in order to build security and cooperations among nations. Produced by Airman 1st Class Joshua Adkins.
Air Force News: Portfolio (Audio Only)
Package of a seminar preparing service members to enter the civilian job market after leaving the military. Produced by Lance Cpl. Daniel Malta. Audio only.
Air Force News: Corpsman Birthday (Radio)
Package of Corpsmen at the branch health clinic celebrating their birthday. Produced by Sgt. Todd Crowell.
Air Force News: Post-Grunge Band Seether Visits Sasebo
Package of the post-grunge band Seether visited Commander Fleet Activities Sasebo to show their appreciation for the men and women of the Armed Forces there. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza.
Air Force News: FTAC Follow-Up
Package of an Airmen arriving at his first base and receiving preparatory training of transitioning into Air Force life more easily through a course provided by the First Term Airmen Center. Produced by Tech Sgt. Leigh Bellinger.
Air Force News: U.S.S. John C. Stennis
Package about the U.S.S. John C. Stennis stopping in Pearl Harbor as part of a 6-month deployment to the western Pacific. Produced by Nick Tovo and Tech Sgt. Elicia Summerville.
Air Force News: Air Force Academy Band, Blue Steel, Visits Home For Boys
Package about the Air Force Academy Band visiting a home for boys in Victoria, Grenada as part of Operation Southern Partner. Produced by Tech Sgt. Lee Hoover.
Air Force News: NCAA Coaches Tour (Radio)
Package of NCAA coaches visiting service members in Lanstuhl and Ramstein bases in Germany during an Armed Forces Entertainment tour. Produced by Tech Sgt. Greg Bluethmann.
Air Force News: CFAS Honors Sailors of the Year
Package of a banquet to honor top Sailors from each command held at Fleet Activities Sasebo. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Myrick.
Air Force News: Yokota High APHM
Package of Yokota High School's Asian Pacific Heritage Month celebration showcasing demonstrations from fellow students and base organizations to highlight Asian Pacific American culture. Produced by Staff Sgt. Yoshi Shinzato.
Air Force News: Battle of the Badge
Package about a dodge ball game between Aviano's Security Forces Squadron and Fire Department for the Battle of the Badge. Produced by Airman 1st Class Lauren Lagudi.
Air Force News: Iwakuni Fiber Optics
Package about barracks being wired with fiber optic cable. Produced by Lance Cpl. Tony Orth. Also see "Air Force News - Iwakuni Fiber Optics" in the package section.
Air Force News: Memorial Ceremony
Package about Marines, Sailors, civilians and Japanese local nationals coming together to commemorate those who served and died in combat. Produced by Lance Cpl. Samantha Means.
Air Force News: Role Players Rob Misawa Inn - Package
Package about how Misawa AB, Japan, takes action apprehending role players getting more bite for their buck. Also see "Role Players Rob Misawa Inn - Package" in the package section. Produced by Airman 1st Class Marcella O’Campo .
Air Force News: Nothing Gets Past These Gates - Package
Package about a training exercise where gate security guards are tested on how they handle visitors passing through the gate. Also see "Nothing Gets Past These Gates" in the audio section. Produced by Airman 1st Calss Marcella O’Campo.
Air Force News: Sasebo-Post 9-11 GI Bill
Package about a class to educate service members about a re-vamped educational benefit. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Joseph Schmitt. Also see "Sasebo-Post 9-11 GI Bill" in the package section.
Air Force News: Soto Dam Memorial *(Audio Only)
Package about Sailors visiting the local dam that was constructed in memorial to the 55 American and 14 Japanese personnel who died during its construction during World War II. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jamie Hawkins.
Air Force News: Circuit Training *(Audio Only)
Package about how Airman at Yokota have modified their physical training regiment for some dynamic results. Produced by Airman 1st Class Jay Hernandez.
Air Force News: Noncombatant Evacuation Operation *(Audio Only)
Package about family members at Osan Air Base, Korea spending an inexpensive weekend in Japan for participating in an evacuation exercise designed to help U.S. Forces Korea and Yokota Air Base to exercise their respective responsibilities for a noncombatant evacuation operation. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny.
