New Horizons was launched in the 1980s and is an annual joint humanitarian assistance exercise that U.S. Southern Command conducts with a partner nation in Central America, South America or the Caribbean. New Horizons Training Exercise 2019 will take place in Guyana. The exercise improves joint training readiness of U.S. and partner nation civil engineers, medical professionals and support...
Exercise Noble Jump ’19 is one in a cluster of NATO’s exercises led by both the NATO Command Structure and NATO nations with allies and partners during the spring of 2019.
NATO is deploying troops to Poland. Noble Jump ‘19 is an exercise which will test NATO’s ability to deploy the land component of the NATO Response Force, specifically the Very High Readiness Joint Task Force...
Neon Response 19 is a bilateral explosive ordnance disposal and maritime security exercise with the Bahrain Defense Force. This exercise will provide an opportunity for the two nations to share knowledge and experiences to enhance mutual capabilities and interoperability. This is one of many exercises in which the U.S. military participates with partner nations in the U.S. Central Command area...
ARCTIC CHALLENGE EXERCISE 19 is a Nordic aviation training exercise hosted this year by the Swedish air force. ACE 19 provides vital scenario-based training in a realistic environment to prepare forces for enemy defensive systems. Developing a European-based flag exercise will serve to amplify defense training and interoperability between countries across northern Europe. The U.S. force's...
Tradewinds 2019 (TW19) is a Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff-approved, U.S. Southern Command-sponsored combined joint exercise conducted in conjunction with partner nations to enhance the collective ability of their defense forces and constabularies to counter transnational organized crime and conduct humanitarian assistance/disaster relief operations, while developing strong...
Munitions teams from around the Air Force have been officially selected to compete in the second-annual Air Force Combat Operations Competition set to take place at Beale AFB, Calif., May 13-17, at the Air Force Combat Ammunitions Center.
Ardent Sentry is an annual North American Aerospace Defense and U.S. Northern Command (US NORTHCOMM) exercise focused on defense support to civil authorities. Shaken Fury is a Federal Emergency Management (FEMA) exercise to evaluate and improve the response to a "no-notice" earthquake along the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) and implement a coordinated recovery strategy that prioritizes...
The U.S. Military Academy at West Point's mission is "to educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army."