The State of Illinois recently informed USACE that it opposes the vertical expansion of the facility and will deny any required permits. As a result, USACE has decided to withdraw the Record of Decision for the DMMP. USACE intends to collaborate with the State of Illinois, City of Chicago, and the Illinois International Port District to identify whether there are any sustainable, feasible solutions for ensuring continued navigation.
The State of Illinois recently informed the USACE that it would oppose the plan for the vertical expansion. In response, the USACE has opted to withdraw its Record of Decision and will work with the State of Illinois, the City of Chicago, and the Illinois International Port District to explore whether there are sustainable and feasible alternatives.
ST. PAUL, Minn. – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Paul District, is seeking public comments on a proposed project to replace the North Dakota Highway 41 bridge over the Mouse River in Velva, North Dakota. The project additionally includes raising the existing roadway.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District is seeking public input on a proposed modification to the Cleveland, Tennessee Flood Risk Management Project as part of a supplemental environmental assessment under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).