FORT JOHNSON, La. — Being a military spouse isn’t for the faint of heart, especially when it comes to finding a new job after every permanent change of station.
Chelsea Brosnahan, an Air Force military spouse familiar with military moves and the uncertainty of the job market, found herself in need of new employment when she and her husband moved to Fort Johnson.
Brosnahan had been a GS employee and a Nonappropriated fund employee in the past, so she knew where to start looking. She browsed USA Jobs and was looking for a job at the front desk of a child development center.
“That’s what I was looking for because I loved it,” she said.
Brosnahan wasn’t finding what she wanted and applied for other jobs, but wasn’t...
Story by Angie Thorne
This video was created in honor of Veterans Day. It features photos from recent Veterans Day events, both on Fort Johnson and outside of post. This video was created using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Premiere Pro. Audio used with an authorized license. (U.S. Army video by Porsha Auzenne)