Audio by Staff Sgt. Jessica Young | AFN Afghanistan | 12.31.2010
They may not have fireworks, but U.S. and Coalition Forces at Forward Operating Base Farah in Farah Province, Afghanistan had no problem celebrating 2011. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jessica King shows us how the Troops in western Afghanistan put their blood, sweat and tears into bringing in the new year. Sound bites include 2nd Lt. Aaron Destefano - Event Coordinator and Airman 1st Class Augustus......
Courtesy Audio | I Marine Expeditionary Force | 12.31.2010
Lt. Col. Matt Seipt talks to a WBAL-AM reporter from Baltimore, Md. about a softball league that he started in Afghanistan. Audio only....
Audio by Sgt. David Bamba | 3d Cavalry Regiment Public Affairs Office | 12.31.2010
The Babil Provincial Reconstruction Team finshed construction of a primary school in Hussiniyah, Iraq.
Audio by Staff Sgt. Christine Polvorosa | Marine Corps Air Station Miramar | 12.31.2010
Master Sgt. Reginald Angeles talks with Fox Sports Game Time React in Los Angeles about being away from family during the holidays, his job as a communications planner for 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward), keeping up with the NFL New England Patriots and other Boston sports teams while overseas, and his New Year's Eve plans....
Courtesy Audio | U.S. Coast Guard District 17 | 12.30.2010
KODIAK, Alaska - Deck Watch is a five to seven minute radio show featuring Coast Guard news from around Alaska. The feature this week by PA1 Sara Francis is an interview with AST2 Claude Morrissey and AST1 Rachid Arnick about their role as rescue swimmers and the scope of their job at Air Station Kodiak. U.S. Coast Guard audio by D17 External Affairs....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jessica Young | AFN Afghanistan | 12.30.2010
Womens rights throughout Afghanistan have been an ongoing struggle. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jessica King tells us how women in Farah Province are helping to educate the locals on their rights as women in Afghanistan. Sound bites include Capt. Candace Park - Farah Female Engagement Team Leader and Lailuma Sadiqi - Farah Province's Director of Womens Affairs. Produced by Staff Sgt. Jessica King....
Audio by 1st Lt. William Marquez | 103rd Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) | 12.30.2010
Capt. Daniel Dow talks to a San Luis Obispo Tribune reporter in San Luis Obispo, Calif., about his civilian job, the current operational status in Iraq and future expectations for Iraq....
Audio by Staff Sgt. Jennifer Brofer | 1st Marine Logistics Group | 12.30.2010
Marine Cpl. Ben Magiera talks to a San Diego Union-Tribune reporter in San Diego, Calif., about his daily duties as a postal worker deployed to Afghanistan, how he spent Christmas and plans for celebrating New Years Day....