Air Force News: Crossroads Base Paper *(Audio Only)
Package about the Lajes Field base paper, the Crossroads Extra, and how its content is held to the highest standard and relevant to the local community. Produced by Tech Sgt. Justin Fairley.
Air Force News: Jump CP *(Audio Only)
Package about the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit Command Element communication conducting a jump command post exercise in preparation for their upcoming deployment Talesman Saber 2009. Produced by Cpl. Mandy Castillo
Air Force News: Japanese Entry Controllers
Package about civilian guards showing how they help Security Forces provide security for the base population. Produced by Staff Sgt. Yoshi Shinzato.
Air Force News: Mildenhall 75th Anniversary
Package about the R.A.F. Mildenhall 75th Anniversary celebration. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alana Ingram.
Air Force News: 35th Fighter Wing Readiness Exercise
Package about the 35th Fighter Wing going through readiness exercises in multiple scenarios. Produced by Petty Officer Juan King.
Air Force News: PACAF Delivers Marines to Afghanistan *(Audio Only)
Package about the 535th Airlift Squadron inserting the first wave of Marines from Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii to the front lines in southern Afghanistan. Produced by Tech Sgt. Elicia Summerville.
Air Force News: Environment Leave Program
Package about the program that gives service members stationed overseas an opportunity to return to their homes and families without having to bear the usual financial burden that it would ordinarily cost. Tech Sgt. Justin Fairley.
Air Force News: Spangdahlem's Environmental Information Fair *(Audio Only)
Package about Spangdahlem Air Base's effort(s) to educate and enrich the local youth by promoting awareness and appreciation for the environment. Produced by Staff Sgt. Lovely Benavides.
Air Force News: Ramstein K-9 MOUT Training *(Audio Only)
Package about Security Forces K9 handlers training at the MOUT site in Baumholder, Germany as part of a two week course called Creek Defender to prepare for their upcoming deployments. Produced by Tech Sgt. Bret Reinhardt.
Air Force News: Educator's Legacy *(Audio Only)
Package about a teacher that has been educating and motivating children at Misawa Air Base for twenty years. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Juan King.
Air Force News: First Misawa JDAM Strike (Radio)
Package of Airmen who train extensively building JDAM bombs, ensuring precision in their craft so pilots can be successful when employing the weaponry, because any step being missed could have catastrophic consequences. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eric Crosby.
Air Force News: Lorraine Cemetery *(Audio Only)
Package about the largest American World War II cemetery in Europe, the legacy of the heroes it honors, and what it means to survivors. Produced by Tech Sgt. Colleen Armstrong.
Air Force News: First Sergeant Discusses DUIs
Package about when Airmen make the decision to get behind the wheel while intoxicated and what takes place after a DUI arrest from a First Sergeant's perspective. Produced by Senior Airman Alexander Farver.
Air Force News: Typhoon Ready *(Audio Only)
Package about exercise "Typhoon Ready", an annual United States Forces Japan sponsored joint command post exercise designed to increase tropical cyclone preparedness. Produced by Staff Sgt. Anthony Kuhn.
Air Force News: Airmen Test Jet Engine *(Audio Only)
Package about the Misawa Air Base engine repair facilities, one of few such type facilities in existence, and the crew members that work there. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eric Crosby.
Air Force News: Volunteer Recognition Luncheon
Package about Yokota Air Base recognizing those who dedicate some of their time volunteering. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny.
Air Force News: 7000 Flight Hours
Package about an F-16 fighter jet that is eight hours from reaching a landmard 7,000 flight hours. Produced by A1C Joshua Adkins.
Air Force News: Sream TV
Package about Sexual Assault Awareness month and the Sexual Assault Victim Intervention organization, known as S.A.V.I giving service members sexual assault awareness training in the form of a play. Produced by Seaman Matthew Cole.
Air Force News: Misawa Recycles
Package about recycling and waste management at Misawa Air Base. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Juan King
Air Force News: Cherry Blossom Festival
Package about service members attending the Cherry Blossom Festival in northern Japan. Produced by Staff Sgt. Sasha Neuvaro
Air Force News: Filipino American Association Induction Ball *(Audio Only
Package about the Filipino-American Association inducting new members into officer positions during their annual ball. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza.
