Summit Strike validates the 10th Mountain Division's ability to integrate surface-to-surface, rotary-wing and fixed-wing weapon systems through the synchronization of multi-domain assets enhancing the division's lethality against any adversary.
U.S. Central Command and the State of Qatar conduct a multilateral exercise between the nations of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). This exercise is designed to demonstrate the U.S. commitment to GCC partners, and regional security and stability. Eagle Resolve 25 (ER25) is conducted bi-annually with Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations to exercise and develop a GCC and U.S. Combined Joint...
Exercise NORE is a critical readiness exercise designed to test the Utah Air National Guard’s ability to respond to various operational challenges, including crisis management, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) defense, and total force integration. Additionally, this exercise will focus on preparedness and response to potential threats posed by near-peer adversaries in...
Photos and video clips from Amalgam Eagle 2024
This content showcases military shout-outs for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. To have your NFL shoutout featured here use tag NFLBuccaneers.
The armistice to end hostilities on the Korean Peninsula was signed 65 years ago, and is commemorated by United Nations Command at the Joint Security Area inside the Demilitarized Zone. UNC Deputy Commander Canadian Lt Gen Wayne Eyre will host.
USAF cadets from across the nation compete in an Air Force Special Warfare themed competition.
Tactical Air Control Party Airmen from across the Air Force compete to see who is the best.