This is the place for 2012 United States Military Academy spirit videos. Go Navy, Beat Army!
The U.S. Military Academy Public Affairs Office is looking for Spirit Videos
from units for the Army-Navy Football game. We are seeking action or theme
based videos as opposed to static or group shots of Soldiers - the more
action the better. Submissions will be considered for use on the...
Products associated with a discussion between the U.S. Army and NFL to promote positive culture change and reduce stigma associated with mTBI/concussions. This venue provides an authentic and meaningful opportunity to discuss the Soldier-Athlete commitment to education and awareness related to these injuries.
WHEN: Thursday, August 30, 2012; 2-3:30 p.m.
WHERE: United States Military...
More than 50 teams of military police will come to Fort Leonard Wood , Mo., for the 16th Annual Military Police Warfighter Challenge; a four-day event held, Sept. 15-18.
During the four-day event, three-Soldier teams from installations around the world will cover nearly 70 miles on foot while competing in numerous warrior tasks, battle drills and endurance tests. Most events are unknown to...
335th Signal Command (Theater) Installs New Leader. Maj. Gen. Stuart M. Dyer will pass the torch of command to Brig. Gen. (promotable) L. Wayne Brock, III, during the Change of Command Ceremony, Sept. 15, 2012, at Barton Field, Fort Gordon, Augusta, Ga.
Marine Corps Fleet Antiterrorism Security Teams (FAST) are deployed around the globe with the mission to provide limited duration expeditionary antiterrorism and security forces in support of designated component and geographic combatant commanders in order to protect vital naval and national assets. The primary mission of a FAST company is the reinforcement or recapture of critical U.S....
The Diamond Flight Camps took place in 20 cities across the country from March through August 2012. The program reinforces Marine Corps’ values with America’s youth to illustrate how honor, courage, and commitment apply to success both on and off the field. During the two-day camps, former professional and college coaches and players introduced expert football instruction and assessment...
The Marine Corps' Semper Fidelis Football Program celebrates academic excellence, proven physical fitness, and quality of character in the next generation of our nation’s leaders. The Marines’ involvement provides opportunities to engage with today’s youth and help develop the nation’s future leaders. Challenge and service are integral parts of being a Marine and are amplified through...
Mission: To train and educate newly selected infantry and ground intelligence officers in the knowledge, skills, and leadership required to serve as infantry platoon commanders in the rifle company and to provide advanced employment and training considerations of the weapons company platoons. The course also provides the core infantry knowledge, skills, and leadership required for those...