Air Force News: Tour de Tama
Package about Japanese and Americans participating in the mountain bike race the Tour de Tama. Produced by Petty Officer Isaac Needleman.
Air Force News: Hawaii Military Appreciation Month
Package about a celebration honoring service members from Hawaii in 2009. Produced by Nick Tovo.
Air Force News: Command Sgt. Maj. Forum *(Audio Only)
Package about the joint senior enlisted panel for all branches of military service gathering at the Kadena Theater to answer questions and listen to ideas from service members about bettering quality of life and improving things within the branches. Produced by LCpl. Amber Watson.
Air Force News: Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century (AFSO 21) *
Package about an initiative known as AFSO 21, designed to bring innovation for Airmen to the forefront, resulting in a smarter, better, more efficient Air Force.
Air Force News: Ramstein Ricketts Feature *(Audio Only)
Package about a U.S. Airman whose dedication is helping Polish Airmen stand up their first C-130 Squadron. Produced by Staff Sgt. Trevor Pedro.
Air Force News: Balikatan 2009 Closing Ceremony
Package about Balikatan 2009 officially coming to an end with its closing ceremony. Produced by Cpl. Mandy Castillo.
Air Force News: Fast Rope Training (Audio Only)
Package about the AFP conducting fast rope training with U.S. Marines. Produced by Cpl. Mandy Castillo.
Air Force News: Holocaust Rememberance Service
Package of a memorial service for victims of the holocaust as well as a speech by a survivor who now devotes his time to the holocaust in Cambodia. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny. Audio only.
Air Force News: Col. Reeves, Lt. Col. Davis
Talk to WHAS reporter in Lousiville, KY, about their duties providing food, fuel and ammunition to all of Iraq, how they are celebrating the Kentucky Derby, what they miss most about home and missing the Derby, how watching the Derby and communicating with family during the race can boost morale, who their favorite horse in the race is. Audio only.
Air Force News: Command Sgt. Maj. Sangren
Talks to a KKWF reporter about how long his has been in the Army, why he volunteered for deployment, what a typical day is like for him, how safe he feels inside the base, the pride he has in his work, getting the Iraqis clean water, when he expects to return home and sends a shout out to family and friends.
Air Force News: Command Sgt. Maj. Sangren
Talks to a KXYL-FM reporter about his job while overseas, working with civilian volunteers, working with Iraqi locals, the reactions from Iraqis citizens, how many projects he has going at one time, the varying times projects take to complete, how much work is left to be done, visiting on-going projects and seeing the reactions of the Iraqi people. Audio only.
Air Force News: Planting a Friendship (Audio Only)
Airmen at Manas wanted to do their part to show their respect for Mother Nature...they chose to do this by planting trees just outside of the base. TSgt Harry Kibbe reports from the base near Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
Air Force News: Cav - Roundup - 57
This edition features stories on: Soldiers with the 56th Stryker Brigade Combat Team work with Iraqi security forces to set up a temporary checkpoint outside of Baghdad. (This story produced by Sgt. Stephanie Logue, Multi-National Division-Baghdad, Public Affairs Office); Over 537 Iraqi police graduate from al-Furat Police Academy. (This story produced by Sgt. Lisa Heise, MND-B Public Affairs Office.) Produced by Sgt. Lisa Heise, MND-B Public Affairs Office.
Air Force News: CFAS Sasebo Elementary Science Fair *(Audio Only)
Package about a Science Fair for students to show off their hard work and interact with parents and teachers during healthy competition. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Myrick.
Air Force News: UFC Visit
Package about three Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fighters visiting the aeromedical staging facility on Ramstein Air Base. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Bret Reinhardt
Air Force News: Armed with Science, Ep. 13: Automatic Collision Avoidance T
Package of the Automatic Collision Avoidance Technology (ACAT) developed at NASA and the Department of Defense for the Fighter Risk Reduction Program. Audio only.
Air Force News: Click N Ship - USPS (Audio Only)
Package about service members in Germany gaining the ability to save time through a new way to ship packages courtesy of the U.S. postal service. Produced by Senior Airman Rob Joswiak.
Air Force News: Citizen
Package about a Sailor becoming a U.S. citizen while overseas. Produced by Sgt. Andrew Milner
Air Force News: Koto Recital
Package about an American woman who plays traditional Japanese music with Japanese musicians. Produced by Petty Officer Rainey.
