CAMP HUMPHREYS, REPUBLIC OF KOREA – Soldiers assigned to the 2nd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division/ROK Combined Division participated in an Expert Soldier Badge train-up prior to conducting the ESB test-out on Camp Casey, South Korea, August 23, 2022.
The Expert Soldier Badge is awarded to Soldiers who have completed testing and do not serve in the Infantry, Special Forces, or Medical Branches.
The purpose of the badge is to allow Soldiers the opportunity to test their competencies and abilities in order to perform skill level 1 warrior tasks and brigade commander-selected tasks. The training and testing are meant to be rigorous, realistic and mission focused.
“Earning the badge gives Soldiers...
Soldiers assigned to Charlie and Echo Company, 6-52 Air Defense Artillery (ADA) Battalion, 35th ADA Brigade, conduct Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) decontamination training with Soldiers assigned to 61st CBRN Company, 23rd CBRNE (CBRN and Explosives) Battalion, 2nd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade (2ID-SB), 2nd Infantry Division/ROK-U.S. Combined Division, at Camp Humphreys, South Korea, June 8th, 2023. This training prepares the ADA unit to respond to potential CBRN attacks with the support of a CBRN decontamination unit. (U.S. Army video by Gwang Neung Kim)
Story by Cpl. Yoo, E. Chan
2nd Infantry Division Sustainment Brigade Public Affairs
CAMP CARROLL, Republic of Korea β On the first floor corridor of the 2nd Infantry Division Sustainment βChampionβ Brigade headquarters, 17 boots of teal color are displayed. These eye-catching boots were placed by Kyomi Carpenter, 2ID SBDE victim advocate, to mark April which is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month.