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    Museum Audio Tour: Cold War Gallery - Toward the Future

    Museum Audio Tour: Cold War Gallery - Toward the Future

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    Audio by NMUSAF PA 

    National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

    So where is the United States Air Force headed? Aircraft in the Cold War Gallery give a picture as to what the future of the Air Force will look like. The B-2, although it has been around for several years, represents how precision, stealth aircraft is being efficiently used today. The museum’s B-2 is the world’s only permanent public display of this type of aircraft. The bomber on display was never meant to fly, but was used for structural and environmental testing. It exceeded its tests well beyond what was expected and it was soon after delivered to the museum. Restoration crews worked hard to ready the aircraft for display. As you walk around the aircraft, you will be able to see some patched areas around the wings where the aircraft finally succumbed to stress tests. Also in the Cold War Gallery, notice the X-45. The goal for this aircraft was to be able to destroy air defenses with an unmanned vehicle. As you leave the Cold War Gallery and walk back through the Modern Flight Gallery, look up to see two unmanned aerial vehicles used in today’s fight. These aircraft provide a glimpse into the future of air power. To learn more, visit



    Date Taken: 12.31.1969
    Date Posted: 09.02.2015 13:51
    Category: Newscasts
    Audio ID: 41991
    Filename: 1509/DOD_102704424.mp3
    Length: 00:01:10
    Album Museum Audio Tour
    Track # 60
    Location: DAYTON, OHIO, US

    Web Views: 16
    Downloads: 0
    High-Res. Downloads: 0