Air Force News: Yokosuka-Negishi Friendship *(Audio Only)
Package about the Negishi Friendship Festival, an open-base event that enables Fleet Activities Yokosuka Sailors and the local Japanese community to fellowship. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Eric Bodkin.
Air Force News: Sports Day (Audio Only)
Package about U.S. and Filipino forces taking some time away from work during Balikatan 2009 to enjoy a game of basketball to boost morale, take the edge off work, and show sportsmanship. Produced by Cpl. Mandy Castillo.
Air Force News: Joint Task Force (Audio Only)
Package about Philippine and U.S. service members working together during Balikatan by developing fictional crisis scenarios and then devising the most effective plan to respond to these scenarios. Produced by Airman 1st Class Jay Hernandez.
Air Force News: Convoy Training (Audio Only)
Package about Marines from MCAS Iwakuni performing convoy operations outside their Air Station to enhance their operational capabilities. Produced by LCpl. Emari Traffie.
Air Force News: Hospital Corpsman Find Rewarding Specialty in Dental Prosth
Package about a Navy hospital corpsman finding satisfaction and a medium for his artistic flair in the specialty of dental prosthetics. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Honey Nixon.
Air Force News: Driving Under the Influence Awareness *(Audio Only)
Package about the command at CFAS taking many steps to try to deter people from the possibility of drinking and driving. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza.
Air Force News: Iwakuni Culture Tour *(Audio Only)
Package about the Cultural Adaptation Tour, which is a guided tour of points of interest off the base designed to help Americans living on MCAS Iwakuni learn more about Japan, its culture, and what it has to offer. Produced by LCpl. Marc Morgenstern.
Air Force News: Biggest Dodgeball Game
Package about Yokosuka Air Base attempting to break a world record for most people in a dodge ball game. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Adam York.
Air Force News: Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Package about April being the month of sexual assault awareness month. Produced by Staff Sgt. Yoshi Shinzato
Air Force News: HAWC Programs *(Audio Only)
Package about Air Force leadership instituting and managing programs to help Airmen improve their quality of life, eat well and maintain peak fitness. Produced by Airman Lauren Lagudi.
Air Force News: New BX *(Audio Only)
Package about the new base exchange being built at Kadena Air base that will be the second largest exchange facility. Produced by LCpl. Daniel Malta.
Air Force News: Lester Middle School Registration
Package about parents registering students at Lester Middle School in Okinawa and how it is much easier this time around.
Air Force News: Hario Commissary Store Reset (Audio Only)
Package about Commander Fleet activities Sasebo's Commissary upgrading their food selection to better serve their patrons. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza.
Air Force News: Cost of Living Allowance
Package about the cost of living allowance in Europe. Produced by Airman 1st Class Joshua Adkins.
Air Force News: Mass Casualty
Package about first responders aboard MCAS Iwakuni practicing responding to an aircraft mishap during the Friendship Day air show. Produced by Sgt. Andrew Milner.
Air Force News: Iron Chef
Package about Airmen testing their culinary skills. Produced by Tech. Sgt. John Anderson.
Air Force News: Space Available Travel
Package about the return on the Patriot Express raising questions about Space Available Travel. Produced by Lance Cpl. Emari Traffie.
Air Force News: Middle School Comrel
Package of Sailors helping at a local middle school in Japan. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jamie Hawkins.
Air Force News: Total Fit
Package about Airmen becoming more fit to fight. Produced by Staff Sgt. Lance Heinzelman.
Air Force News: Youth Bowling League
Package about a student who's bowling skill is opening opportunities. Produced by Staff Sgt. Jared Frey.
Air Force News: Hickam Recycling
Package of a recycling center program at Hickam Air Force Base. Produced by Nick Tovo
Air Force News: Team Stars & Stripes
Package of the second annual Global Challenge Bowl. Produced by Seaman Gabrielle Blake
Air Force News: Women in the Military
Package of the month of March being dedicated to honor women serving in the armed forces. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza.
