Service member athletes dedicated years of hard work and overcame a
spectrum of set-backs to represent America and the Department of Defense at
the Olympics/Paralympic Games for 2012. This page is dedicated to athlete features and Paralympics coverage.
“2012 Week of the Eagles” will celebrate the 101st Airborne Division's 70th Anniversary.The theme for the week is “A history of valor.” It was through the actions of disciplined, well-trained, and physically fit Screaming Eagles who sacrificed everything for freedom, for peace, and for each other, that we have earned a legacy of which we can all be justifiably proud. From the...
The U.S. Army Reserve Best Warrior Competition is premier showcase for Army Reserve Soldiers to demonstrate their technical and tactical skills to determine the top noncommissioned officer and junior enlisted Soldier from the 205,000 men and women serving as America’s Warrior-Citizens. The top NCO and Soldier represent the Army Reserve at the Department of the Army Best Warrior competition...
On June 6, 1944 the United States military participated in the largest multinational amphibious landing and operational military airdrop in history. This assault led to France’s liberation from the German military and the eventual defeat of the Nazis. By the end of the D-Day invasion, more than 9,000 allied troops were dead or wounded.
The Warrior Games showcase the resilient spirit of today's wounded, ill, or injured service members from all branches of the military. After overcoming significant physical and behavioral injuries, these men and women demonstrate the power of ability over disability and the spirit of competition.
Since 2010, nearly 200 wounded, ill, or injured service members and veterans have competed...
Two hundred and thirty-seven years ago, our Nation's leaders established the Continental Army, beginning a rich heritage of successfully defending this great country and her citizens. Today, we celebrate the continued honor, loyalty and bravery of our Soldiers in this noble calling. Our Soldiers remain Army Strong with a deep commitment to our core values and beliefs. This 237th birthday...
Marine Week will bring the Corps’ latest technology, state-of-the-art equipment, rich history and hundreds of Marines to Cleveland. This weeklong event celebrates community, country and Corps, and provides the unique experience to directly connect the American public to Marines. Come see your Marines, June 11 - 17, 2012.
Visit Marine Week Cleveland or contact the MCW Public Affairs Office...