Audio by Ken LaRock | National Museum of the U.S. Air Force | 11.19.2014
Fifteen second PSA for the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force.
Courtesy Audio | | 11.19.2014
℠2014 - National Guardsmen respond to the New York blizzard, Gen. Ray Odierno discusses concerns that come with a smaller force and engineers get the job done on an Ebola treatment center in western Africa....
Courtesy Audio | | 11.19.2014
℠2014 - National Guardsmen help New York dig out from a blizzard and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel meets with Marines at Camp Lejeune....
Audio by Maj. Jared Auchey | 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 11.19.2014
Chief Warrant Officer 4 Fitzpatrick wishes his family at Fort Knox, Kentucky, a Happy Thanksgiving.
Audio by Maj. Jared Auchey | 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 11.19.2014
Sgt. Wheeler wishes her daughter and boyfriend a Happy Thanksgiving.
Audio by Maj. Jared Auchey | 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 11.19.2014
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Keen wishes his family at Fort Knox, Kentucky, a Happy Thanksgiving.
Courtesy Audio | 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 11.19.2014
Maj. Brown wishes his family and friends at Fort Knox, Kentucky, a Happy Thanksgiving.
Audio by Maj. Jared Auchey | 3rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command | 11.19.2014
Maj. Auchey wishes his friends in Fort Knox, Kentucky, a Happy Thanskgiving.