Air Force News: School Screening
Package of doctors making a visit to a local school as part of Operation Arctic Care. Produced by Airmen 1st Class Jay Hernandez
Air Force News: Music in Our Schools
Package about the USAFE band percussion trio performing for students at the Ramstein intermediate school, while offering a closer look at the art of music to young students. Produced by Tech Sgt. Greg Bluethmann.
Air Force News: Ecological Day
Package about volunteers helping to clean the Aviano community on Ecological Day. Produced by Airman 1st Class Joshua Adkins.
Air Force News: Yokosuka DLA Day
Package about the Defense Distribution Depot hosting DLA Day, an exposition that allows the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) to showcase its various organizations. Produced by Petty Officer Eric Bodkin.
Air Force News: Aircrew Flight Equipments
Package of a shop that maintains service ability of all Aircrew flight equipment. Produced by Staff Sgt. Alana Ingram
Air Force News: Kid's Safety
Package about what families and kids need to know about staying safe in Okinawa. Produced by Lance Cpl. Michael Krysinski.
Air Force News: Wine Tasting Festival
Package of service members attending a wine tasting festival. Produced by Cpl. Nick Sweet
Air Force News: Aircrew Flight Equipment
Package of Airmen performing maintenance and inspection on aircrew equipment in preparation for deployment. Produced by Satff Sgt. Alana Ingram. Also see "Air Force News: Aircrew Flight Equipment" in the video section.
Air Force News: Wine Tasting Festival
Package of service members attending the Winter Wine Tasting Festival in Iwakuni, Japan. Produced by Cpl. Nick Sweet. Also see "Air Force News: Wine Tasting Festival" in the video section.
Air Force News: Internet Operations Security
Package about how military leaders are concerned with operations security on social networking sites. Produced by Staff Sgt. Todd Kabalan.
Air Force News: 300
Package about base units competing in strength and stamina exercises. Produced by Lance Cpl. Tony Orth.
Air Force News: Chief Recognition Dinner
Package about Chief Master Sgt. selectees are recognize at Yokota Air Base through a special dinner. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny.
Air Force News: First C-17 Thai Airdrop
Package about Hickam and Elmendorf aircrews (517th and 535th) flying the first Thai personnel airdrop on a C17. Other airmen involved are from Andersen AFB and Kadena AB. Thai personnel are from Royal Thai Air Force and Army units. Produced by Tech Sgt. Renee Cristomo.
Air Force News: Women's History Month
Package about the Yokosuka Diversity Empowerment committee celebrating Women’s History Month at a a luncheon honoring Ann Jackson. The theme of the luncheon iss “Women Taking the Lead to Save Our Planet.” Produced by MCSA Gabrielle Blake.
Air Force News: Tax Center
Package of a Marine using the Iwakuni Marine Corps Air Station tax center to file her taxes, and show others how easy and proficient the process can be. Produced by Lance Cpl. Emari Traffie.
Air Force News: The New MOC
Package of firefighters at Aviano Air Base training for car accident rescues using a new piece of equipment that will improve response time. Produced by Staff Sgt. Todd Kabalan.
Air Force News: Hawaii KC135 Refuels Fighters
Package about the Hawaii Air National Guard unit deploying a KC135 Stratotanker to support Cope Tiger exercise. Produced by Tech Sgt. Renee Crisostomo.
Air Force News: Warrior 101
Package of a service members taking a class that offers a full body workout. Produced by Sgt. Andrew Milner
Air Force News: Thracian Spring 09 Package
Package about an annual joint exercise between the U.S. and Bulgarian Air Forces. Also see "Thracian Spring 09 Package" in the video section. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Leigh Bellinger.
Air Force News: Arctic Optical Care
Package about Air Force Opticians providing optical care to Alaskan locals during Operation Arctic Care 2009. Also see "Air Force News: Arctic Optical Care Package" in the video section. Produced by Airman 1st Class Jay Hernandez.
Air Force News: A.S.A Softball
Package about the Director of Membership Services of the Amateur Softball Association of America coming to Yokosuka Naval Base to host a softball clinic. Produced by Petty Officer Eric Bodkin.
Air Force News: CFAS and FRC Exchange Recipes
Package about Sasebo's Family Readiness Center celebrating St. Patrick's Day by sharing Irish food with their Japanese counterparts. Produced by Petty Officer Brandon Myrick.
