Welcome to the Army Annual Meeting Features Page. The purpose of the Army’s participation in the AUSA Annual Meeting is to enhance Soldier and leader professional development and to communicate the Army’s themes, messages, and priorities to our key audiences, the Army and the American Public. This singular event at the beginning of each fiscal year affords the Secretary of the Army and...
Best Warrior is a Sergeant Major of the Army-directed training and showcase event in which Soldiers and noncommissioned officers, known as NCOs, from the Army’s major commands test their skills against one another in subject areas that include field tactics and tasks, written exams, board interviews and the Army Physical fitness test.
The winner is scheduled to be announced at the...
Mission of the Marine Corps Marathon is to promote physical fitness, generate community goodwill, and showcase the organizational skill of the United States Marine Corps. The Marine Corps Marathon serves as an advocate for the values of courage and commitment fostered by United States Marine Corps. Finally, the Marine Corps Marathon strives to enhance the quality of life aboard MCB Quantico...
The latest military coverage and support related to Hurricane Sandy.
A fun look at the military and zombies.
The "Week of Valor" is a weeklong schedule of events to recognize and celebrate the military leading up to Veterans Day, Nov. 12. Events scheduled to take place are: military personnel will visit local schools to speak with students about leadership, patriotism and civic responsibility; JAX Chamber will host its 10th annual Military Appreciation Luncheon; Daniel McCarthy, guest speaker, will...
The Marines have landed in New York and New Jersey to support ongoing Humanitarian Relief operations in the wake of Hurricane Sandy.
Units supporting include:
26th Marine Expeditionary Unit
1st Marine Corps District
8th Engineer Support Battalion - Task Force Pump
6th Communications Battalion