IT professional celebrates 30 years of Army... 12.17.2024 | Photo by Matthew Day Watervliet Arsenal IT Supervisor John Baxter celebrated 30 years as an Army Civilian at America's canon and mortar factory November 2024. In...
From pilot to deputy director, Walkley celebrates... 12.04.2024 | Photo by Matthew Day Watervliet Arsenal Deputy Director of the Customer Programs and Logistics Directorate celebrated 25 years of government service in November 2025....
Army Civilian marks 45 years of service at cannon... 09.29.2024 | Photo by Tanya Bissaillon Watervliet Arsenal Instrument Mechanic Inspector Frank Finelli receives his 45-year length of service certificate from WVA Commander Col. Jason...
Machinist marks 40 years at cannon factory 09.13.2024 | Photo by Matthew Day Watervliet Arsenal Toolmaker Leader Chris Madsen poses in front of a tooling fixture loaded in a milling machine. Madsen is celebrating 40 years...
TACOM commanding general gets view of modernization... 09.15.2023 | Photo by Matthew Day Watervliet Arsenal Machinist Mathew Youmans describes a manufacturing process to Tank-automotive and Armaments Command Commanding General Brig....
Watervliet forging ahead with key modernization... 06.22.2023 | Photo by Matthew Day Watervliet Arsenal forge workers monitor a cannon tube being processed through the current rotary forge. Watervliet Arsenal plans to replace the...
Watervliet Arsenal will install new machines in... 09.04.2019 | Photo by Matthew Day Carl Christiansen, seacoast shop foreman, stands atop a 16-inch seacoast cannon hoisted above the shop floor in Watervliet Arsenal's 'Big Gun...
2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry Regiment mortar crews... 07.22.2019 | Photo by Matthew Day Soldiers with 2nd Battalion, 108th Infantry Regiment fire a M120 120mm mortar system during table six gunnery at Fort Drum, New York July 22. The...
Building 110 - The big Guns Shop 07.25.2024 | Video by Matthew Day A view of the M2A1 cannon in front of the WVA command building with the Big Gun Shop in the back ground.
Hollow spindle lathe 11.24.2021 | Video by Matthew Day A hollow spindle lathe performs turning operations on large bore cannon manufactured at Watervliet Arsenal. These machines are replacing aging...
Hollow spindle lathe 11.24.2021 | Video by Matthew Day A hollow spindle lathe performs turning operations on large bore cannon manufactured at Watervliet Arsenal. These machines are replacing aging...
Powder chamber lathe 11.24.2021 | Video by Matthew Day New powder chamber lathe installed at Watervliet Arsenal replaces aging equipment. The lathe cuts the inside profile of the powder chamber on...
Old powder chamber lathe 11.24.2021 | Video by Matthew Day An old powder chamber lathe at Watervliet Arsenal cuts the inside profile of the powder chamber on various cannon and howitzer barrels produced at...
Powder chamber lathe 11.24.2021 | Video by Matthew Day New powder chamber lathe installed at Watervliet Arsenal replaces aging equipment. The lathe cuts the inside profile of the powder chamber on...
Hydraulic press 11.24.2021 | Video by Matthew Day New hydraulic presses installed at Watervliet Arsenal replace aging presses. The presses are used throughout cannon production to straighten...
Hydraulic press 11.24.2021 | Video by Matthew Day An old hydraulic press is in the process of being replaced by new equipment as part of modernization at Watervliet Arsenal. The presses are used...
IT professional celebrates 30 years of Army... 12.17.2024 | Story by Matthew Day When you think of cannon manufacturing, managing a vast array of computer and network equipment is probably not the first thing that comes to mind...
From pilot to deputy director, Walkley celebrates... 12.12.2024 | Story by Matthew Day Jeremy Walkley, a former helicopter pilot and now deputy director of Watervliet Arsenalā€™s newest directorate, marks 25 years of service to the...
Army Civilian marks 45 years of service at cannon... 10.01.2024 | Story by Matthew Day Army Civilian Frank Finelli is celebrating 45 years of service at Watervliet Arsenal, marking nearly half a century of government service.
Machinist marks 40 years at cannon factory 09.13.2024 | Story by Matthew Day What began as an entry-level position has turned into a rewarding, four-decade career for Watervliet Arsenal machinist Chris Madsen.
TACOM commanding general gets view of modernization... 09.27.2023 | Story by Matthew Day Tank-automotive and Armaments Commanding General Brig. Gen. Michael Lalor toured modernization efforts at Americaā€™s cannon and mortar factory on...
Watervliet forging ahead with key modernization... 06.23.2023 | Story by Matthew Day Leadership at America's cannon and mortar factory announced plans to replace the arsenal's rotary forge and paint booth in the coming years as part of a massive 15-year modernization effort.
Watervliet forging ahead with key modernization... 06.14.2023 | Story by Matthew Day Leadership at America's cannon and mortar factory announced plans to replace the arsenal's rotary forge and paint booth in the coming years as...
Cannon production returns to 'Big Gun Shop' 09.05.2019 | Story by Matthew Day Watervliet Arsenal will install new machines in the historic 'Big Gun Shop' to increase cannon production capacity.