Air Force News: Dental Humanitarian
Package of medical teams setting up temporary clinics to provide free care to Thai residents. Produced by Tech Sgt. Crisostomo
Around the Air Force - March 16
This edition features stories on a message to Airmen from Gen. Norton Swartz, a Japanese family receiving a Japanese flag from World War II, training exercise Cope Tiger, a dentist coming to Quinhagak, Alaska and the C-17 Globemaster III reaching a manufacturing milestone. Hosted by Senior Airman Robbie Arp.
Air Force News: Unit Stays Ready With Back to Back Deployments Package
Package about a little known squadron staying busy with back to back deployments. Also see "Unit Stays Ready With Back to Back Deployments Package" in the video section. Produced by Lance Corporal Emari Traffie.
Air Force News: Wing Man Day
Package about residents of Yokota and Fussa enjoying "Music Across the Border" the first international joint band concert. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny.
Air Force News: Home Front Heroes
Package about how parents at Yokota Air Base are breaking the mold and nominating their children for a unique citation and medal ceremony. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny.
Air Force News: Dragon Eagle Taiko Team
Package of American Taiko drummers practicing at Misawa Air Base. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Juan King. Also see "Dragon Eagle Taiko Team" in the video section.
Air Force News: St. Patrick's Day Run
Package of runners coming out to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Produced by Lance Cpl. Emari Traffie.
Air Force News: ESTA
Package about an Airman stationed at Yakota Base performing on stage and getting a chance to travel the world. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny.
Air Force News: CNFJ Gold Safety Award
Packageabout CFAS winning the CNFJ gold award 10 of the past 11 years. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jamie Hawkins.
Air Force News: Boss Child
Package of Soldiers commenting about enjoying playing with local children in the Okinawan community. Produced by Cpl Denmark Knapik-Christensen.
Air Force News: Children's Judo Team
Package of children participating in a Judo class at Lajes Field in the Azores. Produced by Staff Sgt. Michael McCool.
Air Force News: Bilateral Guard & Protect Package
Package of Japan’s Ground and Air Self Defense Forces joining the U.S.'s 35th Security Forces Squadron in a 24 hour Guard and Protect Exercise. Also see "Air Force News: Bilateral Guard & Protect Package" in the package section. Produced by Airman 1st Class Marcella O’Campo.
Air Force News: USS Denver Undergoes SRA
Package of the USS Denver undergoing ship restricted availability (SRA) for maintenance and upgrades to the ship. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Jamie Hawkins
Air Force News: Aviano Slovenian Air Force Visit
Package of American and Slovenian Airmen building partnership capability by conducting live air control exercises. Produced by Priscilla Christensen.
Air Force News: F-15 Avionics Cope Tiger
Package of the joint field training exercise Cope Tiger. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Renee Crisostomo
Air Force News: Service Members Vs. the Economy
Package of how the economy is affecting service members overseas. Produced by Staff Sgt. Jason David
Air Force News: Child Development Screenings
Package of children being screened to help prepare them for school. Produced by Airman 1st Class Jonathan Porter
Air Force News: Generations
Package of different generation members in the military service learn from each other. Produced by Staff Sgt. Todd Kabalan
Air Force News: Read Across America Week
Package about children participating in a week of reading and a parade dressed as their favorite story book characters. Produced by Lance Cpl. Emari Traffie.
Air Force News: Dog Days
Package about celebrating a day for the dogs on base, where the pool is open only to dogs and their families, giving k-9 members a chance to exercise and interact each other. Produced by Tech Sgt. Rose McGuffin.
Air Force News: Yokosuka-Environmental Award
Package of the annual Chief of Naval Operations awards program recognizing ships, installations, and individuals or teams for exceptional environmental stewardship. Produced by MC2 Eric Bodkin.
Air Force News: Meet the Browns
Package of a father ending a distinguished career in the Air Force as his son begins his. Produced by Staff Sgt. John Anderson
Air Force News: USS Denver Holds an All Hands Call
Package of Sailors and their families gathering together for a Captains call with their new commanding officer. Produced by Seaman Travis Mendoza
Air Force News: Relay Race
Package of Marines competing against Japanese maritime self defense forces in a long distance relay run. Produced by Cpl. Nick Sweet
Air Force News: Volunteering at a Retirement Home
Package of Sailors from Yokosuka Naval Base volunteering at a retirement home. Produced by Seaman Gabrielle Blake
Air Force News: Limited Duty Officer Ceremony
Package of the U.S. Navy's Limited Duty Officer commissioning ceremony. Produced by Petty Officer Jamie Hawkins
Air Force News: Hot Spots
Package of the 374th Civil Engineering Squadron conducting a low helicopter flight over Yokota Air Base to scan the ground for steam pipe leeks. Produced by Staff Sgt. Yoshi Shinzato
Air Force News: Thai CC F15 Flight Package
Package about a Royal Thai Air Force pilot that got to fly a U.S. F15 during the multilateral combined/joint exercise, Cope Tiger. Also see "Thai CC F15 Flight Package" in the video section. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Renee Crisostomo.
Air Force News: Combined Federal Campaign Honors Service Members – :56
Package of the Combined Federal Campaign showing their appreciation of the support they receive from service members in the Yokota Community with an award ceremony. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny. :56 version.
Air Force News: Combined Federal Campaign Honors Service Members – 1:10
Package of the Combined Federal Campaign showing their appreciation of the support they receive from service members in the Yokota Community with an award ceremony. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny. 1:10 version.
Air Force News: Combined Federal Campaign Honors Service Members – Soundbit
Soudbites for the packages about the Combined Federal Campaign showing their appreciation of the support they receive from service members in the Yokota Community with an award ceremony. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny. Includes three separate soundbites, separated by :03 of black.
Air Force News: Combined Federal Campaign Honors Service Members – :32
Package of the Combined Federal Campaign showing their appreciation of the support they receive from service members in the Yokota Community with an award ceremony. Produced by Staff Sgt. Juaacklyn Denny. :32 version.
Air Force News: Airmen Test Jet Engine
Package about maintenance Airmen testing a rebuilt jet engine. Produced by Petty Officer Eric Crosby.
Air Force News: Iwakuni Combat Life Saver's Course Package
Package about Marines taking a combat lifesaver's course to learn advanced lifesaving techniques. Also see "Air Force News: Iwakuni Combat Life Saver's Course Package" in the video section. Produced by Cpl Jamie Baker.
Air Force News: CFAS Sailor Becomes an American
Package about a Sailor who revived U.S. citizenship with the U.S. Navy. Produced by Petty Officer 3rd Class Brandon Myrick
Air Force News: African American Heritage Luncheon *(Audio Only)
Package about the African-American Heritage Month celebration 2009 luncheon held at Yokota Air Base. Produced by Airman 1st Class Carrett Cole.
Air Force News: Cultural Cooking Exchange
Package about military members and their families experiencing a taste of Japan. Produced by Airman 1st Class Marcella O'Campo.
Air Force News: CDC Accreditation
Package of the Incirlik child development center progressing through its accreditation process to show the level of care it provides. Produced by Master Sgt. Melanie Adams
Air Force News: MWD Memorial
Package about a memorial service for a military working dog. Produced by Staff Sgt. Stephen Ocenosak.
Air Force News: Pacific Air Force Pixels
Package about what one organization is doing to help others experience the unique cultures that make up the Pacific. Produced by Staff Sgt. Yoshi Shinzato.
Air Force News: Presidential Scholars
Package of one student applying for one of the slots in the Presidential Scholars program. Produced by Lance Cpl. Samantha Means.
Air Force News: Reenlistment Ceremony
Package about the process and incentives of reenlisting in the Navy. Produced by Petty Officer Octavio Ortiz.
Air Force News: Farewell Tour *(Audio Only)
Package about the outgoing Commander of U.S. Naval Forces, Japan, and his more than three year tenure at this post. Produced by Petty Officer 2nd Class Juan King.
Air Force News: Self Defense
Package about how women are learning to be physically and mentally empowered. Produced by Tech. Sgt. Rose McGuffin.
Air Force News: Travel Card
Package about the benefit of service members keeping a Tricare Prime travel card with them at all times, especially during travel. Produced by Cpl. Mandy Castillo.